Monday, May 05, 2014

Sarah Palin endorsee Joni "pig castrating" Ernst has a new campaign ad. And this one has guns.

Courtesy of TPM:  

"Joni Ernst will take aim at wasteful spending. And once she sets her sights on Obamacare, Joni's gonna unload," the ad's narrator says while Ernst fires shots at a shooting range. 

"Give me a shot," Ernst says to the camera as the ad concludes. 

Her campaign declines to disclose to the Washington Post how much it would spend on the ad, but said it would air on broadcast and cable TV.

Gee, a motorcycle riding, gun toting, pig mutilator, what more could a conservative ask for in a  Senate candidate?

Still a little fuzzy on how shooting handguns prepares one to read complex bills, shape policy, and negotiate political deals in Washington.

I am not sure if Ernst is running for the Senate or trying to nail down an appearance on "Dog the Bounty Hunter."

But then again we all know that any candidate endorsed by Sarah Palin has NO intention of actually doing the job of a Senator. They are going to Washington to obstruct progress and undermine the public's trust in government. And for that perhaps testicle mutilation is the perfect prerequisite.


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    So busy rootin' tootin' & shootin' instead of working.... are we sure she's not a Palin?

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      I love how she "shoots" Obamacare when most of the base really needs it and most have signed up....What a fucking dumbfuck ad. And the Mom shit is so 08 people are GAGGING on that shit!
      Here is a scathing article on Palin:

      "The comment has been described as “deranged,” “sacrilegious,” “inhumane” and “disgusting” among others, according to a discussion board on

      Although Palin has conjured up a considerable number of disputes with controversial statements she has made in the past, this particular remark has created a new area of skepticism for Palin’s political aptitude.

      This specific instance of Palinism has prompted conservative Christians to question the legitimacy of Palin’s religious views, as she has claimed throughout her political career to be of the Christian faith.

      Aside from being utterly sacrilegious, comparing waterboarding to baptism is fallacious at best, which comes as no surprise considering the comparison’s source.

      Palin has previously received criticism in her political career for comments of this nature that have hindered her reputation around Washington.

      Who could forget the soccer moms and pitbull comparison?"
      I guess biker babe & MOM Joni hasn't seen this article and all the new Obamacare signups....
      Idiots all of them...

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I don't believe Joni Ernst castrated any pig any more than I believe that Sarah Palin ever field-dressed a moose in her entire miserable life.

    But I don't have to believe it, only their base has to believe it- and they'll believe any lie.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I think it would be a good idea for Ernst and PayMe to have a contest, a shoot-out. Raise $$$ for Ernst, have target practice and see who hits the bullseye. Cross-eyed $carah would lose, though I highly doubt Ernst is much more of a marksman. Both are lazy, shirk their responsibility to their constituents, and both LIARS. The gop draws the DREGS, especially the female kind.

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    We already know that Palin is one screwed up broad and are now being introduced to Ernst by her. Yikes! Ernst must not have a clue that Palin is the 'kiss of death' for campaigns (i.e. McCain and the loss to many others w/her endorsement!)
    However, both broads (cannot bring myself to refer to them as 'ladies'!) appear to be similar in their thought processes.

    Wonder if she castrated Todd? Wouldn't put it past her - especially when she realized he was pimping for McCain et al during the campaign. Or, did she end up getting on board w/him once she realized his endeavors were making 'them' money?

    Only the Toad knows for sure!

    Anyway - I'll betcha that Ernst loses her race!

    1. PalinsHoax6:58 PM

      "Or, did she end up getting on board w/him once she realized his endeavors were making 'them' money? "
      - - -
      Didn't the Ol' Vile One, during the 2008 campaign, greet campaign staff in her hotel room wearing nothing but a towel, while Tawdry sat in the room?

      You betcha she was in cahoots with the sleazy husband, the PIMP.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      I was going to say the same thing! Bravo! Will it ever come out who the male McCain staffer's were?

    3. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Castrate Tawd? Already done, have you ever heard his high register squeaky voice?

    4. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Steve Schmidt's wife is a nurse. He said she doubted $carah's trig story from the get-go. Maybe she is a democratic voter really, hiding her intelligence for the sake of her husband's career?

