Saturday, May 03, 2014

Sarah Palin thinks she smells blood in the water over Benghazi and takes to Facebook to bare her fangs.

Courtesy of the raging rabid wretch's Facebook page:  

With gravel in his gut and pitbull tenacity THIS is what America needs. Thank you, Congressman Trey Gowdy and others who are determined to avenge the murders of our brave Americans in Benghazi, and will also prove the insulting, sinful Obama Administration Benghazi cover-up. 

You lied again, Team Obama, but light shall shine on what's hidden in Washington's darkness with Republican lawmakers' laser like focus on the truth. America deserves nothing less.

"Gravel in his gut?" What is he a bird?

Yep, kind of looks like one.

Palin then links to a Newswmax article in which Gowdy, who is to be named head of the Special Benghazi Committee, claims that he has "proof" that "there was a systematic, intentional decision to withhold certain documents from Congress."

Of course his claims cannot be disclosed yet, because, you know, he has to invent them first. But his hint of such evidence is more than enough to agitate the always angry and ready to pounce Snowdrift Snooki, and get those poison glands activated.

I am sure that many of you are familiar with Congressman Gowdy's antics (He once called National Security Adviser Susan Rice "Stunningly ignorant."), and his dogged, and often completely unhinged focus on Benghazi virtually since it first happened. (He is also known for having the most confusing hair in Congress.)

You literally cannot go any place in Right Wing media without running into multiple stories on Benghazi right now.

This recently released memo, which is really much ado about nothing, has caused a  response that borders on mass hysteria from the wingnuts.

It really seems as if they feel this is their last chance to make something big out of this terrible tragedy, and they are not going to let it slip through their fingers.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    What took her so long?

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Comment from The Huffington Post…Antony C. (outlandish)
      POLITICAL PUNDIT·12,598 Fans·In something we trust
      Sarah is one very sick unit; she’s gone so far of the deep end that she’s beyond redemption. She feeds on hate, magnifies it and then spews it out and on top of that she has the functioning cognitive dissonance of a prepubescent girl who obviously has learned that with iota of recognition by the public, that she can run amok with puerile drivel laced with venomous hatred. Thank sanity that she never got to be the vice president and John McCain sure let loose a true minion of darkness onto the American psyche. She is the total encapsulation of what’s wrong with America and to a greater extent, what’s wrong with extremist fundamentalists.

      There is no difference between her personage and that of Osama bin Laden save the lack of facial hair, she shares his hatred for our freedom, progress, modernity and is just as visceral real in her animus as bin Laden’s was. She is the figurehead of where America is going wrong, the fissure that has divided the nation and deranged a great swath of the population, patient zero in a pandemic of malice rage without justification. The nation has been cursed and blighted since this wannabe secessionist was thrust onto the national arena and she’s been found wanting in her blind, clueless and malicious ignorance.

      Some people are truly dangerous, some people are truly clueless, some people are empty vessels devoid of a soul, compassion and empathy, some people are just plain rotten and Sarah is all of the above. She brings out the worst in people who follow her brand of jihad on the western world, She is the dullest and least among us but her sway is virtually omnipresent in her followers, She would happily be the Fuehrer, she would have her Chrystal Night, she would see the world erupt in religious wars. She incites a whole other faith to see America as the great Satan by being the great Satan.

      In saner times, she’d be locked up in a padded room and forgotten about but she herself is the vessel that corralled then unleashed the derangement posse comitatus that she now leads, a gathering of over weaponized religious, fundamentalist, nihilist that lack any morals, lack any semblance of sanity and despise the very way of life we live.

      She needs to go away and allow the nation to mature and evolve away from long held bigotry and resentments aimed at people who don’t hate what she does.

      She is a truly sick unit, with way too much money, way to big a megaphone and way too many psychological problems. She won’t rest until the nation is embroiled in a world religious war end times war and she’s baiting one for the dark side.

      30 APR 1:05 PM

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I'm confused ... I thought Ben Gasi was Piper's real father.

    Good news Palin is attending White House Correspondents’ Dinner this year.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Is she gonna call it a nerd prom again?

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Nor the Time 100 Most Influential People. Nor any episode of DWTS. Nor is anyone watching her stupid TV announcing gig. If she weren't so hateful and mean, we might feel a bit of sympathy at her coming demise, instead of unbridled joy that we won't have to listen to this cretin much longer.

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Nobody cares about Sarah, no one cares who she endorses or who she is attacking. She has zero credibility among conservatives or anyone. Yet she will go down screeching and it won't be pretty. Watch her to become more and more insane and nasty in her rants.

    4. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Awwwww, Saree all cooped up in Alassshka and not a Palin in site thankfully at the #WHCD so she has to tweet nasty garbage off her fakebook...BooFuckingHoo Bitch! Everyone looks FABULOUS especially #FLOTUS!!!

    5. Anonymous5:59 PM

      L@@K at beautiful Awesome FLOTUS!

    6. Anonymous4:16 AM

      Our gorgeous FLOTUS just oozes CLASS.

  3. Anonymous2:49 PM

    A well written and measured analysis by David Corn at Mother Jones:

  4. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Holy shit, that guy looks like sarah's brother they keep in the attic. Shut the fuck up, sarah. everyone, including your evangelical following, is sick to death of your hateful rhetoric. Take a hint 98% of America thinks you're stupid and ignorant and just wants you to go the fuck away. We want to move on and pretend you never happened. We flat out don't like you and find you babbling bullshit repulsive, k?

