Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Karl Rove receives blow back for suggesting that Hillary Clinton may have brain damage.

Courtesy of MSNBC:

 Republican strategist Karl Rove has denied a report that he said Hillary Clinton may have suffered brain damage, claiming he “never used that phrase.” 

“I didn’t say she had brain damage; she had a serious health episode,” he said Tuesday on FOX News. According to The New York Post, at a conference last week, the former George W. Bush adviser brought up the topic of Clinton’s health after she was hospitalized in December 2012 for a blood clot. 

“Thirty days in the hospital?” Rove reportedly told the conference, according to the Post. “And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that.”  (The glasses were actually to correct a temporary case of double vision.)

Clinton’s health scare hospitalized her for three days – not 30, as Rove reportedly suggested. The incident occurred after Clinton was recuperating from a fall and concussion, forcing the former secretary of state to push back her scheduled congressional testimony over the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya. 

Though he denied characterizing Clinton’s injuries as “brain damage,” Rove on Tuesday largely stood by his reported comments. He said he brought up the issue to raise questions ahead of the looming 2016 presidential elections. 

“My point was is that Hillary Clinton wants to run for president, but she would not be human if this didn’t enter in as a consideration,” Rove said Tuesday on Fox. “This will be an issue in the 2016 race, whether she likes it or not.” 

“When you go through a health incident like this, any presidential candidate has to ask themselves, ‘Am I willing to do this for eight years of my life?’ ” he continued. “She’s hidden a lot of this.”

I think it is pretty clear that what Rove is doing is attempting to frighten Hillary away from the idea of running in 2016, by demonstrating how ugly things will get for her.

Personally I think that Hillary is well prepared for the Republican smear merchants, as she dealt with plenty back during Bill's presidency and her own Senate career.

However I also believe that incidents like this really speak to the almost overpowering fear that the Republicans feel concerning Hillary, and her chances of taking the White House in 2016.

Perhaps the best smackdown I have seen in response to this attack from Rove, came from our own KatieAnnieOakly. Could not have said it better myself.


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    KAO that was great! I will make sure it goes viral.

  2. Olivia4:49 PM

    About those "special eyeglasses"... http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/05/13/1299051/-The-truth-about-Hillary-is-even-scarier-than-Dr-Rove-imagined-Benghazi

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Karl Rove is a total asshole - ALWAYS HAS BEEN! One nasty Republican!

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Little prick got his start working for Tricky Dick Nixon's CREEP. Nuff said.

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      And learned his dirty tricks from Lee Atwater, who supposedly repented before he died of brain cancer.

    3. Anonymous2:20 AM

      After working with W all those years, he recognizes brain damage and Hillary does NOT have it. Rove divorced his wife immediately after leaving the WH. Rumors abound that he is gay, frequents gay bars in WC. He is wearing a wedding ring, making me wonder if there was a gay marriage in his recent past. The male prostitute who visited the WH during W's reign had to be there for SOMEONE, he was there quite often. If he IS gay, that is his business, but he would jump on a democratic voter about their private life. There is a former governor in Arkansas still in prison because of Rove's filthy lies. Vile, obscene man.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Yeah, well we NOW know the state that ol Ronnie Raygun was in WHILE he was president, and he became their political god. Hillary is well, her mother is well and for the moment, and forevermore, Turdblossom is a dick.

  5. Anonymous4:55 PM

    LOL!!!! Can you do the same pix with skanky holding the plaque with the prisoner number of the federal penitentiary? Treasonous Bitch LOL!!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:26 PM


    2. Tomorrow - busy day today, and I'm heading for bed!

  6. Anonymous4:55 PM

    White House Destroys Karl Rove Over Hillary Comment By Bringing Up Election Night 2012


  7. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Six Studies That Show Everything Republicans Believe is Wrong

    It's time for the right wing to stop lying about the minimum wage, taxes, global warming and more

    The great 20th-century economist John Maynard Keynes has been widely quoted as saying, "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?" Sadly, in their quest to concentrate economic and political power in the hands of the wealthiest members of society, today's Republicans have held the opposite position – as the evidence has piled up against them, they continue spreading the same myths. Here are six simple facts about the economy that Republicans just can't seem to accept:​


    1. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Obviously, for a Republican, when the facts change, they change the facts. Our Congressman, Dan Benishek, who has taken money from the Koch Brothers for his campaigns, has a television ad now that states how he has worked tirelessly for better jobs. Not true. He also has television ads that tell how he supports senior citizens. Not true. Politicians should be fined for lying in their advertisements. Gee, how many Republicans could afford that.

