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Seriously if it's snowing outside how can there be global warming. I don't get it. |
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) on Sunday said he doesn't believe that human activity is behind climate change.
"I don't agree with the notion that some are putting out there, including scientists, that somehow there are actions we can take today that would actually have an impact on what's happening in our climate," he said on ABC's "This Week." "Our climate is always changing. And what they have chosen to do is take a handful of decades of research and say that this is now evidence of a longer-term trend that's directly and almost solely attributable to manmade activity, I do not agree with that."
When pressed further Rubio added:
"I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it. That's what I do not -- and I do not believe that the laws that they propose we pass will do anything about it. Except it will destroy our economy."
Hey do you know what else destroys our economy?
Being underwater.
Marco Rubio was once the darling of the Republican party, and a shoo in for the nomination in 2016. But now he is just another conservative pandering to the paint chip eaters who think science is just some form of voodoo that is attacking their religion and threatening their ability to drive giant gas guzzling four wheel drives.
He changed his tune on this subject! Does he really think he has a chance of being POTUS? Wait until Florida floods horribly, they lose food products, residences, trailer parks, vehicles, people, animals and land.
ReplyDeleteBoy, is he going to eat his words!
What is wrong w/Republicans? Horrible party! Vote them out of office or don't let them into new positions across the country.
Even if you are stupid enough to believe that 7 billion people can spew crap into the atmosphere at a rate incomparably beyond any in the history of humankind, it is piling stupid on stupid to just shrug and so we didn't do it, so there is nothing we can do to mitigate the damages or prepare for them.
ReplyDeleteThat is as stupid as saying well, earthquakes are gonna come, nothing we can do about it. Nonsense. People made money developing building materials and plans that would better withstand quakes. The same can be said of many natural disasters.
Developing different crops, developing new building styles, developing different zoning models to adapt to a changing shoreline. Different clothing, different climate control systems for buildings, the list goes on.
The republicans as the so-called party of business should know that there is money to be made in preparing for the effects of global climate change caused by global warming.
But hey, they made money on oil over a hundred years ago and by golly, there is no reason to ever attempt to make money any other way. Whatever happened to "Yankee ingenuity"?
They are so blinded by ideology that they are incapable of approaching the topic intelligently or in a business-like way.
Republicans are nothing but dinosaurs oblivious to the comet streaking through the atmosphere and they deserve to be squashed by it. We just have to make sure that they don't destroy us along with them.
Clap. clap, clap!
Delete"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
ReplyDeleteIsn't it time we deal with the extraction industry like any other company that needs to halt production and sale of a product that's been proven dangerous? They've had decades to move into new lines of business that don't endanger the planet. Eff Rubio and the rest of the willfully ignorant GOP.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't seen the Time History of Atmospheric CO2 Levels since the Ice Age, it's well worth the 1-1/2 min. viewing time.
Thanks for posting that.
DeleteYou make an excellent point. But I doubt that any Republican in the country would support any move to rein in the oil/gas industries. Rubio could make a mark for himself by admitting the grave danger that the state of Florida is in. Liberals are simply ignored when they sound the trumpet about the growing need to alter our national life style. Republicans have to join in but they are too fettered to the likes of the Koch brothers.
It's 78 degrees at my home in Wasilla, on Mother's Day! Most years there is still a little residual snow on this day but we've been baking for a month now and we're running 4 sprinklers on the lawn and the perennial beds. We had no winter, less than 3 feet of snow that happened very sporadically and then melted. Only 3 nights below zero. I'm having no trouble growing some zone 5a perennials and in fact some of our native species are faltering in these new warmer conditions. Things are changing and it's great to be wearing a bathing suit and laying in the sun and playing in the water in mid May but it doesn't seem right.
ReplyDeleteHere in lower MI, we had 50 days below zero, record snowfalls, ice storms, and my cherry tree is just now budding, four weeks late. Normally our flowering crabs are just coming out, but the trees are just making buds.