    1. Anonymous2:43 AM

      I would bet that guy has a whole group of "aides" that mince along behind him, giggling wherever he goes. My "gaydar" is howling. I do not care what someone's sexual orientation is, but when they try to act all macho to take down a decent man like President O, I get upset. He could be a model for hair products!!

  5. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Draco Malfoy's a congressman? Cool…

    1. I think he looks like one of the GoT chappies who desperately wants to sit in the Big Iron Chair and be mean to everybody who dissed him.

    2. Ha ha - Malfoy- Perfect!

    3. Yes! That is what I was thinking also.

  6. angela3:00 PM

    Crazy crawled out of the side closet again . . . . .You know if she gives her opinion its totally corrupt and ignorant. Keep talking Sarah.

  7. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Americans are laughing at these desperate politicians who are trying to find ANYthing they can do to besmirch this administration. Our President is happily married, a great and devoted dad, an exemplary citizen and man, funny, brilliant and mature, and they are out of their minds that they can't take him down. He just brushes them off his shoulder like the waste of space they are.

    Americans see right through this desperate flailing on the latest BENHAZI stunt and are uttering a collective yawn at this new way to waste taxpayers money. They'll waste another few millions or even billions and AGAIN will come up empty handed since there is no there, there.

    Sarah is trying to deflect from her trashing in the media, left and right, for her horrific sacrilegious 'joke' about waterboarding/baptism. She is so damn transparent, trying every which way...first a new dog, then a photo op with the closeted men they call 'husbands', then a 'where's Track?' knee jerk reaction from all the comments on this blog and a panicked 'watch my show' plea, since no one is and now she's jumping on the latest bandwagon for BENGHAZI!

    Every day that goes by she becomes more and more irrelevant and it's killing her narcissistic core. It's an all out barrage of 'stuff' to take the attention off of the beat down she's taking in the media for her stupid, attention seeking behavior.

    It's so good to see how she is circling the drain. So. Good.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Every time they start this charade again, I am reminded of the TV interview Obama gave where he caught a fly out of the air and smashed it. Sarah, you are just an annoying fly to him. Give it up already. He doesn't care what you screech. Neither does America. Now go get some gravel in your gut.

    2. Anonymous7:49 PM

      So true Anonymous 3:00 PM...thank you for the great post!

    3. Anonymous11:45 AM

      3:18 Another suggestion as to the demise of Palin...Alaskans want her to take a walk on a glacier and to fall into one of the crevices so deeply that she'd never be heard from again!

  8. Anonymous3:07 PM

    The gop thinks that everyone is as evil and sinister as they are. They can't find any dirt on Obama's personal life no matter how hard they try. Benghazi is the only thing they have and we all know that there is no there there.

    1. Anonymous2:53 AM

      There is NOBODY in their party who even comes close to the intellect and decency of President Obama. This galls them. They have Santorum the religious NUT, Christie, fat and corrupt. Perry stupid and corrupt. Jeb Bush corrupt and not too bright. Huckerbee the fallen preacher who would do anything for a buck. In other words, their group are all LOSERS. John Huntsman was the only decent, intelligent, non-corrupt person they had, and they destroyed him. Someone suggested McCain could run again!! What a joke, he is showing signs of being senile. Oh, well, Reagan their God had Alheimers while in office, so maybe there is a chance for ol' Johnny. Comparing the alternatives, maybe $carah is their only hope!!

  9. Anonymous3:07 PM

    News Max? My god, how hard is it to find news? Who would go to that site? Between the political paranoia and the stomach, back and heart health warnings who is manning the ship? It is simply bizarre and the closest thing to a political National Enquirer for idiots “who want to know ...” It is strikingly shocking Palin would even reference that rag!

  10. Anonymous3:08 PM

    The Five’s Beckel Goes Ballistic over Benghazi: ‘So What?! Who Cares?!’

    ...Bob Beckel decided he had finally had enough. Deliberating echoing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Beckel pounded the table and said, “We know Islamic radicals killed these people, what difference does it make anymore?!”

    “Let me finish!” Beckel shouted at Eric Bolling, as that host tried to prevent him from bringing up any issues unrelated to the Benghazi attack. When Bolling said he should care because the Obama administration “covered up” what really happened, Beckel shot back, “So what? Every administration covers things up!”

    “Who cares? Who cares?” Beckel continued. “Average Americans today, they are not sitting there today and saying, ‘Gee, I wonder what happened with Benghazi.’” As the other hosts started to push back, he said, “We’ve overkilled this. The Republicans are using this purely and simply for political reasons.”

    Watch video below, via Fox News:

    ‘F*ck You, Move the F*ck On!’ Cenk Uygur Flips Off GOP, Fox over Benghazi

    ...He cried, “Get the fuck outta here with Benghazi! It’s a tiny little fucking thing, man! ‘Oh, they changed it from ‘attacks’ to ‘demonstrations.’ Who gives a fuck about that?! Move the fuck on already, man!”

    Uygur turned the table on Republicans, asking, “How about the fucking nearly 3000 people who died under your fucking watch?!” He said the “gross incompetence of the fucking Republicans” should at least have warranted Benghazi levels of curiosity and told the rest of the media to just “stop talking about what Fox News is talking about!”

