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Courtesy of Raw Story:
Daily Show host Jon Stewart ripped on gun enthusiasts and the National Rifle Association (NRA) on Tuesday for their latest attacks on alleged “threats” to the Second Amendment, and their habit of responding to them with “open carry” protests at Texas fast-food restaurants.
“We all know the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun with a good guy with a gun,” Stewart said, reciting a gun lobby talking point. “But here’s the problem with open-carrying of assault rifles: no one else in that Chipotle knows you’re a good guy. They just know you have a gun.”
On the second clip Stewart had this to say:
“What kind of gun is a threat to the Second Amendment?” Stewart asked. “A gun that shoots other guns? A gun that goes back in time and kills amendments?”
I thought Stewart made a number of excellent points, and he did so while making it pretty funny.
No wonder the Right Wing hates this guy.
Speaking of hate have you seen the reaction on Twitter from the gun nuts to this decision by Chipotle?
@ChipotleTweets U commie scum hv LOST A REG CUSTOMER 4EVR since U don't support the Constitution! SHAME ON UR WHOLE ORG! #BoycottChipotle
— Robert D. Halasz (@Minutemanbob57) May 20, 2014
#BoycottChipotle they don't want us to exercise our #2A rights in their stores. we don't want their subpar food. #2ndAmendment #NRA
— College Republicans (@DrexelCRs) May 20, 2014
"@CO2HOG: Another Business Gives into the Anti-Gun Agenda http://t.co/BvkBvmvlkw"& another business makes it onto the #BoycottChipotle list!
— Sic Sandee (@sic_sandee) May 20, 2014
Uh isn't the #BoycottChipotle list really just for Chipotle restaurants? How can they be just another business added to a list that is exclusively about them?Wow, it's almost like these people were ignorant or something.
I, for one, do hope all gun nuts boycott Chipotle and all other places I like to eat. At least you'd know it would actually be safer to eat there. I just don't get what goes through these yahoo's minds... if I saw you walk in with some huge gun slung over your back, I'm running and calling the cops as soon as I'm somewhere safe. There is no flipping need to walk around armed like that.
ReplyDeleteSo. .. You walk in with a gun. Now I watch you with teRror in my heart, praying that you are not a psychopath and do not open fire?
DeleteIf you're not, You still ruined peaceful lunch.
If you are, I might she at lunch today.
It's going to be a long, hot summer and not just in Texas. I think we should all get kiddie pools and chill out for awhile.
ReplyDeleteHonest to fucking Christ, how insecure and stupid can one country be?!?
ReplyDeleteWell, it won't do your tourist industry any good. I am travelling to America in two weeks with my 17 yr old daughter. I had really liked the idea of going to Savannah and Charleston, but with open carry gun laws I decided I was not going to risk my daughter's life.
DeleteIt may sound a bit dramatic, but people will pick safer states to visit. No one wants to walk into a restaurant and see that fecking fat man waddling and his tiny cousin, armed to the hilt.
@3:47 Might want to check the concealed carry rules for the states you plan to visit.
DeleteIrishgirl - don't pass up on a visit to Charleston, SC. I go there quite often (actually lived there for many years) and haven't encountered any gun-nuts or rednecks. Charleston and Greenville, SC are both great cities with a busting downtown area and gorgeous weather.
DeleteFrankly, the only thing that will change this culture is when people refuse to come to America at all. We rely on tourists, and when they stop coming to these idiot states, it will hurt them big time.
DeleteNot much point in owning multiple penis substitutes unless you can hope to make someone cower at your awesomeness. And, to add to their pleasure, these nuts enjoy wallowing in their victtimhood when little restaurant chains can't take the profit hit and ban open carry.
ReplyDeleteProbably, the NRA is working up a plan to get open carry at Chipotle's all the way to the Supreme Court. Obviously, the framers of the constitution intended junk food customers should be grateful for assault weapons as they line up for Chipotle's steam table food.
I was living in San Diego at the time of the McDonald's massacre in 1984. I will never forget the photo of poor little Omar Hernandez, lying dead next to his bicycle. I had two small sons of my own at the time. The heartbreaking photo was on the news and in the paper for days and days and days.
ReplyDeleteYou need to carry your fucking murder machine into any place where people just want to enjoy their life, their liberty, and their right to the pursuit of happiness?
That makes you, by definition, A Bad Guy With A Gun.
All these monsters want is to get off on finally being a Big Badass. Now people will cower in fear of them.
They do not give the tiniest shit about freedom or liberty or self-defense. It is about nothing more than compensating for a lifetime of feeling like a worthless loser.
Well, here's a message for all you chickenshit fat-assed video game warriors.
You are losers.
You are worthless.
You are not brave.
You are actually not warriors and you never will be. You don't have what it takes and never will.
You are scum and the sane, responsible people of this country will eventually prevail.
The day will come when you won't be able to substitute terrorizing families for doing the hard work it takes to be an actual grown man.
Deletefatally shot 21 people, five of them children, and injured 19 others,
You need to post this at Chipotle's facebook page among the general comments. There's quite a skirmish going on between people happy about Chipotle's decision and all those outraged gun lovers. I actually went there just to express my support.
