Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sarah Palin congratulates Georgia Republican Senate primary candidate Karen Handel, for losing.

Courtesy of the Facebook page for She who Wields the Palin Curse:  

We need a united front to combat the egregious agenda under which our economy, security, and freedoms now suffer. It's only by banding together to push conservatives across the finish line that America can recover. How to do it? Focus. Keep your eye on the ball. Remember the real threat to our country's solvency and sovereignty is the liberal pro-Obama candidates we'll face this fall. 

A special thanks tonight to Georgia senate candidate Karen Handel for having the courage to jump into the ring and fight for what is right. Our nation becomes a better nation when good candidates like Karen come forward and offer to serve for the right reasons. The party of Lincoln and Reagan needs more strong, confident conservative women like her. Teddy Roosevelt's quote about the man – or woman – “in the arena” is applicable here: God bless the candidate “who strives valiantly,” and “if [she] fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that [her] place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” 

Many more primary races are underway. Constitutional conservatives will be the ones to adhere to the blueprint our Founders created for us to follow towards a more perfect union. Please support them. United we’ll stand for the exceptional nation America is destined to be again. Divided we’ll fall under continued failed liberal policies.

Palin also links to her Whoring to November video, which seems interesting because yesterday one of her Mama Grizzlies died of mange.

Yes there are more primary fights coming and many of them feature more Palin endorsees, including the pig mutilator and the gator rassler, so you know her losing streak is really only picking up steam.

I love that Teddy Roosevelt quote, which her ghostwriter had to alter in order to make it grrrl friendly.

Though I am not sure how a woman who left her previous job in disgrace, and has run two losing campaigns in the last five years could be accused of striving "valiantly."

Palin also managed to jump from Roosevelt to Lincoln today posting this quote:

And then accusing President Obama, of destroying the country from the inside. You know, because he is "the other."

"Government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost." Friends, that’s rationed care. That’s the VA today. That's what's got to change. That's why Congress has got to change because until we elect leaders who'll buck the march to socialized medicine known as Obamacare, America’s health care system will go the way of the VA. That's why Obama’s Democrat party must be defeated in the ballot box in November. America is still the strongest nation on earth; outside forces won't ruin us – we will only destroy ourselves if the status quo doesn't go.

Boy she is really focused on the idea that the VA scandal exculpates her from the death panels nonsense.

Interesting to me that she quotes Lincoln, the man who did away with slavery, and moved the country to a place where a man named Barack Obama could one day be President, despite his skin color. And then condemns the first black man to enter the White House as an enemy of the country, bent on its destruction.

I wonder if she recognizes the irony?


  1. Leland4:34 PM

    "I wonder if she recognizes the irony?"

    No. She could probably not even say the word. And she is incapable of recognizing anything intelligent.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Wait- isn't that what you do to your old black jeans when they get wrinkled?

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM


    3. Anonymous3:04 AM

      When her black jeans get wrinkled, she just wears them AGAIN. No washing or ironing for our $carah. Much too busy "living vibrantly" for mundane tasks like that.

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Dearest Gryph...Palin does not know the meaning of irony, it being three syllables and all.

    1. Palin just read that and is now counting I-ron-e? No, no that's not right...

  3. Anonymous4:55 PM

    What Lincoln meant was it is more likely our dysfunction and disagreement developed within America will cause the nation's destruction more than any invading army.

    In other words, Sarah, Honest Abe was referring to the Confederate states that seceded from our great nation; the modern day equivalent is the obstructionist teabaggers who have no positive agenda, but want only to disrupt our government and the people it serves.

  4. Anonymous4:56 PM

    you had me at "exculpates".
    and Palin could've been gracious with her message if she'd simply left off the Obama harangue, but No, she just couldn't leave it there. sheesh.

  5. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Sarah, I know you're just parroting right wing talking points, but there is no "Democrat party."
    A person who belongs to the party is a Democrat.
    When used as an adjective, it's "Democratic."
    Otherwise, to be parallel, you must refer to your group as the "Republic party."

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      How nice of you to explain the difference to Sarah Palin. However, Sarah will not admit a mistake, because she doesn't believe that she is wrong about anything.