  4. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Just a little obamacare FYI: your insurance company now HAS to cover the cost of a breast pump. I just got a free one, which is pretty cool considering that they're a few hundred dollars and are a necessity for most women. never fucking hear the media talk about that...

    I know, I know...the trolls will say that I'm just in it for free stuff...

    But...whatever...let's ignore the hundreds of millions of dollars that the government has spent on penis pumps...

    1. ibwilliamsi5:36 PM

      But I'm post menopausal and I don't NEED a breast pump OR a penis pump! What's a selfish RWNJ to do?

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Put on a white hood and sheet and start patrolling your neighborhood! Git-R-Dun!

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    What? No red/white/blue 8 inch high heels? Ernst really doesn't know much about vote getting. Botox, boob job, and abrupt transitions to icky sweet little girl voice are Sarah Palin staples. Ernst could try for a turkey slaughter interview though.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Ernst is trying her best to prove her manhood. She should pass some of that on to Mom Jeans Gail and Todd.

  6. Anonymous5:05 PM

    As a woman i am tired of women like Jodi Angst..i mean Ernst and Sarah Payme always having to put on some kind of "tough" act as if women can't be strong and decisive unless they call themselves Grizzlies or Pig Castrators and shoot guns. Here's a clue for these imbeciles, words carry a lot of weight so how about they try to come up with some realistic well thought out solutions to what they consider are problems? any idiot can shoot a gun and shoot off their mouth. Look at Queen Elizabeth who behaves with deportment and no she doe's not rule Great Britain as Sarah thought however no one would question her resolve and integrity on an issue such as war. If politics were a chess game the Palins and Ernst's would and are merely the pawns.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      One of the most respected women in politics right now is Elizabeth Warren. She's certainly tough and smart (and makes the GOP shake in their boots), but I can't imagine her ever behaving as crassly as this in a campaign ad.

      A woman doesn't need to rip the nether bits off of barnyard animals to be worthy of competing with the men.

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Anonymous5:42 PM
      Nope me either.
      I'm sure EW is appalled by the stupidity and idiocy of the GOP women like payme & her ilk.

  7. aj weishar5:13 PM

    This woman watched "Machete" too many times. She thinks she's the Robert DiNiro character.

  8. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Have been around to observe/help the gelding of quite a few horses. It's a pretty prosaic process. Of course, the vet is highly skilled. But drama? excitement? nah, more like, good, okay, that's done, now let's get the stalls mucked.

    Perhaps things are different in the porcine world.

  9. ibwilliamsi5:31 PM

    Why do these people think that assassination (of anyone) is funny?

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      For the same reason they think that baptism by waterboarding is only a cute joke?

    2. Baldy seriously screwed the pooch on her "waterboarding/baptism" thing with her religious base! And the funny thing is....'IT'S NOT GOING AWAY!

      Case in point....this pastor met and hung out with Baldy and the Toad in Alaska and has contacted Baldy about what she said and she didn't respond to him! Bitch is straight up TOAST with the bible thumpers! LOL!! This is part of what he said...

      "Before I outline my controversy with the Governor, let me place them in context. First, I admire Governor Palin. I was on the stage with her in Dayton, Ohio the day she was announced as GOP presidential candidate John McCain’s vice presidential running mate in 2008. Instead of immediately approaching her, I went to the Senator to congratulate him on picking her, telling him, “Picking Governor Palin is the best decision you’ve made in this campaign, Sir.” I meant it and still believe it.

      When my wife, Cheryl and I visited the Palins in their home in Alaska, we observed her as the consummate mother, a gracious host, and a very smart and fun person to be around. She and Todd doted on their young son with Down Syndrome and made us feel like family. On that day I came not only to admire her, but to like her as a person. More than all this, Sarah Palin is my sister in Christ, which makes her closer to me than blood kin. We share in the same inheritance of faith–and that’s why I have a serious controversy with her over her remarks at the NRA convention.

      Before I detail that, though, let me say one more thing: I was at the NRA meeting because I am a new member of the NRA. And, because I was a Ring of Fire Co-Chair at the event, I was offered a complimentary Life Membership. I was delighted to accept and can’t wait to receive my credentials. Regrettably, I had left early to return to Washington, so I did not hear her in person, but I did watch the entirety of the speech on video.

