Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Another Sarah Palin endorsee bites the dust. Update: Palin does not want anybody gloating over this loss. Too late!

Courtesy of the Sun Journal:  

New Bern resident and first-time candidate Taylor Griffin led 14-term incumbent U.S. District 3 Rep. Walter Jones in posted voting totals until 10:09 p.m. Tuesday when the lead shifted to Jones, who held on to win a place on another November ballot. 

The lead broadened to a 2,256-vote lead with the next posting showing Jones had 50.7 percent of the 22-county district’s vote. Jones claimed victory by phone on his way to the town commons in Farmville.

As I am sure many of you remember that Palin endorsed Griffin back in April of this year:  

Taylor Griffin’s congressional campaign got a big endorsement today from an old friend. Former Alaska Governor and Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin and her husband Todd Palin endorsed Griffin’s run for the Republican nomination in North Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District. Griffin worked with Gov. Palin and Todd in 2008 during Palin’s Vice Presidential campaign. 

“I am incredibly honored to receive the endorsement of Governor Sarah and Todd Palin. I consider Governor Palin to be the epitome of a principled conservative and her endorsement reinforces my message that I will give Eastern North Carolina the conservative representation we deserve.” Griffin said after receiving the news of the endorsement.

Poor bastard, never even felt the sting of the curse until it was too late.

Quite a winning streak Palin is on this go around don't you think?

Update: Palin just took to Facebook to head off any backlash coming her way from this loss.

Check out this whining: 

You’re perpetuating an “us versus them” mentality with this gloating. That does our cause of defending our republic and all our freedoms and opportunities no good. Are we not on the same side, standing firm on all platform planks that empower the people instead of growing government? The people you’re mocking comprise the base of your own party, remember? To paraphrase the great Ronald Reagan: Rein it in and humbly learn how much we can accomplish together for America when we don’t care who gets the credit. 

Bottom line: Politicos, more friends are needed leading up to the general election. Poking potential friends in the eye doesn’t earn the allies needed to win. 

Piper and her schoolgirl friends would tell you as much.

She does realize that this "us vs them" atmosphere was something that SHE helped to create doesn't she? In fact it is her fellow Teabaggers who have orchestrated the infighting, and primary challenges that have cost the Republican party several recent elections.

Or could she really be this completely lacking in self awareness?


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Wonder how much longer it's going to take Palin to learn to keep her pie hole shut when it comes to these races throughout the country?

    Can't help but wonder how many actually wanted her endorsement? Why would they?

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      She will never learn to keep her pie hole shut. The stupids will want her curse. I am fine with that. They will eventually all go away. I wish it was sooner and not later. She has a way with words.....

      "Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we'd baptize terrorists." Sarah Palin

      Now Hillary world view needs broadening, becoming a grandmother will cause her to look at things like $17 trillion debt.

      “Also,” she (Sarah) added, excitedly, “her daughter Chelsea is pregnant with the baby — it’s a real baby, not just some disposable something.” Thanks to Sarah Palin Chelsea will know she has a real baby instead of one of those disposable.

      Disposable or drugged grand child?

      Sarah Palin: Hillary Clinton may change mind on abortion once she’s grandma to ‘real baby’

      Palin... broached Chelsea Clinton‘s pregnancy, and Palin suggested that the pregnancy could open Clinton’s eyes on abortion and the sanctity of life.

    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      This dude asked for her poison...and he got it. Go check out his website.

    3. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Sarah Palin needs to shut the fuck up about Hillary, Chelsea and the grandbaby. It's none of her business.

      Sarah Palin who faked a pregnancy and did not birth that youngest DS child that supposedly lives in their home in Wasilla (seriously doubt it!)!

      Palin is a massive liar and fraud which has been proven time and time again throughout the past ten years.

      Hell truly awaits her non Christian soul (if she even has one!).

    4. Anonymous7:48 AM

      7:04 AM Sarah Palin should know about giving birth to a 'real baby' since she faked a Pregnancy. Sponge Bob Square Belly was a joke.

