Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Next Cliven Bundy standoff will be in Utah. Lucky Utah.

Courtesy of Mother Jones:

It looks like a new front has opened up in Cliven Bundy's war against the US government. 

This Saturday, angry residents of San Juan County, Utah, plan to illegally ride their ATVs through Utah's Recapture Canyon—an 11 mile-long stretch of federal land that is home to Native American archeological sites—because they don't think that the federal Bureau of Land Management should have designated that land off-limits to motor vehicles. The protest was meant to be a local affair. But on Thursday, Bundy, the rancher who wouldn't pay the feds grazing fees and sparked a gun-drenched showdown in Nevada, called on his supporters to join the anti-government off-roading event, E&E Publishing's Phil Taylor reported. Bundy, whose crusade against the federal government became tainted by his racist comments, is looking to spread the cause from cattle to cross-country cruising. 

"We don't expect any violence," San Juan County Sheriff Rick Eldredge told the Denver Post last week. Others aren't so sure, especially since the out-of-staters in attendance could help rile things up—which is what happened during the Bundy stand-off. "This may blow up to be significantly more than they thought," Bill Boyle, a resident of San Juan and publisher of the San Juan Record newspaper told the Post. "I think there are those who would like everyone with an AK-47 to be here."

San Juan County residents who plan to attend Saturday's event are Bundy supporters and Ted Nugent fans, according to an analysis of their Facebook pages by the Denver Post. They also hate President Barack Obama and Senate majority leader Harry Reid, according to the newspaper, which reports that "BLM employees in San Juan County have had windows shot out of their homes and their yards torn up by ATVs in the middle of the night."

Bundy supporters AND Ted Nugent fans? Well you know there is no reasoning with that crowd.

In fact things have already become potentially violent: 

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is warning its workers in Utah to be on alert after two men threatened an agency wrangler on the state's main highway by pulling out a weapon and holding up a sign that read, "'You need to die." 

The incident occurred Tuesday morning on Interstate 15 about 90 miles south of Salt Lake City, said BLM spokeswoman Megan Crandall. A BLM employee was driving his agency vehicle and pulling a trailer when two hooded men came up alongside him in a dark blue Dodge truck and flipped him off, Utah Highway Patrol Sgt. Corey Houskeeper said. 

The truck slowed down before the men came up beside the BLM officer again and pulled out the sign and flashed a firearm, he said. No one was hurt, as the men sped away.

This of course is EXACTLY what the Federal government feared might happen after the Nevada stand off.

It can only be a matter of time before some local law enforcement or federal agent gets shot, and THEN what will Bundy say when he is in jail for inciting violence?

By the way apparently Bundy is also offering online history lessons for all of you who wasted your time learning the "wrong" history in school.

No I am NOT kidding! Here see for yourself.

He is going to look so precious all dressed in orange and with that obnoxious hat taken off of his pointy head.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Bundy reminds me of Sarah Palin. When people don't pay attention to them, they just get bolder and brassier, hoping to provoke a confrontation so they can play the victim. The worst thing that could happen to Bundy and Sarah is for people to ignore them. They are like kids throwing tantrums to get noticed.

    By the way, if Sarah is so sickened by one woman's choice, why isn't she sickened when 270 girls were kidnapped, some murdered in Nigeria? Isn't the death of living people just as important as the life of a bunch of cells which are a long way from being born? Does Sarah ever think about the 4,400 senseless deaths of Americans in Iraq? The hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who died? OOops, I went off topic there.

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    For anyone interested in live pictures and live updates as to what is going on at Recapture Canyon today (Saturday May 10) just go to and in the search box type in Recapture Canyon. Randy Bundy has already spoken as of now. There are no police there. Councilman Phil Lyman has decided not to ride the trail on an ATV. There are a few open guns and militia there. They are now split on whether to ride at all now. The Hopi indians are very upset. The Wilderness Society & Sierra Club naturally do not support this. Looks like the militia people are going to be disappointed once again that there will be no bloodshed.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      The Hopi are upset and SO AM I! How dare they!

