Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mike Huckabee wants judge impeached who struck down Arkansas ban on same sex marriage.

Courtesy of The Washington Times:  

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says lawmakers in his home state should impeach a judge who struck down the state’s gay marriage ban, saying the judge ignored the will of voters. 

In a blog post on his political action committee website, Huckabee on Sunday criticized Pulaski County Circuit Judge Chris Piazza for finding unconstitutional a 2004 amendment and 1997 state law banning same-sex marriage. Huckabee wrote that the governor should call a special session to impeach Piazza. A spokesman for the PAC confirmed that Huckabee wrote the post. 

Huckabee wrote that if Arkansans want to legalize gay marriage, they should put it on the ballot and vote for it. 

The judge struck down the ban because it is unconstitutional, which means it does not make one bit of difference whether the Arkansas rednecks want it or not.

Mike Huckabee is a fucking joke these days.

Using his logic women would still have no right to vote and black people would be working the plantation fields picking cotton for their southern masters.


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    There are a number of things which were found unconstitutional, such as discriminating against someone because of race or sexual orientation. If those things were put on the ballot, people would vote to keep on discrimination. Sorry, but sometimes the rule of law has to be more important. Otherwise, the South would still have separate drinking fountains, and according to some rabid Republicans, women and African Americans wouldn't be voting. I don't like the way that Scalia and Thomas rule. Let's impeach them, too.

    1. I was about to write the same as your response - so will simply add X2

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    How the hell do these people become, "ministers". This lard ass is the most racist, bigoted mean spirited fuck lumps out there. And he wants to be president. Laughable at best. Boom ba ba Boom ba ba boom boom boom. Get lost huckleberry Hound.

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    He's as big and as stupid as he ever was...

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      He's shooting for "Maximum Trump."

    2. Anonymous2:37 AM

      Guess he is going to have to lose some weight again if he wants to run for Prez. Maybe he should have gotten a two for one gastric by pass with that other fat ass, Christie.

  4. angela3:12 PM

    Will of the voters? So Huckabee doesn't understand the "law"
    thing yet?

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Heh, this fat, backwoods meat head rube doesn't even understand the very democracy he proclaims to cherish.

      Like another loon we all know...

  5. ManxMamma3:27 PM

    Is he Chris Cristy's long lost brother? He certainly is blowing up a bit. Must be all that hot air.

  6. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Isn't there a treadmill somewhere he needs to be on??

  7. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I see Mike is porking up again.

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      His entire family is obese! Pull up the records and photos. They are NOT a family that is a good example for America!

      Huck will keel over of a heart attack! Don't like the guy anyway - caught him lying on his radio show once and it appalled me because he is 'suppose' to be a man of god - i.e. minister! Barf! He repulses me.

  8. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Gryphen, have you seen the amazing economic news today? Of course it's not being trumpeted on cable news (benghazi!). Yeah, that big bad 'socialist' black man in the White House is 'destroying' this country! If this is what destroying looks like, bring it on!



    Insurers give $1.5B in rebates under O-Care


    Who Says Obamacare Is Turning Out To Be Good For The Economy? Goldman Sachs Does, That's Who!


    After decades of exodus, companies returning production to the U.S.


    Budget deficit on track for a 6 year low and has shrunk by $900B since Pres. Obama took office



    BREAKING: Dow closes at record high

    BREAKING: U.S. April budget surplus at $106.9 billion

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Thanks for the good news, always can use some of that!

  9. Note to Huckabee; Generally, we don't want judges that can be swayed by public opinion. What an embarrassment this guy is.

  10. Anonymous4:40 PM

    This is why
    We need a Constitutional Amendment
    To ban gay marriage.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Go fuck yourself - hey, that would be same sex fucking wouldn't it?

    2. Anonymous2:39 AM

      And your idea is why we need a rocket ship pointed towards the sun to send you in.

    3. @4:40 how can we have a constitutional amendment for something that isn't constitutional?

  11. Anonymous5:07 PM

    O/T:Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has responded to an abortion activist's recent filming of her own abortion and portrayal of it as "a positive abortion story," saying she could only think of the words "I Aborted My Baby, So Hear Me Roar" to describe her act.

    "Sad, gut wrenching, barbaric, hopeless, too far-gone a society that celebrates filming this?" the Republican wrote on her Facebook, referring to the filming of abortion by Emily Letts, a 25-year-old counselor at the Cherry Hill Women's Center in New Jersey.

    "This is so horrifying that when I first heard the report I couldn't bring myself to speak or write about it," Palin wrote.


    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Shit, if it would shut $carah up, I'd have and film an abortion - and I'm waaaaaayyyyyy, past childbearing age.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      I would not be one bit surprised to learn that Sarah and Bristol have had abortions! It's like men yelling about gays and then we find out they too are gay!

      Frauds and liars. I don't believe one damn thing that Sarah Palin says - nada!!!

    3. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

      Love how she mentions adoption (They don't all end well, believe me) and the words she uses

      "There are people who will help them find their babies loving homes with adoptive families who will cherish these children and relieve the birth mothers of any understandable fear...

      Do you know any of these people, Sarah? Care to share any personal stories of your own experience? Do the words "White Out" ring a bell? Two bull?

      You have no right, whatsoever, to claim to know this young lady's thoughts and feelings, other than what she shared herself. It took you how long to think of this response? Did you black out or were you in a stupor? Brancy hopped on it the second it hit the news!
      Get a hobby, woman. Those skeletons keep rattling in your closet. Which one will hit the light of day first?

  12. Anonymous5:14 PM



  13. Randall5:14 PM

    Huckabee, Gohmert, Bachmann, Cruz, PALIN
    ...you can't parody the GOP anymore:
    they are self-parodying.

  14. Seems like he will have to go after a judge in Idaho - also too

    "U.S. District Magistrate Judge Candy Dale wrote in her decision that Idaho's laws barring same-sex marriage unconstitutionally deny gay and lesbian citizens their fundamental right to marry."


  15. Anonymous7:07 PM

    "Using his logic women would still have no right to vote and black people would be working the plantation fields picking cotton for their southern masters.
    To Huckabeester and his TeaTHUGlican buddies, that's a feature, not a bug.

  16. Anita Winecooler7:24 PM

    Hey Huck, just a few words of advice. 1)Lose weight 2) The best way to get the honorable judge to reverse his decision is to threaten bodily harm. Believe me, your letter will go to the top of the "must do" list and 3) The constitution protects all people, including LGBT, people of color, and people like you who hate while hiding behind your faith.

  17. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Jesus H Christ. Federal judges are not on the bench to support the will of the voting public. They are on the bench to test for constitutionality. What is it that these right wing bible bangers don't understand about the 3 wings of government and separation of their powers. This bs is beyond frightening.

  18. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Oregon decides reversal tomorrow! Opposition backed off! YESSSSSS!

  19. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Huck is obese AGAIN. Not healthy enough for serving ANY office - especially that of POTUS!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.