  6. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Imagine if Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, or Ronald Reagan came back to life!
    None of these gentlemen would be able to grasp the idea that an illiterate person (ignorant on purpose) could have, even briefly, been considered as a vice presidential candidate.
    Even Tammany Hall's denizens had to show their abilities before the party backed them.
    Or take a few other Republican names: Calvin Coolidge (a gentle soul); Herbert Hoover, a brilliant if failed man who spoke Mandarin with his wife; Thomas Dewey; Dwight Eisenhower; Alf Landon; Barry Goldwater -- well, the list goes on. They'd have no patience with an upstart, trash-talking Palin.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      You mean Teddy Roosevelt, who was a progressive and even founded the Progressive Party. $carah's quoting that Teddy Roosevelt?

    2. Anonymous3:08 AM

      Imagine their reaction to W!! He was, in little Johnny McCain's description, "dumber than a stump" They cannot get their heads around the fact that President Obama is highly intelligent and BLACK (part)

  7. janice5:12 PM

    OT... Per People Magazine, Mark Ballas Seriously Injured in Dancing with the Stars Finale Rehearsal. Do you suppose Bristol will mention it at all on her Patheos or FB? Doubt it.....

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      what's the matter, did Mark trip over that Bure Bitch when she dropped to her knees to pray?

    2. To be fair, Candace is happily married, has lovely children, and could actually move around the floor. She did try to play the victim "I know I don't have the technical skills of the other girls, but I have a great fan base!!" but overall, she didn't come off as the princess Bristol did.

    3. Anonymous7:21 PM

      janice5:12 PM

      I am real sorry to hear that. Peeps said Ballas was a real swell fellow, before Bristol. You wouldn't think he had that coming so soon, but you never know when these things strike a person. The last I read about Ballas and Candice Bure was when the fans were mad because they thought DWTS was rigged and somehow it was their fault. The poor man must have all kinds of residue left over and the Palin curse will follow a fellow to the ends of the earth. It may not be so bad as first reports. Of course, Nancy will post and pray about it. She always does posts about the DWTS dancers they like. Nothing about Meryl and Max winning the trophy?

      Nancy will be on it for Bristol so she has the connection and hits from DWTS celebrity fame and they will make Bristol look like a good praying Christian and best friend. That is what Nancy is paid to do.

    4. Anonymous5:14 AM

      Bristol 'prays' for a new Trial Daddy while lying on her back with her legs spread.

  8. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I there is one fucking idiot bent on destroying the country, it's Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      She is worse than a Bircher/AIP and Sarah Palin hates America. That is, if she can't take over and be in charge of baptism by water board and all she advocates to kill as many ppl she doesn't like as possible. How about no food, no school, no medical for children born to poverty. That is Sarah. She wants poor American children to work like those seven year olds that work the tobacco fields, yep, that still goes on. And the nicotine that rubs off is highly toxic for them. Sarah would hate to see those children have medical attention unless they can pay for it. If only they were as clever as Dick Chaney, they would deserve all the heart transplants and medicine he has to keep him alive to bash foreign policy he doesn't agree with.

  9. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Does anyone else see the vast difference in voice and style of this FB post and the May19th Hilary's Brain post? Sarah does not write most of her posts on FB. Why not? She doesn't have the writing skills that her degree in journalism should have given her. She writes as she speaks which is what I try to prevent my college freshman English students from doing.

  10. Anonymous5:17 PM

    The Palin dog and pony show is over!

  11. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Oh, this is funny

    Huffpost says Handel "crafted the strategy to clean up the public relations mess that ensued" after Komen defunded Planned Parenthood. What a great job reference, Karen Handel crafted the strategy that forced her to resign in disgrace.

    This woman is unemployable, she and Sarah Palin both. Those two lazy old biddies should STFU and see if they can even get a real job.

  12. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Sarah's face is all broken out. I watched her give her high school commencement speech for about 5 minutes with the sound off.

    1. Anonymous3:12 AM

      Teenage acne, or meth scabs?

    2. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Meth. I can't look at her. Is she actually in the bad skin stage now?

  13. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Recognizes irony? She doesn’t half the ability to recognize irony.

    1. Irony? I only buy permanent press clothes, and if Bristol leaves stuff in the dryer too long, SHE has to iron it.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      I doubt she can recognize and iron with the poison she gets jacked up on.

  14. F U McCain5:56 PM

    That's funny she mentioned the Teddy Roosevelt quote. I was going to write that on the last thread.

    You see; There was a time that Sarah was able to apply that quote to herself (using it to try and shame anyone who questioned her at all. It was a nifty little shield (not nearly as good as children, though).

