Sunday, May 18, 2014

RNC chairman Reince Priebus on Hillary Clinton: "I doubt whether or not she will run for president in 2016." Hah!

Courtesy of NewsMax: 

Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus says that he doubts whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will seek the presidency in 2016. 

Even if she does, Priebus doesn't fear her as a candidate, he said Sunday. 

"Given the month she just had, I doubt whether or not she will run for president in 2016," Priebus told NBC's "Meet the Press" host David Gregory. "I know a lot of people around her want her to run, and I think that they're purposely creating this environment around here which is causing us to talk about her today." 

You know some people should never play poker. Clearly Priebus is bluffing his ass off.

Reince Priebus must be staying up to wish on that first star every night, in the hopes that one of his wishes will keep Clinton out of the 2016 race.

And that is also why the Republicans are banging that Benghazi drum with all of their might, and why Karl Rove all but accused Hillary of having brain damage.

However with every one of these statements, and outrageous accusations, the Republicans reveal their overwhelming fear that Hillary WILL run in 2016, and that when she runs she will ultimately emerge victorious.


  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    That smug look on this guys kisser makes me want to puke. And why is it we never hear from Mrs. Rinsed Penis? Another confirmed GOP bachelor?

  2. Anonymous9:30 AM

    "I doubt whether or not" doesn't make any sense.

    He doubts whether, or doubts she will. His statement is completely ungrammatical -- not that would make any difference to his low-information claque.

    1. Balzafiar10:59 AM

      It would have been much better worded if he had omitted "whether or not".

      Initially I wrote a post about his choice of words but then didn't publish it because after looking up more information on the term, I decided I might be in error. I'm still not sure, but at the very least he accomplished his goal of confusing a of people. That, my friends, is called doublespeak and is the Republican way.

  3. Caroll Thompson9:30 AM

    "I doubt whether or not she will run for President". Has he been talking with Sarah Palin? That doesn't even make any sense.

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Yeah, because he has no viable person to go up against her. As the old adage goes, take out the vowels and you have Reince Priebus.


  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    These CONS are hysterical, pretending that they actually care about Hillary and her health.

    They are not even good at faking it.

  6. Anonymous10:01 AM

    These Republicans always call things wrong when it comes to their politicking rhetoric! Look back at their history.

    Republicans truly HOPE Hillary Clinton won't run because they are scared to death of her and have no one of equal talent and experience to compete.

    I personally don't know why she'd put herself through another POTUS campaign when she and Bill would have a wonderful life doing OTHER things (to help the world and nation).

    But, IF and WHEN she declares, I'll be supporting her 100% and will look forward to marking my ballot for her!

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      I honestly think Hillary LOVES this country, and wants to help regular people. I sincerely do. Why else would she put herself out there for these vultures? Intellectually, they are her inferiors. When Bill was pres. Hillary wanted health care passed. Now it has started, she wants to improve on it, among other things. Little Rancid is a wuss, along with Fucker Carlson and Rove.Why don't THEY run for office, instead of slamming those who do?I wonder if Reince is married to Rove? KKKarl divorced his wife right as he left the WH. Word is he loves the gay bars in DC, he has the nickname Miss Piggy. He is wearing a wedding band.
      uss, along with other gop mouthpieces.

  7. I would like to see Hillary on one of the Sunday talk shows, just to see her suddenly yell Boogie boogie boogie! at the old white male republicans at the table (and odds are there will be at least one, right?) and then get up and walk off the set laughing her head off as they jump and squawk and cower and duck and pee themselves.

  8. Anonymous10:30 AM

    While $arah does her SarahPAC money bomb pole dancing prick tease over whether she'll run in '16, which she can't and won't, I'm just waiting for the screed to come out of her mouth over Hillary. An accomplished, intelligent, world affairs savvy woman versus a junior-high mentalitied high school graduate. You think she's jealous now....just wait.

  9. Anonymous10:35 AM

    The gop just keeps daring Hillary to declare that she is or isn't running. She is too smart to show her cards to them. Meanwhile, they waste time buy throwing everything at her just in case.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      The Clinton camp will know EXACTLY what to expect by the time she announces, and will have answers ready. These gop'ers give a whole new meaning to scared sh^tless.