    2. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Wonder how these morons would feel if I jumped on my quad and rode across their ancestors graves.... they are just scum

  3. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Ah; anyone else feeling the urge to counter-protest?

    With signs that say "Protect our Heritage", unarmed, simply line the trail of the ATV's.

    Show people there's another side to this debate. The snapshots into our history that archaeological digs present us with are priceless and irreplaceable.

    If I could, I'd be there myself; but unfortunately, I literally am out of the funds to keep my lights on, let alone take a 4-state distant vacation.

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Hikers with Durango-based Great Old Broads for Wilderness walk past a rock formation with what they call “Bubba Glyphs” in Recapture Canyon near Blanding, Utah. The group hiked “Lem’s Trail” in April 2011 to point out areas that should be protected.

    Picture of Bubba glyphs here:

    The BLM closed Recapture Canyon to motorized use in 2007 after trail builders caused more than $300,000 in damage to archaeological sites.

    Lyman claims the damage is not even visible, and he has no idea where it is, although others have described it as “stunning.”

    In an op-ed published recently in Deseret News, he invited the public to join his May 8 “excursion.”

    “Come and see for yourself,” he wrote. “I think you will agree that the real damage is the debris in the trail, the barricades blocking access and the warning signs placed at every turn.”

    Many consider Recapture a “mini-Mesa Verde,” which suffered irreparable damage from trail construction, according to historian Andrew Gulliford.

    Granting a right of way, besides rewarding illegal behavior, could accelerate damage to the canyon’s granaries, dwellings and other 1,000-year-old features of ancestral Puebloan culture and encourage illegal pot-hunting, said Gulliford, a professor at Fort Lewis College in Durango.

    Gulliford wrote about the controversy in Recapture Canyon in the Jan. 12 edition of his “Gulliford’s Travels” feature in The Durango Herald.

    The Southern Utah Wilderness Association stressed the canyon remains open to people on foot and horseback.

    “It’s closed to one type of use, and that’s motorized,” said SUWA’s Moab-based field attorney Liz Thomas. “BLM determined that use was damaging cultural sites, and you can’t replace those resources. If they are damaged, they are gone.”

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Interesting. These clowns blame President Obama for everything. Well, gee whiz, George W. Bush was president in 2007 when the area was closed. Doesn't our national heritage mean anything to these far right nut cases?

  5. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Piece of deranged shit Bundy and all his and Uncle crap my pants Ted fans need to be taken down. Idiots, each and every one. Why isn't Sick Sarah there with them? She is a hate spewing coward, who incites violence, but would never get in the middle of the shit she stirs. Low life coward. Put your money where your vile mouth is. Sedition and treachery are her main games. One must wonder what the feds are thinking, the longer they delay, the bolder these traitors will get and more will come. They should act now.

  6. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I listened to as much of Cliven and his "history" lessons as I could stand, and as I listened, all I could think of was the character Gabby Johnson in "Blazing Saddles", who was praised by one of the other Johnsons as spouting "Authentic frontier gibberish".

  7. A pretty convenient way to get rid of those gun toting rednecks and appease his upset neighbors...assuming he cares.

  8. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The area in dispute was restricted in 2007 by the Bush Administration because the ATV use was destroying the Pueblo ruins on the canyon floor.
    The BLM plans a limited police force-
    two rangers in plainclothes.
    The BLM is going to pursue charges
    against anyone who rides an ATV on the closed trail.
    "The BLM-Utah has not and
    will not authorize the proposed ride and will seek all appropriate civil
    and criminal penalties against anyone who uses a motorized vehicle within the closed area," said Juan Palma, director of the BLM in Utah."

    " On Friday, he reiterated the agency's position."

    "There are more than 2,800 miles of trails on public lands that are open to ATV use within a short drive of Blanding ....
    "This extensive trail system offers OHV (off highway vehicle) riders vast and diverse opportunities
    to ride and recreate on public lands in southeastern Utah."

