Thursday, May 29, 2014

Science vs Religion.

The above graphic may seem a little over the top, I mean who in their right minds would drink from the glass on the right? (Personally I would have to be damn thirsty to drink from the one on the left either.)

However it is really not as exaggerated as you might want to believe.

For example in India millions of devoted Hindus travel to the Ganges River for its supposed purification capabilities, but in fact it is terribly polluted and potentially fatal.

There was also a report in 2013 that the holy water used in Catholic ceremonies could prove lethal.

And then of course there are the times when religious people drink what they believe to be miracle water only to discover that it's actually aphid excrement.

But then I guess one could simply rationalize explosive diarrhea as God working in mysterious ways.


  1. angela3:21 AM

    People do keep drinking from poisonous urns and letting their faith put them in dangerous situations. . . . .

    People's Temple, The Movement of the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, Heaven's Gate, Paradise to say nothing of "established" who enabled pedophilia, physical abuse, widespread grifting, debunking of basic science and the subjugation of women worldwide.

    1. angela, that's why the smart religious fanatics stick with handling poisonous snakes, just to play it safe...

  2. Anonymous4:41 AM

    >>>For example in India millions of devoted Hindus travel to the Ganges River for its supposed purification capabilities, but in fact it is terribly polluted and potentially fatal.<<<

    But hey, what a way to go...

  3. I dunno... most of those water contaminants sounds really disgusting, but am I the only one slightly intrigued by the aphid excrement?

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      I was wondering about that too. Kopi luwak might be easy to find, still haven't crossed that one off my bucket list.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

      There was a post here awhile back about people flocking to (can't remember) a statue, object that looked like the blessed mother crying. People were actually drinking the tears, after it was analyzed, they found it to be aphid urine. A little faith is all it took..... Sorry, not clear on the details.

  4. Anonymous7:18 AM

    fyi the aphid excrement link goes to the holy water kills link also too.

    My favorite aphid miracle poop link is this one for the quotes.

    "Maria Ybarra was the first one to feel the drops this Wednesday and whether they are aphid waste or water, she believes they're divine."

    1. Sorry about that, the link is fixed now.

  5. Randall7:23 AM

    floooooop "Oh God..."
    ploooop, flooop, floooop "Oh Jesus..."
    blooooop, floooop, gloooooop "Jesus Christ..."

  6. Boscoe8:54 AM

    To be fair, there are species of ants that understand the joys of aphid excrement. ;P

  7. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I'd say Bear Grylls would drink the glass on the right, after all he squeezed water out of an elephant turd!!!


  8. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Some asshole from Immanuel Baptist Church in Palmer actually had the gall to drop a very large booklet into my open car window while I was at work. "Fuck you and fuck your stupid beliefs and don't ever ever drop anything in my car window again. If I catch you doing it I'll call the cops because you are trespassing on my private property." (that's the email I left on their contact us part of their website.)

    What a bunch of presumptuous turds these christian types are. They make me sick to my stomach and the moment anyone brings up their faith without being asked about it is the moment I tune them out as sane and mentally functional human beings.

  9. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

    In a similar vane, they reported an outbreak of measles, they think it started in the Amish communities, then spread to people who don't vaccinate because they think there's a link with autism spectrum etc etc etc.
    The things people do in the name of faith baffles me sometimes. People hold open cremations on the banks of the Ganges, they bathe in the water and drink it. From what I gather, there's open toilets that go directly into the water without being processed first. And, yes, the holy water must be full of who knows what, e coli, etc because people just dunk their fingers in the same font and bless themselves, same with the communion chalice. I doubt wiping the rim clears most germs and it's probably so watered down that any alcohol in the wine isn't enough to sanitize the cup.


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