    Watch the video below, via The Young Turks:

  11. Anonymous3:13 PM

    John Boehner Takes His Orders Directly From Fox News When It Comes to Benghazi

    ...Americans should make no mistake that the decision to form a select committee to investigate the oft-debunked conspiracy theory surrounding the attack by Muslim protestors that claimed the lives of four Americans was not Boehner’s, he was just taking explicit orders from Fox News talking heads. Until yesterday, Boehner tasked the criminal head of the House Oversight Committee, Darrell Issa, to push the debunked Benghazi conspiracy theory, but even Speaker of the House John Boehner understands he takes orders from Fox News and quickly toed the line to avoid the wrath of Fox pundits that control House Republicans.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Their articles are so militant left. I used to like them but they arenas has as Fox, only on our side. Except for Sarah Jones, who is always right.

    2. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Fox has their ratings to think about, after all. They need to keep up the hysteria or their viewers will get bored and stop watching.

      All of the other Obama 'scandals' have been proven to be nonsense, so they need to keep ratcheting up the attention on this one any way they can.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM


      Can you please rewrite your comment in English?

  12. Anonymous3:13 PM


  13. Anonymous3:14 PM

    The Republican chairman of the House Armed Services Committee thinks Issa should stop: what happened has happened, what was confusing or not immediately revealed may have been to protect those Americans still in Benghazi at a volatile time, and from a confused lack of coordination of various gov't agencies as they worked to figure out precisely what happened while there was still danger for the U.S. in Libya. The entire region-- Egypt, Yemen as well as Libya -- was engulfed in riots.

    Sarah, is Rep. McKeon "sinful" too?

    Also, too, you've alleged that "warriors" were killed in Benghazi. Of the four Americans who died, two were diplomats and two were non-military guards. Their loss is tragic, but you should not sully their memory, Sarah, by not even knowing who they were.

  14. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Issa's Benghazi witch hunt has nothing to do with anything except money & trying to make Obama, Clinton & the Dems look bad. The more Issa can keep this in the news, the more his Tea Party base will donate. If the GOP really cared about Benghazi they would instead be working on solutions to ensure this doesn't happen again and they would stop slashing security funding.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      THEN they would have to take some responsibility for what happened, and the GOP is never, ever responsible for anything bad that happens on their watch. Isn't Iraq all Obama's fault now?

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      If Issa didn't have Benghazi, then Congress would have to vote to repeal the ACA again. They don't know what else to do.

  15. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Stop eating rocks, idiot. You redneck baggers don't have a complete set of teeth combined for the average GOP household of four.

    Dentures don't count either, Baldy.

  16. Anonymous3:24 PM

    The former Alaska National Guard 'Commander' is on a roll. I was beginning to worry she would skip Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi {{{ NOT }}} She was so busy with reporter, Mario Lopez, as he captured her family life in Alaska. And her tireless work for vets, torture and baptism.

    Tune in to The Sportsman Channel hit with the Palins and you will see Track Palin at work. Son Track to put floats on Todd's plane.

    Roughing it in the mud.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Who cares? Another fake show from the fakest family in America. And the meanest.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Thanks but no thanks. Mrs. Palin's Amazing America has yet to hit the top 100 of cable programs on any of its airings.

    3. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Willow has a GIGANTIC arm in that picture with Mario:

    4. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Willow has short thick legs, also, too.

      Who is the perv in the background playing pocket pool?

    5. Anonymous7:33 PM

      It is healthier she didn't go to a tanning salon but she is really bright white. How is the weather in Alaska? Willow looks like she thinks it is warm.

      Track looks like he is cold. How cold is it in Alaska now?

  17. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Sarah Palin lost big time with her "baptize" phrase. So this week she slips in "sinful" to see how close she can get to warming the hearts of the bible-clingers and still glide under the radar of rational people.

    But you can't get much more sinful than boasting about boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when you are high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages) and then bypassing neonatal intensive care equipped hospitals to supposedly give birth in a small hospital not even rated to handle twins and attended by a doctor that sees only a few births per year.

    1. 'Sarah Palin lost big time with her "baptize" phrase. So this week she slips in "sinful"
      I noticed that too!

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      There's a big difference between 3:26's example of Palin's lies about pregnancy, labor, leaking and birth vs. an announcement from the White House based on very little information. Palin's lies were made on purpose with the intent to deceive. The White House did not have all of the information, and they probably should have just told the media that. They did not make up a wild ride story with the purpose to deceive.

  18. Anonymous3:26 PM

    96 people killed in 13 embassy attacks while Bush was President. Where was the outrage then ????

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Exactly. And that was BEFORE thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died due to his and Cheney's greed...where was the outrage from the "Christians" then? The GOP is so transparent. And yet, nothing sticks, because there's nothing there. It is beyond pathetic.

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Thank you! How about the marines who were attacked in Lebanon when Reagan was in office? The worst lie was "There are WMD in Iraq." Condi Rice used the famous smoking gun could be the mushroom cloud scare. No wonder she decided not to speak at Rudgers.

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM


    4. Anonymous6:47 PM

      USS Liberty: Government Betrayal and Cover-up

      The USS Liberty suffered 70% casualties, with 34 killed and 174 wounded.

      Admiral John S. McCain Jr., the father of the current US senator, ordered Admiral Isaac C. Kidd and Captain Ward Boston to hold a court of inquiry and to complete the investigation in only one week.

    5. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Little Johnny Mac's daddy came through for him once again. The poor man had to cover Jr's ass on a regular basis. The Bush elders did the same with Georgie, Neal and Marvin also, too.

  19. Palin's jealousy and hate show in her face, her body and takes over her every waking thought. There is little doubt she wakes every morning seeing what she can do to compensate for the envy of those who defeated her ridiculous idea that she could live at government expense in DC.