    5. Anonymous7:52 AM

      The dude wanted to commit POLITICAL SUICIDE. He picked his poison well.

      Sanctity of life? "Palin suggested that the pregnancy could open Clinton’s eyes on abortion and the sanctity of life."

      Do the Clinton's need Sarah Palin's opinions on babies and sanctity of life?

      35 weeks into her pregnancy, at 4:00 am (Texas time) on the 17th, Sarah started leaking amniotic fluid and having contractions that felt different from the Braxton-Hicks she had experienced earlier in the pregnancy, a sign that things were moving along...

    6. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Poor Hillary, raising Chelsea not to get pregnant until AFTER college, AFTER marriage, AFTER the parents know they are willing and able to support their child, LOL it must make Sarah burrnnnnn with jealousy.

    7. Anonymous8:41 AM

      So why isn't $arah endorsing any Alaska candidates for governor and Senate???

      Why doesn't any media ask her that question??? LOL LOL Kiss of death!!

    8. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Sarah Palin is the LAST one that should try and chat w/Hillary about babies. OMG! That is just a riot! Sarah didn't birth that last DS kid - was never pregnant - knows nothing about parenting - is the worst example of one - just look at the disasters she and the Toad have raised. GEDs vs high school diplomas....don't college into trouble in high school and have police records (which the Palins tried to hide!)....could go on and on.

      The Clintons are so far ABOVE the Palin klan that it isn't funny....they are smarter, educated, provide for others, worth so much more than the Palins financially, have a daughter they raised (not to be seen while in the White House) that attained an outstanding education, has a great job, got married, has a wonderful husband and is now going to have her first child.

      No comparison flunk big time!
      As w/the Obamas, the Clintons (I'm sure) think you are all nothing more than 'white trash' from the boondocks in Alaska!

    9. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

      Like Sarah's the expert on parenting that Hillary needs to take advice from. Hillary did an exemplary job at raising Chelsea. Sarah has her own methods. Pop them out, let the pimp care for them, feed them junk food, burnt mac and cheese, when they reach puberty, let them pitch tents with guys and scare the woodland creatures for miles, if that don't work, just scream "Obey". If that doesn't work, cast a spell on the first step, click your heels three times and say "No Boys".

      What a marroon!

  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Political poison is what she is! The "Turdmaker" LOL!!!
    That's what he gets for being a teabagger/kocksucker!
    The Palin Curse!

  3. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Did she ever give him any money from her "slush fund" (PAC) ? Or was there nothing left for candidates after "postage" expenses ?

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      She 'claims' that she instructed SarahPac to make a donation...

      'You have our support – we have directed SarahPAC to make a financial contribution to your campaign today. Thank you for your patriotism and commitment to our cause! – Sarah Palin”

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      The Teabaggers are going down across the nation! Republican want to rid themselves of that part of their group. What a horrible party! Vote them ALL out every chance you get across the nation folks!

    3. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Donations to SarahPac drop quarterly.

    4. Anonymous10:59 AM

      7:19 a.m. The disbursement will be easy to follow on her PAC quarterly report! She typically has given no more than $5,000 per endorsement (not that many!). Then verify it to the date disbursed and see if it correlates to her 'instructions' date!

  4. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The Sarah Palin Curse is nothing to fuck with.
    They never learn.

  5. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Handel, Benacquisto, Griffin, stand by Ernst. BWAHAHAHAHA,
    the Tea Party candidates should be running for cover when Sarah Palin rears her Big head and fires those warning shots.

    1. What warning shots? -- she doesn't waste bullets... she kills on the first shot with endorsements.

      I say let her endorse all the nut candidates -- it gives the sane voters a clue who NOT to vote for.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

      She lets others, like paul revere, do the warning shots and bell ringing. What would possess any candidate to look at Sarah's record and think "Hey, I want an endorsement from HER"???

  6. Anonymous6:51 AM

    All you have to do is look at Sarah Palin's children's education and delinquent history to figure out that her endorsement is worthless. Why would you want an endorsement from a multimillionaire whose three adult children won't go to college?

