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Cliven Bundy and his GI Joe wannabes. |
However, and this is no exaggeration, the moment I thought I had an interesting take on the situation, more crap would suddenly appear that was just as explosive and worthy of mention.
So I decided to just do a roundup of all of the most recent events and hopefully it will not prove to overwhelming or confusing.
First there is a response from the Metro police officers who were there on the day of the standoff:
Metro police officers who were on the front lines when Cliven Bundy’s army of militiamen drew weapons and faced them down are speaking out. Officers say that they “feared for their lives.”
Assistant Sheriff Joe Lombardo explained that “There was a possibility of somebody just having an accidental discharge causing a blood bath, because the individuals that were showing up, the militia quote unquote, were armed to the teeth.”
According to 8 News NOW I-Team, “At least some of the militia members who pointed weapons at police officers during the confrontation may have wanted a violent outcome and tried to incite one.”
Sgt. Tom Jenkins laid out the general feeling among the thirty police officers that stood between federal agents and Bundy’s domestic terrorists. “We didn’t show any fear that day, but I can tell you, we all thought in the back of our minds, we all thought it was going to be our last day on earth, if it went bad,”he explained.
Now remember these are not the federal agents that the Teabaggers are always vilifying, and claiming do not have rights in Nevada. These are local law enforcement who were simply doing their jobs.
Of course to the sane it is equally indefensible to threaten federal agents doing their jobs as well.
However threatening is apparently what these lunatics are all about.
This from the Daily Kos:
Within the past few days, local 8 News NOW received Police Reports and other information that show Bundy's Anti-American, Anti-Government thugs:
- "poured lighter fluid around" news trucks,
- Issued "bomb threats" against Hotels where Federal employees were lodging,
- told hotel staff they would be "dragged out in the parking lot and shot"
- Bundy thugs asked Metro Police Sgt Jenkins if "he was ready to die"
And when these gun toting dipshits are not threatening others, they are fighting amongst themselves:
Vicious infighting among those remaining at the camp – estimated at less than a hundred – broke out a little more than two weeks after heavily armed militiamen forced federal agents to back down from a planned roundup of Bundy’s illegally grazing cattle from public lands. After vowing to stay on and protect Bundy – who then stumbled on the national stage with an outpouring of racist commentary – the remaining “Patriots,” who have been raising fear levels among local residents, have begun feuding. And it has been revealing.
Apparently, someone within one of the major factions at the camp, the Oath Keepers, relayed word of the imminent drone attack to his leaders. Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes responded by pulling his people out of what they called “the kill zone” (the area the supposed drone would be striking). When the other militiamen learned that the Oath Keepers had pulled out, they were outraged.
Of course there was no drone attack, and only a moron would think there might be one, which caused the militia men to call the Oath Keepers "traitors" and cowards for leaving the "battlefield."
(And yes they do refer to the ranch as the "kill zone" so you can imagine the level of paranoia floating around that place.)
The Oath Keepers responded to these charges by making a few of their own:
RHODES (One of the Oath Keepers) : … and this is the tip of the iceberg of the cluster out there. One of our guys from Montana, Rick Delap, who was there from the beginning he’s been out there for 2 weeks in the dirt. The day of this confrontation [with Steve & John Bidler] I come to find out he [Rick Delap] had to draw on somebody. Two of the Mountain men guys came up to him — were aggressing on him. Then one of them ran back to his vehicle and grabbed an AR and came back with an AR in his hand and Rick had to draw on him. And those two ran off. That was this close [hand signals an inch] from Rick having to shoot that ding-a-ling. If that guy had raised his barrel, Rick would have had no choice but to shoot him.
How nobody has yet been shot at this ranch yet is beyond my comprehension.
But don't think that police, federal agents, hotel staff. and each other, are the only ones being threatened by this group.