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      11:17 -
      Between Bill's two Presidential campaigns and Hillary's Senatorial and Presidential campaigns, they have more experience in that aspect of politics than anyone I can think of EVER.

      There are no more surprises in their public or private histories and no skeletons that haven't already been dug out, examined, dissected, and displayed for the whole world to see. And STILL she's by far the most popular candidate out there.

      And, to challenge this political giant, the GOP has...

  10. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The GoPee really seems to be spending lots of $$$ to tell us all Hillary is not a viable candidate. But if Hillary isn't a viable candidate why are they spending even a penny or a second worrying about it?
    Hillary has the GpPee running scared and they keep running articles like "democrats are upset she hasn't declared yet" well we aren't upset at all, but Rinse seems very scared.

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      The pee pond is upset $arah hasn't declared yet.

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Well, they better start buying their Maalox by the case cause I see months and years of undeclared runs coming from Mrs Palin. The only thing that runs with that scammer is her mouth.

    3. Anonymous4:31 PM

      1:19 -
      With the crappy diet she eats, the other end probably runs fairly often as well.

  11. cckids11:17 AM

    "I doubt whether or not she'll run . . " . He doesn't speak English well, does he?

    I'm not sure she'll run, either; I think she'd make a very good President, but given what she/they went through in the 90's, given how the Repubs and the press have treated President Obama, given (yes, I'll say it) her age . . . I can see her think "screw this, I want to enjoy my grandkids".

    The Repubs & press seem to think that Democrats are not ever "legitimate" Presidents & the volume of disrespect just keeps getting turned up. Who could blame her for not wanting to throw herself into that meat grinder again?

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      I don't think she wants to take the risk of being remembered as a two time loser candidate, and ending up with a campaign 50 mil in debt at 70 yrs old, having to scramble to get donors to help pay it off, which would be much harder this time around. These are real considerations folks.

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      I suspect that, if she really had no intention of running, she would have made that very clear a long time ago, and the DNC would be working much harder at finding and promoting another potential candidate.

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      4:35 nobody shows their cards this early. It is always better to let speculation run its course for free and let the other side spin its wheels rather than give them someone else to go after.

  12. Anonymous11:32 AM

    He's nothing more than a clown like Palin et al.. The right adores clowns.

    1. Anonymous3:10 AM

      11:32 They do atract the low inteligence people. Even Santorum admitted that they will never atract the inteligent people. Thet get people like $carah, then act as though they are normal.

  13. Anonymous11:34 AM

    The repugnuts (made up a new word -repugnant & nuts) are the ones trying to smear yes, they're afraid of her and think she is running. It's like first she was faking her concussion and then she was brain damaged by her "faked" concussion.

  14. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Will the republicans be able to come up with someone to run against Hillary who appears not to be a bit ghoulish? All I see on the right are ghouls.

    1. Anonymous3:18 AM

      Let's speculate. Christie, Huckerbee or Gingrich? The dors of the WH would have to be widened to alow these lard buts through. They al lok as though they never met a donuts they could resist. Romney? Wimp with a bitchy wife who would run the office herself. Saint Santorum? He would rather be Pope. Jindal? He might not survive his litle trip to visit the Duck Dynasty people. Not a single, viable, intelligent person on the other side, not one. Oh, Rafael Cruz? Still Canadian no matter what his religious nut of a father says. Rand "Curly Top" Paul? Pretend doctor who could not pass the finals, so changed the rules to become an eye doctor. The clowns who represent them on the Sunday talk shows are all laughable. Reince, Karl etc. Rove's dirty tricks are not working this time.

    2. Anonymous5:13 AM

      My keyboard keeps dropping second letters. I am aware of that, but keep forgetting to check. Sorry.

  15. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Rinsed PeaBrain?

  16. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I agree that the brain damage comment was stupid and shows they are afraid of her. However, as much as I hate to agree with the GOP on this -- her health and age are fair game. Just as Christie's weight/asthma/medical history should be, McCain's age was, Biden's age and history of a serious aneurysm should be and the health and age of other candidates should be as well. I think Hilary is a lock for the Dem nomination, but I think we are foolish to think that she is a lock on winning the general. These questions are fair game and given the massive amounts of money the RWNJ have to spend and the distractable voters, we should not take anything for granted! I knew the minute the fall happened that it would become a major GOP talking point/smear topic.