  20. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I don't think that Sarah Palin is in a position to call anyone a liar. This is the woman who announced that she was already 7 months along in a pregnancy that did not show one bit. (Never mind that in previous pregnancies, Sarah was photographed, and she was as big as a house).

    Sarah lied about leaking amniotic fluid in Texas, and being told by her doctor that it was OK to give a speech at the Republican Governors Meeting and then spend the next 12 hours flying back to Anchorage while in labor. Any other doctor would have greeted the news of premature labor and leaking amniotic fluid with the warning to get to the nearest ER to get checked out.

    Does Sarah want us to compile a list of the lies that have come from the Palin family?
    1. Todd built that house with his buddies on the weekends
    2. No, the materials are not left over from the sports arena
    3. Bristol did not have plastic surgery. It was jaw realignment.
    4. Sarah never shot that caribou
    5. Sarah and Todd were not exonerated in Troopergate
    6. Sarah claimed to have learned about Trig's DS while she was pregnant. She sneaked into a geneticist's office by the back door so no one would recognize her and she used a fake name. (There was no need for that. Doctors cannot,divulge any medical details due to HIPPA, no matter what fake name you use. And no one in Anchorage would recognize the much photographed governor? Boy, can she tell some whoppers).
    7. Willow took one look at Trig and diagnosed DS, even when doctors (or a geneticist) have to examine the chromosomes under a microscope.
    8. When Governor Palin lived in Juneau, she claimed that they had to move back to Wasilla because Bristol and Willow were subjected to threats of rape-- threats that were never reported to the local police or to the school authorities.
    9. Everything about Sarah Palin is fake, from her wig to her fake boobs. Her image is fake. Remember when she carved the turkey after watching the video number times-- carving the turkey from the back using her cheese knife.
    10. Her posts are ghost written.
    I'm sure that I have forgotton many more of Palin's lies. Or, should we call them "Palin's Deceptions," in memory of all the stories that Sarah Palin has told.

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Thank you.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Just one small correction is is HIPAA, not HIPPA. It stands for the "Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act". Other than that, carry on.

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Add to the list: Misleading the citizens of Alaska and the United States as to the real explanation for her sudden resignation in 2009. When she blames it on everything but the elephant in the room, that is a lie. Joe Miller knows probably knows why she quit.

    4. Anonymous3:05 AM

      Bristles and Willing call sex "rape" Everyone knew Bristles wanted to get pregnant and was very sexually active, but claimed Levi raped her in that tent. Yeah, sure he did. The PayMe clan lie as easily as they breathe.

  21. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Benghazi has been turned into a local joke where I live. Anytime there's town controversy, we add "ghazi" to the word.

    Sure, there are things covered up. Sure, this administration is most secretive. J Stewart even said that.

    But this is getting didic. There are so many other things to nail O and people on

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Please give examples.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      What 'something that isn't didic' would you 'nail O and people on'?

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM

      What the hell is "didic?"

      Aren't you Sunny's Facebook stalker who lives in America's wang. Every time someone makes an idiot of himself, we assume he's from Florida.

      Now please, don't pretend you are a reasonable person. You blindly support someone who equates torture to baptism and who told the President to stop shucking and jiving and who shakes hands with racists on a regular basis. That's who Sarah Palin is and that's who you put on a pedestal.

      Is your unemployed self getting some of that sweet, sweet Obamacare?

    4. Anonymous5:23 PM

      3:35pm We have our local jokes here in Wasilla as well. When someone does something stupid we call it "doing a Palin".

    5. Anonymous6:11 PM

      'Nalin' Palin?

    6. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Like adding "gate" to any scandal.
      Seek new material, pubelicans!

    7. Anonymous3:08 AM

      I heard the Wasilla high school erected (snicker, snicker) a statue in honor of the short time Bristles and Willing attended also, too. Every guy in the area recognized the vagina shaped statue as being Palin inspired.

  22. Anonymous3:37 PM

    "With gravel in his gut"? It reminds me of the character "Walter" on Crocodile Dundee 2, when he tries to scare the bad guys and describes the "Jaba Jaba" bird, "A very large native bird".

    Yes, Trey could be the Gowdy Gowdy bird, a very annoying Republican bird.

    Sarah is really fuming and will post anything to make herself relevant; she's grasping at straws.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Can you imagine the offspring is this guy had gotten together with Callista Gingrich and bred?

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Trey looks like a Hoot Owl. He and Calista would breed Gooney Birds. Ol' Newter can't get it up anymore.

    3. Anonymous7:41 PM



    4. Anonymous8:11 PM

      I could imagine Tray and Paul Rubens getting busted for happy endings in a public restroom

    5. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Newter as in Newt Gingrich.

    6. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Newticles Gingrich has lost his mojo. Just gave up and let himself go, fat as a HOG.

  23. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I would like to slap that bitches face. Using loaded words like sinful. Screw you Sarah. I hope you choke on on moose chili and drop dead.

  24. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Wait a minute. Vultures feed off the dead to stay alive.

    Okay. Benghazi makes sense now.

  25. Anonymous3:39 PM

    The SHE devil works so hard at perceived "secrets" when she holds the biggest ones of all....Trig is not her biological son and Todd was a pimp. Projection much, Mrs.Palin? Or is it true you and the Toad are not even married anymore?

  26. janice3:41 PM

    OT... you notice no one from Fox invited Sarah to the WH dinner tonight. She is probably the only one left out.