Just take a look at how they harass a reporter who had the temerity to ask Cliven Bundy about his racist remarks:
I have seen numerous things in my life labeled a "powder keg" but I don;t think that there has been a time in recent memory where that was more apropos
Okay, this is just terrifying. Grown men "playing soldier" like little grade-school boys, only instead of Nerf guns, they're heavily armed. Small children realize "playing war" is only a game, but not these paranoid, low-self-esteem nuts. Someone's going to get killed out there. Also, how do these losers have weeks and weeks to hang around the "ranch"? Are they getting their gummint checks from Uncle Sugar to support their "taker" lifestyle?
ReplyDeleteOf course their "uncle" is subsidizing them...they certainly can't all be 1%ers...lol...you forgot inbred loudmouths...Personally, I hope they get what they came for...what goes around, comes around...and may they begin to eat their own...the summer heat is a bitch on trigger happy no nothings...
DeleteSo, what's your take on why law enforcement hasn't made these wackos move on? How can they not act on these guys setting up roadblocks on public property? Do you think they're just waiting for them to leave instead of giving them any excuse to fire their weapons?
ReplyDeleteI sure wish Scarah would pay them a visit... she'd fit right in... wack-a-doodle queen!
The infiltrators are collecting evidence of federal crimes.
DeleteI read one report that said that both federal and local law enforcement agencies are working to identify all of those who have committed crimes (threatening LEOs, blocking public roads, threatening private citizens, etc).
DeleteThey are compiling a mountain of evidence against these yahoos while they're biding their time, waiting for the media attention to diminish and the infighting to increase. In addition, the racist comments and the increased threats of violence towards innocent residents of the area is helping to turn the tide of public sentiment against the Bundys and their supporters.
It may be frustrating for the rest of us to watch when it seems as if nothing is happening, but I have no doubt that a lot is going on behind the scenes that we'll never know about.
It's also a tricky situation because many of the local and state legislators, including the governor, are supporting Bundy and his lunatics, either outright or by their lack of criticism. Law enforcement agencies who want to respond must tread this minefield slowly and carefully.
Anonymous at 8:37: I agree that they must be working behind the scenes to gather evidence, and am some point action will be taken. I also am aware that there are people in authority who actually support these bozos. In the case of people in authority who are not openly criticizing them- that might be the better part of valor. These thugs are armed, self-righteous and stupid, and I don't know a more dangerous combination of traits. The people who are not criticizing them may be protecting not only themselves but their families. The thugs are quite open about their willingness to put their wives and children out "in front" in case of military action- do you think they'd hesitate to kill someone else's family? I don't.
DeleteNo, I think this is going to footle along for a couple more months, and people will gradually ease away, and there will be sudden action.
Whackos with Weapons. Probably won't end well.
ReplyDeleteLOL! A drone strike you aholes? You're worried about a pilotless aircraft when a crop duster dropping a sedative will do the trick. While you're napping the Gov will replace your weapons with water pistols and Super Soakers!
ReplyDeleteWell, okay, no one wants anyone to get hurt. But all of those guys out all day and all night in the hot sun and under the chilly moon with their costumes on (sometimes like cowboys, sometimes like soldiers) hanging on to their guns means that something is all too likely to happen. And when the groupies start to shoot one another, guess who will be blamed: President Obama. I can see the FOX headlines and the Sarah Palin Facebook screed now!
Beaglemom, you're right! They will blame POTUS "he should of DONE something" or "He should of left them alone" anyway he will be blamed and the bitch queen will be proclaiming this shit on her fakebook.
DeleteSpeak for yourself, Beaglemom. These idiots doing a circular firing squad would be a great improvement to life on earth. Personally, I' hoping they engage in one soon.
