Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Ronald Reagan's Benghazi.

Courtesy of the New Yorker:  

Ever since militant jihadists killed four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador, in an attack on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in that remote Libyan town two years ago, House Republicans have kept up a drumbeat of insinuation. They have already devoted thirteen hearings, twenty-five thousand pages of documents, and fifty briefings to the topic, which have turned up nothing unexpected. Kerry’s predecessor, Hillary Clinton, has already accepted responsibility for the tragedy, and the State Department has issued a critical independent report on diplomatic security, resulting in the dismissal of four employees. If the hearings accomplish nothing else, it seems that they promise to keep the subject on life support at least through the midterm congressional elections, and possibly on through any potential Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign. The word “impeachment” has even been trotted out by Obama opponents in connection with this non-scandal. 

Watching Issa silhouetted against the Belle Époque windows of the Italian Ambassador’s residence, which were wide open to a garden bathed in colored spotlights, I found myself thinking about another tragedy, thirty years ago, that played out very differently. 

Around dawn on October 23, 1983, I was in Beirut, Lebanon, when a suicide bomber drove a truck laden with the equivalent of twenty-one thousand pounds of TNT into the heart of a U.S. Marine compound, killing two hundred and forty-one servicemen. The U.S. military command, which regarded the Marines’ presence as a non-combative, “peace-keeping mission,” had left a vehicle gate wide open, and ordered the sentries to keep their weapons unloaded. The only real resistance the suicide bomber had encountered was a scrim of concertina wire. When I arrived on the scene a short while later to report on it for the Wall Street Journal, the Marine barracks were flattened. From beneath the dusty, smoking slabs of collapsed concrete, piteous American voices could be heard, begging for help. Thirteen more American servicemen later died from injuries, making it the single deadliest attack on American Marines since the Battle of Iwo Jima. 

Six months earlier, militants had bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, too, killing sixty-three more people, including seventeen Americans. Among the dead were seven C.I.A. officers, including the agency’s top analyst in the Middle East, an immensely valuable intelligence asset, and the Beirut station chief. 

There were more than enough opportunities to lay blame for the horrific losses at high U.S. officials’ feet. But unlike today’s Congress, congressmen did not talk of impeaching Ronald Reagan, who was then President, nor were any subpoenas sent to cabinet members. This was true even though then, as now, the opposition party controlled the majority in the House. Tip O’Neill, the Democratic Speaker of the House, was no pushover. He, like today’s opposition leaders in the House, demanded an investigation—but a real one, and only one. Instead of playing it for political points, a House committee undertook a serious investigation into what went wrong at the barracks in Beirut. Two months later, it issued a report finding “very serious errors in judgment” by officers on the ground, as well as responsibility up through the military chain of command, and called for better security measures against terrorism in U.S. government installations throughout the world. 

In other words, Congress actually undertook a useful investigation and made helpful recommendations. The report’s findings, by the way, were bipartisan. (The Pentagon, too, launched an investigation, issuing a report that was widely accepted by both parties.)

Two hundred and forty seven American lives lost versus four American lives lost. 

The difference? One happened during a time when Democrats held the majority in the house and a Republican inhabited the White House, and one happened now when Republicans hold the majority in Congress and the inhabitant in the White House happens to be a Democrat. 

An African American Democrat.

Though surely THAT has nothing to do with this, right?

Or maybe it does.


  1. Grrrr !4:42 PM

    EXCELLENT post. Thank you!

    1. Anonymous2:47 AM

      Agree... EXCELLENT!

      Ronnie looks far gone in that picture, that must have been when he was "running the country".

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Let that little rat Issa investigate! Will he investigate it like he did for the "Secret Service" Scandal? Yes that too was a HUGE scandal UNTIL the Todd Palin--> Pimping---> Secret Service-->David Chaney in 08 During the campaign (On Bushes watch) was revealed! Then he dropped it like a hot potato. (Johnny Mac also,too!)
    I suspect...when they get to the part about the video, like WHO....? pray tell put up the Money to get that video dubbed into Arabic & over to Egypt in time to start a riot for 911, when RMoney had met with rabid anti-Muslim Pam Gellar just a few weeks before in the middle of Aug. & suddenly this video magically appears just in time for Sept 11 during the Election year for lets see who had big money to do that?
    The Dems need to push Issa and not let him drop the ball like he did in the Secret Service "Scandal" that Malia can't get any FOIA's on....coinkydink? I think not, As Princess Dumba$$ from the North says "There are no coincidences"?

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    The first attack is the warning. But they stayed and there were two more attacks. Far more people were killed than were killed in Benghazi. Oh, but it was St. Ronald of Reagan who was in charge, so it doesn't count.

