Saturday, May 17, 2014

The abject failure of yesterday's protest inspires a new Twitter hashtag, #AmericanSpringExcuses.

Seriously, I thought 10 million people would look bigger than this.
So as we all know, and have the stomach ache from laughing to prove, yesterday's Operation American Spring protest was less than awe inspiring.

Interestingly enough the actual participants have been rather quiet since the debacle, and I could only find one lone poster on their forum even talking about this.

Here is what he said:

(I'm sure I'll get flack from the brainless radicals in the group). Hate to say it. But it is. From the start is was going to be. Really, 10 to 30 million? That right there was enough to put doubt in anyone's sane mind. Should have set a number around 5,000 to 10,000 so the left wing liberal news outlets would not have a field day with the outrageous numbers that were supposed to be there. The movement lost all credibility is (sic) had. Win the people, win the media.... win the war.

As you can probably imagine this guy was immediately labeled a troll, and a few people made a handful of lame attempts to blame the weather, or claim that most of the members are too poor to travel all the way to DC in response.

That was it as apparently most of the "real patriots" are too depressed to post anything since the protest.

However on the other side of the coin, those mocking the morons are only just now hitting their stride.

I present to you #AmericanSpringExcuses:

Personally I have to say I am a big fan of Operation American Spring.

I have not had such a good laugh in a long time. 


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Isn't this a stand off event? Until the death? What happened to the million malitia? Anyone there today? LMAO.

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    There would have been ten more but they were delayed watching Sarah Palin's Amazing America.

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    They are the 'little people' the Kochs corral ... 'millions' of them fit on the head of a pin while strutting about with AR-15's and Gadsden flags ... Palin's base. They are the indigent dumbest of the dumbest of the dumbest. The billionaire Kochs love them.

  4. My favorite excuse is still: it's the meth-cooking season.

  5. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Palin (as dumb as she is) incites these knuckle dragging idiots. She has carved out a special niche of infamy in the minor footnotes of human history. If she has a public gravesite can you imagine what folks will do. They best evaporate her into nothingness and pretend she never existed.

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Simple excuses for simple minds.

  7. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Operation American Spring is pure comedy gold! If you want a taste of how absurd this movement is check out the Mark Connors "Live Feed" and all the commentary at the bottom of the page. Every conspiracy nut around has been calling in about chemtrails and military convoys spotted in the beltway. Good old Mark has his bus parked 10 miles out, taking calls on a cell phone and sweltering in said bus because he needs the generator to power the cell phone. He's bemoaning the fact that there are no actual live feeds of activity because....get this....there is no activity...BUT chastising the MSM for not covering this 'historic event'.


  8. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Too funny! Our side has the best sense of humor/satire/snark ever. Rove's and Coulter's Atwater-like tactics ain't gonna work with this bunch...Love it!

  9. I thought this demonstration was to go through the week-end, and beyond that. I haven't heard if many others, or anyone showed up today to increase their numbers. I thought that maybe those who couldn't get Friday off might show up today. But certainly not in the numbers they predicted.

    Another delusional thought on the numbers of supporters this group and others who believe they represent the majority of Americans. When will they learn President Obama was elected by the true majority of the voters and represent far more Americans then they do, even if all of these delusional groups were to ban into just one group. I also haven't heard much about this at C4P.

  10. Ailsa1:40 PM

    "I have not had such a good laugh in a long time. " Me neither. I couldn't get anything done yesterday for laughing.

    This was all I saw today -

    "But one participant noticed seemingly Obama’s helicopter flee the White House as they approached it.

    Has the Obama Antichrist Rule ended?"

  11. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Awwww, maybe when they sent out the invites they just forgot to ask for an RSVP!! Planning a revolution is HARD! Since Sarah told them that using social media is "lazy" and "ineffectual", they probably used snail mail. And maybe they did include an RSVP, but the Patriots thought it meant Retired and Senior Volunteer Program!

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM


    2. Anonymous4:38 AM

      I wonder how many of these clowns are on SSI? You know, bad backs etc. One woman wearing a red outfit and cowboy boots looked like a hooker, there for a fund raiser. Over the hill, but available.

    3. Anonymous6:58 AM


      Was it Sarah palin?

  12. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Ya'll Quaeda gave up already?

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM


      BTW I am going to be using that :)

  13. Anonymous3:02 PM

    BREAKING NEWS: This just in, the Operation American Spring participants have taken over the White House. We repeat, the Operation American Spring participants have taken over the White House.

    Oh, sorry, the connection is bad... the report was garbled.

    Correction, the Operation American Spring participants have taken over the Waffle House.

  14. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Last night I stayed up to read some of the snarky comments on several progressive websites. I only planned to stay up a short time, but at 1:30 am I was still laughing so hard I was crying.

    And the best part? Most of the teabaggers who showed up at the Invisi-rally have so little intelligence or understanding of our language that they wouldn't understand why those comments were so funny!

  15. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I went to the Operation American Spring website. Their plan was to CAMP OUT and stay there in D.C. until Obama was removed from office by a "tribunal". What happened to their "occupy" idea? Are the same 150 people planing to show up day after day?

  16. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

    Gee, the way the official website laid out the rules, it sounded like it would last for days if not weeks! All that planning, and it had to go and rain. Ok, so next time they'll say ten to thirty million with an error rate of ten to thirty million. It's a resounding success if one shows up and no one walks away feeling inadequate, mocked and the brunt of twitter jokes for days.

  17. Weren't some supposed to go to Cliven Bundy's ranch? What happened there?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.