    This type of event is probably the only kind where Palin can get the attention she desperately seeks.
    I'm surprised she hasn't shown up with her six shooter , bedazzled belt buckle and
    blow up boobs to
    interact with her people.
    The she can lead them on the Rogue Ride to destroy the habitat and ruins.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      This really is an outrageous attack on Native Americans. Why do these crazy guys (assuming that most of the participants are male) need to intrude on ancient ruins when there are thousands of miles of public land they can freely frolic on? Imagine them on the grounds of the Parthenon or Stone Henge or the Great Sphinx. Imagine the damage they would do.

  9. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
    Protecting Greater Canyonlands

    The Greater Canyonlands area — encompassing 1.8 million acres of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service land surrounding Canyonlands National Park — is a landscape of sweeping plateaus, stunning geologic formations, 10,000 year old archeological sites, and unmatched natural beauty. President Obama has the power to protect Greater Canyonlands with the stroke of a pen — if we can convince him to do so. But so far, the Obama administration has continued to defend President Bush’s plans that leave this area open to rampant off-road vehicle abuse, proposed uranium and tar sand mining, and oil and gas development.

    - See more at:

  10. Anonymous9:59 AM

    According to the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance there is NO shortage of ORV routes in San Juan County – there are around 4,000 miles of route on public lands.

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Dozens ride ATVs into Utah’s Recapture Canyon in lands dispute rally
    By Brian Maffly | The Salt Lake Tribune

    San Juan County Commissioner Phil Lyman, acting as a private citizen, organized the event, which started with a rally in Blanding’s Centennial Park, to protest what he and supporters call federal "overreach" into local jurisdiction. Prompting the protest is their anger with what they say is the BLM’s failure to process San Juan County’s applications for ATV rights-of-way in Recapture, which is filled with Native America prehistoric sites. At least a half-dozen San Juan County Sheriff’s deputies on horses watched as protesters, including children and armed militia members from Montana, drove their ATVs past the canyon’s closure signs.
    "We are here to keep the peace and safeguard the constitutional rights of everybody," said San Juan County Sheriff Rick Eldredge. "We don’t want to see clashes between citizens and clashes between BLM and militia. This is not going to be Bunkerville."
    There were no BLM personnel in sight as the protest began.
    Part of a broad backlash against federal land management across the West, the ATV protest has attracted out-of-state activists eager to denounce federal authority over public lands in the wake of BLM’s recent stand-off in Bunkerville, Nevada, with armed supporters of rancher Cliven Bundy, who has long refused to pay grazing fees.
    The ride drew rebukes from preservationists, environmentalists and tribal members, but also two former San Juan County commissioners.
    This week BLM officials warned they will seek legal action against those who violate the Recapture closure order and Gov. Gary Herbert urged participants to obey the law.
    To minimize the prospect of a confrontation with anti-federal extremists, BLM closed its Monticello field office Friday morning and sent staff home.
    Former San Juan County commissioners Mark Maryboy and Lynn Stevens are deeply critical of Lyman for promoting unlawful conduct. Stevens, who supports motorized use in the canyon, said riding there while it’s closed is "unwise and irresponsible" and will only further delay the right-of-way application.
    But there was little sympathy from environmental, hunting and preservation groups, as well as tribal members, who claim an ancestral affiliation with the Native Americans who inhabited the canyon 1,000 years ago. Critics say ATV enthusiasts have themselves to blame for the closure by building an unauthorized trail over archaeological sites that harbors middens, kivas, farming plots and cooking areas.
    Vehicle traffic accelerates erosion of intact deposits under the routes, which can help reveal how prehistoric people thrived in this arid landscape, but only if studied in proper scientific context, according to Jerry Spangler of the Colorado Plateau Archaeological Alliance.
    "Damage to archaeological sites is permanent and the information about our collective past is then lost forever," Spangler said. "It is sad that irreplaceable treasures of importance to all Americans would be sacrificed on the altar of anti-government fervor. It is worse that protesters would be so blinded to their own insensitivity as to what others consider to be sacred treasures of their past."

