Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Look I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but is it possible that this guy does not particularly like President Obama?

Gotta love that free speech.


  1. Well, the idiot's in my state; I wonder if he's in my county. McCain, Romney and Cuccinelli all took it; we're shins-deep in teabagger morons here. How I'd love to watch this fool ticketed by a black cop for all that obstruction on his rear windshield. I don't know how he gets away with it; I wouldn't try it in any state.

    1. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Once in northern VA, I saw a car with a GOPSUX license plate, covered with pro-Democratic/anti-Republican bumper stickers. I wish I'd taken a picture.

    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Who would ever want to live in the State of Virginia? McCain took the state? Holy shit! Romney too - barf and yuk!! And, Cuccinelli - lord, god almighty!

    3. Anonymous10:33 AM

      No, 8:43, OBAMA took Virginia in both 2008 and 2012. And, since November 2013, Virginia has had a Democratic governor, lt. governor, and attorney general. The northern part of Virginia has been turning bluer and bluer for years, and it's a good place to live.

    4. You're right 10:33a.m.; my post meant that even though the state, overall, ultimately went blue on all those occasions, my county stayed stubbornly red every time. And 8:43, you're correct too: nobody wants to live here, but sometimes you gotta go where the work is. I haven't seen that many stickers on any one vehicle here, but I have seen some clowns that have actually attached Truck Nutz.

  2. Anonymous2:28 AM

    And there's the Palin sticker to confirm that the owner is a moron and not just a racist and probably can't read anyway.

  3. Anonymous2:33 AM

    I don't think he should be impeding his back window view like that. Where is the cop?.

  4. Isn't he going the wrong way? The other lanes are facing us. And isn't it illegal not to be able to see out of the back window? Maybe he'll get a ticket from the evil government.

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      The car is parked in a parking lot.

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      5:19 It's parked, but it had to be driven to get there!! The vehicle should be reported to the DMV of the State of Virginia. I'm sure obstructing the view of the back window is against the law.

    3. Anonymous3:35 PM

      I think it is ok if your side mirrors adequate. After all, you can't see shit out the back window when you're towing a trailer.

  5. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Anytime I see one of these vehicles (and I'm in Oregon), I think "nutjob." Ever try to get bumper stickers off of paint or chrome? Yeah, good luck with that.

  6. Anonymous3:18 AM

    He does have a sticker celebrating the start of Obama's second term.

  7. Leland3:33 AM

    Unfortunately, neither ignorance nor stupidity are illegal.

  8. Looks like the owner chopped this Jeep Cherokee down so the clearance is reduced to just a few inches.

    I'm guessing that he's not only a tacky, angry redneck, but also very short. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but unless his friends are short, angry rednecks also, they might be embarrassed to ride anywhere in that piece of shit. But if the dude riding shotgun is also an ignorant redneck fucktard, no probs.

    Palin sticker was the clincher.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      The owner of that vehicle is probably short and has a very small dick!

  9. Anonymous3:47 AM

    But if you put just one pro-Obama bumper sticker on your car, the tires will be slashed, windows broken, spit on, etc etc. I've seen it happen.

  10. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Can he see out of his back window? Is that legal in Virginia? He doesn't like abortion, but backing over a toddler is OK? What a jerk.

  11. Anonymous4:05 AM

    I noticed a couple of missing bumper stikers:
    School Athletic Team or Band Booster
    "My child is an Honor Student at xxxxxx"
    College Alum Decal
    Mensa Member Decal

    1. Anonymous5:21 AM

      + 1,000,000

    2. Anonymous7:01 AM

      For Sale sign in side window.

      "Thus is my Jeep. ---> Tater Heath Cell# BR549
      If yer looking for a Hummer, call my sister at (xxx) xxx-xxxx"

  12. Anonymous4:19 AM

    What if Right Wing Bumper Stickers Told the Truth?

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM


    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      7:07 You are one sick puppy and I suggest you use proper English and spelling when you write a sentence.

      Thank someone that you are NOT in the majority of thought across our nation! Time for you to check into a hospital for the mentally ill!

    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Oh geez 8:36
      Don't you recognize satire?

  13. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Look how smart he is. He murdered a perfectly good Jeep.


  14. Ain't nothin' like bumper sticker wisdom.

    "01-20-13 Obama's Last Day"

    "If you think I don't support him because he's black then WHY DO YOU support him?"

    And my personal favorite:
    "Inheritance: a gift. Presidency: a job pursued. Impeach Obama"

    As a wise old teabagger once said: "Avocado crickets factored harshly on the stippled emblem flash."

    Tea Party Dementia: It's not just a state of mind. It's a way of life.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Thank god the Teabaggers are going down. The Republican party wants nothing to do w/them. Sarah Palin is no longer relevant and Cruz and his horrible Poppa are not regarded well either! Plus, they are losing elections across the nation!

  15. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Dude must've had quite a few rusty spots or bullet holes to hide with the bumper stickers. But one of his bagger suckbuddies should've at least helped him scrape the bird shit off the window. No need to cover em up. Stupid TeaBaggers.

  16. I find it curious that the state of Virginia issued "Nobama" as a plate.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      I agree 7:50! I think the State of Virginia, Division of Motor Vehicles should NOT have issued that license plate. Requested statements on license plates are usually reviewed before being issued.

      Bad taste as a state!

    2. Anita Winecooler12:54 PM

      I agree and wonder if they'd allow a similar type plate against a Republican President.

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      I wonder if they issued one with DUBYA on it.

    4. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Except that his plate says NOB-O-MA. Can none of these morans spell?

  17. cckids7:56 AM

    Christ, what an asshole.

  18. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I wonder what this guy would do to me if I parked next to him w/my 'pro' President Obama sticker! I wouldn't be one bit surprised to find out he is a gun carrier and/or a racist.

    Sorry to prejudge the owner of the vehicle, but those stickers are just a tad overdone!

  19. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Recently I saw a few idiots in front of the local post office with impeach Obama signs. My husband was driving as we turned in to mail a letter. I could not help myself when I yelled out the window, fuck you and gave them the finger. My husband was beside himself, saying that he would have to defend me when they came after me. I laughed and said I could not help it. I am so sick of all the bullshit Obama haters, right wing racist assholes in this country. I guess I would have confronted them face to face if I had been driving. Maybe I was foolish and immature, but damn it, I am so fed up with right wing racists, I could scream.

    1. Leland2:07 PM

      I really wonder what they will come up with when Hillary occupies the WH and we have our first First Gentleman.

      I have an idea, but I don't want to say it in mixed company!

  20. hedgewytch9:01 AM

    This picture perfectly sums up in a physical sense what happens when ideology trumps facts and common sense. This should be in the Urban Dictionary under "blind ideology".

  21. Anonymous11:18 AM

    hey Gryphen, have you caught this show... man these guys are wicked bad characters.

    Sinister Ministers: Collared

  22. Anita Winecooler1:02 PM

    Aren't there laws against blocking your vision and creating blind spots on your vehicle? Seriously, this idiot's an accident waiting to happen for more than the obvious reasons.
    I try not to make eye contact as I pass them with my tastefully placed Pro Obama bumper stickers, which are called bumper stickers for a reason. Well, at least they're spelled properly, but then some wise, entrepreneurial leftie teenager probably owns the company ;o).
    Virgina is for lovers, not bigots.

  23. Anonymous3:28 PM

    That's a lot of rage right there. Want to take any bets that he is also racist?


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