Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits! Leave her health records alone! Democrats are right – scouring records of a female candidate is just politics of personal destruction, and for the media to engage in it would be unfair, unethical, and absolutely UNPRECEDENTED. You can’t probe a woman like that because, well, it’s a war on women!
Bunch of sexist, big meanies engaging in something heretofore unheard of, for shame.
America, you deserve fair and consistent coverage of relevant issues before deciding a Presidential/Vice Presidential ticket, so have faith the agenda-less media will refuse to push whispers and wildly inaccurate information about a partisan politician’s body part. (Oh, I know where THIS is going!) Goodness, no one credible would print lies, continually harass a candidate’s doctor, disrupt local hospital staff, or even offer to pay locals to give “quotes” about her health records to be included in a “research book” by a public university professor (your tax dollars at work?) which the candidate’s attorney will need to respond to.
At this point Palin, or her ghostwriter, provide a number of links to Brad Scharlott's attempt to prove that Palin was not Trig's mother, and then this one that she offers as proof that she is.
Of course we dealt with that article back in 2011, which was not hard as virtually all of it was based on various reporter's impression that she seemed pregnant, or that her face "looked fat."
Including this one by Wesley Loy in which he claims that seeing a bump outside of her clothing convinced him.
And of course my response to that is simply this, and this:
![]() |
March 26, 2008 |
Thank goodness liberals are consistent in refusing to apply double standards, thanks to their disdain for hypocrisy – so they’ll come through once again! Rest assured these self-designated protectors of what they obviously believe is the “weaker sex” needing protection in the political arena will elevate political discourse. Apparently, Democrats demand their next chosen one’s brain must be absent. Opposition – go there exploring a liberal’s brain and you find nothing; or, find something and you’re just trying to distract voters from the REAL issues. (Okay did that make sense to anyone?)
See, the country’s just swell under the Obama regime (which includes any cabinet member who’d lie and prove ineptitude by shining the boot that’s now on America’s neck). With enormous issues to debate before choosing a Presidential/Vice Presidential ticket, have confidence no mean-spirited salaciousness will be pushed by “real journalists.”
Nope. This just doesn’t happen at this respectable level of American politics.
Just ask me. And Trig.
- Sarah Palin
Then Palin offers this picture of her and little Trig as her shield against any blowback from this ridiculous post.
Yes, Trig is very cute. However his mother may be a psychopath!
Palin must feel awfully confident that she has managed to put the Trig controversy behind her at this point. Or else she would not be so cavalier about bringing it up all of the time.
And that is really too bad. Because I am quite confident that we have more than enough proof to convince a judge or jury that Palin did indeed fake her last pregnancy.
And if there are any journalists out there willing to reopen this investigation I would be more than willing to offer my photos, past posts, and information that I have gathered over the last six years.
Remember Joe McGinniss set out to prove that I was wrong about Trig, and in the end he became a believer. Whether he admitted it in print or not.
Update: Apparently in my rush to type this out I did not pay very close attention to all of the links that Palin used to prove she was harassed.
Believe it or not, she actually used this one to prove that trig truthers were barking up the wrong tree.
Seriously who looks at this and thinks, by gosh she was pregnant?
Update: I decided to bump this up to the top today after several of you asked me to do so.
I really never do this, but since so many of you were interested in this topic, and wanted to discuss it further I figured I would make an exception.
Here are a couple of response from other media outlets to Palin's pity party/
The National Journal essentially agreed with her.
The Daily Mail covered it in depth, but was also mostly on her side concerning the Trig issue.
And Joan Walsh tweeted about Palin linking to the Salon article, which "debunked" the controversy.
I'm proud that @SarahPalinUSA posted @salon and @JustinElliott's debunking of Trig theories to attack the media's Trig reporting
— Joan Walsh (@joanwalsh) May 20, 2014
Do you think @SarahPalinUSA even bothers to read what she posts on FB? Or was she praising @Salon? https://t.co/ifP240fa35
— Joan Walsh (@joanwalsh) May 20, 2014
By the way I tweeted Walsh back and told her that Salon did not debunk anything.I doubt she'll respond though.
Show us the proof you are Trig's biological mother, Sarah Palin!
ReplyDeleteIf you look at the family photo Gryphen just included in his post on SarahPac the other day, you will see that Tripp looks bigger, and longer in the leg than Trig does. It looks like Tripp is older than Trig, despite Bristol standing way behind Sarah. What's up with that?
DeleteSarah Palin was not pregnant in 2008 and did not give birth to Trig Palin on April 18, 2008. That is fact. Period.
DeleteSarah Palin is a compulsive and pathological liar.
DeleteI worked with young adult DS students at a college. I can tell you with certainty that they are usually shorter in stature than their peers and ALWAYS look younger than their peers. There are certain consistencies in their body type which includes short legs for trunk length. That being said, no, Sarah Palin is not Trig's mother. Fact.
The very fact that Palin has to link to random second-hand articles instead of never, ever producing one tiny bit of first-hand evidence that every mother in America has in their possession proves that she is not the birth mother.
DeleteProve it Sarah. It she could she would.
Palin is a fucking liar and fucking fraud. It really is that simple.
Yep--pretty hard to get pregnant after a tubal ligation, right CBJ?
DeleteShe used all of this to insinuate that all this was brought up in 2008 while she was campaigning -
DeleteNo. All of the documentation she presented happened in 2011 and 2012.
False narrative from Palin, once again.
It has to do with evidence. There is absolutely no evidence that Hilary Clinton had serious brain damage from her fall, but there is a small mountain of evidence that Palin lied about her pregnancy with Trig. That is why one needed to be investigated and the other is hogwash.
DeleteBut of course, such fine points are too much for airhead Sarah to comprehend.
All she needs to do is show the birth certificate. Simple as that. If anyone accused me of faking the birth of any of my kids, I would not hesitate to show their birth certificate, besides I DO remember which hospital they were born at, unlike $carah. Her followers are all as "slow" as the Palin clan if they can not figure that out. I LOATHE this skank.
DeleteIs it possible that she is afraid the truth will come out during the upcoming custody hearing? Remember Levi said "the Palins will not let me see my SONS" Plural! I wonder if they are working feverishly behind the scenes to get Levi to drop the custody battle, to keep the secretHe knows the family too well to fall for that, surely? Levi, the truth WILL come out, just bide your time. Do not trust them ever again.
DeleteThe insufferable witch is using the Lance Armstrong defense. Show the obvious, deny the truth and proclaim everybody is picking on me. Finally say something about your god being on your side and prove it by defying the laws of nature. What an idiot.
Deleteshe still doesn't realize that she is stupid as fuck and ppl are laughing and pointing at her and her dysfunctional crazy family.
she is a fraud, liar, childish and a filthy racist.
10;03 Exactly!