    Even more amusing -
    Apparently this quote means so much to Roger Ailes that he has it hanging in his office (Gryphen - how far did you get in the Ailes biography? )

    Want to bet that Sarah never heard of this quote before she met Roger?

    have you ever FINISHED a BOOK, Sarah Palin? ?

  15. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Just watched some of Palins High School graduation speech, it was carried live. I can only say she bashed "tree huggers" and singing Koombayah. of course she rambled on about not being able to buy twinkies, pick up trucks, and not being afraid to "fell" which is how she pronounced fail. Once again she looked over made up and smelley and Todd was sitting to the side of her looking like a dirty uneducated hick as usual, and the wrinkles! oh Sarah baby doll when you put your face down to read your notes...sharpei dogs have less!

    Gryphen, this is a must for you to see and comment on if only for the laughs alone.

    1. F U McCain6:29 PM

      Why, in God's name - did anyone air that?

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Why can't Todd wear a jacket and tie like the other men on the stage?

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      She is SUCH a stupid stupid idiot.

    4. He had to give back the nice clothes after the campaign...just like Sarah the Hick. He looked like crap at the WA state graduation last year too. I'd be embarrassed if I were them, but then, they are millionaires, and can do whatever the heck they please.

    5. Anonymous6:57 PM

      6:39 -- not to wear a jacket and tie signals so much disrespect for the students and their families. To put on proper clothes requires aa minimal effort, and, surely, Todd must have at least a sports coat somewhere in his closet? I've gotten beautiful silk ties at WalMart for $10.

      Is looking unkempt and soiled some sort of "maverick" thing -- he's so macho, he just put down his fishing gear/hunter's costume/snowmibile wrenching attire to rush over to this fancy event?
      Here's the thing, Todd -- the parents at that school, whatever their jobs or situation, are proud of their children-- proud enough to honor them with clean clothes on their special day.
      Of course, since the last high school graduation you attended was 30 years ago, you Palins simply don't know the customary behavior at such events.

    6. Anonymous7:00 PM

      My,my.. the Arizona sun put a beatdown on ol' Sarah. Can you say leatherface? The podium is set low so she has to look down to read her speech.

      Sarah, you've had a lot of work done on that turkey neck you inherited from your folks. It really shows. Lots of sun and plastic surgery do not mix. Time to disappear again for another facial tune up, order up another fresh batch of your favorite painkillers and lay low for awhile.

    7. Anonymous8:18 PM

      How hot is it in Huntsville, Alabama these days? (High temp=88 degrees). That's kind of hot for a big, wrinkled, out-of-date leather jacket. Was Sarah coming from a biker rally? It was not flattering. It is not in fashion. It looked a mess. While Sarah's jacket was a mess, at least she wore a jacket instead of her Girls-with-Guns t-shirt and white-penis-jeans. Todd didn't even bother to wear a jacket. How disrespectful! Or maybe that reflects his status-- not the equal but the servant, the purse carrier, the roadie.

    8. Anonymous9:44 PM

      6:57pm: OF COURSE they don't know how to dress for a graduation - neither they nor any of their kids ever graduated!

    9. Anonymous9:52 PM

      They dress like hillbillies. Was the school located in the most rural part of Alabama?

    10. Anonymous8:48 AM

      She is begging for more attention to be paid to the truth about Trig's birth. Why bring him up during this ridiculous commencement speech? Poor little guy.

  16. Anonymous6:07 PM

    She didn'y write this, she's at the graduation ceremony. Listen here, RAM, or whatever ghostwriter penned this crap, the GOP never cared about the VA, they have stripped benefits up the ying for veterans in the House. How stupid do you think we are? We know how the branches of government work. My GAWD, how many times do you have to throw something on the wall to see if it sticks?

    I hope she's paying you well, you are beyond STUPID and a traitor to your country.

    1. Anonymous3:16 AM

      Without the two wars W/Cheney started for profit, the VA hospitals would be in great shape. The GOP wars keep filling the beds.

  17. In this "side view" picture of Sarah, anyone else notice the "gap" between the front of her hair and the "what-ever-it-is" that's hanging down her back?

    This lady can't even put her wigs on right and she wants to lecture us on politics!

  18. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Give me a break, Pa(l)in.

    You couldn't even READ that out loud, with zero comprehension, never mind write that yourself.