      Now you know I’m not writing this as a contrarian, a dupe of the liberal left, or a defector from the camp. I write this as a concerned citizen, brother in Christ, and minister of the Gospel, mindful of St. Paul’s admonition in Galatians 6:1. The Great Apostle instructs us that if we encounter a fellow Christian who is “overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” So, in meekness, and in the knowledge that I have made and will make the same kind of error Governor Palin made, I offer her these humble words of correction: On the doctrine of baptism, “Governor Palin, you don’t want to go there, Sister.”

      If you don’t know what I am referring to, the Governor said in her talk about the treatment of enemy detainees, “If I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.”

      The Governor’s dark humor–if that’s what it was–is a serious fault indeed. It is theologically heretical, utterly sacrilegious, and supremely irresponsible. It contradicts the Gospel, it demeans Holy Baptism, and it possibly places the lives of Christians around the world at risk. I’ll explain . . ."

      There's more...but he ends it with this paragraph.....

      "Governor Palin, my dear Sister in Christ, I admonish you in the name of the Lord to retract your comments about waterboarding and baptism and clarify what you were doing and trying to say. In the future, when it comes to sacred concepts such as Holy Baptism, I remind you again of what you said about the Attorney General’s wrongly conceived idea, “Don’t go there.”

      Here's the link to the article....

    3. Anonymous8:10 PM

      They ALL go there, GinaM! Thanks for the link, SO tired of it.

    4. Anonymous9:59 PM

      What an asshole.

      So saying you are a Christian places you higher in his heart than his blood?

      Well, She's a liar, asshole. There.

      Go apologize to your family.

    5. Anonymous6:42 AM

      She QUIT as governor, don't you keep up, Pastor?? He told McCain it was a good idea to choose Palin? Obviously, he does not know her at all. So, just pretending to be religious is enough in the world of bible thumpers. Well, if the $$$ is good, what the hey, right? It must have been quite an ordeal for the PayMe's top pretend to be good parents to their grandson Trig. Maybe $carah did a repeat of the time when PIG was a baby in a car seat. $carah walked into the house, put the car seat on the floor with PIG in it, sent it flying across the floor and screamed "Somebody take care of this FUCKING baby" Such a wonderful mother, our $carah.

    6. Anita Winecooler5:49 PM

      OH, Gina, Thanks for that link!, But she already replied to his wrong rant

      "Governor Palin, my dear Sister in Christ, I admonish you in the name of the Lord to retract your comments about waterboarding and baptism and clarify what you were doing and trying to say. In the future, when it comes to sacred concepts such as Holy Baptism, I remind you again of what you said about the Attorney General’s wrongly conceived idea, “Don’t go there.”

      Lookie here! Trig Graduating!" Uh anyone want my endorsement? A speech? Fox? Hey Becky, put down the Cannoli and give Matt Lauer a call.

      The analogy had grown legs of it's own, My Evangelical Aunt, former Palin Toe Jam Licker said that her pastor ripped Palin to shreds; I just about fell out of my chair! He's had them whipped into a frenzy over how great she is and blah blah blah.
      Rough Crowd! They turned on her in a heartbeat, and I'm sure there are many many others.
      Bad Karma's a bitch, she can run but she can't hide. She's done.

  10. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I have a great campaign suggestion for Joni, sort of like Sarah's mounted shooting. "If you don't vote for Joni, she'll shoot your balls off-- while doing donuts on her bike."

  11. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Remember this is Iowa, people. They have the caucuses there for a reason!

  12. Anonymous6:06 PM

    If you have to keep saying you're tough, you aren't.

  13. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Yeah. . .cause two hundred forty sum lawmakers in Washington hasn't made it happen yet. But SHE will. She'll take on Washington and re-pill Obamacare and gain the favor of over 7 million Americans. . .

  14. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Who’s right? Is Faithful America and the 45,000-plus people who signed the petition overreaching or is Palin flat-out wrong? Sound off in the comment box below.

    Like Palinbots tried to change Wikileaks to fit her story of Paul Revere they are now trying to change the interpretation bible verses like "Jesus used almost exactly the same figure of speech that Sarah Palin used." !