    1. janice4:12 PM

      Can you imagine, a Duck Dynasty family member is at the correspondence dinner. That has to really make Sarah mad.

    2. AKinPA4:25 PM

      It doesn't look like anyone invited her to the Kentucky Derby this year either. What a pity!

    3. Anonymous5:19 PM

      When IS the last time that Sarah was on Fox?

    4. Anonymous3:12 AM

      3:41 Wanna bet the black woman with her hooters exposed on Faux was at that dinner? All I can think is that her legs must not be too photogenic, since they highlight her "assets" as a journalist.

  27. "prove the insulting, sinful"
    Sinful? How dare you, you monstrous, evil, hate-filled , sin-filled, lying harpy?

    Roast in hell, Palin, for the evil rage with which you befoul everything you touch.

  28. Sarah, ought to worry about your own soul instead of the pretend sins of others.
    Galatians 5:22-23 ..the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, kindness, goodness, faith,mildness, self control.
    Galatians 5:26- Let us not become egotistical, stirring up competition with one another, envying one another.

    She sure does not seem to have any of the qualities that the Spirit requires. Well, since she is only a pretend Christian, I shouldn't expect her to.

  29. Anonymous4:01 PM

    oh, she's just warming up, getting ready to insult everyone at the big dance that she wasn't invited to.... again.

  30. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Palin is a resilient pathogen because of her parasitic enablers but she will eventually be eradicated. Her essential nature has become obvious to all but the most obtuse.

  31. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Hopefully the Select Committee
    Will finally get the proof
    To Impeach Obama and ruin Hillary
    Thank you Sarah
    Take back our country

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      When your trolling is published do you fap?

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      take our country forward

    3. Anonymous4:35 PM

      how exactly is 'someone' who quit her job/obligation supposed to 'take back our country"?

    4. Anonymous4:37 PM

      We don't want Sarah to take our country back, asshole. We want Obama and Hillary to take our country FORWARD!

    5. Anonymous4:52 PM

      4:10 PM Hasn't she done enough to Alaska to prove to you that she is incompetent? You must 'nut up' every time that you post that Bullshit here. Sarah can't even raise a decent Family without Drug problems, a Pimp, and Bastard Babies.

    6. Anonymous5:29 PM

      "Take our country backwards"


    7. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Missed ya, snarkmaster 4:10 PM!
      How soon they forget. Well played!

    8. Anonymous7:55 PM

      4:10-This comment was obviously written by a low educated person. Didn't u learn about the use of periods to end sentences?

    9. Anonymous3:16 AM

      Wow. Levi's custody battle must have lots of red meat for $carah to be so upset. We all know she could give a hoot about "brave Americans" in Benghazzi. Everything is piling up on her. The custody fight, the W.H. dinner with no invite for her, the TV show nobody watches, the baptism gaffe. Poor, poor $carah, the media is ripping her apart again, with lots of help from - $carah herself!!

  32. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Lucky for Scarah that no one she knows reads IM. Track Palin is her best military prop. She would have heard about all the attention her troll brought to Track Palin's stint in the Army. And the questioning if he has a work record, his manhood in regard to his child, why is he stuck in a hanger with the needy and what the hey is up with his drug problems? The public wants to know. Scarah wants to sell the Republican Benghazi rigmarole as a way to prove she is a great patriot and will stand up to the government. Especially if she can reveal that President Obama is at fault and the anti-American one. McCain can mention her name again with the torture/baptisement brouhaha behind her.

    Scarah wouldn't care to distract....

  33. Anonymous4:28 PM

    But no outrage over the Bush administration lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq/...and all those who were killed there...mission accomplished... Nothing....crickets...OK...

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      What ever happened to Bush lied, thousands and thousand and thousands died?

    2. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Since the gop is so hot about Benghazzi, it is time the Democratic politicians opened up enquiries about the DOZENS killed in Embassy attacks on their watch. It is sad 4 people died, but what about the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS in the unecessary wars they backed? Useless as tits on bulls these gop clowns.

  34. janice4:45 PM

    You can bet Sarah will bash the White House dinner. She wasn't invited, so she is free to say it was horrible.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      One year when Sarah wasn't invited, she called them "ass clowns." That's what happens when they have the prom but you're not going.

  35. Anonymous5:11 PM

    How many times was Sarah Palin invited to the WHCD? If she looks busy enough and doing important work maybe no one will notices she is missing the big event.

    1. Anonymous10:29 PM

      Yeah,,,she is of her taken yesterday at the Anchorage Costco. Standin' all one talking to her, no one asking for her autograph. Photo is on Politicalgates.

    2. Anonymous3:25 AM

      Maybe it took this long to rid the venue of her stench? Remember her outfit with food stains on it, plus her shoes that were two sizes too big? Too bad, she could have worn her pink blouse, black see--through skirt and her stars and stripes hooker shoes. There are professional "escorts" who have more class than this aging harpy. Has anyone ever seen her looking HAPPY? She is one miserable bitch.

    3. Anonymous6:07 AM

      "COMEDIAN IN CHIEF" was busy!!

    4. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Sarah Palin finally managed to make what I would call the biggest blunder of her entire career when she managed to annoy almost every true Christian believer with her now infamous "waterboarding = baptism" statement. This was such a horrid act of misjudgement that almost every US and non-US citizen who followed the story felt compelled to breathe a deep sigh of relief once again that this woman did not become the VP. God probably worked overtime in 2008 in order to prevent that. So thank you so much, God, whether you exist or not!