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Is it because they don't want to go to college or is it because they can't qualify for college?

    2. Anonymous7:27 AM

      I really don't think the Palins have a net worth in the 'multimillionaire' range...think it is less and will decrease more as time moves along...people are NOT supporting her any longer financially.

      And, she is financially caring for her entire family - none of whom work or have jobs or educations that will move them forward in life!

    3. Anonymous7:44 AM

      7:16 AM They would have to pay for someone to take their tests and to do their homework. 9 Month Mono would delay their time in College if they could pass an entrance exam. Are there any Colleges that offer Special Education classes for Bristol and Willow? Penrose was a Pay to Pass setup.

    4. Anonymous7:53 AM

      As long as SarahPAC is up and running with the fools sending her their spare change, Sarah's kids don't HAVE to go to college.

      It's when the Sarah supporters either wisen up or die, that the shit will hit the fan for the Palin Grifters.

    5. Anonymous8:06 AM

      I would suspect 'can't qualify'! Didn't they all get GED's vs actual high school diplomas from Wasilla High School? Check the records!

      And, I'll betcha big bucks that Sarah did NOT earn a college degree as McCain indicated during the campaign they thankfully lost!

      He had to do something to counter how stupid and uneducated they found her to be!

      Kind of like the 'energy expert' that McCain also pitched her to be! OMG - so, so wrong!

      Thank you, President Obama for winning BOTH times!

    6. Anonymous8:16 AM

      First of all, I know people who were the poorest of the poor that managed to go to college( myself included). As for Sarah's net worth all she has are her properties and the SarahPac funds, I'm betting it is much smaller than you think. BTW properties are actually a drain on net worth unless you are renting them and SarahPac is trying up faster that the spittle on Sarah's chin. AS for the property values, she doesn't own all that much, a house in AZ, 2 in Wasilla AK( where no one wants to live, even Sarah) and a few small cabins. She doesn't live in the real nice areas in AZ, like Cornville or Sedona even. With her incoming income dropping, it costs a lot of money to support all the unemployed in the Palin family since Tawd doesn't work, Trackmarks doesn't work, Brisket doesn't work, Wallow doesn't work. Also too, Sarah lost the big Fox contract and is no longer garnering those huge speaking fees and is no longer listed as a top speaker either.

    7. Anonymous8:55 AM

      We are all watching the fall of Sarah Palin and it's about time. She did it to herself by spreading her racist, evilness and lies throughout the past ten years! (Wasilla, AK history included!)

      Alaskans knew her so well - too bad that Americans across the nation didn't pay attention to the truths and facts years ago! She has spread so much HATE!

      McCain screwed up horribly and he knows it!

    8. Anonymous8:58 AM

      The donations into her PAC are dropping and have been for quite awhile. She is personally living on that PAC - which includes her entire family w/none of them working!

      Sarah, those funds (dropping!) are not going to last forever. You are going down, down, down honey! Hope you hit hard at the bottom and we never see you again!

    9. Anonymous9:05 AM

      7:27 AM

      Agree, they are not multi-multies. I know they do well with all the clan working for the $now product industry. Too bad she can't run for dog catcher, lol, and disclose how much they do earn. Evertime they turn around Track, Trig or some Palin is on a $now product.

    10. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I'd say both, 7:16. the preparation for higher ed - reading (classwork and outside school) taking an interest in history and local and national politics - in short- the world of ideas both prepares you and instills the desire to go to college in order to understand and to make a real difference, to effect society and the environment and to view oneself as a citizen of the world.

      Palin's kids obviously had none of the above. .

  7. Anonymous6:57 AM

    When a Sarah Palin endorsed candidate loses, you never hear from the Wasilla village idiot. But if one happens to win, the Wasilla village idiot acts as if it was because of her endorsement.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

      That;s the beauty of this post! She knows it, so she puts out this pre emptive bullshit, using....wait for it..................Piper as the human shield prop. this time.

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Next week Tuesday it's Ben Sasse's turn.