DeleteBeaglemom 7:55, you can also count on conservatives doing what they always do, especially Scarah, claiming the President is to blame but never offering any solutions of what they think he should have done beforehand. It's how you can play it safe by limiting on how much you can be criticized by others. That's also Scarah's typical response every time she criticizes the President. She never offers any ideas before hand, but is quick to criticize afterwards. She doesn't even offer ideas of what should have been done beforehand knowing people will point out reasonable and practical fault in what she says, and for being Johnny come lately. Palin can feel safe by not providing solutions for any of our problems, and knows by just criticizing the President she will satisfy her small base, especially since she refuses to do interviews or answer even the simplest questions from the media. If it wasn't for Palin's ghost writer (RAM) which she pays $6,000 a month to write her posts and speeches, the other consultants and researchers she hires to guide her, Palin would have faded away from her stupidity long ago. All her base has to do is keep allowing themselves to be grifted by Scarah and her continuously declining PAC so she can keep up her facade of being relevant.
DeleteGiven enough time, the chances are good that they will start killing each other. They are just itching for a gunfight and if the Feds avoid confronting them, they will jump at any chance they have to prove their manhood. What good is all that weaponry if you can't use it? Hopefully, they won't kill any innocent bystanders.
ReplyDeleteApparently not a single one of them have a job or any kind of responsibility in their lives.
I was just going to write that. Much as I'd like to see the government end this 'war,' I think are on the verge of imploding all on their own. And as long as they stay on little Clive's 'ranch,' they are hungry thirsty and dirty. And no, they do not appear to have real jobs or real families.
DeleteWhat a bunch of idiots, all in one place. And we thought they were all with Sarah at the NRA hatefest last week!
Isn’t Clive’s legal ranch only about 160 acres? That’s big enough to support a family, but not a large one (Prudent Man Rule). Clive has all sorts of people (some relatives) wandering around. They’ll have to implode or explode.
DeleteI’ve heard of militia people getting so agitated with fear of a government attack that they hid in their houses. I presume someone was supporting them. They’d been fed a steady diet of Ruby Ridge, Waco, black helicopters and the UN for years. They ventured out after a while, slightly disappointed that nothing had happened.
ReplyDeleteGovernment is patient. Very patient. These guys are going to get what is coming. Wait until the geadlines die down.
ReplyDeleteI hope and pray that the lawful officers of Nevada are working together with the FBI on a plan that will end in as few deaths as possible. This may take quite a bit of patience.
ReplyDeleteWaco and Ruby Ridge were such disasters that the "go in with guns blazing" has proven itself to be a very bad strategy. See "Montana Freeman" in the wiki. The Feds wisely and slowly allowed the "Freeman" lots of time to stew in the situation of their own making for 81 days. That situation ended with a peaceful surrender.
I think the Bundy thugs are just itching for a "battle" and that is exactly what should NOT happen. Containment and close monitoring, calmness and watchfullness on the part of the sane and lawful officers is most called for.
One by one, over time and in low key way, I hope each of these jerks is arrested and put on trial. I hope the FBI has "eyes in the sky" and are making recordings of all these wanna-be Rambos. Let them explain themselves in a court of law.
The more time these simpletons have, the more rope to hang themselves with. I have little doubt that many of these groups have been infiltrated by agents tasked with relaying information to the FBI. All they need do is sit and listen to these fools with their plan to overthrow the US and set up their own little country.
Which would be okay if they actually pooled their money together, bought several thousand acres of their own land, and set up their own community by-laws. But seizing federal lands through intimidation and threats of violence? NO!! People who grab what they want at the point of a gun are THIEVES, not "Patriots".
That Bundy is a "Mormon" is another layer of religous zealotry. The "president" and "prophet" of the church, Thomas Monson, could ask to Bundy to submit to lawful authority, but he is sitting in Salt Lake City, quite as a mouse, that useless tub of lard. So much for being a bold avocate of the teaching of Jesus.
they should send little drones in there...w/cameras or darts to traq them :)
DeleteI agree w/the watchful waiting approach. At first, I was thinking "Get in there and show these morons they can't draw on FEDERAL AGENTS!" But now, I see the advantage of letting them tear each other apart over rumors and letting them bore each other to tears. Once again, Obama administration playing chess while Bundy Babies play tiddly-winks.