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Don’t count on sensitivity to archaeological sites.The people who are intent on destroying these sites are ignorant and proud of it.

    2. Balzafiar1:31 PM

      Just like the ignorant Taliban destroyed the 6th century statues, our very own home-grown Taliban is determined to display their ignorance as well. They care nothing for anyone or anything other than their own personal desires.

      I hope they all rot in hell.

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      They want to sit their fat asses on their "all terrain vehicles" and ride around making a lot of noise wherever the hell they want. That's what they're fighting for.

      There are plenty of trails nearby (I read something like 4000 miles worth), but it's not enough for these jackasses. They're pissed off because the "feds" are trying to tell them where they can and can't ride.

  12. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Where has this country gone when an elderly, inarticulate,uneducated, disgusting man gives history lessons? This is truly a divided country.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      It is the 'uneducated' that are creating the trouble throughout the country...i.e. Sarah Palin spewing her uneducated garbage for the past decade!

      Bundy and Palin are two peas in a pod! Disgusting and evildoers!

  13. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Can we persuade these Ya-Boos to take their stupidity and their guns over to Area 51? Those Feds over there don't fool around.
    M from MD

  14. Anonymous10:18 AM

    They had better not harm the Native American sites!

    It is way past time the federal government goes after these assholes. They are spreading nothing but 'hate'. If they have to battle them - so what! They are just asking for a confrontation and should get it!

  15. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Put Sarah Palin (the chicken shit that hides out behind her computer/Facebook!) in w/the bunch of them - she would fit perfectly.

    Give her a gun and see how well she can actually do w/one in the big fight! Remember, her Dad had to show her how to hold one, load it and when she shot (afraid of the kick back!) she missed the target! Great Alaskan woman - yea right!!!

    Hey, Sarah - these guys will put the women in the front so that they will be killed first! You would fit in perfectly w/these gangs of fools!

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      " does it kick, daddy ? "

  16. Daniel Webster10:26 AM

    Word for the day, brothers and sisters!

    "Ultracrepidarianism is the habit of giving opinions and advice on matters outside of one's knowledge."

    So the next time Sarah shoots off her mouth about all the subjects of which she's completely ignorant, we simply inform her that she's an ultracrepidarist.

    She might be so flattered she'll add it to her resume.

  17. Our Lad10:52 AM

    "There will always be men walking the earth begging for other men to kill them." -Sicilian proverb

  18. Anonymous11:12 AM

    There's a historic site in upstate NY owned by a foundation that was unable to fund continuing open access to vehicles. Some locals got together a group of volunteers that open the gates each morning and close them each evening after checking that no visitors remain. There's sporadic checks during open hours to see that visitors are treating the site properly. It seems like a solution that pleased all sides.

    In this Utah dispute, hiking and horseback are allowed in the canyon, just no vehicles SPECIFICALLY because some off-roaders did a lot damage building an unauthorized trail. Surely, BLM and some reasonable people could find a way to allow limited vehicle traffic. "Reasonable" being the sticking point, of course.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      These people are clearly not interested in the historical value of the canyon. They just want to rev their motors wherever they can, preferably where they shouldn't. They are spoiled and need to be told "NO." I hope the Native Americans raise a fuss about this as well.

    2. Anonymous9:03 PM

      They're like naughty toddlers who, after being offered a box full of toys, ONLY want the one that another child is playing with, and throw a tantrum if they can't get it. Then, as soon as they steal it from the other child, they promptly break it and throw it away.

      Except, in this case, what is getting broken are irreplaceable cultural artifacts.