    May Primaries
    May 13: Nebraska, West Virginia
    May 20: Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania
    May 27: Texas runoff

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Oh lawd, another blood bath.

    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Sasse is currently running ahead of the pack in the Republican primary. If he wins (and it looks like he might at this point), he will most probably win the general.

  9. Anonymous7:06 AM

    He ASKED for her endorsement.. He got the Palin Kiss of Death.

    Sarah Palin Endorses Taylor Griffin for Congress

    “I consider Governor Palin to be the epitome of a principled conservative and her endorsement reinforces my message that I will give Eastern North Carolina the conservative representation we deserve.”

    Taylor Griffin – Republican Candidate for Congress

    ...Palin responded yesterday with the following note:
    “Taylor – Thank you for your note and for putting your name on the line to help restore our country. Todd and I are happy to honor your request and support your candidacy. In Washington, we need you to stay true to your beliefs of smaller government, protecting life and furthering conservative principles. America needs fighters in Congress – go to DC remembering the good patriots of Eastern North Carolina who put their trust in you to fight for them. You have our support – we have directed SarahPAC to make a financial contribution to your campaign today. Thank you for your patriotism and commitment to our cause! – Sarah Palin”

    Sarah Palin's curse kicked in just after 10 pm, it seems. Another one down.

    Taylor Griffin led 14-term incumbent U.S. District 3 Rep. Walter Jones in posted voting totals until 10:09 p.m. Tuesday when the lead shifted to Jones, who held on to win a place on another November ballot.

    The lead broadened to a 2,256-vote lead with the next posting showing Jones had 50.7 percent of the 22-county district’s vote. Jones claimed victory by phone on his way to the town commons in Farmville.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:12 PM

      Tale as old as time. He asks for it, wakes up tied to the bed, naked with his wallet, iphone, and Rolex missing.

    2. Anonymous10:10 PM

      He's lucky.

      Sometimes she takes a kidney.

  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Palin? Principled?!
    Enjoy your defeat, Taylor.

    1. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Obviously he's incredibly bright. ..

  11. Anonymous7:28 AM

    As every day passes Sarah Palin becomes less relevant. Sarah should just go to Arizona and hide from the public behind her compound walls.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      I have another take on the "living in AZ". I really think she is either being institutionalized or in a rehab during some of the time. She seems to disappear from the radar for 6 to 8 weeks quite often.

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      plastic surgery takes time to heal. That's why she disappears periodically.

  12. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Link for interview with Lopez and her attempt to redefine baptize.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Palin will have this follow her forever - she can not redefine what she said - either in this situation or the killings in Tucson, AZ for which she was responsible.

      Hope she meets her end soon - Hell truly awaits the evil, non Christian bitch!

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      "Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we'd baptize terrorists." PALIN

      She can never escape that or blood libel. That is how she will be remembered best in history. That and her fake baby wild ride episodes. All her children as examples of her horrendous family values and awful mothering ways.

  13. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Hahaha the interview with Lopez has been up at extra for over a day and only three comments-two of the three are ads!!! She can't even interest "the haters" anymore!!!!!

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Mario made a huge mistake in interviewing Palin in Alaska. No one is paying attention to it as noted above.

      Boycott, his show! I always watched him, but don't plan to anymore! He made a bad decision!

      Sarah Palin is the kiss of death to everything and everyone she touches!

      Palin will be the 'kiss of death' to him as to his show - just watch!

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I take it Mario didn't hear about the curse. His wife may tire of his cheating and kick him to the curb soon.

    3. Anonymous1:35 PM

      He's an ass and has been for a very long time.

    4. Anonymous9:40 AM

      How long until Mrs. Lopez is sick of him cheating and takes the lion's share of his small fortune?

      The curse is real Mario. Your days are numbered although you have peeps working over time to keep your true story under the radar.

  14. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Sarah Palin would endorse a can of corn if it would get her name mentioned in the New York Times.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Only if it's GMO.
      Poison loves poison.