    Silly Moose.

  19. Anonymous6:33 PM

    She's an ignorant jackass...that's all I've got to say. I've been following her since 2008 but am getting fatigued and bored by her. I no longer watch her if she is on television or even listen to her anymore. I will read the blogs to keep updated but I must admit I'm so tired of her that most times I don't pay attention to her crap.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Who wants to watch a turd circle and circle and circle and never flush? I opt for paint drying, that is much more exciting.

    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Agreed, 6:33 PM, I don't do sound on videos anymore, ENOUGH! Just watch the body language and tics. Graduated college in this. WOW.

  20. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Sounds to me like Granny Sarah wants to do away with for profit healthcare and go directly to nationalized healthcare :)

  21. angela7:19 PM

    Good grief---- the woman natters on and on . . . .

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Narcissism at it's finest and still dumb as a box of rocks.

  22. Anita Winecooler7:38 PM

    She's totally off her rocker. Her candidate loses, and instead of bolstering them up in their loss, she twists the arrow as she yanks it out of her back. Yeah, that dog don't hunt, never did, never will.

    Hey Handel, sorry you lost but look at what I came up with. I quoted famous people, bashed health care, and sucked up all your oxygen.
    I don't know this Handel woman, but I bet she'd thank Sarah for two losses. I wonder if she realizes.......oh it's the queen of narcissism.... she's clueless.

  23. Anonymous7:48 PM

    "Keep your eye on the ball."
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah don't you think that if Bristol kept her eye on ( Levi's) ball then she wouldn't have gotten pregnant during her junior year of high school?

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Are you positive that it was Levi, and not Dylan Kolvig(Bristol's party partner)?

  24. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I don't think Sarah Palin wrote that bull crap.
    I doubt Sarah even knows what "egregious" means.

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Agree. Sorry I posted the same thing before I read yours. GMTA.

  25. Boscoe8:04 PM

    Palin doesn't even recognize the irony of the fact that the night before the 2008 election, she told reporters that she "had faith the lord would choose the best leader for America".

    And then when that turned out to not be HER, she immediately went full throttle, throwing herself into the task of trying to destroy the leader who WAS chosen.

    So much for $arah's "faith"...

  26. Anonymous8:05 PM

    It's only by banding together to push conservatives across the finish line that America can recover. 
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah what does it take for Todd to cross the finish line? Todd was the first one to quit the recent Iron Dog. That pussy ran to your house.

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Quitting runs in the family. Sarah quit her job as governor. Didn't she also resign from the state energy board? Sarah told the graduates that they should not be afraid to fail (pronounced fell). She still hasn't gotten over losing the election in 2008. Good example.

  27. Anonymous8:25 PM

    We need a united front to combat the egregious agenda under which our economy, security, and freedoms now suffer. It's only by banding together to push conservatives across the finish line that America can recover. 
    -Sarah Palin

    I can't believe the wife of a member of the Alaskan Independence Party is talking about banding together. Helllloooo Sarah you moron, the AIP wanted Alaska to secede from the United States of America.

    1. Anonymous3:25 AM

      We should let then secede. The taxpayers in the lower 48 need the tax break. They should take the entire red southern states with them. The RED states pay less in taxes than they receive from the government, yet constatly complain. The voters are too dumn to THINK.

    2. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Just the use of the word "egregious" proves Sarah didn't write that. She couldn't define that word if her life depended on it.

    3. Anonymous1:53 PM

      No kidding. She couldn't define baptism.

  28. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Hey, $arah, ditch your penis pants and switch to Levis. You don't have to wash them for a year, so says the manufacturer. Like your wig.

  29. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Todd is a shadow, a bully and a cheat.

    1. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Let's not forget he's a PIMP also, too!

  30. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Bitch is on a roll. Hannity egged her right on:

    And listen to the dog whistling racist that she is...

    Sarah Palin joined Sean Hannity Wednesday night to take on everything from the VA to the war on women, but Palin was particularly fired up about slamming liberal double standards and how the left demonizes opponents to as to belittle their arguments. She told Hannity liberals “will grasp anything you say that can be taken out of context” and label you a sexist or racist “because they can’t argue the issues.”

    Palin and Hannity also agreed there’s a feminist double standard when it comes to demonizing social conservatives but not being as vocal when it comes to women actually being oppressed in places like Nigeria.