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      That's 65,468 signatures. And mounting.

      Also.... that's Wikipedia. I can't imagine Sarah's braindead botz even know what Wikileaks is, even though they called for Julian Assange to be assassinated.

    2. Boscoe9:53 PM

      "they are now trying to change the interpretation bible verses like "Jesus used almost exactly the same figure of speech that Sarah Palin used." !"

      Someone should tell them that the Bible actually singles out altering the word of God as the very WORST possible sin a Christian can commit. Worse even than murder.

      They really need to read that book they pretend to believe instead of relying on charismatic charlatans who are telling them what they want to hear for money.

      They'd find that Jesus even warned them about that very thing.

  15. I live in Iowa and am beyond mortified by idiots like Joni Ernst. I heard yesterday that she was the leader in the primary race right now. Seriously? WTF, Iowa? We're smarter than that. Oh well...she won't win in November. But, just in case, I think I'll start volunteering for my Dem pick tomorrow :)

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      My husband and I grew up in SW Iowa, a very stuffy repressed place. I wonder what the ladies of the Stanton Lutheran Church basement think of their little Joni? Swedish meat balls and mountain oysters at the church supper....

      RJ in Brownbackistan

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      It's what you need to do, Kathy. You might have noticed that the last two Presidential elections weren't stolen. That's because of the efforts that were put in place to prevent it. Those resources aren't available for the mid-terms. Good people have to take up the slack, or you know THEY will.

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      She is, Kathy. Just the primary. RJ? I grew up Lutheran and know of church basements.

    4. Anonymous9:00 PM

      I have been told that the Iowa LT. Governor Kimm Renolds(sp?) reminds some Iowans of Sarah Palin! Unqualified and arrested for drunk driving?! Is she going to run for Governor?

    5. Boscoe9:49 PM

      @7:59pm: To be honest, I think the only thing that kept the last two elections from being stolen was sheer numbers.

      For some reason, Rove clearly thought they were in the bag even after EVERYONE else had conceded the inevitable. Believed it like someone who knew something nobody else did and looked just that shocked when his side lost.

      We have the numbers, but if we don't overwhelm Republicans two to one at the polls, they'll steal it all.

    6. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Yes! Bush's Brain had his ass handed to him that night!

    7. Anonymous8:29 AM

      9:49 It was a hoot to watch Rove and Romney when they lost that campaign! They were so damn sure they were going to win!

      Boy, do the Republicans read things incorrectly and they are STILL doing so!


  16. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Gun nuts hedging their bets just like they do with medical insurance just in case prayer and their creator don't exist and there is nothing after when death occurs.

  17. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Great post, Gryphen, especially this: "I am not sure if Ernst is running for the Senate or trying to nail down an appearance on 'Dog the Bounty Hunter.'"

    I live in Iowa and this woman annoys the hell out of me!

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      If that senate thing doesn't work out for Joni, maybe she can appear on Sarah's show as an Amazing American.

    2. Anonymous9:37 PM

      If that senate thing doesn't work out for Joni, maybe Sarah will put her on her Amazing Americans show.

    3. Anonymous6:49 AM

      She had better hurry, I doubt that the show will last long! You know how PayMe's kill TV shows with their boring "reality" Maybe if they told their TRUE story, they would get a show? List all the illigitimate grandkids, trial husbands, drunken one night stands? Yeah, that should do itErnst should have spent less time shooting (bothj her gun and her mouth) and actually did the job she was elected to do, instead of lying about where she was. She missed so many votes, they should have made "Where is Joni" bumper stickers like they did in Alaska during PayMe's non-attendance to her job. Someone should post photos of those bumper stickers and pins online.

  18. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Ernst needs to do some gunning from the airplane! Deer, cows pigs, dogs, if it feeds it bleeds!!! Kill it and grill it!!!!

  19. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Wow...I guess it really takes a pig to understand a pig...what an embarrassment.

  20. Anonymous7:59 PM

    So hard to imagine Bill Bryson in Iowa. He'd have so many funny observations about Joni and her pathetic ilk.

  21. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Why isn't $arah doing any endorsements in her "home state" of Alasssska???? For Gov or US Senate??

