Saturday, May 17, 2014

On Bill Maher's New Rules last night he challenges Republicans to use Benghazi to impeach President Obama "so he can kick your ass a third time."

Now as usual there were a number of wince inducing clunkers in the New Rules, however, also as usual, at the end Maher knocked it out of the park.

I loved this portion:  

"Now even casual news viewers have probably noticed a resurgence in the Benghazi obsession lately from the Right, and that can mean only one thing, Obamacare is working."

And then Maher encouraged the Republicans to impeach Obama for giving them "a case of the sads:"

"So do it. Put your flag pin on and do it. I am serious! Really serious! Rob Ford in rehab serious! And here's why. Because when the Republicans impeached Clinton, his approval ratings shot up ten points to 73. Obama's approval is at 41. He could use a little of that impeachment mojo. So go ahead haters, make Benghazi your big issue. Please, put Barack Obama back on the ballot in 2014, so he can kick your ass a third time."


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Sorry, Bill, but his current approval rating is 50. You go right ahead RWNJs, destroy yourselves. Espouse your "christian" principles taking everything away from everyone. I stand by the Kenyan Marxist Commie Hitler Socialist Anti-Christ Black Muslim dude.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Me too! He's the best POTUS we've had in many years!

    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Me too, also. Maybe we should have voted in a Kenyan Marxist Commie Hitler Socialist Anti-Christ president ages ago, it really beats the gop hands down.

  2. angela10:02 AM

    Most republicans don't do history or nuance.

    When everyone warned them back in 2010 that egging the astroturfed tea-baggers on would come back to bite them in the ass--they smirked. They are stupid in the extreme. This is what happens to a party that was run by one of the dumbest POTUS in history-- W. He expected them to be lock step with him as he called them obnoxious nicknames while he and his henchmen destroyed the country. Eight years of not thinking made their brains implode.

    Then came our current President and their moronic quest to not legislate for four years and only go after him sucked out the rest of the grey matter. They pretty much have become stumbling droolers on auto pilot.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      And now he paints. Screw you, Bush, and your whole fam damily. Make that six years and counting except to take away everything from the weakest......

  3. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "Should have set a number around 5,000 to 10,000..."

    Riiiight. Like even THAT would have lessened the comedic blow to the abject result of your futile little rebellion.

  4. It would be funny, if they were not destroying the poor, gutting the middle class, and, democracy in the process. If they can't win, they will cheat (again) in the next election -- through gerrymandering districts, using lying, smearing ads against progressive candidates, using with black money from the Koch-Bro et al, or simply rigging the machines...

  5. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I love Bill Maher and he was right on in this regard. The Republicans in Congress will never do it because they know they'd lose big time! They are such assholes!

    The Dems and Independents need to get out the vote in the upcoming elections and make sure that Republicans lose many of their seats across the nation. They are one evil party and do not support America at all.

    VOTE, VOTE, VOTE pay special attention to your Republican candidates. They say one thing and vote another. Research them and be an informed voter.

  6. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

    Yes, to the Republicans, it's called "slashing line items" but Democrats realize there are real people being impacted by their "fiscal responsibility" . Obamacare is working, where there aren't Republican Gov's blocking bridges and giving their states the finger.
    I liked his line about Fox News becoming the History Channel. GOTV and really give them "the sadz".

  7. "So do it. Put your flag pen on and do it. I am serious! Really serious!

    Gryphen, that's probably "flag PIN"....


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