      In any case, her Christian base is now virtually gone, and this is something which really will hurt Sarah's marketability in the future, as she was destined for some sort of role within the religious crowd. She tried that in the past with some success, and presented her unique breed of real and fictional tales for example to the "Woman of Joy" conference in Kentucky in 2010 (read the transcript), and just recently she hooked up with disgraced Christian "leader" Ralph E. Reed in order to collect her usual hefty speaking fees.

      But I think she can forget about this now for the most part. Her credibility in the Christian movement has now been damaged beyond repair, and the beautiful thing is that she did this all to herself. It was not the "lamestream" media, it was not some pesky blogger, or anyone else, it was Sarah herself, believing that it would be a good idea to be inspired by a moronic and offensive "right-wing bumper sticker":

      As a consequence of Sarah Palin's "baptism" statement, large parts of the conservative movement openly turned against Sarah, and it really could not have happened to a more deserving person. The people who were insulted as "RINO's" on a regular basis fought back, and the result was devastating.

      Yes, it IS finally "safe" for conservatives to criticize Sarah Palin. Hallelujah!

      Sarah Palin will of course not shut up, but she is done. It also will only be a matter of time until she will be seen as so unpopular and poisonous that even her endorsements will not be welcome any more. She simply annoyed too many people, burned too many bridges, and now has become a symbol of the overall decline of the Tea Party.

      So what is left? Well, certainly a fascinating case study of a woman who was brought down by her well-known "dark soul" on the one hand and her inability to think before speaking on the other hand. This also in combination with an even more fascinating variety of highly embarrassing private secrets.

      I find it incredibly satisfying that Palin was brought down by her own words, and that is unable to blame anybody else for her stupid remarks. This is the best outcome, as Sarah likes nothing more to portray herself as a victim.

      I just wished that Joe McGinniss would still be amongst us to have seen this development.

      So Sarah Palin's "walk to oblivion" now has been accelerated significantly, and it already seems certain that Sarah Palin will be remembered by historians as somebody who said some stupid, inflammatory, hateful, treasonous things and was unfit to remain in politics. Which would be a shame, because there is so much more to Sarah Palin. She is also somebody who was more or less successful in hiding several huge "private secrets", and I am convinced that these secrets, which have never been "officially" acknowledged, kept her from running in 2012. Sarah knew that she would be unable to dodge questions about her pregnancy with Trig, as well as other issues, and rather dropped out, after having undertaken great efforts to prepare her candidacy, for example with yet another ghost-written book, and even with an ambitious propaganda film (which was panned by every film-critic in the country).

    5. Anonymous11:33 AM

      In Costco in Anchorage? Damn, wish I'd have been there! I'd have walked up to her, said hello, and then pulled her wig or hat off, whichever!

      She was standing there all alone and no one was paying attention to her? Where were her guards? Was Toad w/her? Doesn't she use some type of guard to protect her in Alaska? Big mistake I would think!

      She'd be fun to say some pretty tough stuff to, too! Like "fuck you, bitch'! Would give me such pleasure!

  36. Anonymous5:27 PM

    WMDs anyone?

  37. Anonymous5:28 PM

    She's on a bitch hunt. Issa is a criminal.

  38. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    She forgot her shout outs. "Credit for Boy Gowdy's hair to Willow Palin, Skin, pedicure, manicure to Bristol Palin-Palin. Preening by Todd, Gravel provided from Sarah's Gall Bladder and kidney stone collection."

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      The pee pond looooves them some Gowdy.

    2. Anonymous3:26 AM

      I wonder if Gowdy has to have bodyguards to protect him from those aging queens Ms. Lindsey Graham and Mitch "The Bitch" McConnell??

  39. Anonymous5:56 PM

    He and Sarah have the same hairstyle -- stringy bangs trying to cover their receding hairlines.

  40. Anonymous6:08 PM

    It really has to suck to be Sarah Palin. I mean her celebrity status level letter doesn't appear in the alphabet.

  41. Anonymous6:11 PM

    That Trey Gowdy guy looks like an child molester....

  42. Anonymous6:13 PM

    She's pissed off because she's not getting any attention. Or did anyone see her at the Red Carpet at the 2014 White House Correspondent's Dinner? hahahahahahaha

  43. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Hey, Sarahbitch. before you get your ghostwriters to, might I add arrive LATE to the party and post to your Facebook wall, care to address why the MANY other embassy attacks under GOP presidencies are met with "crap occurs?" Care to address that your (cough) warrior son (cough) was sent to Iraq against his will, never SAW combat, and the car ride conversation you had on the way to the airport?

    Who in the HELL do you think you're fooling? RUN, coward, RUN! Dum@ss bitch.

  44. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Palin is so nasty jealous, she can't take it anymore. Hey Sarah, look at our first lady. This beautiful woman is a real lady:

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Todd Palin can only wish that he had a wife like Michelle Obama. Instead, he is stuck carrying a purse full of drugs for a Wonky Eyed, Illiterate Loudmouth.

    2. Beautiful - inside and out is Michelle Obama.

    3. Anonymous3:29 AM

      9:23 Highly intelligent also, too!! Good parenting skills, emphasises education and sets the examples.

    4. Anonymous4:24 AM

      Wow, what a classy and stunningly beautiful First Lady we have. No hooker boots and superman t's for her. She knows how to act and dress in public.

    5. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Got that right, 4:24 AM. Meanwhile $arah looks more and more like a shar pei. No offense to the breed nor it's fans/owners.