  15. Anonymous7:49 AM

    There are a few tea bagger candidates here in Florida I would like Sarah to endorse, ASAP, please.

    And LOL also, too.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      As another Floridian, I would also say "yes, please!" to this.

    2. Yeah, and in about showing up for that 'principled' Governor of ours, who wants everyone to forget that he screwed the schools to benefit corps, who rushed to reinstate the Emergency Managers weeks after the VOTERS of this state voted NO? Whose AG shut down all the marijuana dispensers after we voted to allow medical marijuana (and this guy wants to be Governor out for Shuette.) And we could use a hand with a few others. Come on Sarah. You always wanted to visit Track's old stomping grounds. I;m sure you're still close friends with whomever took him in that hockey season.

  16. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Palin may lose her status of King Maker.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      self-named status.

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Sarah never was a king maker.

    3. Anonymous1:46 PM

      No, no, she is a DING maker (see : Palin refrigerator).

  17. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Sarah Palin: Would you like my endorsement?

    A Smart Candidate: Get the fuck outta here!

  18. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I think they call it "zero for 4". NJ, Tex, Fla and now NC.

    Maybe Palin will open her eyes to see how nice it would be to be Clinton, an accomplished Secretary of State/Senator with a daughter who is well educated, classy, and married.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Ok, now I understand where the PeePonders get the 80% winning percentage for Sarah. Just make it up and keep repeating it. Sarah's toast.

  19. Anonymous8:12 AM

    So she can't get tea party candidates elected, and fails to get this K street guy elected too.

  20. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Wasilla/Anchorage/United States Trolls: are you using the same computer? All of you show up mere seconds apart on all Palin Postings.

  21. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Who gives a bloody hell what Sarah says about Clinton's new future grandchild. IF, and that's a huge IF Hillary even reads anything Sarah posts on Face book ( I'm laughing at the thought!) she is probably laughing even more.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      No one cares what she says. Except may be as she is such a joke and can't stop upstaging her own idiocy. . Hillary prolly won't hear about it for years, if at all. foe sure H, could care less. It is just the irony and how Penis Pant Palin publicizes her own ignorance and lies.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Me likey "penis pant palin."

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Correction: Penis Pant Stain, or just "Stain" to us at IM.

  22. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Like clockwork, she's got a new post up! About gloating.

  23. Anonymous8:49 AM

    "Rein it in and humbly learn how much we can accomplish together for America when we don’t care who gets the credit."

    Oh yeah, she's one to talk. What a friggin hypocrite.

  24. Her FB rant is quite funny! Sarah would be the first to gloat if her boy Griffin had won!

  25. I don't have a problem with any candidate wanting the endorsement of a principled conservative, but anyone stupid enough to think that Palin has any principles of any kind other than what is in it for her (anything from money to attention) deserves whatever they get.

  26. Anonymous8:57 AM

    This idiot has been flapping her gums for years against RINOs, "Washington Elites," Entrenched Elected Officials," etc. and SHE has the nerve to bitch about an atmosphere of "us versus them." Seriously? Who the hell do you think started it Mrs. Palin? I'd suggest you look in the mirror but I'm pretty sure it would shatter in seconds. STFU you moron.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Exactly! The gloating is all good when she's on the winning side, not so much when she's backing losers. Palin trying to tell anyone to act mature is pure comedy. Remember her gloating about Russia invading Ukraine . Even though the prediction was just read from a speech written by McCain advisors and she just read it.

    2. AKinPA9:54 AM

      Exactly, Chicago Fan! She's the one supporting candidates who will "castrate" the elites in DC and now she's complaining about perpetuating "us vs them"?

      Also, I haven't read the article about Palin's comments on Hillary and abortion, but it sounds like in her delusional thoughts she's gearing up for "running" against Hillary. She's probably envisioning skewering Hillary in a debate.

      Well, throw that wig into the ring, Palin. After all your "young" family will be 8 years older than it was when the "youngness" of your family didn't prevent you from running for VP. As I recall, you didn't even blink before you said "Yes" back then. So "buck up or stay in the truck" and shut up you ridiculous excuse for a female politician.