Deleteshe is diverting the convo again by playing dumb and a victim again. Wahhhh poor widdle me.
damn she sure is using old stories that have been proven, to most of us, as lies, everything is old and stupid. It highly unlikely that she told the truth about anything in her misable life: home, life, status, money, politics, mother, wife, daughter, aunt, etc. The fracking idiot:
she loves to be diverse by trash talking and whining about the libs, "Yeah the libs were wrong about this and that 6 years ago" bullshit is ridiculous. she should realize by now it has been way more gop it was always been the gop who threw her stanky, flabby paleass under the Freedom Loving bus.
Move alone clown witch and your stupid band of idiots.
I am sure that if any PRESIDENTIAL candidate did what Sarah Palin did the lie would be exposed. Sarah Palin was a morale booster VEEP pick for a loosing side. There was never a chance Palin would ever be president so her lies just weren't overcoming the ick factor of exploiting a Down Syndrome infant for political gain.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin wasn't brain damaged but she was (and is) mentally unfit when she boasted of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage) and then by-passed neonatal intensive care unit equipped hospitals to supposedly give birth in a small hospital not even rated to handle twins and attended by a doctor that rarely handles births.
Go ahead, Sarah, tell that nutty story again and again. Anyone that could be proud of that tale needs serious mental health attention.
Look, of course Palin didn't give birth to Trig. MatSu didn't even deliver preemies back then. They didn't have the capability, facilities or staff. Premature deliveries were always sent to Providence Maternity Center in Anchorage.
DeleteIt sure seems that Sarah Palin is mentally ill. She really needs professional help more than anything else.
while I abhor her, one thought I had was that the fantastical trip from TX to AK would mean the death of her son. Though I tend to believe those who said she got a tooball.
DeleteOf course she will doubles down on her Trig hoax when she is on the attack. It's manufactured indignation ... a defensive mechanism (the victim 'shield') she employs while going after others. Her cockiness comes from her idiocy and the fact she gets away with it.
ReplyDeleteSarah must be filled with grandiose glee and delight that she can again tell such bald-faced lies to the public and the media accepted story is that she gave birth to Trig after that wild ride when she couldn't birth a fish picker in Texas.
DeleteI think for Sarah this is a shining glory and why she thinks she has a brain to rival Hillary.
Shame us all Sarah and then gloat to your heart's content. Show us the DNA....................................................................................................................................................................................crickets
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY!! By now, I would only accept proof of (independently collected and checked) DNA, because we all know that she CAN fake the birth certificate if push comes to shove!
DeleteFor me a big "tell" she didn't give birth to trig is that matsu never posted the birth on their website and yet it wasn't a secret because reporters took pictures of her parents at matsu. Why wasn't the birth listed along with all of the other births on the hospital website? Because the hospital is covering their ass.
Delete" (which includes any cabinet member who’d lie and prove ineptitude by shining the boot that’s now on America’s neck)"
ReplyDeleteI thought I was pretty good at untangling Palin's word salads, but this one has me stumped. Is someone inept at boot polishing? Did they lie about boot polishing. Is it a lie that there is boot on a neck? I give up.
Maybe this is the new (soon to be overused by idiots) phrase that is meant to replace "shoving it down our throats" People are starting to mock throat shoving so it loses the impact.
DeleteDoesn't she have a thing about hitting necks? Boots in Sarah's world are sex symbols. None of this salad makes sense....
DeleteProfessor Scharlott. Professor Jeff "Spiral of Silence" Scharlott please report to IM.
ReplyDelete"Heh. BWAHAHAHAAH
Butt hurt about something Sarah?
And... I do know why you really quit.
For some reasons (which I know a number of) you have totally escaped public and media scrutiny over what you allegedly (waves a finger at yer lawyers) got caught doing just before you tucked your tail between your legs and quit.
That is all going to be exposed very soon.
I expect even a certain "public university professor" will be interested in the details. After all, it does seem like a spiral of silence did descend over the premature ending of the Palin governorship for some reason. Just as it allegedly (waves the finger again) apparently did about a certain pregnancy."
Why would the "real" reason of her quitting come to life now, and why was it a secret so long?
Delete$carah will keep this fake outrage up until someone gets damn tired of her being an embarrassment to their party. Skank is getting close to that point already. Can not come soon enough for those of us who have known what a fraud she is from day one. Comparing herself to Hillary is laughable. One is "top shelf" the other "gutter slime"
DeleteYes, very curious. Can you share more? And by the way, whatever happened to Me Again?
Delete2:42 You are so right! The nerve of the stupid skunk.
DeleteAh, yes, that biological impossible 17 day belly explosion poster. Only Sarah' distorted view of information would let her link to that poster.
ReplyDeleteHillary, after a concussion, a Scotch-soaked evening, and waking at four in the morning, would still know more than you, Sarah. Try to keep up. You’re such a pathetic liar.
ReplyDeleteShe does seem to forget that people actually WORK at these facilities that she purports to USE when she is "giving birth". You can not bribe/threaten everyone who works there. Doctors, Nurses, Volunteers, the guy who takes the medical waste out the back door. Many move on, travel back the "lower 48". She can't keep track of EVERYONE. ;) Her time will come.
ReplyDeleteAnd MatSu now has a compliance officer whose duty it is to deal with these particular hoaxes.
DeleteMan oh man, she went there! She's daring the media to investigate!
ReplyDeleteShe knows she will never run for anything and she can taunt all she wants. McCain is not giving her up and no one else in politics or media will give either one of them up. It would have to be some very brave souls with indisputable evidence and love of country and truth.
DeleteThat's exactly what I thought Anon 4:57. I just wish some real journalist would do it!
DeleteYou are exactly right 6:47...powerful McCain is protecting his "mistake" and all the Palin's medical records are locked up. Luckily for Sarah. So far.
DeleteMcCain is not going to live forever!!
DeleteAll of Palin's medical records that were turned into the campaign at the last minute... one dubious letter by a doctor that would not be delivering a compromised new born.
DeleteNo one in media noticed?
Mc Cain will die. Someones and institutions will continue with the corruption and protecting these criminals.
DeleteThe MEDIA is ignoring this! They report when she FARTS but ignore BABYGATE.
DNA - her and the kid!!!
ReplyDeleteThe fact that she linked to that Salon article suggests she was complicit in giving them a "witness" (Loy, former boyfriend of Ivy Frye).
ReplyDeleteToo bad she didn't show him her stretch marks. Lol
Did Wesley Loy see the sponge-bob bump like Elan Frank?
Certainly Mr. Franks will have all his footage turned over to the best forensic labs to be verified.