  45. Anonymous6:58 PM

    More lip gloss! Christ, I haven't seen oral labia like that since 1983!

  46. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Sarah Palin's name what not even mentioned tonight at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Just goes to show they have limits when beating a dead horse.

  47. Anonymous7:17 PM

    It is killing her she isn't invited to the dinner. She is barely out of the woods with the baptizing remark, her daughter has custody issues, she has to spend time in Alaska looking like a citizen and she needs to dust off her unemployed cave dwelling son. Sara has a plateful of bull and she wants the world to think she too occupied with important matters to care about any thing else.

    OT Afghanistan heroin making its way into Arizona /by CIA/; killing many Americans

    The Palin's have bad luck when it comes to choosing where to live.

    Phoenix, Ariz., is the wholesale drug capital of America, under the control of one of Mexico’s most powerful and ruthless drug organizations ?

    1. Anonymous3:30 AM

      Maybe THAT was the attraction for the PayMe clan??

  48. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Trey Gowdy is just another bag of hot air living off of the government for years. Sarah can sure pick them.

    1. Anonymous3:31 AM

      "Trey" Well, there is a T name for Bristles NEXT illegitimate kid.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      I've known a few dogs named Trey but never a human.

  49. Anonymous8:15 PM

    WHCD.... Michelle stuns.... a not to be missed event.... one of the best....


    1. Anonymous10:26 PM

      That's funny as hell! Another great series on Netflix, BTW. I can't wait for Season 2 to be released next month, all episodes for the season will be available together all at once, just as was done with House of Cards. Awaiting Season 3 for HOC, too.

  50. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Reading all the crap about Benghazi (especially comments from people who couldn't find that city on the map if their life depended on it, all dead certain that Obama and Hillary scaled the walls of the embassy and slit the throats of the staff there)

    ...causes me to send up yet another prayer of "Thank you, God, for allowing me the smarts to see through obvious propaganda, and not sound like a complete dipshit, like those people."

  51. Anonymous1:12 AM

    It's over for Palin. Only a tiny fringe group doesn't think she is an infantile low IQ bomb throwing grifting goofball. No one takes her seriously. She's fodder for mirth.

  52. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I just saw the shot of lonely Sarah waiting for junk food last Friday. As buttless and iconic as when she repulsed them at CPAC...

    OT. Mini Fraudster is getting ready for a court showdown. Is that why she has turned her back on Junker? Brancy did try to help him with his Alaskan film credits. After he hit a wall she doesn't wish him well, a speedy recovery, anything at all? Who forsakes a friend when they need you the most? Heartless wench, that ain't cool.

    2014 "It may have killed my season this year" Joey Junker. He really needs his friends. 2 months ago "crashed into a building..."

    2013 The Winter Project is a true story documentary about backcountry snowmachining in Alaska.... They really are so talented and work so hard... Check out this Alaskan project!! So proud of Joey Junker, and the guys working on this amazing project:

    2012 When he was her 'friend' "You know how my critics said that you tea partiers got me through DWTS? Well, it’s time to activate again! :)"

  53. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Why There Is No Cure for the GOP's Benghazi Fever

    The latest outbreak of Benghazi-mania on the right shows the virus is only growing more resistant to reason.

    The current outbreak of Benghazi Fever shows how strong the virus is—and that it is apparently immune to basic remedy.

    On Friday, the Republicans went full Benghazi. House Speaker John Boehner announced he was setting up a special House committee to investigate the attack—that is, the Obama White House's response to it. Meanwhile, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the chair of the House government oversight committee, subpoenaed Secretary of State John Kerry to testify before his committee on May 21 about the State Department's handling of GOP congressional inquiries about Benghazi. (Apparently, Issa is now probing a supposed cover-up of the original supposed cover-up.)

    This week, Issa, Fox News, and other Benghazi-ists rushed to the ramparts once again, when a White House email was released showing that a top Obama aide had suggested that an administration spokeswoman defend the president's policy regarding the Arab Spring and the Muslim world following a series of anti-American attacks that included the September 11, 2012, assault on the US diplomatic facility in Benghazi. As part of the interagency effort then underway to prep then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice for appearances on several Sunday morning talk shows—the exercise that produced the Benghazi talking points Republicans have been howling about ever since—Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser, wrote that one goal for Rice was to "underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."

    A-ha! cried the Benghazi truthers.

    ...But as we know now, the CIA and the State Department took the lead in fashioning the talking points. A year ago, the release of internal White House emails about the drafting of the talking points clearly showed there had been no White House effort to shape the narrative in a devious manner. (It appeared the CIA and the State Department were more concerned about their own bureaucratic imperatives.) And the new email from Rhodes is pretty standard stuff, indicating a White House desire to justify its policy on the Arab Spring in the face of troubling events. Rhodes was encouraging Rice to present the case that the anti-video protests that had occurred in various places in the Muslim world were sort of a one-off event, not an indication that the overall Obama approach toward the region was misguided. Note that Rhodes referred to "protests," plural, when making this point. That week there had been violent anti-video uprisings in Egypt, Yemen, and Sudan, not just Libya. So all the fuss about the Rhodes email—which quickly passed through membrane between Fox News and the rest of the media, receiving airtime on CNN, ABC News, and elsewhere—is smoke, not fire.

    Moreover, the Rhodes email is a reminder of how far off the rails the Benghazi-bashers have gone. At the bottom of the second page of his four-page memo is proposed language for discussing the Benghazi attack: "The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the [anti-video] protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US Consulate and subsequently its annex." According to the internal White House emails released last year, this was how the CIA had asked for the event to be described.