  27. angela9:02 AM

    Sarah does not do self-awareness. If she did she would never leave the house, post on fakebook, twitter or endorse anyone.

  28. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Wasn't she the one who said it's "us vs them" originally? Yes, I'm sure it was.

    And of course, election are, by default one person and her supporters vs another person and her supporters.

    But the funniest thing is the very nature of Sarah Palin is to make people gloat when she loses...because she is such an asshole.

  29. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:22 AM

    "...when we don’t care who gets the credit."

    Uh, yuh, sure, Ms. Older-Than-Dirt Schoolgirl Wannabe. Guess who would be gloating her flat ass off if any of these nitwits actually WON?

    BTW, along with having a massive sad over at the Sea of Instability, it looks like some of the Socialist Security crowd are getting a bit numb over constant failure. A few of the more literate are trying to redefine the term "Tea Party" to deflect the losses. What a poetic moment! Quick, somebody find a convenient "lost" truck full of votes for the next Palin TP endorsement! HA!

  30. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Here's my message to Sarah Palin:

    Just like you, your candidate is a LOSER and everyone knows it. You backed a loser! Bites, doesn't it?


  31. Anonymous9:23 AM

    "Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we'd baptize terrorists." Mrs. Toad Palin

    Mrs. Toad's on another wild ride. Her choice of pictures with 'The Gloat Poop' is also hilarious. Whatever gets the Looney Bin off so they will send money... Toad with RayGun = $$$$$$$$ in Mrs. Toad's head.

  32. janice9:24 AM

    Hillary, Michelle and other decent hard working mothers who raised their children to get the highest education and taught them to be ladies and not sell themselves to the public. They will all get educated, hardworking husbands, no Joey Junkers, haha.
    Hillary and Michelle will never respond to Sarah's comments because Sarah is just another idiot and they wouldn't say anything about an idiot who is deeply sick.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      "If I were in charge", I would personally want to water board Sarah Palin in front of a watchful crowd!

    2. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Kind of like when poor Amanda Bynes went nutty insulting a slew of people.
      Their Twitter fans went after Amanda but the original celebrity basically said "thanks guys but back off, this chick is sick"
      And Amanda s family finally got her medical treatment.

      Sarah's family will not get Sarah treatment so her insanity continues.

  33. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Sarah is giving her continued invaluable advice to Hillary, this time about becoming a grandmother and somehow that being pro-life. She opened the door folks, go comment about her Wild Ride and white-out and whatnot.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      YES... go with the Wild Ride and white-out and whatnot.

  34. Anonymous9:32 AM

    "You’re perpetuating an “us versus them” mentality with this gloating" I had to read this twice to see who actually said it. I guess she wasn't gloating when Russia invaded Crimea, and she remembered that it was a talking point given to her by the McCain staffers 6 years ago. And, having Mrs. Palin criticize anyone else in the world for "us vs them" statements...............the most divisive, polarizing celebrity politician ever.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      She is NOT a politician! She is a nasty, aging, racist, vile joke!!!

  35. PalinsHoax10:01 AM

    "You’re perpetuating an “us versus them” mentality with this gloating. "
    - - - - -

    Ah, whattsa matter, Palin?

    ~ Are your words coming back to bite you?
    ~ Are the chickens coming home to roost?
    ~ Is the bed that you've made now a little uncomfortable to lie in?
    ~ Are you reaping what you have sown?
    ~ Has the boomerang of your disgusting spewing changed direction and now heading back to spew on you?
    ~ Is what you sent around now coming back around?
    ~ Is karma greeting you at your doorstep?

    Welcome to the world that you have made for yourself, Ol' Vitriolic One.

  36. Anonymous10:05 AM

    The guy that one ain't no moderate rethug, that's for sure. Listen to this crap:

    North Carolina Republican: ‘We Have To Divide And Conquer’ People On Public Assistance

    Thom Tillis won his primary last night, and will take on Senator Kay Hagan in November. As this video from 2011 shows, though, he intends to wage more war on the poor, if elected.