    Let's talk about another warning, a presidential briefing that was intended for GWB in August, 2001. He didn't pay any attention to that warning, either. At the same time, people in the FAA had been warning Bush to harden the cockpit doors to prevent hijackings. They didn't heed that warning either.

  4. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Great article! Easy remedy to the United States Congress! Vote out as many Republicans as possible! Simple! Dems and Independents - we need your votes!

    President Obama has been harassed way too long!

  5. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Not only do they want to rabble rouse against our democratically elected President, they want to tar Hillary Clinton for as long as they can.
    Susceptible and low-information voters may listen -- for a while. But even they will be turned off by the long, drawn-out, pointless re-investigation of Benghazi. There are more important things to worry about all over the world, and these fricking Congressman should be doing their jobs.

    Ronald Reagan got away with a lot: iran-Contra, an illegal deception of the Congress and the American people.

    Many voters today don't remember Beirut and the tragic loss of our Marines. Let's keep reminding the public as much as we can.

    Although Reagan, as dim as he was, was at least a gentleman, and had an even temperament, not like the rabid, ignorant tools who pass themselves off as spokesmen for "the public" from their pulpits in the House.

  6. Anonymous6:42 PM

    >>was at least a gentleman, and had an even temperament,<<

    sorry to burst your bubble but he was a scheming backstabber.

    There was the SAG blacklist, but even worse and more profitable, was the insider deals he cut with Lew Wasserman and MCA. Just go here and skip to the first mention of MCA and Lew Wasserman.

    Saint Ronnie reamed the SAG members while he was President of the SAG..

    "MCA was the heavy hitter in the negotiations, having purchased the rights to Paramount’s pre-1948 library and supposedly engaged in talks for Universal’s. The decision was made to call Reagan back to the ranks, presumably in hopes that he could sway MCA and Wasserman toward a better deal for the actors. As Reagan recalled in his memoir, he didn’t want to return to the SAG presidency, as his “career had suffered” during his last tenure. But he called Wasserman (still, remember, his agent), and Wasserman advised him to buck up and take the job.

    UM. ARE YOU GUYS SMELLING SOMETHING FISHY? Maybe some high-class, bastard fish that eats all the other, small, eager fishes and then pretends it’s the nicest fish in the pond?

    Reagan fails to manufacture a deal that satisfied the guild members; they go on strike. For six weeks. Everyone’s pissed and anxious. Finally, he cuts a deal: The studios would put together a pension/welfare plan of sorts for the actors, and in exchange, the actors would give over ALL RIGHTS to ALL FILMS made before 1960. It was a mindbogglingly good deal for the studios, and a huge eff-you to the actors. And that, Scandals readers, is what they call screwing the pooch.

    To add insult to injury, Reagan resigned from the SAG presidency in order to move into a joint production partnership with — you guessed it — MCA. When the United States government summoned a grand jury to investigate MCA’s monopolistic business practices in 1962, Reagan was called to the stand. In his testimony, sealed for 25 years, he admitted that he had been cut into a 25% ownership deal of General Electric Theater in ... wait for it ... 1959, after discussions with Wasserman."

  7. Anonymous6:52 PM

    We hold these truths to be self-evident...

    Reagan was an amiable incurious dolt who acted the role of President.

    Saint Ronald of Reagan is an imaginary fellow invented by the RW spinmeisters and has nothing to do with the real Reagan.

    Sarah Palin is an idiot.

  8. Anonymous7:03 PM

    And what about Iran Contra for crap sake? Saint Ronnie slipped that mess off his teflon pan as fast as he could. The man was an idiot and it still amazes me the right considers he was sane while in office. He was losing his mind faster than his aides imagined possible. I still cringe thinking about Mrs. Reagan consulting her psychic every day. Also the revelations in his daughter’s book about the miracle freeing of the American prisoners as soon as Reagan took the oath of office makes for some terrifying reading.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:16 PM

      Yeah, talk about "Family Values". Saint divorced his first wife to marry Nancy, and the daughter was a piece of work.... posing nude for playboy, speaking ill of her dad and his policies..... then when daddy got in the late stages, she schmoozed her way back into the family.
      Gotta keep your name in the will, get your cut of the pie.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      How about Iran Contra! Right! Add firing the air traffic controllers and ruining the economy with his "trickle down economics." How times did he raise taxes??? At his first summit meeting with the Russians, he fell asleep. Good times.

  9. Anita Winecooler8:12 PM

    Great Post/ That tweet says it all, and then some. What, other than Benghazi, do the RWNJ and mainstream GOP have to hang their hat on? Did President Obama start any unjust wars? Armed a terrorist country to help take down another country?

    And weren't there other GOP presidents in office between Clinton and Obama? Why have those eight years not counted for anything? The GOP has nailed it's foot on the porch and all they can do from now on is walk in circles yelling "Benghazi"

  10. Anonymous8:44 PM

    I love the photo of Reagan. He's not there.