    As for the VA, Palin suggested that Obama is just too “lazy” and lacks the will and energy to hold anyone accountable for that scandal and others.

    Watch the video below, via Fox News:

    The comments are ripping her up one side and down the other.

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Sean certainly pivoted from that attack on Hillary (don't attack Hillary) to attacking Sandra Fluke for wanting the government to pay for her birth control. They just say stuff to rile up their viewers. Palin looks so angry. She's lucky to get to appear on Fox. How long has it been, anyway?

    2. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Not long enough, six months maybe?


    3. Anonymous11:46 PM

      How does Palin have the nerve to talk about the VA? She couldn't handle a program that covered a few thousand people.

      "In one 2 1/2 year stretch, 227 adults already getting services died while waiting for a nurse to reassess their needs. Another 27 died waiting for their initial assessment, to see if they qualified for help.

      "The programs at issue provide in-home help for thousands of Alaskans with the basics of life, from medication to meals."

      "Federal officials conducted their "focused review" in May and notified Health and Social Services Commissioner Bill Hogan of the moratorium in a June 26 [2009] letter."

      Read more here:

      And what did Palin do? She fucking quit.

    4. Anonymous11:51 PM

      LOL, name one thing that Hannity and Palin haven't agreed on, particularly that they both love it when he licks her ass clean.

    5. Anonymous12:15 AM

      Anon 8:54. She's talking about herself not Pres. Obama or the Democratic party.

    6. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Too ugly, can't watch.

  31. Anonymous9:01 PM

    No such luck. Todd accompanied Sarah to the graduation. She can't travel alone.

  32. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Sarah instead of puffing up your chest with rhetoric, how about stepping back and look at yourself and now look at Track.

    Sarah Palin you have a cabin and three houses. Todd has a new airplane and several snowmachines. Sarah what does Track have? Sarah you are a multimillionaire with numerous properties, why can't you throw Track a bone and help give him a start. If it wasn't for John McCain throwing you a bone, where would you be today and how much money and houses would you have?

    1. Anonymous12:16 AM


    2. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Track has his guns
      His ex-wife has the baby

    3. F U McCain6:17 AM

      Actually, Sarah had QUITE the grift going on in Alaska before McCain.

      Her house was built for free, she was paid to stay at home, she was paid to bring her kids with her.

      Not a millionaire but the Palins were quite well off before McCain.

  33. Anonymous10:27 PM

    The graduation speech is here:
    Scroll down and watch from the 49:30 mark, if you can stand it. It's OK to "fell" and go to "jell," dontcha know?

    1. Anonymous12:34 AM

      i only lasted about 3 minutes in - right out of the gate the crosseyed drug addled lyin' fraud introduced tawd as having >just finished< the 2000 mi iron dog event, that he's also a commercial fisherman and was able to join her, the crosseyed brain fukin' dead skank, because he's "between seasons" >>> LMFAO !!!

      the next couple of minutes, the looking really, really bad physically, crosseyed skank was all over the proverbial word salad map - and at that i was done

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Is there a transcript? My ears hurt thinking about screechy.

  34. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I'm glad you read her crap so we don't have to. So I thank you for that Gryphen.

  35. Tick tock Sarahskank. When you fail to run for the Senate seat this year, and you fail to run for POTUS in 2016, even the most retarded of your worshipers, are going to know that they were punked by the biggest grifter in the US, YOU.
    Your endorsements aren't worth a shit, your "hate Obama " rants have gotten boring, and your screeches haven't changed since 2008. Didn't you get the hint from God when you didn't win in 2008? Yes, you cost McCain the Presidency.
    Quit, while you're behind, girlfriend. All of the money you've grifted, isn't going to buy your way into Heaven.

  36. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Sarah thinks "irony" is the name of the famous golfer who also has a men's clothing line.


  37. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Fuck off you crossed eyed Wasilla village idiot ignoramus

  38. Anonymous6:20 AM

    President Obama is lazy
    (Said the grifter who quit her governor's job 1/2 way through)

  39. Anonymous6:31 AM

    "I was always telling people God would never give you anything you can't handle. 
    -Sarah Palin
    New Hope High graduation speech

    Sarah Palin finally figured out why she never became vice-president. ... the dumbass can't handle it.

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      "Have faith that the Creator of you, He who has the whole world in His hands, He'll never give you something you can't handle. He's equipped you.