ReplyDeleteHow many times in the last 5 years has a patience-and-diplomacy strategy worked to keep our country out of another armed conflict?
DeleteWe know that, if McCain or Romney had won either of those elections, we'd be in the middle of yet another war, or two, or three.
As frustrating as it may be for those of us watching when nothing seems to be happening, in the end, a patient, smart, thoughtful and well-planned response is the best way to accomplish the goal with the least amount of bloodshed.
I wish the media would do a little more checking into Bundy's background. A retired BLM employee who had worked in Nevada told me that, given that Bundy is Mormon, lives near Colorado City and has at least 14 children, he is probably a polygamist. He also stated that Bundy's positive comments about Mexicans are because he hires them, almost always undocumented. You won't see any of them around during this turmoil as they quickly disappear when there is any chance of them being seen by government agents.
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting point he made is that the ranchers, at least the smart ones, don't want the government to sell the property because it would go to auction and to the highest bidder, which would probably be Chinese. Their livelihoods would actually be destroyed by the federal sale of land.
"Bundy's positive comments about Mexicans are because he hires them..."
DeleteAnd because he sleeps with them. Bet money on it.
I see a cannibalism fest coming. These idiots will become bored and stupider than they are and start attacking each other because all they live for is the government attacking them. And if the government ignores them and everyone starts laughing at their dumb asses . . . . Anyway, these people are mentally ill and I don't think law enforcement should shoot at the mentally ill.
ReplyDeleteAnd anyway, as Bundy is a racist old fool, he probably has a lot of unsavory shit under his hat. Tick, Tock for all of them. They are their own worst enemies.
It would be interesting to find out how these great patriots are able to hang out on this ranch without getting fired from their "jobs". Now where could these cough, cough, "patriots" be
getting funds from?
The leader who threatened Harry Reid saying he was going to rip his balls off lives on Gov't disability.I hope they see that he is fit enough to try and start an insurrection and pull the funds.
DeleteLet us not forget our own responsibility (too many of us any way) for being intimidated into not speaking clearly about what these people are.
ReplyDeleteThe government was even intimidated a couple of years ago into withdrawing an all too prescient report about these domestic terrorist, significantly deterring any sort of positive action to head off this growing threat.
Hear hear!
ReplyDeleteSomewhere in the info that has come out, there was mention of $40,000 be donated to support the militia. There was an argument about "what happened to that money? Cliven Bundy only got $12,500 of it, where did the rest go?" (Here's a thought: it's Nevada and there must be legal gambling, slot machines or whatever at the motels.) I think letting them stew in their own mess is smart. Jealousy between the groups is bound to tear them down little by little. And, it's getting hotter and hotter out there - can't be comfortable with no air-conditioning. 3...2..
ReplyDeleteNow these idiots believe THEY get to decide who does and doesn't "deserve 1st Amendment Constitutional rights?"
ReplyDeleteCareful, Bundy supporters...
it may be YOU next, whom they don't believe "deserve 1st Amendment Constitutional rights."
...its only a matter of time, after all.
Unfortunately this is exactly what they want. They've been bellyaching and fantasizing about the tyranny and the taking away of rights for decades and it just isn't happening fast enough, so they're going to MAKE it happen, then they can start shooting at feds and have their little insurrection.
DeleteUnfortunately, their ilk are so blinded by paranoia and ideology and, frankly, low intelligence, that they will never see that they brought it on ALL of us themselves. They'll see it as they were right all along.
Case-in-point: Timothy McVeigh. I actually know people who believe he is a "hero" and a "patriot" for what he did. Don't bother asking them what they think he achieved, other than handing the powers that be an excuse to whittle away our freedoms in order to make us feel safer from people like HIM.
And then there's 9/11. Whether it was in any way an "inside job" or not, the effect was exactly the same: more freedoms quashed via the "Patriot" Act.