  11. Anonymous9:20 PM

    To be precise, the Republicans do not "control Congress" - they control the House of Representatives. And yes, they are a bunch of a-holes.

    1. Anonymous3:53 AM

      Well, between the "60-votes-needed" filibuster rule, which the Republicans put in place while President Clinton was in office, they control much of what happens in the Senate. And by controlling the House they keep bills from becoming laws. It's one thing having party control of the two houses split but when one of the parties is dead set on not doing anything, virtually nothing can be done legislatively. That's the problem. So, in a way, the Republicans do "control Congress."

  12. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Saint Ronnie aka Ronnie RayGun.

    Wanted for various war crimes in Central and South America.

    Tens of thousands of dead, including various men, women, children, nuns and priests, and Archbishop Romero.

    El Mozote Massacre.

    Children's skulls turned into candle-holder souvenirs.

    Roberto D'Aubuisson Arrieta aka Blowtorch Bob.

  13. They can build him to sainthood, stick him on Mt. Rushmore, put his face on the dime ...for gay people he'll always be the president who didn't bother with any public speech on the matter of AIDS until after it had killed more Americans, alone, than the Vietnam War.

    But, wanna be an atheist? Then you gotta surrender all visions of him atoning for it in some next life. Tough one.

  14. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Well, Congress acted properly with respect to the Beirut bombing because Congress was controlled by the Democrats at the time. They were people who understood what their oaths to uphold the Constitution meant, who cared more for their country than for an ideology. Even the Republicans of the 1980's were more respectable and more committed to representing the all of the people than those in office today. And, of course, the president at the time was not half African-American.

    It also fascinates me that, during a six-year period while George W. Bush was president, there were 10 attacks on US embassies or consulates and 60 people were killed. In two cases, there were repeat attacks on the same facility, years apart, both with deadly results. The Republicans, many of whom are still in Congress, did not react hysterically or demand impeachment or resignations. But, then again, President Obama was not in the White House then. Then we had a true warmonger for president, someone who lied to the American people and to the United Nations because he wanted a little war, one he was sure to win, one that would give his cronies access to all the oil they could ever want. And the GOP stood by and never said a word. Their hypocrisy and sedition knows no bounds today.

  15. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I know the republicans are against wasteful spending, but how many times can they try to rid 'amurika' of "Obamacare" ? How many times can they "investigate" the IRS? How many times can they "investigate" Benghazi??????? I know these "investigations" appeal to their base of "low information and low educated" voters in order to keep their high paying jobs which is also wasteful spending.

  16. Anonymous5:01 AM

    OMFG! 9:46!
    do you have a good link or book to recommend...? This makes Ben-Ghazi look like small potatoes.

  17. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Fascinating piece of political/military history. You have to wonder if, come voting time, Americans remember that repubs did nothing to get them jobs, or clean their air and water, or deliver better healthcare. All they did was play political games while families suffered.

  18. The marines were sent there as peacekeepers to keep the peace between the muslims and christians.However,and it's a very big however,they soon began favoring the christians over the muslims.I would assume that went all the way up the chain to Reagan.The muslims who were at first happy to have the marines there saw what was happening and turned to the bombing of the marine barracks.I lay the bombing at the feet of the leadership of the marines.Just how far up the chain the about face of the marines to favor the christians over the muslims went I don't know but that was the reason they were bombed.They had given up being peacekeepers when they favored the christians over the muslims.They became belligerents against the muslims and were fair game.

  19. Pastor Beldar JC Conehead, DDiv, ret.2:11 PM

    "If a black guy fixes all the problems white guys created, thou shalt discredit and investigate him till the end of time.
    Benghazi 3:16"

    Damn it, Gryphen!! Why didn't we patent fake bible verses when we had the chance???

  20. "a good book to recommend"???? I was at BIA in 1983, I pulled bodies from the is the diff little pseudomarxists with your worn "murica" jokes.........WE had support............5 warships in eyeball sight, providing medical, naval gunfire, and air support,......we had extra security teams from cyprus in a few hours, with more from turkey right behind (us marines, us army, and an additional seal platoon........we WERENT under attack by armed hordes.........we werent begging for help by radio and satphone............and LOTS of people were held to account for the security policies imposed by the area commander. WE knew that even with this bomb, we were not being abandoned,,,,and NO ONE blamed the attack on a VIDEO, or try to say it was anything other than bad decisions by the command structure.........I spent a career US Army special forces and prior service before that. I have been to these 3rd world places, and seen how things work.....And i know these contractors were hung out to dry to avoid a "blackhawk down' that might mess up some punks election.....And before you call me some redneck....I am a black man.......and i know punks by their action


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