I don't understand why she wouldn't show proof that she is Trig's mother. Imagine the argument that she could make to back up how unfairly she has been treated by the lamestream media, the publicity that she would garner and if she loves anything it's her mug and name all over the news. She could ride the "poor me" train a long time with it, her supporters would be angered and throw her more money, she would be justified. What is the downside for her to prove that she is his mother? . She is not a private person so that isn't it and if she want's to make women politicians being unfairly treated her cause it would certainly help plus no more "whispers" and doubt would be put out there about her daughter Barstool.
ReplyDeleteMakes one wonder.
No wonder here. She isn't the birth mother. She would jump all over the opportunity to slap down the 'Trig Truthers' is she could. She can't so she engages in bluster. She's an absolute fraud. There is not a whit of honesty or decency in her.
DeleteThe nail in the coffin for me was back at the very beginning in 2008, when rumors about Trig first surfaced on a national stage. To put to rest the rumor that Bristol was Trig's real mother, she announced to the friggin' world that her daughter couldn't have given birth in April because she was pregnant at that time. In other words, whereas she might have, oh, I don't know, produced a birth certificate or even a hospital photo to prove her claim, she outed her daughter's most private secret to the entire world. That alone convinced me she was a world class narcissist, probably a psychopath, and the sh*ttiest mother on the planet.
Palin cannot prove something that never happened. That's all it really is.
DeletePalin is the biggest liar and hoax in American political history.
Maybe she is trying to get in front of possible TriG Truth at Levi's custody hearing?
DeleteWhy would she have to show proof of anything? She has McCain protecting her.
DeleteLevi made two statements, which raised red flags for me. One he said "They will not let me see my SONS" Plural. When he lived at the compound, he said $carah walked in the house and said "Bring me my grandson." Either Bristles or Levi handed her Trig, and she said "NO, not the retarded one, the other one" I wonder how many times little Trig has heard that word? This BITCH needs to be taken down, HARD. Useless, skanky, self-aggrandizing bitch. I never was a fan of McCain, but he outdid himself with this piece of trrash.
DeleteShe asked for her grandson, they handed her Trig, and she asked for the other one...
DeleteIsn't that an admission that BOTH boys were Sarah's grandsons?
Anonymous2:49 AM
DeleteLevi made two statements, which raised red flags for me. One he said "They will not let me see my SONS"
Another thing Docs were posted online that said Levi "REMARRIED"!!!!
Did Saree illegally marry Bristes & Levi at Walmart also too?
I always wondered WHY Levi would NEED a LAWYER for Modification of child support....but if he was married....
My theory:
ReplyDeleteShe is cavalier because she is convinced she is untouchable. She is being protected at various levels by folks who are complicit in some of her schemes and would suffer adversity (at the least) if she was exposed.
Plus she can play the victim...one of her favorite roles.
DeleteThe "she's being protected by those with political power" theory does seem to have a lot going for it. But, I do think in the end Palin's innate stupidity will overcome all the safeguards her protectors have erected. She'll blunder once too often and cracks in the story will widen.
DeletePalin is her own worse enemy.
She is giving herself a Rovian Inoculation.
DeleteI agree, I think she thinks she got away with it.
DeleteAnother reason would be to deflect and pivot from the recent headlines.
Anon @5:21
DeleteWho are you quoting?
She is cavalier because it is the greatest high for her. The satisfaction she must have to fool so many people and get by with her crimes.
DeleteRead up on serial rapists and killers. Some get high because they can trick the people who are schooled to catch them. They feel smarter than their nemesis and they think they are indestructible. It applies to other crimes and psychological disorders.
DeleteStandard investigative technique, especially at suspected arson fires: Look for and interview the helpful witnesses. They can't help themselves.
DeleteI think that she wants to be caught. Yes, she'll be able to play the victim, but she is tired of having to come up with those posed photos of "gimme a kiss you little kid and then go to school." She can't keep it up any more.
DeleteYes, there are twisted criminals that are compelled to return to the scene. Some inject themselves into the investigation. She definitely has some similar problems and she can't help herself.
DeleteSarah Palin is NOT getting the national attention she use to and it is driving her nuts. Plus, she puts her endorsement behind losers and that isn't helping her either. The Teabaggers are going down across the nation and she has lost her relevancy. Ted Cruz is their spokesman now - not sista Sarah!
DeleteShe's an idiot to bring this up. Why on earth would she do it?
ReplyDeleteShe must have actually written that rant, it's incomprehensible.
Why would she do that? Uh...ATTENTION! PITY! MONEY!
DeleteDo you need an answer better than that?
Every bit as comprehensible as our resident troll
DeleteShe is gloating. Remember that was a recent projection? Who is the big fat gloat machine?
DeleteIndication of brain damage?
Delete'salaciousness?' Yeah, sure Sarah knows that word...the woman who's been using 'smidgen' for two weeks now suddenly knows 'salaciousness?' What was she doing, reading her own press again? Poor Sarah. The liberal media gave you a pass, Fox gave you millions, your state gave you millions for your creepy TV shows, and all you see fit to do is attack? You should be thanking your lucky stars that the media is not looking into you and your lies. You, along with Cheney, should be serving time. Hard time. I don;t think they have wig keepers in jail, dear. And Martha Stewart you ain't.
ReplyDeleteWhy does Hillary need to show anyone her medical records? She hasn't declared she is running for president. She is a private citizen right now and doesn't have to show anyone anything. So until she declares, all this is is the cons playing prevent defense.
ReplyDeleteActually a Dr has long released her to go back to work( yes, unlike a Palin Hillary has a career).
DeleteI want to know why the Republicans were not calling for Hillary's medical records when she was Secretary of State and did such an outstanding job? We were not hearing complaints about her back then!
DeleteRepublicans are scared to death of her because they have no one of equal caliber to run against her SHOULD she elect to run for POTUS.
The woman will have my support and vote!
Trig is not a thing. He is their gift from heaven, as they all say. Only a democrat here could write a human is a thing and disregard feelings of people they do not know.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, time to grow up and stop being massive hypocrites. Trig is her son. Always will be their special gift of a lifetime.
Of course, Trig is the Palin's child. But he did not come out of Sarah Palin's uterus in april of 2008.
DeleteHe legally may be her son, but he did NOT come out of her!
DeleteYes her son. That she didn't give birth to.
DeleteA little snowflake baby for Snowflake Snookie?
Delete5:29 PM
DeleteDo they know you are wandering about?
5:29 PM You don't know SHIT about Tri-g. Your comments are based on Palin Facebook postings. You have no Facts to present, Troll.
DeleteOk, Alicia, I'll bite. Exactly where in this thread did someone seriously refer to Trig as a "thing?" You just pulled that out of your ass, Talahassee Lassie!
DeleteSarah Palin demonstrates Trig is a prop to her. People write about her prop. The human being Trig is not the Palin hype. The actual Trig is a very precious child who we have seen being abused before our eyes. Sarah is the one who treats him like a 'thing' and a prop. It is Sarah who makes Levi believable when he mentioned Sarah calls Trig retarded.
