Saturday, May 03, 2014

Tea Party Senate candidate in Oregon rants at Pulitzer prize winning journalist and is thrown out of panel discussion.

That has got to be one of the best pieces of footage ever! I love the "disrespectful, thin-skinned liberals" part.

Here is more courtesy of the New York Daily News:  

An U.S. Senate candidate in Oregon sounded off against a reporter who scribbled “blah, blah, blah” in his notebook during a candidate panel discussion. 

Mark Callahan, the Tea Party pick in the Republican primary, blasted reporter Nigel Jaquiss for his notetaking when the five GOP contenders in the race spoke to the Willamette Week newspaper seeking an endorsement. 

Jaquiss and other editors interviewed the candidates, but Callahan was miffed he wasn’t getting equal time to answer questions as the frontrunners in the race, Monica Wehby and Jason Conger. 

Then Callahan blew a fuse observing Jaquiss’ dismissive doodle when another candidate, Jo-Rae Perkins, delivered a lengthy answer via conference call.

So WAS the reporter being disrespectful?

Jaquiss, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2005, confirmed his notebook scribble to the Daily News. 

“When Ms. Perkins then insisted on answering a question about the Affordable Care Act, I found her answer nonresponsive — she veered off into advocating for the dissolution of the Bureaus of Land Management and the Interior and the Forest Service — and repetitive, and I did write ‘blah, blah, blah.'’’ 

"Our endorsement process is for the benefit of our readers and web audience, rather than the candidates, and we make no promise of equal time. He did not like that answer," the journalist added about Callahan. 

Remember these were his personal notes, not something that he was planning to publish in his newspaper.  I imagine there are plenty of times when reporters scribble something like "blah, blah, blah" when they hear one of these cut and paste responses about doing away with government agencies by conservative candidates.

So where did Callahan get his righteous indignation from? The Boy Scouts, of course.

"I developed my moral and ethical foundation from my involvement in Boy Scouts when I was younger, and being an Eagle Scout myself," he told the Daily News. 

Anyhow the Williamette Week ended up endorsing another Republican candidate.

I know, go figure right?


  1. William Allen White12:26 PM

    Right out of the conservative playbook: disparage journalists, label them as "liberals," talk over them, refuse to answer questions.

    This guy was being interviewed by a newspaper to win its endorsement. They were right to kick him out for trying to highjack the meeting and make it all about himself.

    For all he knew, "blah, blah, blah" was code for "brilliant, logical answer. Hosanah!"

  2. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I certainly think the journalist had every right to put the "blahs" in his notes; his notes were not written for approval by the candidates. However, as for the NY Daily News, their reporter needs a lesson in grammar. The first sentence should be "A U.S. Senate candidate" not "An U.S. Senate candidate."

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Sarah's latest HATEFUL FB POST has drawn the ire of someone who BLASTS HER in this beautifully written response. Author will remain anonymous:

    Dear Sarah Palin,
    I am so glad that you want to address the problem of our public officials lying to us. It's so hard to know where to begin, but I know that you will want to join me in protesting these terrible lies from the darkness of Washington.

    1. There never were any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
    2. There was no anthrax in the test tubes that Collin Powell showed to the UN
    3. Cover ups, based on lies, courtesy of our government: Watergate
    4. Cover ups, based on lies, courtesy of our government: Iran Contra
    5. A women told everyone that she was pregnant and due to have a child in a few months, while looking slim and trim at her "seventh month of pregnancy." She wasn't pregnant, but she did show up with a baby 6 weeks later.
    6. A woman (in her 40's with a history of miscarriages) told everyone that she gave birth to a premature baby with special needs in a small town hospital which cannot handle that kind of delivery.
    7. So which was correct, since you repeated different versions of the same birth:
    8 months at MatSu or 7 1/2 months in Anchorage? They can't both be true.
    8.. Maybe this one really isn't a lie, but based on the evidence, this one is really hard to believe. Sarah Palin has a degree in Journalism (or was it Communications) awarded by the University of Idaho.

    As far as avenging the four deaths in Benghazi, how about the nearly 3,000 deaths which took place on September 11, 2001, due to the fact that President Bush didn't bother to read the August presidential briefing that warned of an pending al-qaeda attack. How about the warnings that were ignored, warnings to the FAA to harden the cockpit doors in airplanes to prevent a future hijacking attempt? How about the Republicans' refusal to grant more funds for security for our embassies and counsels abroad?