  8. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Rove on Hillary Clinton: ‘Of course she doesn’t have brain damage’


    1. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

      Someone needs to tell Carl treadmills don't have a reverse gear.

    2. Anonymous2:23 AM

      Karl is FAT, so is Gingrich and also, too Huckerbee. None of them seem to be missing any meals. After all the runs for the WH, you would think Newt would be in better shape. Rove's nickname in the DC gay bars was "Miss Piggy" Suits him, doncha think?

    3. fromthediagonal6:09 AM

      Anon @ 2:20 and @ 2:23: No wonder Bush's nickname for Rove was "Turdblossom"...

  9. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Hillary with brain damage is still smarter and better equipped to be president than W.

  10. Anonymous5:28 PM

    No one would accuse @KarlRove of having brain damage, so what's his excuse for this?


    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      lol. Mitt will win Ohio!

      Fuck You Karl Rove.

  11. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Great picture by KAO!

  12. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I remember Karl Rove on election night, refusing to believe that Ohio was going to go for Obama. He knew of two counties to hold back for a recount, why it was just the way he held up the election in Florida, and Ohio.....Karl said too much. He as much as admitted that he stole the elections in 2000 and 2004 for George Bush. Karl kept blustering that he could pull Ohio out for Mitt, he had the numbers. Eventually, one of the blonds at Fox asked Karl if he just made up those numbers. As Karl blustered on, Florida and other states also went for Obama. They didn't need Ohio. The blond walked to another part of the studio to talk to some other people. Karl Rove made a fool of himself that night. He may have stolen a very close race for Bush, twice, but Obama had too large a victory for even Karl Rove to fix.

    1. Anonymous3:45 AM

      Good point. Karl's not as smart as he thinks he is.

  13. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Karl Rove Biographer: 'Looks Like He's Lost His Fast Ball'


  14. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Oh this is gonna piss Skanky off. Of all places Idaho! http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/judge-strikes-idahos-sex-marriage-ban-23706019

  15. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Seen on Twitter: "And Karl Rove wears special glasses for men who masturbated too much."

    1. Anonymous11:10 PM

      Anonymous6:43 PM:
      That's really FUNNY!! lol

  16. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Sorry, I'm not a fan of that photoshop of Palin. Why, oh why, oh why would anyone make this comparison to Hillary? The literal interpretation affirms that Hillary has brain damage and Rove should shut up about it since he gave Palin's mental defects a pass.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      I'm going to stick up for KAO's photo. It all started with Michelle Obama, Malia and other women holding up signs that read, "Bring back our girls" in response to the Nigerian kidnapping of the 270 school girls. They made it an international incident, while Nigeria had been slow to respond.

      Ann Coulter tried to make fun of them by holding up a sign, "Bring back my country." That was followed by a number of spoof signs, including one of Ann holding a joke sign, "Please pay attention to me!" That sounds like Sarah Palin.

      Some of the people at MSNBC made the same connection that KAO made, showing a photo of Rove's BFF George W. Bush with a wound on the side of his head when GWB lost a battle with a pretzel. Yes, Bush fell down and smacked HIS head. No problem for Rove. Bush couldn't remember anything, but he was so simple we'll never know if he suffered any damage or not.

      As for Palin, the people who were supposed to do the vetting must have realized at some point that she did not know anything about history, geography or anything else that would qualify he to be the VP to a 72 year old man with a history of cancer. Brain damage? No. Qualified to be President or VP? NO! Are there signs that Sarah's brain does not operated in a lightening quick way to solve problems and multi-task? No, she can't. They saw Sarah shut down early in the campaign, but they wouldn't replace Sarah with a qualified VP candidate. They were all in on the bluff. She couldn't study for her Couric interview. There were no interviews after that. Brain damage? No, it's a joke. Unqualified? Absolutely, and Rove knew it but it didn't seem to bother him a bit.

      Is it wrong to joke about people who really have suffered brain damage. Yes, it is, and for that, I'm sorry. Is there something wrong with Sarah Palin? Yes there is. She has lost a great deal of weight. Compared to videos of her when she was governor, she has become incoherent and shrill. She is more manic than ever before. Since she has no self awareness, she will not get better. As for Karl Rove, he is the master manipulator, and his comments about Hillary were completely inappropriate.