Delete"Special gift of a lifetime" would have hearing aids, eyeglasses, and a stay at home Mom. Is Tri-g treated like a Special Gift? He is treated like a Prop.
DeleteOh duck-fuckers! I was wondering when the fucking troll would show. :P Anonymous5:29 PM FUCK OFF!
DeleteTroll, Which TriG?
DeleteTrig IS the gift of the lifetime, and defined Sarah's Right to Life political stand. But the big question is, Who Gave Sarah such a generous, lovely gift? A young unmarried girl who would have been an embarrassment to a potential VP candidate? A girl who still hasn't grown up and depends on her mother opening doors for her life of "celebrity" in spite of the fact that she has no talent.
DeleteIf he is such a gift why does Sarah leave him in Alaska while she is in AZ most of the time? I would think such a "gift from God" would never be out of her reach?
DeleteSo, the photo of Bristles and Willing with their baby daddies all crossing their eyes was a stab at cross eyed $carah, not at Trig? I personally was appalled at that. It showed in stark reality what a bunch of low intelligence, uncaring fame whores this family really is. Mocking their "Gift from God"? Actually, he was a gift, since he helped the worthless group step into the national spotlight, didn't he? Too bad there is not one ounce of talent to be flaunted. They ARE like the Kardasians, all flash, no talent or brains. Hopefully, soon, no $$$ either!!
DeletePoor Sarah. Her timing's wrong. There is nothing comparable between what Rove did to Hillary and what happened to Sarah. You see, Sarah was no longer a candidate for anything by the time a serious inquiry was made into her pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteGet your screen grabs and printouts now. It looks like there is a copyright violation in one of the facebook links!
"licensed to lauranovackauthor.com"
Ahhhhhh!!! Gotcha!!! Fuck You Sarah! Someone email to Novack ASAP!!! BUSTED!
DeleteMore absurdity from those who cater to the nodule atop Sarah's brain stem.
ReplyDeleteWhen we last saw Sarah Palin, — Half-Term Governor of The Northern Territories, Mother of GED Students, Destroyer of Words — she was fresh off of a featured speaker gig at the NRA’s annual Blood Frenzy Circle Jerk. Depending upon your point of view, her speech went over boffo or she put her Naughty Monkey-shod slingback in it when she proudly said that she would like to to throw a Baby Jesus shower for each and every swarthy type she could get her hands on when they are not full of grifted rube bucks.
ReplyDeleteThis did not sit well with the churchgoing folks who set about calling her a blasphemer and woman of ill will. It’s almost as if they didn’t know her already.
So Sarah laid low for a few days after telling those namby-pamby turn-the-other-cheek fake Christians to ‘buck up or stay in the truck‘:
'If some overly sensitive wusses took offense, remember the First Amendment doesn’t give you a right not to be offended. Perhaps hypocritical folks who only want Freedom of Speech to apply to those who agree with their liberal agenda might want to consider that the evil terrorists who were the brunt of my one-liner would be the first to strip away ALL our rights if given the chance.'
Why do Christians hate America?
Many is the time I have asked myself that.
But now Sarah is back and talking trash about that #BringBackOurGirls thing that was a ‘thing’ about a week ago. Sure, she’s late to the party, but if you’re a Palin gal, ‘better late than never’ is more than something you say once every month.
Dictating to someone with college level fancy type readin’ and cipherin’ skills, Sarah is hootin’ and hollerin’on her ShoutyFace internet hangout, once again explaining what she would do if everyone in America suffered blunt head trauma and then mass-elected her President and she had to deal with terrorists who weren’t close enough to dunk like an Oreo.
Short version: track them down and kill them like they were a baby wolf fleeing a low-flying Piper Cub full of drunken ‘sportsmen.’
More importantly she wants President Nobummer to quit Twittertwatting executive orders because that is no way to be an executive, which she briefly was before she up and quit-ed-ed.
'Diplomacy via Twitter is the lazy, ineffectual, naïve, and insulting way for America’s leaders to deal with major national and international issues. It’s embarrassing.'
Sarah is speaking of Michelle Obama’s tweet holding a #BringBackOurGirls sign and we have to assume that she thought Michelle Obama was Barack Obama because, everyone knows, all of those black people look alike or something. Of course, Sarah disregards the fact that the US government has already been providing help to Nigeria which coincidentally is in the Africa that Sarah thinks is a country.
But Sarah is on a roll, so …. blabber on, dumb lady:
'And what is the Obama administration’s weapon of choice in this battle for these young girls’ lives? Hashtagging tweets on social media! I kinda-sorta doubt a tweet will intimidate the kidnappers much. So, if you’re going to jump in and do something about these Islamic terrorists at all, then do it right, do it firmly, and kick their ass.'
Lock and load, America! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! These colors don’t run!
Unless they are faced with an ethics investigation.
Or they hate working.
Or Katie Couric is stopping by to give a pop quiz.
So, hey Barry Bammer Coward Girly President Man, stop hiding behind those social media Twitter skirts that you are totally not tweeting or Sarah Palin will have her scrivener scriven some more words together for her Facebook Wall of Sick Burns.
I, on the other hand, have no such limitations, so: #ShutUpDumbLady
+1 for "Destroyer of Words "
DeleteIf I remember correctly, and I'm sure I do, most of the stuff she's talking about, what with brad scharlott, didn't really happen until AFTER the campaign was over. She's setting up a false equivalency. No one -- and I mean NO ONE -- from the Obama camp said BOO about Trig. Of course...she also lies and says that they tried to make an issue out of Bristol being pregnant which is the totally ducking opposite of the truth, with Obama coming out and saying that HIS mother had him when she was 18, so...he didn't think it was appropriate to make an issue out of it. In the psycho's head, this meant that became an attack.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin needs to lie to make herself feel powerful. She re-cycles old lies for the pleasure it gives her to remember how her cutesy little self hoodwinked those stupid media people.
DeleteNRA Thinks #BringBackOurGirls Hashtag Isn't 2nd Amendment-y Enough
So let me get this straight... $arah is using herself as an example to attack "the media" for being hypocritical because it attacked her on a (she'd like us to believe) "made up" health issue, but then was offended by Rove's attack with a made up health issue.
ReplyDeleteBut while she is doing this scathing expose on hypocrisy, $arah is openly NOT being offended by Rove's attack with a made up health issue??
Hey $arah, the next time you feel the urge to buy a tacky pokerchip necklace, gaudy crucifix belt, Macreme beer-can hat or American flag-painted Klogs, maybe you should buy some self awareness instead.
Put a class in critical thinking on that list!
DeleteO/T but isn't this rich?
ReplyDeleteWar Criminal Dick Cheney Wants Hillary Clinton ‘Held Accountable’ For Benghazi Attacks
Typical psycho maneuver.
