Sunday, May 04, 2014

Open carry demonstrators frighten restaurant workers into hiding in a freezer, and then complain that the police treated them like criminals.

 Courtesy of NBCDFW:  

Open carry firearm demonstrators are complaining that police treated them like criminals Thursday night as the group staged a protest with their guns. 

An email from Sgt. Ray Bush, with the Fort Worth Police Department, said Jack in the Box employees at the South Freeway location at Sycamore School Road, were scared about the armed men protesting outside of the restaurant. 

“They locked themselves inside a freezer for protection out of fear the rifle-carrying men would rob them,” the email stated. “The demonstration had no signage that would have alerted anyone to their real purpose, and to our knowledge they did not attempt to contact anyone in the Fort Worth Police Department to advise us prior to the demonstration.” 

Fort Worth police responded to the situation as if it was a robbery. 

“I’m upset that that many officers had to arrive on the scene,” said demonstrator Edwin Haros. 

Haros said that more than a dozen officers arrived at the restaurant where the group of rifle-carrying men planned a protest. 

“I would estimate around 10 squad cars showed up, some with two per squad car. I believe we counted more than 15 officers showed up on scene,” Haros said.

Yes how surprising it must be that a large number of police show up to a reported robbery which includes heavily armed men. 

These assholes are lucky that another citizen did not draw on them and shoot one or more of them, or that the police did not respond in a similar fashion.

It is beyond comprehension to me that these idiots think that walking around populated areas with weapons strapped to their backs or hanging off their hips is something that should be accepted by society.

Take my word for it, somebody is going to get shot eventually.


  1. Sally in MI3:34 AM

    Wow. Such fine physical specimens there. Makes you want to just go to the nearest Walmart and pick up your own assault weapon, just to be seen with these morons. And you are right. Someone is going to be shot. Many someones. I wonder if somewhere in the back of LaPierre's pea brain there is just an iota of regret for unleashing this on America. Somehow, I doubt it.

  2. angela3:49 AM

    These open carry assholes are the same guys I went to high school with who skulked around the perimeters and were socially clueless. Of course you then find out they are and were heavily armed and dreaming about making someone's day---anyone's day. Then they become potential mass murderers when they hear a car backfire in the parking lot of a restaurant. And they are still socially clueless. . . . .

  3. Anonymous4:01 AM

    It's intersting that the guys with the big weapons are all overweight. They'd do better if they went jogging or bike riding (without the weapons) and got some healthy exercise. Walking around a little restaurant whose employees had never done anything to harm or scare them seems simply ludicrous. I also wonder about the ethnicity of the restaurant employees; there is probably some pretty blatant racism going on here. But, at least, the local police did intervene on behalf of the unarmed. That's quite an improvement over what's been going on with Cliven Bundy and his terrorist friends.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      You wonder about the ethnicity of the restauraunt employees as if the protesters were racist? Sounds like you are the one carrying around prejudices with your suppositions Beaglemom. The police did not intervene on anything, they said they respected the rights of these guys to protest, no laws were broken. Somebody made a bullshit phone call. Is anyone actually dumb enough to think a dozen fat guys are going to rob a Jack in the Box?

    2. Anonymous10:11 AM

      My daughter worked part-time at a 7-11 when she was in college. One night, two guys pulled into the parking lot and started shooting up the store. All the employees hit the floor, and thankfully none were shot.

      The guys emptied the register and got away with less than $40.00. They were arrested an hour later and charged with attempted murder.

      So yes, I guess I am dumb enough to think a bunch of unidentified, heavily armed guys might be going to rob a Jack in the Box.

    3. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Yes you are correct, letting your college age daughter work a night shift at 7-11 does qualify you as dumb.

  4. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Yesterday was a beautiful spring day where I live. My family spent the day at a local festival celebrating vegetarians. There were hundreds of people milling about, listening to music and visiting various booths and trying new foods. Nobody was armed. Can you imagine that--hundreds of people out in public, enjoying the day, and no fear of being shot by gunzloonz?

  5. Anonymous4:31 AM

    The "militia" sound like knuckle draggers who are playing with their guns. I'm sure they would like someone to fire a shot at them and all hell would break loose. Law enforcement, at all levels, is smart to just let it play out until the idiots take their guns and go home or start shooting at each other. They may think they are really good at being tough guys but I'm confident they won't get away with it in the long run.

  6. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Just think of all the shootings that are going to happen at these churches. All these preachers who are having affairs, and the members too . They all think guns are so great, just wait. . There is so much immorality at these churches, it's bound to happen.. Somebody around our home has a rapid fire gun, because we here it all the time.

  7. Anonymous6:21 AM

    this won't end well...palin, pepe le pew, bundy, nugent, the militias and the other twisted gun nuts won't stop until they provoke these ignorant bullies into blood shed.

  8. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Wow. Those tele-tubbies in the photo don't look like they could draw real quick.

  9. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Is that lardass imitating the broad side of a barn?

  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    There is this romantic/fantasy idea these people seem to have. They seem to want to live out the old glory days of the wild wild west. Their heroes are John Wayne, or even rebel characters that ride through town shooting in the air and at anything that moves.

    These low-informed who probably watch only Fox News and think they have the pulse on the nation, seem to have itchy trigger fingers like the Bundy posse. They're turning themselves into caricatures and fail to understand innocent people could get killed. I feel bad for law enforcement and police these days.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      They all seem to forget that what they 'remember' is actually from fictional movies, not real life. In the movies, no one gets killed, the bullets are blanks, and if there's a mistake you just do it again. And everyone goes back home at the end of the day.

      In real life, bullets kill, and the extras don't jump up again after the director yells "Cut!", wash off the fake blood, and head to the local burger place for dinner.

      You know that, if there is bloodshed among the gunslingers, they will immediately blame the government they so despise for not protecting them. Already, Bundy's sons and sisters have filed complaints against the BLM with the Las Vegas Police Department. Seems they're willing and happy to request the protection of law enforcement when it suits them.

  11. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Open carry in Texass. A recipe for open bloodshed.

  12. Anonymous9:14 AM

    O/T but I just stumbled into this Gryphen, what a delicious smackdown!

  13. What a bunch of pussies who are now crying about being the "victims" of mistreatment.

    They beg for the right to be allowed to "shoot to kill" whenever they "feel" threatened or are "afraid" because they "think" someone else "appears" to be menacing.

    Yet now their fee-fees are hurt when regular citizens, real human beings just trying to do their jobs at their place of work without dying in the process, react to their own instincts and seek the only remedy available to them to resolve a potential deadly situation, by calling law enforcement for assistance.

    It sounds like the situation was handled properly by everyone involved other than the gun fetishists who insist on playing with matches in a fireworks tent because matches are legal to own and because "playing with fire" is so cool and fun for adolescent boys who aren't under constant monitoring by a responsible adult.

    These idiots insist that they have the right to assemble in public space with their dangerous toys, thereby instilling fear in innocent passersby. These "pretend domestic terrorists" will lose the support of the public by continually pushing the boundaries of their "lawful, absolute rights" and the rights of American citizens to to feel safe and secure in public without being armed to the teeth en masse.

  14. Anonymous4:12 PM

    More open carry:

    Man acting 'irrationally' while openly carrying rifle on sidewalk prompts response by Kalamazoo police

  15. Anita Winecooler4:36 PM

    How much does a piece of cardboard and a sharpie cost? Seriously, who has a "demonstration" or "sit in" without signage? I don't blame the employees nor the cops. The only ones treated like criminals are the public that read articles about a bunch of armed whiners.


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