    Who exactly IS to blame for these terrorist attacks? Imagine sending in US armed forces every time that people riot in the streets in a foreign country. How many co-lateral deaths are acceptable? To how many spontaneous riots can we respond? Your quarrel is with the language that the White House used in press conferences and appearances on the Sunday talk shows when all the facts were not know. Which is worse? Dick Cheney holding up the NY Times headline of a story that he planted there, via Judith Miller, proclaiming that there could be no doubt that there were WMD in Iraq vs. trying to answer questions without having all of the facts at hand? (Death count: Iraq: thousands of American soldiers, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis vs. 4 Americans in Benghazi).

    Let's take you, Ms. Palin, as the best example of someone being uninformed but offering to answer a question any way, "Where DOES Putin go when he wants to rear his hear? Why, it's right over Wasilla!" Conclusion: Dear Sarah, for someone who plays fast and loose with the truth, you are the last person to talk about anyone else's "lies" or "cover ups." You are still the reigning queen. We do know that you are a fake, from craving a turkey upside down with a cheese knife to pretending to shoot a caribou. (Does it kick, Daddy?)

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM


    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Her fucked up post:
      "With gravel in his gut and pitbull tenacity THIS is what America needs. Thank you, Congressman Trey Gowdy and others who are determined to avenge the murders of our brave Americans in Benghazi, and will also prove the insulting, sinful Obama Administration Benghazi cover-up.

      You lied again, Team Obama, but light shall shine on what's hidden in Washington's darkness with Republican lawmakers' laser like focus on the truth. America deserves nothing less.


    3. Anonymous2:12 PM


  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Oh, Gryph, thank you for sharing this! As of this morning, according to local news, Callahan did not return phone calls nor e-mails seeking comment. As for Conger and Willamette Week's endorsement? There's a saying down here....."Keep Portland Weird." They are, but Portland votes blue every darn time!

    1. What did they expect from a town that brought you "Portlandia"...

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Don't I know it. Work in the building that graces the statue.

  5. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Funny Typo there, G re "Body Scouts" (sic)

    Callahan's an immature prick and a loser.

    Blah blah blah.

    1. Yeah, that was not a very appropriate typo.

      Fixed now.

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    The BODY Scouts, of course.???

  7. Anonymous1:24 PM

    The reporter's 'blah, blah, blah' note was prompted by the female candidate's nonsense. It's incomprehensible to me that Callahan went off about it as though he was her protector--abusive toward the reporter and demeaning and disrespectful of the Ms..

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Notice Wehby's body language next to him. She says absolutely nothing.

  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    That was hysterical! could you imagine if Palin saw a writer scribe blah blah blah? Oh wait, there were the reporters who were caught on a live mic after her Cal State screech a few years ago... and she never responded! LOL!

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      I truly hope that fucking happens and that she walks out like the pouty little bitch she is.

  9. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Callahan has run as a Democrat, a Green Party candidate, and even ran for President in 2012. Desperate much?
    Last year, he declared bankruptcy because, he claims, he had medical bills due to his appendectomy. So he didn't have health insurance, and opposes the ACA so others can't have it either.

    The reporter, Nigel Jacquiss, spent eleven years trading oil futures on Wall St. and in Singapore before going to a real journalism school (Columbia) and becoming a reporter. That's more business experience than Palin and Callahan combined. How does Callahan assert that this reporter is "liberal"?

  10. In Oregon we seem to have quite a few "Blah, Blah" candidates paid for through the Koch Bros.
    Hmm, Oregonians don't care for outsiders with a know it all coming in and stinkin' up an election.

    Go Dems!

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Tyroanee speaks for many of us!
      Good LUCK Kochs!
      We have NO use for you nor your ilk.

    2. You think Koch would've learned their lesson with Mr. LET'S Release radioactive waste into the sky Robertson...ugh what an idiot.

  11. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Anyone who runs for public office while denying AGW is happening, when 97-98% of the world's climatologists agree it is real, deserves severe ridicule. They buy into these 'greedy scientist' conspiracy theories promulgated by big energy and the RW AM Radio/Beck/Limbaugh/Fox Schools of the Earth Sciences. What a dunce.

  12. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I'm surprised $arah hasn't endorsed him.He seems like her kinda guy.

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Great idea! Hey, $arah, come to OREGON! Do we have a crowd waiting for YOU! Here kitty kitty kitty.....

  13. Anonymous2:31 PM

    He looked like he wanted to whip out his dick and say mine's bigger than yours. Hope he's not a gun owner, doesn't seem to have very good impulse control.

  14. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

    I lost it on the climate change answer then the pivot to the easter bunny. The guy's head near exploded!!! "You wrote blah blah blah on your notebook on that side of the table!"
    Did he ever read a "Peanuts" cartoon? That's how adult people talk!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Why I had to leave the link to Gryph! Still laughing!


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