DeleteSome well meaning person lost their life to give him a heart, how'd he make it so high on the list and how'd they find one so quickly? I know, I know, It's Hillary's fault.
DeleteI thought it was a pig heart...I mourned the poor little fellow having to lose his life to give darth another few years on this earth spreading bile...
DeleteI am baking a cake when he dies and celebrating his death and freeing the earth of his evil.
DeleteI am not kidding.
I'd love to hear Sarah Palin explain why it was the very liberal Salon that printed Wesley Loy's illogical and vague attempt to halt any and all questions of her pregnancy, why the liberal JournoList members decided not to make the pregnancy a campaign issue, and why the liberal media ostracized Andrew Sullivan for asking questions.
ReplyDeleteOnly a narcissist would fail to see how the majority of the liberal media protected her from being accountable.
More importantly, she should explain why she thinks there was an improper focus on her medical records when the media regularly requests the records of ALL presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
Her medical records? She means that strange letter from the doctor that wouldn't be delivering a compromised special needs baby?
DeleteExcellent Observation.
DeleteAnd she kept it secret to the end, yet allowed reporters in her office, pulled up her blouse and showed them her pregnant belly. I've been pregnant, and the LAST thing I'd do is invite MEDIA, then expose my belly (ESPECIALLY males and most especially in late pregnancy).
What For?
Anita: I don't think she ever showed her belly. She patted her pillow with some thumps, but her belly was never revealed.
DeleteThe square pillow she patted on film for Elan Franks.
DeleteThe Loy fellow was Ivy Frye lover. Very close to the Mat-Su farmer gang. They may all hop in the barn for a romp now and then. You know those old farmer stories.
Uh, Sarah dear. No one was questioning the functioning of your brain from a physiological or medical standpoint.
ReplyDeleteWe were ... and still are ... questioning your intellect and capacity to comprehend anything beyond the most superficial explanations of worldly events.
She has no brain, so what is there to question?
DeleteShe's read another Seuss Book, so now she's a scholar!
Delete"Red Bull Blue Bull One Bull TOO Bull"
Good reply, Labman.
DeleteBut I'm not entirely sure that Sarah has a handle on even the most superficial explanations, either.
Very OT, but significant!
M from MD
WTF did she write. lol. Only $carah could mumble and jumble as her FB post. She must have been typing while sitting in the toilet. I don't know what to say. Maybe Trigg type it up for her.
ReplyDeleteMeth postings on facebook is all she has left in life.
DeleteGryphen, I got a quick, fun little quiz for you. Ready?
ReplyDeleteQ: Is absolutely EVERYTHING The Screechy Wretch(tm) says always about The Screechy Wretch(tm)?
(answer below)
A: YES!!
Way, way too late, Sarah, you fucking idiot. The least you can do is to get your attention whoring done on time!
ReplyDeleteI remember in one of Palin's first broadcast sit-down "mainstream" interviews with McCain she was complaining about how unfairly she has been treated and said that some folks were even asking to see Trig's birth certificate and she said that she'd already "done that" (shown it).
ReplyDeleteThat cinched it for me, because I know she'd never shown one. Believe me, we'd all have heard about it (forever) if she had.
Plus it would be on record.
DeleteThat is all you had to do Sarah, show the certificate.
DeleteThat church that burned up in Wasilla... didn't it have adoption records in it?
DeleteThe FBI and the Anchorage Fire Dept were to keep the public informed about their investigation.
DeleteSo why did they stop investigating so fast?
Sarah Palin actually apologized for the fire, she doesn't do apology. Too much funny business and too much arson around Wasilla.
Of course, the Seasick Pond Nimrods will insist that since Toots posted this particular rant, it MUST mean that she's running for Supreme High Monarch of the Whole Damn Universe. Might as well use Hillary as bait, head off all those pesky baby rumors now and do another lap dance or two for the impotent old farts and their cup holder change. Or maybe all the manufactured bullshit to cover the lies is starting to close in on her in some weird way. Starvation does strange things to you.
ReplyDeletePoor, poor neglected Sarah Palin. It seems to drive her crazy that Hillary Clinton is commanding so much media attention.
ReplyDeleteI think her feeble attempt to construct a false equivalency may be her way to beg someone on Fox News to call her for an interview.
If there is anyone wholly deserving of the label as "brain damaged," it's this shallow and stupid c-nt.
ReplyDeleteHey Gryph, have you seen this?
ReplyDeleteAmericans would more likely support a philandering presidential candidate than an atheist one -- by an 18 percent margin -- according to a Pew Research Center poll published Monday.
While 35 percent of respondents said they would be less likely to support a presidential candidate who had an extramarital affair, 53 percent of Americans indicated that not believing in God -- the trait viewed most negatively of the 16 tested -- would make them unsupportive of a candidate.
...While 70 percent of Republicans and 42 percent of Democrats expressed opposition to an atheist candidate, 49 percent of Democrats viewed a potential candidate’s atheism as irrelevant.
Overall, even fewer Americans, 22 percent, would oppose a presidential candidate who has admitted to marijuana use.
In addition to the 71 percent of Protestants and the 48 percent of Catholics who would be less likely to favor an atheist candidate, almost a quarter of the religiously unaffiliated, 24 percent, indicated they would be more likely to reject an atheist contender.
So you can break your word and betray your partner, but if you question the existence of God, you're toast. What the hell does that say about religious beliefs overall. Sad commentary on Americans. And I'm American.
Wow, she's really picking at a wound hoping to re-open it.
ReplyDeleteWhat goes on in this woman's mind is anyone's guess. Her impulsive-obsessive need to remind everyone of her victimhood is mind-boggling. Doesn't she ever move on? She can't let go of it, it's tormenting her; no one else is paying attention anymore, and she's demanding they take notice. She's insane.
"no one else is paying attention anymore"...
DeleteThat's her problem, Sarah wants to be in the limelight instead of just being another unemployed housewife on facebook. Her career is so over and she knows it. But due to her mental health illness she MUST be talked about, she must be the center of attention! She'd out herself just to get in the news, but no one gives a fuck about Sarah anymore.
"Apparently, Democrats demand their next chosen one's brain must be absent". WTH?
ReplyDeleteThat whole paragraph needs a decipher kit. The word salad spinner in her brain blew a fuse.
"Just ask me. And Trig."
ReplyDeleteDear Sarah, The questions about your pregnancy have nothing to do with Trig, or Bristol, or anyone besides you. Stop using your kids as a shield. It's despicable and more mean-spirited than the most salacious question imaginable. It's also a 'tell' that you're lying.
It is about people selling themselves by lying. Like the people who get something because they claim to have a brain tumor when they don't.
DeleteIt is not about someone being a female, running for an office, their daughter, a mother or a child.
