Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Secretary of State John Kerry will comply with House GOP subpoena to testify about Benghazi.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday indicated he would comply with a House GOP subpoena to testify about Benghazi and other questions from the new select committee appointed by House Speaker John Boehner. 

But in his first comments on the topic since renewed attention to it began in the last week, Kerry batted away the inquiry into the September 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi as a “partisan” effort that won’t bring forward anything that isn’t already known. 

“I think this sort of speaks for itself, frankly,” Kerry said at a press conference at the State Department he held with European Union High Representative Lady Catherine Ashton, following a day of meetings. “We have had more than 50 briefings, there have been in the double digits of hearings and we’ve released 25,000 documents.”

Such a monumental waste of time and tax payer dollars.

I hope Kerry embarrasses the crap out of the House Republicans over this on national television.

Personally I think that the country should demand that the Republicans in Congress pay the American people back for all of the money they have wasted investigating this non-scandal.


  1. Col. Beldar Jessop Conehead, USN, ret.4:52 AM

    Gryphen, don't be naive.

    We all know this has nothing to do with "Benghazi!!" Without disclosing any confidential sources, I'm prepared to wager my entire collection of Colin Powell commemorative $5 Golden Eagle coins minted in pure yellow cake uranium that Kerry is about to be blindsided by questions about the real reason behind this hearing.

    I imagine the questioning will go a little something like this:

    "Secretary Kerry, will you now disclose to the committee the TRUE identity of the individual or individuals who brutally murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman in 1994? And please keep in mind, Secretary Kerry, that you are under oath to tell the truth."



  2. Anonymous5:27 AM

    If only the State Dept. had called Sarah .... Todd could have ridden his snow machine to Benghazi and saved the four Americans.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      $carah could have shot the terrorists from a heelicopter, doncha know? She may have missed the first 4 times, but eventually someone would have taken the gun away and finished the job. Mamma Gizzled does not mess around, she goes for the jugular. Seriously, Kerry should pull an Alberto Gonzalez stunts, smirk and say "I do not recall" He did that so many times, I thought he had early onset dementia.

  3. Anonymous5:31 AM

    I hope at some point he mentions all of the embassy/consulate incidents and deaths during the reign of George W. Bush, when NO ONE made any kind of fuss. If Hillary Clinton had not be secretary of state when Benghazi occurred, none of this waste of time and taxpayer money would be happening today.

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      The repubs. have even dragged Lewinsky out into the spotlight. Now Cheney's wife is saying "I hope ALL the Clinton mistresses get cover stories before Hillary runs" Despicable bitch, her husband is a war criminal and she writes lesbian novels.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

      Anonymous 6:50
      I saw "Miss Lewinsky" saying that she's earned her masters and STILL can't get a job because of the horrible, terrible, brutal, publicity she and her blue dress caused while having consensual inappropriate sex with a sitting (or standing) President in the White house. Hearing Missus Vader insert this piece of vitriol into the mix makes me wonder how much she paid Monica to resurface AND i see where her daughter Liz inherited the fangs.
      I'll gladly take all the wasted money on the Starr report and these Benghazi hearings and put them toward paying down the national debt.

  4. Leland6:02 AM

    "Personally I think that the country should demand that the Republicans in Congress pay the American people back for all of the money they have wasted investigating this non-scandal."

    You know and I know they will never do that even if demanded by the ENTIRE population. They actually believe this crap they are trying to sell the public and will never take responsibility for the costs involved. It's in the same league with repealing the ACA.

    As for what they would say if the Bush era attacks were brought up, they would think of something like: "That isn't germane to the subject at hand," and go on to the next "question" even though they would have to recognize the THINKING population would acknowledge the veracity of the response/accusation.

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Well, this sure beats actually WORKING on the problems they were elected to clean up, eh? The Koch's are getting what they paid for, syncopants who do their bidding no matter how idiotic it looks.

  5. SHARON6:52 AM

    I think Kerry is gonna wipe the floor with Issa, esp having so much disrespect for his office. I look forward to seeing it all over the media....that guy he chose to head the select committee is such a jerk, let the games begin!

  6. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Kerry will lay waste to this kangaroo court.

  7. Anonymous2:00 PM

    It has been proven that things happened that shouldn't have. A cover-up was made, and emails to prove it, so that the upcoming election wasn't tainted.

  8. Anita Winecooler5:38 PM

    They thought the spanking they got from Hillary was bad..... can't wait to see Kerry taking no prisoners and kicking their butts out of the nosebleed seats. Does Weepy Orange Man get a crack at the bat this time? Just asking to gauge how much popcorn to buy while they waste our tax dollars.

    I had a passing thought today when this hit the news, wouldn't it be great if President Obama broke the tradition of pardoning folks on his way out of office if he wishes, instead having Bush, Cheyney et all be hauled in court for war crimes?

  9. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

    Forgot to add this gem. How could I forget the greatest buffoon of the Bush Years???


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