      Is that why Willow quit high school

      Is that why Bristol never got married

      Is that why Track is divorced

      They can't handle it!

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Is that why Todd is an Iron Dog quitter? He was the first one to quit because he can't handle it and he's a quitter who is married to a quitter and is the father to a bunch of quitters.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      She couldn't handle being a governor of a small state.
      Even with creepy Todd doing her shady shadow work, she failed.

      She couldn't handle parenting, ask Curtis Menard.

      What can she handle? Certainly not her wigs or wardrobe.

  40. Anonymous6:34 AM

    "Congratulations, Class of 2014, you give me new hope," Palin said in conclusion. "You give the greatest country on earth, our America, real hope - not the hopey, changey stuff that they BS you with coming out of Washington -- but real hope. That is you."

    Sarah how can that graduation class give you hope? You don't know them! You are just a bull shitter.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Well Palin must be filled to the brim with 'hope' based on the number of students who graduated high school this year (and every other year). HS graduations are very special for someone who hasn't had a chance to attend one for her own children. I graduated HS over 50 years ago and heard the same tired line, 'you are the hope for the future'. Guess our speaker fibbed to us?

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      77 New Hope graduates. 2007 school year is 378 students in grades 9-12. Madison County Schools system. Public school. Colors red, white, blue. White students: 79%, American Indian/Alaskan Native: 12%.

      median income for a family was $39,427. Males had a median income of $30,852 versus $20,263 for females. The per capita income for the city was $15,655. About 8.2% of families and 11.4% of the population were below the poverty line, including 14.4% of those under age 18 and 15.1% of those age 65 or over.,_Alabama

      Town namesake

      High 80s temp, feels hotter. Humidity 49%

  41. Anonymous6:55 AM

    9:01 yes and "they traveled halfway across the world" to be there doncha know? She is such an idiot

  42. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Sarah Palin you were once the governor of Alaska

    You then became the Republican vice-president candidate

    Next you became a highly paid speaker

    Sarah you have now become a high school graduation speaker, reality show failure and a babbling Facebook idiot.

    Sarah Palin most people keep moving up the ladder but in your case you seem to keep moving down the ladder.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Sooner or later everybody sees through the Palin fake facade.

    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      That's our Sarah From Alaska.

    3. Anonymous8:12 AM

      You mean a failure like

      Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas Sales Rank: 124,305

    4. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Sarah Palin has one minute left of her 15 minutes.

  43. Anonymous7:55 AM

    WTF does she stash in her cheeks? March 8, 2014 in National Harbor, Maryland.

    Is she ever in Alaska? Does she ever see Trig other then photo-ops? Todd? That poor little boy they use for a prop.

  44. Anonymous8:29 AM

    No wonder Maples set this grad gig up for the old AIP loser.... THE BIG NAMES: While Washington’s biggest names grace the stages at some of the most prestigious college commencement ceremonies this spring, tea party celebrity Sarah Palin addressed the graduating class of New Hope High School outside Huntsville, Ala. on Wednesday."

    The loser Tea Party is trying to make Palin look relevant again. Her only hope is NHHS, too bad she didn't think it was worth her effort to take a shower another performance.

    " Work so hard." What about her tribe of unemployed fake graduates?

    “When you get that call to run for Vice President of the United States, take it,” Be sure to quit half way all public service employment.

    “The best thing that ever happened to me – well it had to do with, years ago, 4/20. That’s April 20th, 1989 – that’s the 4/20.” 4/20 (cannabis culture) - Columbine High School massacre -

    4/20 4/20 4/20 ... kids she is cool

    “My kid’s got more chromosomes than you!” Best prop a con can get!

    “Congratulations, class of 2014, you give me new hope,” she said in closing. “You give the greatest country on earth, our America, real hope – not that ‘hopey changey’ stuff that they B.S. you with coming out of Washington – but real hope.”

    We hopey you changey your wig, Scarah!

  45. Anonymous1:45 PM

    OMG, same old stinky sob sp. Read a little. Same thing since 2008. You slow people that are for her are so stupid, I know I am talking to walls. Wow, same old carp. McInsane should just tell all that ignor a us..

  46. Anonymous1:46 PM

    President Obama. 2008!!! 2014!!!! by the people, for the people!!! Nothing you could ever even think about, they are just hollow words from you sp sfbrains.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.