  54. Anonymous8:38 AM

    When all you’ve got is #Benghazi, everything looks like #Benghazi. Also: #BENGHAZI!

    Conservatives have had a rough couple of weeks.

    The IRS is ‘witch-hunting all our fake Tea Party non-profits to death’ hobby-horse they had been riding was gelded by reality when it turned out that the IRS was watching progressive groups in greater numbers. Progressives, it seems, don’t whine as much when faced with adversity or, more likely, they’re not as interested in personal enrichment as Tea Party folks, seeing as they’re communists and socialists and such and such.

    Then all hope of death-panel repealing Obamacare died despite 54 time-wasting votes and now the Republican leadership has finally thrown in the towel because they are RINO’s and quitters and they want America to fail.

    The Cliven Bundy booty call ended in a walk of shame when the common-sense plain-talking patriot of the plains was revealed as a garden variety racist and lunatic magnet, his compound turning into a petri dish re-enactment of Lord of the Flies.

    The love boner for racist bad boys extended to Clippers owner Donald Sterling, including a brief break-up when it was fake reveled that he was a Democrat except not, but he still has a few fans on the fringes.

    Sarah Palin’s NRA shriekathon created a schism within the conservative evangelical community, dividing the Godly into two camps: those who believe that baptism is a sacred act of regeneration and renewal symbolizing the washing away of sin and those who are tits and ass men.

    With so many body blows to conservative ideals about freedom and self-reliance and small government, it’s a wonder a Tea Partier can get out of bed before noon each day to check the mailbox for their disability check.

    But Divine Providence [and a FOIA request by Judicial Watch] provided them a sliver of hope when an email from White House Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes was released and in it he mentioned #Benghazi , providing irrefutable proof that something something something #Benghazi something something. Despite the fact that email showed that the White House’s explanation for attack was consistent with available knowledge at the time, this was seized upon as more evidence that there is aboslutely no G-damned way that the black guy in the White House could have been reelected by beating that nice white man with the car elevator so, you know: Watergate.

    Faced with whining from the base that there is nothing in the refrigerator to eat, House Speaker John Boehner threw them a little red meat by creating what Jed Lewison called “the first ever Congressional committee formed exclusively to investigate a hashtag.”

    One might expect Boehner to select a level-headed long-serving statesman with an impeccable reputation for fair-mindedness to oversee this, possibly, game-changing GOP #Benghazi Info-Posse for credibility’s sake. But, no. Reportedly he ‘s leaning towards South Carolina’s Benghazi Boo Radley, also known as Trey Gowdy, who is gonna get to the bottom of this whole she-bang, because he knows things. Secret things:

  55. Anonymous11:50 AM

    yup, she smells the Obama Regime's BLOOD in the water and so do I ..


    BAD as the Obamacare BULLSCHMIDT is, and bad as the NSA scandal is, and bad as the attack on the Press and the 1st Amendment is, and bad as the IRS Enemies List scandal is, ....... they PALE in comparison to what went down in Benghazi before 9/11/12, ON 9/11/12 and in the aftermath of 9/11/12

    it's good to know that more Benghazi Military witnesses have been questioned behind closed doors and their testimony has now been DECLASSIFIED

    We will get to the bottom of this shocking traitorous episode ... it will take many months to hear all the testimony, and for the American Public to absorb the enormity of what went down on 9/11/12 ... and I personally believe there was PRE-MEDITATION involved

    May the terrible truth be FULLY EXPOSED

    until we hear all the Benghazi witnesses including testimony from the 3 Generals and 1 Admiral who were fired by Obama, plus the first 67 hours of emails exchanged between Benghazi and DC, we won't know the full truth

    and now we have the Hero David Ubben, who fought alongside Woods and Doherty, appearing again after spending months in Walter Reed .... this man managed to SURVIVE Benghazi despite waiting more than 20 HOURS to receive medical attention for his SHREDDED LEG, ---->>>> DEO GRATIAS

    (It's almost as if the individual who gave the "Stand Down!" order was TRYING to run out the clock on this BRAVE AMERICAN'S LIFE!..... .. B*STARD! )

    We The People want to HEAR TESTIMONY from this man ....

    we need to find out WHY Killary and Obama made those shocking decisions which led to the deaths of FOUR AMERICANS

    DEO GRATIAS the investigation will continue and a large majority of the American Public support this action

    I want to hear from that video-maker too .... does the 0 Regime still have him in jail?

    I would like to hear him questioned, under oath, about his connections to the WH ...

    I think the other scandals will soften up the Obama Regime, but Benghazi, fully revealed, will DECAPITATE it ....... Deo Volente ...

    1. Anonymous10:49 PM

      Teh Crazy has spoken, BWAHAHAHAHA.

  56. Anonymous1:10 PM

    "gravel in his guts?" Well, that explains the look on his face.

  57. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Again with the Christian slant - referring to Obama as sinful and saying that 'a light shall shine on the darkness' . this is a call to her minions to descend upon Washington and team Obama to overcome the forces of evil and darkness.

  58. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Let's see now...water-boarding a lot of crazy guys blowing up really big buildings, killing thousands of Americans...or, helping others do it. Lets see now...and what did Bill Clinton do to David Koresh? Oh, he just killed the crazy guy who had his own relgion, all the children and so forth...gee whiz, makes you wanna think before opening your mouth, eh?


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