    2. Humor is relative - not everything appeals to everybody. I get that, and I understand what you're saying.

      Sometimes though, its best to hold a mirror up to the offender and display their behavior not only back to them, but to society in general. It's the perfect way to showcase the GOP's hypocrisy.

      Rove said that about Hillary with the full intention of walking it back. No matter - its not like he can un-ring the bell - its out there in the media. He knows it, everybody knows it, so the "clarification" rings hollow.

    3. Anonymous10:07 PM

      9:17 I totally agree w/you. Immediately thought Karl Rove had this entire thing fully thought out prior to making the statement! He's done so many nasty things in politics throughout his life.

      Wonder why she'd run when she could retire and live a very, very nice life and serve in so many others ways.

      But, if she does, I'll support her - work with and for her campaign and vote for her!

    4. Anonymous10:32 PM

      @10:07 Hillary always wanted to be the first woman President of the United States. As for Rove making the comment in order to walk it back-- I guess what he was doing was seeing how people would react to it. If they liked what Rove said, good. If not, he could qualify the remark. His problem is that he got it all wrong on election night, and there is not taking that scene back. Rove has been slipping. Even the guys who have written about him claimed in an interview that Karl has lost his fast ball. Election night was the first big sign of him slipping.

    5. Anonymous2:31 AM

      He was called "Bush's Brain" well, Hillary has her own brain in perfectly good working order, she does not need a shill like W did. Repulsive fat man.

  17. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Speaking of those with brain damage, for real:

    Milking their 15 minutes...

    Fired HGTV hosts: Satan using his gay ‘demonic agenda’ to silence us

    Two brothers who were recently fired by HGTV after their anti-gay views came to light said this week that they had been silenced by a “demonic agenda.”

    In an interview on Monday, The Blaze’s Glenn Beck told Jason and David Benham that the same “agenda” that had forced them out for comparing same-sex marriage to Nazism was now celebrating gay football player Michael Sam.

    Jason Benham pointed out, however, that the LGBT community would destroy Sam as soon as he “changes his lifestyle.”

    David Benham argued that they had been attacked by the same “spirit” that had been “punching nations since the beginning of time.”

    Beck agreed, and connected that spirit back to Nazism in “eastern Europe and Germany.”

    “We’re headed down the book-burning road,” Beck warned.

    Jason Benham remarked that the “homosexual community” was not the enemy: “No, it’s God vs. the Devil.”

    “And there’s a small number of people in this world that buy into the idea of this agenda that wants to silence people,” he opined.

    “We are called to restrain evil so that good may flourish,” David Benham remarked. “Don’t force yourself on anyone. Don’t force your beliefs. That’s why we have the freedom of religion, and the freedom of speech, the freedom of expression, and the freedom of press, is because of this faith that is outlined in the Bible.”

    “We now have the opportunity as a people — right now in 2014 — to say, okay, let’s return back, let’s go back to our foundations,” he added. “I’m not saying that you can’t be a homosexual or an adulterous heterosexual.”

    “What we’re talking about right now on one of our talking points is that fact that we are Americans. This polarizing in which we live is being operated by a demonic agenda to suppress the truth.”

    David Benham later reminded Beck about the story of an evil biblical sorcerer who owned a donkey, and he noted that the Democratic Party also used a donkey as its symbol.

    Watch the video below from The Blaze, broadcast May 13, 2014.


    Self-styled revolutionary patriots plan to converge on Washington, D.C., this week to drive President Barack Obama and disloyal lawmakers out of office.

    “We are calling for the removal of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder as a start toward constitutional restoration,” said retired Army Col. Harry Riley, leader of the Operation American Spring protest group. “They have all abandoned the US Constitution, are unworthy to be retained in a position that calls for servant status.”

    Operation American Spring aims to pressure those lawmakers who remain – or are replaced by officials of their own choosing – “to sponsor and pass very Constitutionally crafted State legislation to dissolve the size, powers, scope and spending of the U.S. Government by 2/3rds.”

    The activists say they expect 10 million to 30 million like-minded Americans to join them Friday in the nation’s capital for a rally patterned after Occupy Wall Street and “Arab Spring” protests.