It is about the scam.
It is good she did open up this old putrid scab that never heals.
Commentary at Mediaite:
Thank You, Sarah. The hinges on Babygate needed a good squirt of penetrating oil. And the best part? You raised the issue under the guise of defending the Brain of Hillary Clinton. Remember the "Perceived Whine" incident while sitting next to Janet Napolitano? Yeah, a lot of Pregnant Women in high heels can lean waaaay down and scratch the dead skin off her ankles.
ReplyDeleteProceed, Dingbat
T R O L L A L E R T L E V E L 1 0 0 0 0
DeleteWhoa, Sarah.
ReplyDeleteEveryone who's been paying attention knows that this whole issue arose because Karl Rove decided to start a smear campaign against Hillary. Today he doubled down.
So it ain't the "liberal media" that's to blame -- in fact your erstwhile friends at Fox have been beating Karl's drum loudly.
You'd be well advised not to attract Rove's scorn. He probably knows all there is to know about you and your lies, and would have a field day in disclosing them, if it would serve any purpose.
She doesn't care about Karl Rove or Hillary. It's just a twisted vehicle for her to play the victim and remind everyone how mean the lame stream media was to her. Wah wah wah . It's all about ME, ME, ME! Oh, and give me $.
DeleteAttack Karl Rove, Sarah, I Double Dare 'ya'. Sarah is too cowardly to attack a Republican who smites her.
DeleteThey know too much about her hidden secrets.
@7:48 It's an old story. It hasn't had much interest or life for a couple of years, unless someone is poking around again. This time, Sarah sounds scared.
DeleteHow bizarre!
ReplyDeleteShe linked her precious face book to Brad Scharlott's work? That's so weird. Did someone take Brad up on his offer?
Is it just me, or does Sarah seem to write a lot like Krusty? That screed is incoherent.
And it is the very definition of the word "screed."
DeleteSarah, dear, your journalism teachers never got around to showing you how to "write short." Much more effective when trying to convey information.
And she's trying to link what he was doing in 2011 to the criticism she received in 2008. Not the same.
DeleteAnd proves her lack of brain-power without a doubt.
I believe that Sarah Palin is Lou Sarah the Troll.
DeleteIs it possible that Sarah's Facebook has just been hacked and this is a spoof post? She is waving the red flag in font of every bull and inquiring reporter, anyone who has poked around and questioned whether she gave birth to Trig or not.
DeleteHint to Sarah: You story never made sense. If it did, you endangered the life of an unborn special needs child and you endangered everyone on each airplane that you boarded. You made MatSu violate its rules on not delivering premature special needs babies.
I think it is real. Perhaps a minor medication issue?
DeleteSarah Palin bought Professor Bradford Scharlott of Northern Kentucky and shut him down. PALIN OWNS SCHARLOTT . How proud the attention ho must be to make a score like that. She wants to tell the world about her success.
DeleteThe Daily Mail didn't keep up with Sarah's Trig tales. They only show one picture.
Nope. Despite attacking him through her attorney through his employer (Palin always did fight dirty), he's still a tenured Professor and he's still just as passionate about babygate as ever. Here's the difference:
DeleteHe has a job. You know - one with real responsibilities.
The Daily Mail is the online version of TMZ.
The Guardian? That is another matter entirely. Think the highest in journalistic integrity. And its there that the story of Babygate remains:
The Professor had a job before, that doesn't answer why he quit. Has he written an update or given a better explanation for his sudden ending?
DeleteI guess Sarah is the Glenn Close character in "Fatal Attracton, "I will not be ignored!" What else does she have going for her?
DeleteTo vote democrat in today's world means to vote for legislation that supports the livelihoods and higher education of illegal residents over citizens. It means racebaiting is ok. It means to not admit welfare programs and public education have huge problems. It means you turn a blind eye to every lie that echoes through the halls of DC buildings. It means you pay no mind to health care rationing and the very real problems countries like Canada have. Problems that are starting to occur here. Every person who was of voting age decades ago will tell you today's democratic is not the party that people loved back then. Now, it's pure games. To be a 2014 democrat means you're allowed to personally attack your opponent and lie lie lie, then act personally hurt when someone has enough. Democrat=true hypocrite.
ReplyDeletehmm, George W. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that led to the slaughter of many, many people. That's what voting republican does.
DeleteVoting for Nixon in 1968 because he had a secret plan to end the Vietnam war. That worked out about like the DFHs expected. Also a Republican.
DeleteBWAHAHAHAHA You fucking Troll, how's the Republican infighting going? You 'rilly' don't have a clue. Your Unemployed ass is living off the Government that you claim to hate. Your Republican cohorts have turned a blind eye to all of Sarah Palin's LIES about Tri-g's birth, Todd's pimping, Track's drug problems, Bristol's and Willow's hidden babies, Sarah's reasons for QUITTING as Governor, and the Heath Perverts.
Delete"It means you pay no mind to health care rationing and the very real problems countries like Canada have."
DeleteDo you live here? I, as a Canadian, have never had a problem getting treatment when needed. We live, on average, 3 years longer than Americans, all thanks to our "crippled" healthcare system.
Shut up already.
When you finish school, honey, you might consider going to high school to learn something.
DeleteNo healthcare issues in Canada at all. In fact many US citizens are immigrating TO Canada and renouncing their US citizenship. And unless you are Naive American YOU are am immigrant and most likely your relatives were illegal immigrants.
DeleteRethug @7:41
DeleteIf you are middle class and a Rethuglican, you might as well go shoot yourself in the foot. Being a middle class rethug means that you favor tax cuts for the wealthiest and more taxes for the middle class. It means lower pay and less benefits while the rethugs corporate buds make billions in profit off of your back.
Your comments show a gross and probably purposeful ignorance of what each party stands for. You want to say public education has problems? Go take a look at private education and public charter schools. Do some research. WTF do you think would happen to this highly mobile country if we had no federal standards of education?
Welfare supports primarily the mentally ill who were kicked out of mental hospitals and can't get any mental health services, you dimwit. Then there are the many disabled and elderly, many of whom lost everything in the Bush/Cheney economic nuclear disaster. Next we have our veterans because Bush/Cheney cut their funding while giving BIG no bid contracts to their buddies and fucking the Iraqi and American people.
So, you dumbass moron, go find out what you are supporting before you EVER spew your ignorant shit here again. If you want to shove your head up your ass and be a Fox News tool, go do it at the pee pond with the rest of the assholes who want to make America a third world country.
Let me guess. You think the earth is 6000 years old, right? Am I right?
Without the two W/Cheney wars, the Veteran's hospitals would not be in the dire straights they are today. If they just had the Viet Nam, Korea and WW11 servicepeople to care for, there would be plenty of money and time for them. Seems they were not so strapped when millionaire Bob Dole checked in for 6 MONTHS!! Money and resources were available for him, but then he is gop, so that explains it.