  17. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Heh, heh, Proboscus takes writing lessons from la Palin.
    "... I doubt whether or not she will run for president in 2016,"

    His 'whether or not' has him safely hedging his bet. He doubts whether she will run and also doubts she will not run.

  18. Anonymous2:11 PM

    ...Republicans are so desperate and delusional that they actually think that they can scare Hillary Clinton out of running. If the past month revealed anything, it showed why Hillary Clinton should run for president. The Republican Party has nothing. The Clintons now know that facing the Republican nominee in 2016 will be light years easier than running against Barack Obama was in 2008.

    It is interesting that Reince Priebus thinks that they are going successfully to attack Clinton on foreign policy when there isn’t a single Republican contender that has any experience in foreign policy. Domestic policy wins elections. Hillary Clinton would be overjoyed if Republicans spent 2016 talking about Benghazi while she campaigns around the country reminding people of economic boom of the 1990s. I am sure that the future Clinton campaign would love nothing more than to talk about jobs while the Republican nominee prattles on about Benghazi and Boko Haram.

    The Republican Party knows that they won’t be able to stop Hillary Clinton once she runs, so the mission is to persuade her not to run. Priebus mentioned how he thought Hillary wouldn’t run three times in four minutes. That wasn’t accident. He can say that he wasn’t trying to convince Clinton not run, but the repeated mention of his point that she won’t run revealed his true agenda.

    Republicans know they can’t beat her, and their campaign to smear into not running, is doing the exact opposite.

    Clinton’s polling numbers remain high, so if anything, Rove and the GOP’s pathetic attacks, have sealed the deal and convinced her to run.

  19. They don't have a star and they know it. The slime will never wipe off of Christie now without a miracle, and Jeb brings back every horrid memory of his older brother, fair or not. And those are (were) their two least polarizing personalities. A viable Republican candidate that would give Clinton a real race, would have to publicly disavow the teabagger crazies, and isn't it too late for that? I don't think a resurrected Reagan could do it.

  20. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Karl Rove Destroys The Republican Party By Doubling Down On Clinton Brain Injury Smear

    ...The fact that Rove chose to double down on a smear that isn’t working reveals the degree that he is out of touch with current politics. The kind of smear that Rove is using worked in 2004 when he was able to swift boat John Kerry, but the times and technology have changed things.

    The kind of politics that Rove is practicing are antiquated. He is trying to build a smear into a legitimate news story two years before a presidential election. Everybody already knows about it, and the Clintons have knocked it down. If this was Rove’s big play to keep Hillary Clinton out of 2016, it has been a major failure.

    Rove’s brain injury smear was a personal attack, and it is going to do nothing but help Hillary Clinton. Reince Priebus seems to be taking his talking points from Rove, which means that Karl Rove is putting the Republican Party on the path to total failure in 2016.

    Karl Rove doesn’t get it. By doubling down, he is helping Hillary Clinton get elected president. Rove once dreamed of a Republican dominated political landscape, but what he is building is a potential entire generation of Democratic control of the White House.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      "Karl Rove is putting the Republican Party on the path to total failure in 2016"

      It would be the very first time Rove has ever done anything positive for this country.

    2. Anonymous5:19 AM

      4:39 Amen!

  21. Anonymous2:14 PM

    The Ultimate ‘Dick’ Move: Cheney Blames Hillary Clinton for Benghazi

    In a mind-blowing display of arrogance, war criminal Dick Cheney said that Hillary Clinton should be held responsible for Benghazi.


    1. Anonymous3:26 AM

      That is an atempt to change history, make everyone forget Dickless Cheney's part in that terible decade for the US. I refuse to watch the Sunday GOP cherleader shows. Did anyone ask Mrs. Dickless if she has written any more of her lesbian sort porn novelettes lately? This vile couple are still upset that their daughter, Lizzy, lost big time in her bid to get on the government teat.

  22. Anonymous2:17 PM

    'GOP ‘Going Crazy’ over Hillary Clinton'

    Former George W Bush political strategist Karl Rove generated a heap of controversy this week when he speculated on presumed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s cognitive health following a 2011 concussion. A Fox News Sunday panel consisting of Fox analysts Juan Williams and Kirsten Powers told Rove he was “generating sympathy” for Clinton, a suggestion Rove adamantly fought.