    They also plan a sister event the same day in Bunkerville, Nevada, where militia groups have gathered to support scofflaw rancher Cliven Bundy in his dispute with the federal government.

    Organizers also anticipate “incremental nullification” by state legislatures of “all withholding taxes, employment taxes, employer taxes, and income taxes.”


    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Serious gaydar alarms are going off on those Benham brothers. The pic on the article is just screaming gay boy.


  18. Anita Winecooler7:33 PM

    "I didn't say that" - Carl Rove

    Note to Carl, once something goes on the net, it's forever, even if you rush to take it down or go on Fox News to set the record straight.

    Hillary wouldn't even waste her time responding, her toilet paper has a higher IQ.

    Thanks KAO, that tweet is a TKO! The essence of our poor poster girl for brain damage.

    1. Anonymous3:41 AM

      Not realizing that, once it's said and publicized, it's there forever seems to be a GOP problem. Something about the late 20th-early 21st century is missing from their brain power.

  19. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Ben Sasse Wins Nebraska GOP Primary


  20. Well.....at least Hillary has a brain to damage to begin with -- unlike 43 who seemingly had to rely on Turd Blossom's crainial reserve.

  21. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Hey, KARL, might i remind you was an absolute @ss you made of yourself on election night 2012 claiming Romney had it secured on FNC while "Obama Wins!" flashed on the screen in the background? Hmmmmmmm?

    1. slipstream8:54 PM

      Yeah, KARL, and by the way, how is that "permanent Republican majority" thing working out for you?

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      It was so much fun watching Rove squirm when President Obama beat the shit out of them AGAIN. They were so sure that Romney had it!

      It's always a delight to watch that video of him as he just couldn't convince himself that they had lost, but lose they did! Big time! And, it will occur again w/Hillary Clinton should she run!

      Then, he'll probably have a heart attack and leave this earth - which would be GOOD!

  22. Well.....at least Hillary has a brain to damage to begin with -- unlike 43 who seemingly had to rely on Turd Blossom's crainial reserve.

  23. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Brainghazi, Brainghazi, Brainghazi!


  24. Anonymous9:28 PM

    GOP’s Sarah Palin to Speak at New Hope High School’s Graduation Ceremony May 21


    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Nothing like fucking up young minds good and early to meet with the intellectual deficits of today's GOP!

    2. Anonymous10:18 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA, 56 graduates. What a laugh. How many graduates did FLOTUS speak to?

    3. Anonymous10:26 PM

      Did Sarah Palin get a chance to speak at any of her kids' fake graduations or were there GED Ceremonies? Why would someone with 3 High School Dropout children be asked to speak anywhere? Track should have graduated from Reform School, Bristol should have been in a Pregnant Teens' School, and Willow just gave up until Mama Bought a Penrose Certificate for her.

    4. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Wow, that's some very important commencement speech Sarah will be giving. What are there, 75 or 80 kids in the graduating class? Has Sarah ever been invited to give a commencement speech at a college or university? (No, hair school and skin care college don't count).

    5. A. J. Billings3:34 AM

      I'm offering a pair of crisp new $100 bills to the first high schooler who will grab Palin's ugly wiglets off her head while someone films it on video.

      Must be posted to youtube

      Money to be paid in cash

      This *is* a serious offer

      That is all.

    6. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Sorry A.J., but grabbing the wiglets would probably be classed as assault.

      $200 plus a criminal record - not enough.

    7. Anonymous1:44 PM

      There are also some Alaskans that would love to do something similar to Palin. Only, it would be to completely pull off her wig!

      Only problem is - she doesn't show her face in Juneau anymore, rarely is seen in Anchorage and when in Wasilla stays pretty close to the compound and dead lake. Basically, she's pretty chicken shit about facing her 'supposed' fellow Alaskans! So, getting to her, for an Alaskan, would be pretty difficult!

      But, it could happen!! The opportunity might arise!

    8. Anonymous1:46 PM

      GEDs are the successful names of graduation for the Palin kids. They have such horrible examples to follow - what else would one expect?

    9. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

      Gee, I wonder if she'll wear the same outfit she wore at Bristol's weddin......uhm Willow's weddd..... shit, she'll be wearing the black jeans and grama's w gums tee shirt. It's all good, Alabamastani customary clothing meshes well with Sarahs AND "the shoppers of Walmart", she'll do just fine. Of course the only reason they're having graduation is in the hopes there's a dollar taped under their chairs.