DeleteM from MD
‘Koch Brothers Exposed:’ Damning Indictment of the Diabolically Evil Koch Brothers and their GOP/Tea Party Disciples (Video)
ReplyDeleteA new documentary featuring the Koch Brothers’ real agenda is set to debut in Washington, D.C., tonight. The Huffington Post discusses that “Koch Brothers Exposed” is a remake of a documentary made just two years ago, with updates on their ongoing plans for America. The one-hour film focuses hard on how the Koch Brothers advance their agenda under the guise of libertarianism, while hurting real people.
...No, the Koch Brothers and their Republican and Tea Party mouthpieces and disciples don’t care about real people, and that’s what “Koch Brothers Exposed” aims to demonstrate. The Koch Brothers have blinded a lot of these people into believing that furthering their profit-driven agenda means freedom, even though it means anything but.
Here’s the video.
New Poll: Tea Party Support Plummets to All-Time Low! (Video)
Oh come on, these fat ass "couch patriots" talk a good game but how long do you think they can live without their fast food?
ReplyDeleteI guess the Revolution is going to be fueled by Taco Bell instead.
These truly are pathetic, ignorant children.
ReplyDeleteThe Second Amendment, when read in the context of the era,
means that there can be home grown militias (our National Guard) to protect the new country if the Redcoats happened to return.
Most farmers had shotguns or old-fashioned rifles, with which they shot dinner, kept varmints away from livestock, and protected their frontier homesteads. They didn't have the time to swagger around their towns, itching for a gun battle. They were too busy feeding their families and founding our country.
Can you picture General and President George Washington strutting around Philadelphia with an AK-47?
That's the question we should ask these little boys:
"What would George Washington do?"
@ 7:17
DeleteTHAT is the question for ALL of our congressional representatives! It was a well-known fact that around 80% of the voting population was heavily in flavor of what was proposed after Connecticut. So why did they not pass it?
I agree with 4:24/6:44. AND I participate as does he since I, too, am a weapons owner. I also try to hammer those fools in Washington, hounding them with questions concerning WHY they don't do it.
What do I usually get? "I agree with your ...." The same old crap that tells me they simply DON'T listen to US, only their monetary leash holders.
DeleteMy reply should have been placed in the comment below where 4:24 was stating he's not an NRA Member.
Sorry about that!
As a weapons owner I would walk out of any place where civilians walked in armed. Most weapons owners don't like these gun nuts either. Please remember most weapons owners are not like those nutso freaks.
ReplyDeleteThen speak up. We believe you are the majority of gun owners. Why do you let the NRA and these 'open carry' freaks speak for gun owners? Why are you not demanding registration and training before more children are killed with their parents' guns? Stand with us. It means more coming from you than it does from those of us who will never own one of these killing machines.
Delete@Sue, I do speak up. Why do you assume I don't? I am all for weapons control for automatic and semi- automatic weapons. I have probably been at more rallies trying to get weapons control passed than all of Gryphen's readers together.
DeleteBut your ignorance that assuming many weapons owners are not for weapon control just makes YOU look like an idot. Personally I think everyone owning any weapon( including tasers and bows) need a psych eval and at the point they are ever treatment for any mental illness or run foul with the law. must have another one. I am all for education and training and longer waiting periods before purchases and I have NEVER belonged to the NRA, as most weapons owners aren't. But now why are you assuming a few militia's and the NRA speak for the majority?
And I am assuming you are either a vegetarian or vegan since you are so against killing machines? Because that meat you buy in the store doesn't kill itself.
6:44, it is so rare to hear opposition to the NRA, other than non gun owners that is. Gun control laws are beaten down, gun waiting periods are fought ferociously, and it seems there is no room for education and regulation for guns. Maybe you are fighting and rallying, but NOTHING is getting done, and if there were a majority that felt like you do, as I keep hearing, why can't we prevail?
DeleteWhen you are at rallies for gun control do you go around and ask participants if they own any? Do you take surveys? Just curious how you can observe a person and know if they own a shotgun or a pistol or nothing from looking at them? As for why nothing can get done, well I have never picked what causes I support by if something can be done immediately, do you? BTW I have been at gun control rallies in Texas where most of those members are actually weapons owners.
You gun carrying fast food freaks are infringing on my freedom of peace, safety and happiness. Take your penis extenders out to your backyard and play shoot em up games. Otherwise I might have to call the swat team next time I run into one of you. They won't ask questions first.
ReplyDeleteNo Shoes, No Shirt, No Service. Guns? No Service. Corporations are people, and if Chic Fil A can ban gays, Hobby :Lobby make their own rules on women's health care, then Chipolte and the rest of them can ban guns.
ReplyDeleteI thought their letter was tastefully and respectfully done. They didn't disrespect all gun owners, just the nutjob gun owners who feel it's their right to carry everywhere. What's so difficult about tightening license rules? Banning assault weapons and huge clips? There's gotta be some common ground to begin with.
I surfed channels while waiting for the long commercial block to go by, on Rachel Maddow, tonight.
ReplyDeleteI stopped for two whole minutes to see for the first time, what "Duck Dynasty" is all about.
It was about my losing 5 I.Q. points, in those couple of minutes, witnessing a dumbing down festival of epic proportions.
Holy crap, no wonder some Americans have turned into the kid from Deliverance.