    “This was a harsh attack by Karl,” Williams said. “This is a personal attack. It wasn’t about ideas. The GOP at this moment is apoplectic over Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is to blame for Benghazi. Hillary Clinton is to blame for Nigeria. Hillary Clinton is to blame for Monica Lewinsky. Hillary Clinton was a terrible Secretary of State! You guys are going crazy! You’re beating her about the head and generating sympathy for her.”

    RELATED: Colbert Wonders if Rove’s Obsession with Hillary’s Health Stems from ‘Serious Brain Injury’

    “Be careful with your analogies,” Rove said. “Hillary Clinton is going to have to cough up her medical records. Look, the Center for Disease Control says a concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—”

    “You’re doing it right now!” Powers said. “You just stopped and now you’re doing it again.”

    “Doesn’t this remind everybody that you,” Williams suggested, “and your past as a very effective political operative, have gone after people, the Swiftboating of John Kerry—”

    “Which was entirely legitimate,” Rove interrupted.

    “I’m saying this as someone who’s known you a long time,” Williams said. “You’re an effective political operative, but you may be helping Hillary Clinton.”

    Watch the video below, via Fox News:

    1. Anonymous3:34 AM

      No, the swiftboating of Kerry was NOT legitimate. Even little Johny Mac said so. Rove also spread the rumor that the black girl the McCain's adopted was really little Johnny's from an affair with a black woman. Rove is a vile person, no wonder the gop hangs on to him. He will do ANYTHING for $$.

  23. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Gregory Grills RNC’s Priebus: Is GOP Trying to Bully Clinton into Not Running?

    "The GoPee really seems to be spending lots of $$$ to tell us all Hillary is not a viable candidate. But if Hillary isn't a viable candidate why are they spending even a penny or a second worrying about it?

    Hillary has the GpPee running scared and they keep running articles like "democrats are upset she hasn't declared yet" well we aren't upset at all, but Rinse seems very scared."

  24. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Lynne Cheney Still Thinks the Clintons Were Behind Lewinsky’s Vanity Fair Piece

    1. Anonymous3:37 AM

      This is meant to keep the scandal in the news. Lynne should stick to writing her pornographic lesbian novels. I wonder if Dickless has a torture chamber in one of their homes?

  25. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Rove Doesn’t Appreciate ‘Being Lectured’ by Clintons on Hardball Politics

    ...Rove insisted he wasn’t questioning Clinton’s health. “But she would not be human if she did not take this into consideration,” Rove said. “She’ll be sixty-nine at the time of the 2016 election. If she gets elected two terms, she’ll be seventy-seven.”

    Wallace pressed Rove several times over whether his comment was just “hardball politics.”

    “I loved President Clinton’s comments the other day,” Rove said. “Let’s remember: this is a guy who ran for re-election by savaging Bob Dole. He ran television ads that said, ‘The old ways don’t work.’ Bob Dole looked like Methuselah in the Clinton campaign ads…So I love being lectured by Bill Clinton, saying this is off limits. You can’t talk about her health or her age. He savaged Bob Dole.”

    “So you’re saying this is politics,” Wallace replied.

    Watch the clip below, via Fox News:

  26. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Reinhold & Co. have been merciless..........they should prepare for a counter-attack no less vicious.........grab something to hold onto...........they certainly are deserving of retribution.......

  27. They should have been worried about John McCain's health in 2008. His multiple medical (and mental) problems should have disqualified him from running.

    1. Anonymous3:39 AM

      Also, to, the mental midget he chose to run with!

  28. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Just remember, Preibus, like Palin, you point those fingers and six are back at you.

  29. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Reince even made the news Down Under, so that 20+ million more people could laugh at him.

  30. Anita Winecooler5:20 PM

    Yeah, Prebus, go sell it on Fixed News, no sane person believes you.
    An appropriate caption for Rience's photo would be "When I heard Hillary might run, I left a turd THIS long". I'm not a fan of MTP since David Gregory took the healm. He took a fantastic show and ruined it.

  31. Anonymous4:57 AM

    What does that sentence mean--I doubt "whether or not she will run?" Does he doubt she will run? He doesn't know how to speak English.

  32. Anonymous7:53 AM

    A little "whistling past the graveyard" there, Rinse?


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