DeleteNice try, there, Sarah, calling the President's administration a "regime,"as though it was a totalitarian system imposed against the will of the people.
ReplyDeleteJust to remind you: Barack Obama and Joe "O'Biden" were twice democratically elected by 53% of the vote.
In other words, Americans didn't like you or want you anywhere near Washington. I know you somehow think that the 2008 election was stolen from you, but it wasn't. We've all moved on, dear, and you should, too, for your sanity and ours.
Too late for $carah's "sanity" She got a taste of the good life, highly paid speeches, first class travel. It burns her scrawny ass to fly coach, and use SarahPac money to pay, then have to explain it to the IRS.
DeleteUsually here with bells on but late to the party tonight! Gee, $arah, why the stay out of women's health records schtick? Has God told you it's time to run or your funds dry out? Have you been called by the Kochs? No WONDER the trolls have backed off and now we know who they are!
ReplyDeleteYou go right ahead $arah.........you're being called. It's definitely your time! Only to make a bigger @ss out of yourself. C'mon, girlfriend. There's just not enough popcorn in the WORLD for this!
Here kitty kitty kitty..............
Let's talk about how, when they became aware of the pregnancy rumor, the McCain campaign staff was so freaked out by Sarah's response that they insisted they did NOT want to see her medical records.
ReplyDeleteMcCain's campaign KNEW about the faked pregnancy. But they didn't know about Bristol's pregnancy.
DeleteWhen did McCain staff move into the Johnston's house to 'help' them and rob them blind (computer info)? Serious crimes.
DeleteOh yeah, typical political campaign behaviors from the old senile fart gang.
I suppose that is typical for a Presidential campaign to move into the veep mates daughter's teen boyfriends mothers house.
Whether or not she was pregnant is immaterial to me. The very fact she got on that plane in Texas and made her way back to Alaska and bragged about it is the biggest clue to the source of Palin’s inability to mother properly. She is a narcissist and totally without the ability to see how that act may have affected her unborn baby and the people on each of those flights. She is entirely about her$elf. She is bringing up the issue of her pregnancy as a way to bring attention to herself. She is not interested in living quietly with her family and she never was, so we will see more of this insanity coming from the Wasilla diva.
ReplyDeleteI would think when it came to commenting on brain damage Sarah Palin would avoid it like the plague.
ReplyDeleteYou would think any sane person would not do a third of the things Palin does...but then, you are sane.
DeleteWhy would Palin bother to bring this up again? Has Brad or someone else been poking around? Have some else been poking around?
ReplyDeleteNope, no one has brought it up, just that Sarah is missing being in the news. But the facebook fraud hasn't realized yet that no one gives a damn about her, she is done, kaput....no one cares at all because she couldn't be elected to hall monitor at a skin school.
DeleteThe truth will out. The big lie is burning a hole in her soul and she will flirt with the truth and taunt her perceived enemies until it comes spilling out. The fake pregnancy, the cover-up fires--was this the big lie that drove her from office? What kind of immunity was she promised to just go quietly? Who else is in on the cover-up, hmm Parnell? What kind of pull does it take to cover up murder, what sort of mutual black-mailing? The truth will come out, Sarah. And because the guilt and fear consume you, Sarah, you will probably spill the beans yourself.
DeleteProceed, Ex-Governor....
Has someone actually gotten away with it-- getting a hold of some DNA form all of the major players: Sarah, Trig, Todd, Bristol???? Is this Sarah's preemptive attack, "Don't pick on me and don't pick on Hillary because you can't pick on women."
ReplyDeleteOh, please. She's not a fan of Hillary. In fact, that whole diatribe is an attack on Hillary...did you miss it? She's saying the media is NOT attacking Hillary enough, while they wouldn't leave poor little Sarah alone. You missed the sarcasm dripping in that little salacious rant.
DeleteI recall there were questions a few years back as to why $creech had all her medical records locked up so that NO ONE could access them ever. Any one remember that also too?
ReplyDeleteA question: in this day of easy cell phone photos, why is it that we NEVER see a picture of Tripp or Trig or Piper at a school? Or a church? Are these kids so hidden away that they are totally isolated for anyone who might sneak a picture?
No one in Gravel Land (Wasilla) or Arizona ever wants to sneak a photo and post it anywhere??? Anyone know what's up with that????
Little Johnny Mac has his medical and military records sealed, so nobody can discover what a FRAUD he is. Read the Rolling Stone article about him, written by Matt Taiibi, it is an eye opener. So, he used those same tactics with $carah. He can't live forever, the truth WILL come out. The sooner the better. Maybe this latest screech is because the TRUTH about Trig might be exposed at the custody hearing? Levi did complain years ago that the Palins would not let him see his SONS, plural.
DeleteI doubt people in Wasilla give a rip about her or her spoiled children, and I also doubt they actually attend school in Arizona. Brissy posts pictures, but only of Tripp in the car in his judo getup (or whatever) and usually with no restraints, or in improper ones, showing what an awesome mother she thinks she is. But school? School is for 'elites.' No, the Palin children have that vibrant, free, outdoors life. They go shooting' and fish in' and fill in' the freezer with that good organic protein. Heaven forbid one of them get a real education and discover just what level of morons are raising them.
DeleteYou can be sure if there was even a shred of evidence that Sarah Palin birthed Trig from Texas to Alaska and then to Wasilla that one or other of the Grifting Heaths would have made off with the ten grand a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteSarah Pac is paying them from the proceeds.
DeleteI'm starting to believe that Palin is being stupid on purpose. I mean nobody can be this stupid publicly can they and keep coming up with stupid comments 24/7? Unless you're a comedian but she's not one...is she trying to be? Does she just crank out crazy shit on purpose believing that bad publicity is better than none? That's what I tend to think. If she really is paying consultants well they are getting paid for nothing because obviously she doesn't listen to them. Unless her consultants are her kids. Even a 9th grader would be embarrassed to act like her. Sarah Palin is unbelievably STUPID! I've never in my years seen such willing ignorant stupidity. What an idiot to make such a fool of herself. Jealousy has gotten the better of her and her "brand" is shot. Congratulations Sarah - you did it all to yourself by yourself. That's what happens when you go full bore with the hatred and make a pact with the devil.
ReplyDeleteAnd now for a serious moment: The mental and physical health of our presidential and vice presidential candidates IS important, along with the health of our other elected officials. Need some examples? Rob Ford, Mayor of Toronto. A police chief who is a racist. No African American could get a fair deal in that town. Ronald Reagan had diminished mental capacity while in office. The reason that Sarah's medical records were important is because she claimed that Trig was her child in order to appeal to the Religious Right. But, she never produced any proof, other than the fact that because Bristol was pregnant that meant that Sarah...it never made sense. Sarah's mental capacity has also come under question. She was dumb, she could not learn and she still cannot learn. Now it's getting personal and she's not running for anything any more, thank goodness. As for Sarah getting special treatment because she was a female candidate, you betcha she did, kid glove treatment. No one dared ask Sarah a question. She told a reporter, "What do I have to do, show you my stretch marks?" She never showed real health records or Trig's birth certificate.