    Why isn't anyone asking her that question?

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Maybe they paid her to stay the HELL away.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      She has zero support in the State of Alaska and the Alaska Republican party especially doesn't have a thing to do with her!

      Surprised? Shouldn't be! She quit as their gov mid term - is toxic, evil, a liar and fraud! And, she was proven to be unethical by the Alaska Legislature - although she denied it while on the campaign trail w/McCain.

  22. Anonymous9:17 PM

  23. Boscoe9:39 PM

    And so, ultimately we see what Palin has done to the political discourse. The cheap, knee-jerk image packaging has never been shallower. Wanna scrape up some teabaggie votes? Wear leather or denim, ride harlies, talk with a twang, show a mountain and shoot a gun. Plus: FLAGS! Yee haw.

    This is really on the level of trying to scrape up some gay votes by making gay pr0n. Only an absolute moron would equate anything being presented here as "leadership" or "knowledge" or "capable".

    But, you know, the 'rill murikanz don't cotton to no edjumakated leetists tellen 'em whut to dew. They'll literally vote for anything that looks like it might "piss off a librul".

    God help us all.

    1. Anonymous3:17 AM

      This is exactly what she's done, not to mention the codependent media.

  24. Anonymous9:43 PM

    So Joni is a mother, a farmer, a soldier, a crack shot with a gun, she rides a motorcycle and she castrates pigs. But, what are her qualifications to hold office, any office? All that they have produced are some catchy slogans: she will cut the fat in Washington, I guess like she cuts those pigs. Qualifications? Qualifications don't matter if you are a mother, a soldier, a farmer, a crack shot, ride a bike and castrate pigs.

    1. Anonymous11:12 PM

      Not a "farmer", a "farm girl". I guess she's been so many decades off the farm that even Joni Ernst - noted liar - couldn't stretch the truth that far.

      And heck isn't it easy to progress in the Iowa National Guard or WTH it is she belongs to? She's not very bright and she has the rank to prove it.

      Sarah Palin isn't the only drag queen bimbo out there.

    2. PalinsHoax4:49 AM

      Gee, I wonder when Ol' Joni will be strapping on the faux pregnancy belly to pretend that she is pregnant!

    3. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Well, obviously she does not have time for the job, evidenced by the numerous missed votes!!

    4. Anonymous7:15 AM

      @11:12 Farm girl. Does her family get government subsidies for that farm, the way that Michele Bachmann did (does)?

    5. Anonymous8:27 AM

      You betcha her dad received over $370,000 in farm subsidies. Dallas Culver Montgomery County Iowa.

      Joni and her husband, Gail Ernst, are really good at blowing their own horns. In fact, the two of them could replace the whole Marine Band when he toot, toots about all of their accomplishments and their never give up drive for success and leadership. He also, teaches conformation classes at their Lutheran Church there in Stanton, Iowa. He did the most amazing write up about the love of his life when she was honored with a spot on the Plaza of Heroines at Iowa State. But wait there is more. Check out Gail Ernst, Red Oak, Iowa, on Linkedin the online resume service.

      Sarah Palin endorsed Joni. But, would the Ernsts ever endorse the Palins on their accomplishments, family values or faith based works? Or is the whole thing based on the full manure spreader of life? Bullshit, cow shit or chicken shit.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  25. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Even if I owned a gun I would be looking for qualities outside of a personal hobby.

  26. janice5:52 AM

    Have you noticed that Sarah is completely on her own these days. You don't see any top TeaPartiers or Republicans mentioning her name, not even McCain. She is not invited to any Republican events or Paul, Cruz, Christie or any others are seeking her out and you can bet will not invite her to any functions. I am sure the people she indorsed, she volunteered and not previously asked. That is her only way to be seen. The only ones who accept her endorcement are already losers like her. Oh, how lonely Sarah must be. Not even Obama mentioned her name at the Dinner. You can bet when his term is up, he will definately say something about her. She is on her own these days and everyone knows she is toxic.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Little Johnny Mac was at the WH C dinner, with his daughter, Meghan, as his date. I wonder why he didn't invite Skanky $carah?

    2. Anonymous7:14 AM

      @6:54 Where Cindy?