  19. Anonymous11:31 AM

    This defies rational thought, but I know people like this in Alaska. Ted Nugent is their hero and Clive Bundy is their poster boy for armed insurrection. They are children of people who supported the John Birch Society in the 1960s. The crazy is genetic.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Yep there's a bunch of retards up here but hopefully our sane and more urbanized society is pushing them further and further into the bush and away from where most of us live, on the road system. Go on away, out there and do whatever the hell you want, it seems to be what many of those types of people came up here to do. Civilized society wants no part of you, go live your crazy frontier lifestyle and leave the rest of us alone.

  20. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Oh for goodness sake, pay your damn grazing fees or keep your stock on your own damn property where you can do whatever you want you damn fool. Congress (elected by people who vote and pay taxes and other government "fees") make the laws you asshat. It's in the U.S. Constitution (which apparently you have some difficulty comprehending).

  21. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Well, this is disturbing news. They were apparently emboldened by the Bundy 'victory,' yet disappointed at the lack of bloodshed.

    Recommended reading:
    "Rush, Newspeak, and Fascism: An Exegesis," Dave Niewert's [Crooks & Liars] 2003 online essay

    I promise, after reading it, you'll have a better understanding of the militia and Patriot movements, religious fundamentalism and theocracy, and the merging of the extreme right-wing with the GOP.....Benghazi fever and the anti-BLM terrorists.

    Former AZ sheriff Mack, who showed up at the Bundy ranch, was instrumental in founding the Patriot movement--militias,common-law courts, defense of gun rights--and was busy spreading Clinton hate in 1994. [page 34]

  22. Chenagrrl1:07 PM

    This man is what as known as a weffare qween. His supporters should notice whether he shows up.

  23. Chenagrrl1:09 PM

    11:31 a.m. Guess whose daddy founded the John Birch Society? Chuck and Dave Koch.

  24. Anonymous1:23 PM

    The federal government had no problem calling out the Nat'l. Guard against unarmed college kids and killing them. Why isn't the Guard being called out to protect the BLM?

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Different generation; different presidents. And we all know who is going to be blamed personally if any one of these crazies so much as gets a scratch on his hand.

  25. Beldar Cliven Conehead1:44 PM

    Well.... This is awkward....

    Gryphen, apparently you don't share my admiration for the determination, patriotic zeal and surprisingly modest cognitive functioning of these pathetic self-described nuckleheads(sic).

    Nevertheless, I hope you will permit me to publicize another Bundly Bumblers Patriot Day on June 1st at Bubbling Acid Hot Springs in Bundlyland (Formerly Yellowstone National Park before Bundly annexed it)

    As you probably know, Bubbling Acid Hot Springs is a 125ft deep geothermal lagoon featuring superheated (235°), highly acidic (1.3pH) water. It was discovered in the late 1800s and in 1921 was encircled by a fence after the so-called "Mrs. Harmon's 2nd Grade Class Field Trip Disaster of 1919" and "Mrs. Harmon's 2nd Grade Class Field Trip Disaster of 1920" .

    It is our plan to converge on Bubbling Acid Hot Springs in full militia regalia, ballistic body armor, assault rifles, multiple bandoliers of heavy lead-based ammunition and fancy folding multitools to intimidate the Park Rangers on site and jump in to the water en masse to demonstrate our ideological disregard for the authority of the Kenyan occupation force lead by Barack Hussein Obama and the U.S. Park Service.

    Did Obama REALLY think he could stop us from jumping into boiling acid???


    BENGHAZI!!!!!, also too....

    To further emphasize our commitment to this movement, we are pledging not to leave the water until Obama surrenders to our militia and gives Clevin Bundly the so-called
    "football", a brown leather valise with nuclear launch codes and a half dozen energy bars. Apparently Bundy has some scores to settle and nothing says "oh yeah!!!" like nuclear weapons plus he suffers from low blood sugar at times and the energy bars are helpful when that happens.

    We will also be carrying a large supply of canned cocktail wienies in our large, heavy, but water-resistant, combat rucksacks which will sustain us for at least 2 weeks in the springs assuming the boiling acid doesn't eat thru the tin cans.

    Well, I hope you can see we've thought of everything and will succeed easily in our mission.