ReplyDeleteHave a good night's sleep, $arah. You thought it would go away.....NOPE!
DeleteShe' so arrogant that she keeps bringing it up...kind of like Cheney out there berating the current foreign policy when HE is the one with blood on his hands. It's called projection, and the GOP are master of it. Just blame the other side for your own sins, and shhh, no one notices the real sinner, the true evil. Oh, yeah, Sarah, we've noticed. And your sins will catch up to you.
DeleteMy favorite "pregnancy" photo of the Sarahskank, is the squared belly one. You really have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that photo.
ReplyDeleteAre you calling Track, Willow and Piper a special kind of stupid or do you think they knew what was going on?
DeleteHas the arson at the Wasilla Bible Church ever been solved? I seem to remember there were adoption records located in that Church that were destroyed along with other records. That fire was in December of 2008. In January 2009, Darlene Miller, a nurse who may have known the truth about Sarah died in a house fire.
ReplyDeleteYou really want to go there Sarah? There are others who know the truth and now that your power is waning, these folks may want to speak up and spill your beans.
People who worked with Sarah on a daily basis could not believe it when Sarah announced her "pregnancy." Two weeks later, she did not look as if she just had a baby. And, the women who made those comments had given birth and knew exactly what it should look like.
DeleteWell. Nice effort, Palin's hammy ghostwriter.
ReplyDeleteBut Palin is not, never was, and never will be a peer, colleague, rival, or equal to the brilliant, well-educated, and vastly accomplished Hillary Clinton.
Run along back to your sad sack yeehaw show.
Good morning!! Still have to read through all of these comments for my morning chuckles!!!! Apologies if said already but uh skanky pants it is a FACT that reporters all communicated and agreed to not touch the fake pregnancy issue. It is a FACT that the McCain camp kept skank away from reporters during the campaign. It is a fact that to this day no reporter except Mario lopez(if he ca be called a reporter) or Greta or hannity can even get close to her. Jake tapper got an interview during the disastrous book tour but it was a soft interview about the book.
ReplyDeleteThe media for whatever reasons did not do their job but keep poking that stick and perhaps one of them will. Bridgegate got exposed due to one local and unknown reporter in jersey. The same is going to happen with baby gate you betcha!
The media gave Sarah a great big pass. She also had some control over the Alaska media, and scared them away by threatening them that they would not have any access at all when it was their job to cover the governor of the state.
DeleteLate to the party darn it!
ReplyDeleteFor any journalists out there:
-Any woman whose uterus went from as flat as it was at the RGA meeting in March to how it looked in the Gusty photo in April would be DEAD from a ruptured uterus.
-Sarah might have had a tubal ligation after Piper, making pregnancy at her age a near impossibility.
-Cathy Baldwin Johnson is a family practice physician who did not have the credentials or skills or malpractice insurance to be a high risk obstetrician. No way would she really do what Sarah says she did and still be practicing. (And she still works with abused kids and primary care of mostly older patients. She is NOT A HIGH RISK OBSTETRICIAN)
-Sarah would require a High Risk obstetrician as she had a history of two miscarriages (See Going Rogue). She was over 40, she was carrying a Trisomy G (Tri-G) child and she had premature rupture of mebranes.
-MatSu is not credentialed for high risk births and would have transferred such a patient to Providence Med Center
-Sarah claims she needed to be induced to go into labor, therefore plenty of time to transfer from MatSu to Providence (that's what would happen if this situation occurred).
Tri-G a premie DS with a poor suck reflex would NEVER be home in or AT WORK with his mother on day 3 of life. He would by protocol spend a few days monitored in a hospital.
-Just show these facts and pictures to a few real HR obstetricians.
Can you say Pulitzer Prize????
I sure can.
Thank you
DeleteThank you
Thank you
Some more details: Trig was born with a hole in his heart, and he had an operation when he was around a year old. Before that, at 5 months, he was dragged around the campaign trail, exposed to crowds of people, bright lights, noise, irregular hours, the up-and-down pressurization of air plane travel-- not a healthy thing for a baby who required a regular schedule. Best example of using Trig as a prop without regard for his health and well-being-- that book tour when Trig was dragged out of bed at 11PM wearing only a shirt and diaper on a cold autumn night-- just so Palin could show him off to a cheering crowd. Once Palin chose to use Trig as her prop, he deserved better treatment.
DeleteFuck yes. Sarah's beggin' you to do it, you Jour-no-lists. You dropped the ball in a big way back there in 2008. Now pick it up and follow through. She's dropping all the breadcrumbs you need, all over again. She's ready to give it up, so go for it.
Deleteoh please, just do dna and have Cathy Johnson come forward and I want to hear it from cj. I really do not think she was pg either.
ReplyDeleteThis woman is a classic case of the self-image exceeding the reality........by miles
ReplyDeleteDoes Sarah Palin really think that she fooled everyone the first time around? What is she doing, waving the red cape in front of the bull, again? She must really really really need some attention (and donations). She truly is a Professional Victim.
ReplyDeleteNote to Sarah: No more appearances on Fox. No more $100,000 speeches from the Washington Speakers Bureau. All that you have is that high school graduation for 75 kids in Alabama. I know how you could get back in the game, big time, and make millions with a new best seller. If you work on it now (with your ghost writer) it could be ready for Christmas. "Why I adopted Trig and gave him a chance at life. My true story by Sarah Palin." No, you will never hold public office, but that's just a lot of hard work. Once you quit as governor, that path was pretty much closed. But, you would be on every TV show, in every magazine, maybe even a movie...."A mother's sacrifice and love, as told by Sarah Palin." Millions, Sarah, more than is coming into your PAC. Think about it.
"Just ask me. And Trig."
ReplyDeleteRight Sarah, as if Trig knows what happened and can any questions about it.
Sarah has to be a retard if she believes that horse shit.
Sarah had procedures during her "pregnancy" that could have been harmful to a fetus and did not once say anything to alert the employees to that possibility.
All I can say is WOW! Palin is wanting attention and bringing this subject back into play! What amazes me, in our world today, is that she rarely gets positive remarks about anything anymore.
ReplyDeleteShe is not liked, not respected, not trusted and known to be a liar and fraud.
She keeps herself noted in negative ways and she's done it to herself since her days in little town Wasilla, AK.
Oh, and it should be noted that Alaskans really dislike her! They are embarrassed that she even exists!