DeleteBut hey, God is just having fun right, Marco?
Doesn't he live in Miami? I hear they will be under water in another 10 years..nice legacy for your kids, Mark.
The City of Juneau just put this notice in today's paper, something I've never seen in the 42 years I've lived here.
DeleteThe City and Borough of Juneau water supplies are running lower than normal, and CBJ Public Works is asking residents to be aware of their water use. Due to unusually high temperatures which prompt additional water usage and due to the Salmon Creek water source being off line because of high turbidity, the water level in the reservoirs is down to approximately 30% of normal capacity.
Please do not wash cars or boats, water lawns, gardens, etc. until further notice. Lack of water conservation can result in lower water pressure, potentially causing areas of the community to be without water. This is a serious issue, and please do everything you can to conserve water.
DeleteWhen there are water conservation efforts in one of Alaska's soggiest cities you know something is up....sorry to hear this.
TBogg, aka Tom Boggioni, on Twitter just remarked that "Every utterance by Marco Rubio is a stark reminder that he first got into college on a football scholarship."
ReplyDeleteWell written Rolling Stone article about Miami's very wet future by Jeff Goodell.
Hey, no matter how thin you slice it, it's still Rubio Bolgna. Wasn't he once FOR humans effecting climate change?
ReplyDeleteI welcome any doubters to come talk to my neighbors who have been farming here in Texas since the 20's and 30's. Not anymore though. With the EXTREME drought conditions, they make more money filing for government insurance. Come walk around what used to be my lovely lush property but be careful! You will twist your ankle stepping in the giant cracks in the dirt. Anyone who lives outside an urban area has a front row seat to Extreme Weather, formerly known as Global Warming.
Yes, strange no Happy Mothers Day from any of the Palins or kids. Do you suppose something is up. Is Sarah officially out now at Fox? Did she get bad news from her new show? Is there problems at home with Todd? Did the Republicans till her to shut up? Did someone or agency file a suit against her. She is too quiet. Is she broke with her Sarah Pac and just wants to be completely out? Is the TeaParty done now and the Republicans don't want her either. Is she finally ashamed how she raised her kids? Something is going on. The media is not covering her at all anymore.
ReplyDeleteWe moved to our farm in SE IN in 1998, since then we have gone from a solid 5 in the growing region to a solid 6. In 16 years. THAT'S how fast this is going. I can grow stuff now I could never even think about growing. While this past winter was fierce, what did not die is raging with growth, trees that maybe shot up an inch or two, 6 inches of growth this year so far and it is just barely spring. And BUGS, my dog, they are horrendous. Ticks, fleas, mosquitoes. Blood suckers everywhere and soon to follow the diseases they carry. Wait till dengue and yellow fever start to infect the Florida residents with a vengeance. It isn't just the drowning that will get you.
ReplyDeleteHere in NW FL we had a cold harsh winter. Thought that one good result would be that bugs would be killed. But no. Already we have fleas and other assorted bugs galore. Just can't keep up getting rid of them and don't like to use much in the way of pesticides.
ReplyDeleteWith it this bad in May, I can't imagine what June thru Aug and Sept will be like.
The slow moving storms have caused flash flooding where there has never been flooding before. In many cases worse than hurricane Ivan a few years ago. And that was bad.
How Rubio can deny climate change with a straight face if beyond my comprehension.
Just wish the people of Florida would wake up to the realities of the horrible state government that has been elected. Hopefully in Nov some of it will be rectified and we can get some decent people (if there are any) in offices.
Is not if.
ReplyDeleteJohn Oliver & Bill Nye School Climate Change Skeptics On 'Last Week Tonight'
hey Marky, Don' t beleive in climate change? Come visit use here in the NW corner of Indiana - so much rain in such a short time yesterday that the covers were being blown off the manholes in the street due to pressure build up- why don't you catch one - with your teeth, you ReTHUGlican idiot?