    You can get more details of our mission by visiting In case you were wondering, we tried to register, but that was taken.

    Thanks for your support.

  26. Anonymous3:19 PM

    This pisses me off so much, riding their environment destructive vehicles through Native heritage grounds? Who TF do they think they are? Damn them, the feds better get on this before these idiots think they own the country.

  27. Anonymous3:56 PM

    How would this asshole feel if some bought the magical site where the magical golden, disappearing gold plates that only the magical founder of his religion could read and built a Target there????

  28. Anonymous6:50 PM

    "Judical"? The judical branch of government?? Maybe he needs a few more history lessons his own sef.

  29. Anita Winecooler7:06 PM

    This bull can't end well. What's the deal with announcing your plans and getting the media and people who give a shit about things like laws, people who defend our laws etc etc? Want to feed your cattle on Government land? Fine, pay the fee and feed away. His latest antic is clearly breaking the law, Get the National Guard out there and end it once and for all, before innocent people get hurt and killed.
    The BLM does an important job at conserving the government land. The whole idea behind the grazing fee is to control over grazing and ensuring that land is protected from old farts in white hats and apache ties.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Fske Apache ties.

    2. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Whoops! “Fake" Apache ties.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:57 PM

      It DOES look like a clip on, now that you mention it! LOL

  30. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Know we know why Phil Lyman, San Juan County Commissioner, has been fighting to lead the charge of the ATV's today - even though at the last minute he thought better of it and didn't ride with them. Possibly because he doesn't want to be impeached?

    Bad spirits in Blanding - Oct. 2009

    This summer 150 federal agents swooped into the region, arresting 26 people at gunpoint and charging them with looting Indian graves and stealing priceless archaeological treasures from public and tribal lands.

    Seventeen of those arrested were from Blanding, including some of the town's most prominent citizens: Harold Lyman, 78, grandson of the pioneering Mormon family that founded the town. David Lacy, 55, high school math teacher and brother of the county sheriff.

    And 60-year-old Jim Redd, along with his wife and adult daughter.

    The next day, the doctor killed himself by carbon monoxide poisoning. Another defendant, from Santa Fe, N.M., shot himself a week later.

    The suicides horrified this town of about 4,000 with many bitterly blaming the government.

    But the recriminations and grief masked more complicated questions — questions that have dogged the town for decades.

    This is a must read if you are interested in this story!

  31. Anonymous8:14 PM

    yes I seen this video, but did I enjoy it... HELL NO

    Pay your bill you lying thief

  32. Anonymous8:23 PM

    It is not an accident that they picked Native sites, racists without a hood is still a racist

  33. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Typical of Utah.

  34. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Typical teabagger. They still can't spell their signs right.

  35. I am beginning to hate anyone wearing a Stetson.

    It's just the conditioning of seeing photos of these assholes over and over. They're all wearing cowboy hats.

    It's disgusting me to the point I'm having a reaction to anyone in such a hat.

  36. Anonymous10:16 PM

    ATV Protest Derails Veterans' Project (with video)

    As for the war veterans project, Bare says they're working to reschedule the event for October.

    "It's a bunch of veterans who fought for this country and fought for their land, and for their safety," he said. "We had to unfortunately bow to bullies."

  37. Anonymous5:39 AM

    I was so impressed with this response, I copied it from the Kos:

    Massive militarized force would only embolden and confirm the anti-gubmint forces. That's what they want, an overreaction. Don't feed the trolls.

    The blowback from a massive military assault would be a stronger, larger more justified army of thugs.

    If we leave them more or less alone, they will end up fighting each other, as they already have. A sophisticated approach would undercut their contention of a tyrannical government and highlight their extremism.

    They want to provoke an over-reaction. Disappoint them and they will turn on each other.

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      5:39, I agree with not overreacting, but to do nothing is not doing their job. Cliven and his thugs break the law, they should get the punishment anyone else would get. No more no less. To turn our eyes away sends an even more dangerous message in my opinion.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.