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      did not see Cindy. Must have been home, taking care of her boy-toy!!

  27. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Like to see all Senators take aim at Obamacare like Joni.

    1. Anonymous6:40 AM

      grow up and go get a vibrant life, 1/2 wit.

    2. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Most of them have tried, it did not work. Constituents LOVE the Obamacare, donch know?

    3. Anonymous7:13 AM

      The senators enjoy their own very comprehensive health care program, and guess what, we are paying for it.

    4. Anonymous7:40 AM

      6:04 AM Have you been up all night again? Do you need a job? I would like to see all Senators evaluate the FREE Healthcare received by the Palin/Menard offspring.

    5. That's because you are a drooling idiot.

  28. Randall6:10 AM

    Joni Ernst wants to:
    kick your children off of your insurance.
    allow insurance companies to drop you if you get sick.
    allow insurance companies to keep 100% of your premium, even if they don't spend a penny on your healthcare.
    make it difficult, even impossible for you to get insurance if you have a pre-existing condition such as diabetes or muscular dystrophy.
    allow immigrants - hell, anybody - to skip out on buying insurance so they can use emergency rooms for their healthcare, thus, driving up YOUR insurance premiums to cover them.

    Joni Ernst wants to do all of this because Joni Ernst's qualifications for civil service amount to castrating pigs and shooting firearms.

    Vote for Joni Ernst if you think Sarah Palin is smart.

  29. Anonymous6:38 AM

    The president has too much class to lower himself to even mention her name.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      He starts laughing if he even TRIES to say her name! She is a joke, a dirty joke with her crusty jeans, fake boobs, hooker shoes and dirty wigs.

  30. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Ernst and Palin should be - - - - - - - - - - ! You put in the words - mine are too foul to print!

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Exposed for the scum that they are.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:51 PM

      Buying better wigs?

  31. Anonymous8:19 AM

    The Republicans that are 'using' Obamacare/Affordable Care Act in the negative throughout their campaigns are going to LOSE! Just watch!

    Too many American have it and like it!

  32. Leland9:44 AM

    I was curious about something I noticed in the above picture, so I turned off the sound and watched the ad.

    My combat pistol instructor would have slapped me silly had I stood directly BEHIND my weapon as she is doing in the film. It is far better to stand slightly sideways to reduce one's silhouette.

    She closes her right eye when she aims, which destroys the depth perception of the shooter. AND she seriously blinks when firing.

    Further, she is holding her weapon so tightly her hands are shaking. Hold the weapon firmly, yes, but not so hard you shake like a leaf!

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Well, maybe not too bad for her first try at it. After all she is trying for the TP vote and probably was told that this is the criteria for holding office these days. Had to get that ad out before she was quite "ready" I'd say!

    2. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

      Leland, you're a hundred ten percent right. Years ago when we were taught, the instructor showed us the proper stance for which gun we were using and I clearly recall him saying "If one can't lift the gun from your grip, you're doing it wrong". That, and it's obvious the target was already bullseyed by someone before she even touched the gun.

    3. Anonymous9:17 PM

      She's in the military, right? I guess she never really got comfortable with a gun. Maybe her job was to drive officers around the compound.

  33. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Is it just me, or did this campaign ad seem almost like a parody?

    Jennifer K

  34. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

    What an ineffective ad. She should be wearing pig testicle earrings with a matching necklace to attract the lady voters.. Maybe dress in something more revealing, red high heels, red leather jacket, pencil skirt, seamed stockings, her best human hair wig, and roll around in some blood to target the gun loving men she's trying to attract. Watch what you ask for, Joni. One of your own followers just might "give you a shot". Ask Sarah about Gabby Giffords and how much Sarah suffered. You're headed Sarah's way. Pink slip, locked in her padded room, in her padded bra and rocking her head against the sheetrock.......

  35. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Joni's husband should be investigated as maybe one of our military leaders who is making harassing and sexual comments to our female service people, since he made rude sexist remarks about women smarter than him and Joni !She is an embarrassment to women in Iowa and should learn not to point her gun unless she means to use it. I am a farm girl , but that does not make me a farmer. I have a hammer, but that doesn't make me a carpenter!


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