As many others have been saying, we need to follow the money and see who is supporting these assholes to not have jobs while they hang out in Nevada and play cowboy. And then we need to try them as seditionists and send a message to those who would bankroll terrorists.
Think about it; WHO stands to gain from unleashing anarchy and chaos? Who has the resources to stay clear of the danger while the rest of us have to deal with chaos? And who will make out like bandits and be in position to buy up everything when we have to turn to them to help us pick up the pieces?
It ain't those dumb rednecks, that's for certain.
Businesses lose thousands in Bundy ordeal
ReplyDeleteMESQUITE, Nev. -- Hotels in Mesquite say they have already lost more than a $100,000 in business because of armed militia groups patrolling Bunkerville.
8 News NOW has learned Mesquite Police are investigating death threats to hotel staffers following a bomb threat earlier this month. The threats were reportedly called in by supporters of Cliven Bundy, the Bunkerville rancher battling over his cattle with the Bureau of Land Management.
As armed militia groups poured into Bunkerville to support rancher Cliven Bundy, so did threats.
One Mesquite city leader said the entire Holiday Inn Express was evacuated for hours following a bomb threat related to the Bundy saga more than two weeks ago.
8 News NOW obtained a police report which also shows the hotel received at least nine threatening phone calls in April, after they allowed BLM rangers to stay in the hotel.
Workers were told to kick out the BLM or they "would not be standing in the morning."
One Mesquite hotel worker, who didn't want to go on camera, said he was told by an anonymous militia member that he would be "dragged out in the parking lot and shot".
"We are not a playground for armed militias." Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., said during a meeting with area leaders about the militia last week.
Now lawmakers say these out-of-state, armed Bundy supporters need to go.
PS - Last week I posted the police blotter from Mesquite Local Newspaper which involved reports at hotels/motels. I knew something was up!
Consider this a microcosm of what our country would be like if the Teahadists & secessionists like the Palins took over.
ReplyDeletea domestic version of somalia or afghanistan
DeleteReminds me of the Hell's Angels vs the Outlaws minus the drug dealing and strippers.
ReplyDeleteBundy receives support from crowd at Town Hall (VIDEO)
WASHINGTON — Sen. Harry Reid said Tuesday that he has received “ugly, vile, vulgar” letters mailed to his home, nearly all of them mixing threats with passages from the Bible.
ReplyDeleteReid did not say who sent the letters, which have triggered an investigation by the U.S. Capitol Police and reports that the security detail has been increased for the Nevada Democrat who serves as Senate majority leader.
Horsford, who attended a breakfast in Mesquite, said he then talked to "another gentleman who said, well he's nothing but a welfare rancher, living off the taxpayer subsidy when he's a millionaire. He's not somebody who is trying to survive to get by."
ReplyDeleteHorsford then said, "And that is why I am calling on (Gov.) Brian Sandoval, Senator Dean Heller, the sheriff (Doug Gillespie) and any other elected official in Nevada to do their part to get rid of these armed separatists."
Loud cheers from the audience then drowned out his speech.
Time for the drones - they are ripping off our government - way past time! They wouldn't know what hit them!
ReplyDeleteThe government is doing exactly the right thing. These imbecile "Cattle Grazing Welfare kings" are selling their milk and cattle for top dollar, just like those who legally graze while paying fees, yet they determine (from the clip) which Americans are covered by which articles in the constitution. Give them enough rope, send a roomba their way and watch them do the circular firing squad hat dance.
ReplyDeleteEven a five year old "Gets it"
It's only a matter of time before Bundy tires of his armed house guests and demands
ReplyDeletethat law enforcement order them back to the rocks from whence they came.
Maybe Mama Militia * can go to Bunkerville and diffuse the situation .
She needs the publicity
since just about everyone has thrown her under the bus.
Except the lunatic militia types and the snake handling churches.
Hannity should be the one going to Bunkerville because he and FOX News orchestrated the entire fiasco.