      Sarah does fantastic life changing things for people, just like Ellen and Oprah.

  25. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Corn on Hardball: At This Point the Benghazi Attack Is Basically Just a GOP Fundraising Tactic

    Washington bureau chief David Corn spoke to Chris Matthews on MSNBC's "Hardball" about recent GOP fundraising emails that use the Benghazi Select Committee's investigation of the "truth" about the attack to solicit donations. Unlike previous house investigations, including the investigations into the bombings of the US embassy and barracks in Beirut during the Reagan administration, the Benghazi attack has become a political vehicle for Republicans.


    Rep. Lewis calls on Republican to resign from Benghazi committee

    As Republicans pound the Benghazi drumbeat, Democratic Rep. John Lewis declared on Monday his fellow congressman from Georgia has “no business” serving on the select committee and formally asked him to drop out of the “partisan investigation.”

    In a statement, Lewis called on Republican Congressman Lynn Westmoreland to resign immediately from his appointment to the GOP-led panel investigating the 2012 attack on the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya. The violence left four Americans dead, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

    “The House Republican effort to exploit the deaths of those brave Americans is utterly exposed by naming the Deputy Chairman of the NRCC to the Select Committee on Benghazi,” Lewis said in a statement. “Based on his comments this weekend at a political meeting, it seems Rep. Lynn Westmoreland will work to enable House Republicans to further politicize a supposedly sober investigation in an effort to rally the rightwing base. His participation on such a committee is as inappropriate as it is revealing.”

    Westmoreland is the National Republican Campaign Committees Deputy Chairman in charge of political strategy. Lewis called this position a “glaring conflict of interest, which would enable him to use the work of the congressional committee for political purposes.”


    Who Made Benghazi ‘Political’?

    ....Conservatives seem absolutely convinced that if not for the Obama “cover-up” on Benghazi, Romney would have won the election.

    There’s one problem with that view: It’s ridiculous. Totally ahistorical. In fact, if you look back closely at how things unfolded in September and October 2012—and everyone seems to have forgotten—it was Romney, not Obama, who bungled Benghazi. It was clear at the time to a broad range of observers, not just liberals, that Romney really screwed the pooch on Benghazi, both when it first happened and then later in a debate.

    Any memory of Romney’s initial reaction? He was in such a hurry to blame Ambassador Chris Stevens’s death on Obama that he rushed out a statement blaming the Obama administration for sympathizing “with those who waged the attacks” rather than the “American consulate worker” who died in Benghazi. You read that right—worker, singular. Romney was in such a hurry to get out a statement feeding right-wing paranoia about Obama’s anti-Americanism that it went out even before it was known that four Americans had died.


    1. Anonymous3:39 AM

      I just remember Romney's creepy smile when he first came before the camera shortly after news of the Benghazi attack broke. It was as if he was sure it would be his big break. The Republicans will try to make hay out of anything, no matter how toxic.

    2. Palin also came out right afterward, and she and Romney seemed to be singing the same song. They seemed to know what was going on before the rest of the country did, as if they were relaying nearly the same message to their respective followers / voting base.

      Never forget - Pam Geller helped support the financing of the film "The Innocence of Muslims" - and she is a GOP darling:


  26. Anonymous10:13 PM

    I think we all know who has "brain damage" here.

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      10:13 PM The Palin Trolls?

  27. Anonymous10:37 PM

    The Palin/Heath Trolls have gathered for their nightly defense strategy. Stand by for continuous Juvenile Rants and Lies. AMIRITE, UNITED STATES, WASILLA, ANCHORAGE, and LOS ANGELES?

  28. Anonymous11:48 PM

    But.... and not totally kidding... what if he is right?

    1. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Hillary could get a lobotomy and still run this country better than GWB.

    2. Anonymous6:25 AM

      11:48 PM When has Rove been right about anything?
      Other than that Sarah Palin did not have the gravitas to run for VP?

  29. Lie lie lie.

    Deny deny deny.

    It's the first two commandments in the Rove Bible.

  30. Anonymous12:26 PM

    If I could have three wishes, the first would be to see Karl Rove's hard drive. I believe that would be the last we would hear from him.

    1. My first would be to read Karl Rove's obituary.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.