Saturday, May 10, 2014

Judge strikes down Arkansas ban on same sex marriage.

Courtesy of Buzzfeed:

A state judge in Arkansas declared his state’s ban on marriages between same-sex couples to be unconstitutional, the latest of several judges to have done so since the Supreme Court struck down part of the Defense of Marriage Act last June. 

Circuit Court Judge Christopher Piazza issued the decision — finding both a state statute and constitutional amendment to violate the U.S. Constitution — following a hearing in the case last month. 

Under the U.S. Constitution, Piazza ruled, “the Arkansas marriage laws implicate both a fundamental right and the rights of a suspect or quasi-suspect class.” The fundamental right at issue is the right to marry and the class at issue is same-sex couples, per Piazza’s ruling. 

Although he believed such heightened or strict scrutiny could be applied to the challenge — making it more likely the ban would be struck down — he did not believe the level of scrutiny ultimately mattered: 

You know I am sort of waiting for the conservatives to finally recognize the futility of their attempts to deny gays the right to marry.

At this point discriminating against the LGBT community in any way is right up their with using the "N" word. In other words everybody knows it is terrible, and yet people in the South will still try to get away with it. 


  1. Love the photo! I have two friends who are going down to Seattle this summer to get married. I kiddingly asked one of them if they were going to wear white dresses and veils. She said her partner wanted to wear a tank top and shorts because it would be hot down which I responded "Nooooooo!" We concluded that she should be told she can wear a white satin tank top and white satin shorts only if she promises to wear the veil too.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      I got married in my motorcycle leathers ( yes, we eloped) and I have never regreted it, clothes don't matter, where doesn't matter, the marriage( and for many, the new right to marry) matters.
      Though we are having a renewal in July and I am wearing a dress for that. And we are renewing our vows on our 37th, not our 25th or 35th :)

    2. My ex and his final wife got married in their leathers too. It was a very charming wedding picture, and she was a very cool lady.

    3. Anonymous12:29 PM

      That's because your sick. This battle is against God and God will handle it in His timing. You choose not to hear the cries of God today, and tomorow He will not hear your cries. I'm thankful I'm not in your shoes. Don't answer back because all you say is death to God.

  2. Caroll Thompson7:55 AM

    For all the talk of the Constitution by the "conservatives", I don't suppose they will be happy to have the Constitution used to uphold the rights and freedoms of all Americans.

    Good for the Judge. I am sure he is getting death threats from those who are not for the Constitution and do not stand for freedom (i.e. the "conservatives" who keep yakking about it all the time).

  3. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Totally off thread, but can't wait for the IM post on this:
    Chelsea Clinton receives her PhD in International Relations from Oxford University today

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      You are always O/T on good news.

      You're too obvious, Bekka.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Could you imagine a Palin kid going to Oxford ? Could you imagine a Palin kid 'spelling' Oxford ? Can't wait for Sarah's tweet congratulating Chelsea on her doctorate !

  4. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I love it that the states with that actually put the time,energy, and $$$$$ into putting forth discriminating laws are being told one by one it's not legal by the courts! And once these laws are judged illegal nothing can stop happy couples from marrying!

    Marry on folks, marry on.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Narrow minded christians put the anti gay marriage laws on the books in the name of religious freedom. Hey bible thumpers, screw you!

    2. Anon 8:58, I'm with you on the narrow minded Christians who want to force their religious believes into laws, but I don't quite understand how anti gay laws and religious freedoms goes together. I would like for you to explain to the ignorant one writing this post how they go together.

      It actually angers me when "Christians" say this country from founded on Christianity. As I'm sure we all know, Sarah is one of those. Yet, they never explain how our country was founded on Christianity. When you tell them Christianity is not mentioned once in our Constitution they never seem to have an explanation for that.

    3. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Be Warned Perverts. Idiot leaders and law will not overcome God. You nasty sick perverts will have no help no matter how loud you cry in Hell. Sick Judges cannot not help. Sick law cannot help. You will not listen as God cries today, He will not listen as you cry tomorrow. So laugh, eat, drink and be merry. You feel no shame today, but you will. I sure wouldn't wanta be in perverts shoes or their Cowards that bows to these perverting Bully's. I pity Homo's who will not take warning. Vengence is mine, Sayeth the Lord.

    4. Anonymous2:28 AM

      We need to pray for them n not speak I'll will. I used to except it but now I know that God despises this that's why Satan possess the ppl to be gay. We as Christains have to love all n pray for all. If they choose this way then they will be Judged soon as The End of Times Nears. You Christains make the rest of us look bad with that kind of talk n who will ever listen to any of us any more!!!

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Arkansas Clerk Issues 1st Gay Marriage License

    Carroll County Deputy Clerk Jane Osborn issued a license Saturday morning to Kristin Seaton, 27, and Jennifer Rambo, 26, of Fort Smith. They had slept in a Ford Focus after arriving in Eureka Springs at 2 a.m. Saturday and were the first of about 10 couples to line up outside of the courthouse before it opened.

    When the license was issued, Rambo said, "Thank God." Seaton and Rambo, who have been together four years, then held a marriage ceremony on the courthouse steps. A woman in a rainbow dress officiated.

  6. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Letting gays and lesbians marry
    Will lead to the ruin of this country
    Stop all those degenerates
    Take back our country

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Come on, Bubba. You KNOW the lesbian scenes are what sells good porn! They're hawt lookin, just the way God intended, in her image.

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      I agree about the ruin of our nation brother. This battle is against God. I'm sick that perverts agree with Satan to hate God who only deserves Honor and Glory. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.

  7. Anonymous2:32 PM

    IOW, the bigots can't provide a rational argument against same sex marriage.

    No shit, there is not one on the planet.

  8. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Good for Judge Piazza! He "Gets" the constitution and the lgbt marriage equality act. There's so very much that has been denied people for centuries based on fear, jealousy, hate and people not understanding the meaning of the word "Love". The ONLY organ that matters is the heart. .

  9. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Trading God off for the love of a butthole. Dumb


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