But, you see Hannity lives in a gated compound with private security.
He would never allow the dirtbags he dispatched
to Nevada to set one foot on his estate
and threaten his family.
Hannity doesn't give 2 cents about the lives of the citizens and law enforcement that he endangered
by telling the lunatics to bring their ARs
and go defend this welfare bum.
I hope Hannity and his fellow FOX Bundy cheerleaders are all eventually charged as co conspirators .
* A non tea party sane Republican said Palin
could also be called Mama Malicious , another chimed in that she could be called Mama Bare because
she's always half nude.
You forgot to mention these militia are setting up roadblocks and demanding ID from people to prove they live in the area.
ReplyDeleteSorta like Ukraine and Syria.
It is the BLM, not Cliven Bundy, who is in violation of the law and the Constitution, specifically Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution.
ReplyDeleteThe clause, known as the Enclave Clause, authorizes Congress to purchase, own and control land in a state under specific and limited conditions, namely “for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings,” and not, as the feds now insist, to protect an endangered tortoise.
The Founders were opposed to providing a centralized federal government with unlimited authority to purchase and, as is routinely the case today, seize state and private land.
During the federal convention debates in September, 1787, Elbridge Gerry, who later went on to serve as vice president under James Madison, contended federal purchase of land “might be made use of to enslave any particular State by buying up its territory, and that the strongholds proposed would be a means of awing the State into an undue obedience.”
In order to make certain the federal government did not abuse the Enclave Clause, the words “Consent of the Legislature of the State” were added.
Madison, Jefferson and the Founders were primarily interested in limited government and the diffusion of federal authority over the states for the protection of individual liberty. In 1992, the Supreme Court issued an opinion on the framers’ reasoning behind the state consent requirement (New York v. U.S):
“The Constitution does not protect the sovereignty of States for the benefit of the States or state governments as abstract political entities, or even for the benefit of the public officials governing the States. To the contrary, the Constitution divides authority between federal and state governments for the protection of individuals. State sovereignty is not just an end in itself: rather, federalism secures to citizens the liberties that derive from the diffusion of sovereign power.” (Emphasis added.)
Madison knew unlimited federal power inevitably results in unbridled tyranny. “I venture to declare it as my opinion that, were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America,” he wrote.
Despite the desire of the founders and the originating principles of the nation, conceived as a constitutional republic, the federal government has repeatedly and habitually exacted dictatorial authority in Nevada and throughout much of the West.
“The United States government owns and has broad authority to regulate federal lands in Nevada,” the BLM arrogantly insists. “In response to challenges of federal ownership of the lands in Nevada, the 9th circuit held that the federal government owned all federal lands in Nevada, and that those lands did not pass to the state upon statehood.”
This is in direct conflict with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution.
Cliven Bundy’s struggle with the BLM in Nevada is exactly the situation Madison and the founders tried to prevent. The federal government does not have the constitutional authority to own land, beyond what is stipulated in the Enclave Clause, and its seizure of land, under the obviously fallacious pretense of protecting a tortoise, is a serious violation of the Constitution.
Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION: The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.[8]
DeleteThere is no point in participating in a government that does not protect the citizen's property rights.
ReplyDeleteIt is apparent from the BLM's unconstitutionl land grab that we are no longer participating in a representative democracy nor a republic.
The average citizen is no longer represented nor protected by our government.
It is fitting that Bundy turns to the constitution and the militia for protection from an overreaching government.
If anything, the sheriff on his country is supposed to protect him.
This is a another Waco about to happen and the majority of you are demonizing a citizen that needs protection from injustice.
Increasing the powers of a federal government diminishes your freedom and the freedom of everyone in this country.
NOPE. INCREASING the powers CORPORATIONS diminishes my freedom. Increase powers of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT keeps my water safer, my food safer, my land more peaceable, my courts functioning, my elderly better cared for, my children taught, my roads paved, my science advancing, my nation prospering.