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      We need to come out nationwide and go after Tillis in this race against Senator Hagan. He should be easy to bring him down with that type of information on his record.

      What an asshole! Vote out Republicans across the nation!

  37. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Yes, she is this un-selfaware. I wonder what she sees when she looks at the mirror in the morning that we don’t see.

    Emily Post

  38. Anonymous10:39 AM

    There she goes again - using one of her kids (Piper, in this case) in her statement.

    Sarah, think on your own and quit referencing members of your klan. Hopefully, Piper is doing much better in school than did the rest of your kids! Stop bringing attention to Piper and allow her to live as normal a life (as a teenager) as possible.

    Again, Sarah, as many have already told you - you totally suck as a mother and/or parent!

    1. Anonymous5:21 AM

      "you totally suck as a mother and/or parent! "

      Don't forget to add:
      "and as a human being, also, too...."

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      She rotates all the props. It is Piper's turn.

  39. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I think she's just a perfect bipolar.

  40. Anonymous11:26 AM

    If you don't mind, Mr. G., she has two categories of 'us vs. them' and one of them--tea party vs. GOP establishment--is all about that healthy competition amongst the 'good guys' who will ultimately fight that battle against THEY who are the god-hating, evil liberal socialists.



    Oh, and did you even bother to notice that she has endorsed candidates from both wings of the GOP because playing this stealth game means keeping both her fans and critics as thoroughly confused as she is...that's how she rolls.

  41. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Does she lack self-awareness?

    Yes, but that's the least of her cognitive issues.

  42. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Sarah never developed past her glory days when she could sink her fingernails into an opponent to get an advantage.

  43. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Is This the End of the GOP Civil War?

    The fault lines between the primary candidates in North Carolina were clearly drawn. Tillis was supported by Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and North Carolina's governor, Pat McCrory; Brannon by Paul and Senator Mike Lee; and the third-place finisher, evangelical pastor Mark Harris, by Mike Huckabee. The Chamber of Commerce, Karl Rove's Crossroads committees, and the Koch brothers' Americans for Prosperity poured millions of dollars into pro-Tillis and anti-Hagan ads in a strategic, coordinated assault. (Democratic committees also sought, unsuccessfully, to knock Tillis down.) Brannon had the support of FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Patriots. Harris was accused of soliciting campaign donations from the pulpit. Tillis's plan was not to engage them, but by the end he was attacking his Republican opponents to ensure the primary didn't go into a potentially draining second round.

  44. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I was hoping Mario the professional journalist would ask Sarah how well that abstinence thingy was working out for all of her fertile kids, so Sarah could impart a little bit more of her immense wisdom to Hillary. You know, to expand Hillary's world view, since she never got to get out much to learn stuff like Sarah.

    What an ignorant piece of shit Sarah keeps proving she is. Please keep talking, Sarah. Or as "some say" on her FaceBook, "Preach it, Saree!"

  45. Ratfish2:17 PM

    Typical Palin hypocrisy and putting party over country.

    She doesn't mind gloating whenever she can. And regarding the latter, she will do what she can to help divide the country as long as the party can stay united.


  46. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

    They say you don't hear the bullet that kills you. This poor guy should have had his eyes checked. Picking Sarah to endorse you cements your feet to an "us vs them" mentality. Take, for instance, her comparison of baptism to waterboarding. Even she can't find a way to scrape that muck from her knees down, couldn't happen to an uglier moron.

    Stupid "Republic" defender used the wrong Raygan Quote. It SHOULD read " (to Nancy) ....Hey Mommy, if I finish my strained peas, may I have some red jellybeans?" Remember, he had access to the bat phone and the secret code. Nancy had psychics to advise her how to use them.

  47. Anonymous6:16 PM

    She makes it us vs. them every time she puts down liberals. She's such a slimebag, no good, vomit spewing, bitch. Showing more of her colors everyday but it's far from red, white and blue and more of green with envy and red with HATE.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.