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Anti-gay twin brothers Jason and David Benham |
Two brothers who were recently fired by HGTV after their anti-gay views came to light said this week that they had been silenced by a “demonic agenda.”
In an interview on Monday, The Blaze’s Glenn Beck told Jason and David Benham that the same “agenda” that had forced them out for comparing same-sex marriage to Nazism was now celebrating gay football player Michael Sam.
Jason Benham remarked that the “homosexual community” was not the enemy: “No, it’s God vs. the Devil.”
“And there’s a small number of people in this world that buy into the idea of this agenda that wants to silence people,” he opined. “We are called to restrain evil so that good may flourish,” David Benham remarked. “Don’t force yourself on anyone. Don’t force your beliefs. That’s why we have the freedom of religion, and the freedom of speech, the freedom of expression, and the freedom of press, is because of this faith that is outlined in the Bible.”
“We now have the opportunity as a people — right now in 2014 — to say, okay, let’s return back, let’s go back to our foundations,” he added. “I’m not saying that you can’t be a homosexual or an adulterous heterosexual.”
“What we’re talking about right now on one of our talking points is that fact that we are Americans. This polarizing in which we live is being operated by a demonic agenda to suppress the truth.”
Yes it is demonic forces that are punishing these two guys for claiming that opposing gay marriage is equivalent to opposing the Nazis.
I have to admit that I have only vaguely been aware of this story. But do you know who has been blogging in support of these brothers from the get go?
Well Brancy of course!
Here Nancy French/Bristol Palin complain that the duo were targeted by "anti-Christians" for simply expressing "traditional Christian" beliefs. And here there is a post of them saying that:
“If our faith costs us a television show then so be it.”
You know I am not exactly a habitual church goer, but is it considered "traditionally Christian" to compare homosexuality to Nazism, and blame Satan for making your lose your job?
Cause that, to me, seems more than just a little bit crazy.
Which of course would explain why they would attract the support of Bristol Palin, and her crazy doppelganger Nancy French.
No one SILENCED these idiots. They are still blathering on to anyone that will listen to them.
ReplyDeleteTV shows exist to make money for the investors. If you are not a salable product then you don't make it in the marketplace. And homophobia just doesn't sell any more.
And whining about your imaginary friend called God doesn't make you any less repugnant.
>>They are still blathering on to anyone that will listen to them.
DeleteYep, they are milking their 15 minutes bigtime, riding that wave of persecution and victimization.
Not to mention, I had never heard of them before, and they live about 1/2 an hour from here. They have a bigger audience than ever.
DeleteThese Christian brothers are pathetic. HGTV did not fire them because they are Christian and they were never the target of anti-Christians demanding the cancellation of the show. The network simply decided they had other shows that were a better fit for the schedule and those shows were cheaper to produce. Bristol Palin of all people knows the truth about this! The only reason her reality show got picked up for one season was because it was super cheap to produce. And Bristol wasn't giving away a newly remodeled home every week either. Home give aways are an incredibly huge expense for the network to pay out every week for a show featuring two boring guys who don't have name recognition or a built in fan base. The Christian community has not been buzzing about this show for the past few months. There was no interest or support for this show at all in the Christian community. They didn't know anything about this show until the brothers began playing the victim and blaming their misfortunes on the gay agenda!! The show didn't make the schedule because it was too costly and no one was interested. These douche bag brothers are trying to get attention and use the Christian community to raise their celebrity status.
DeleteSo they are being persecuted and having their first amendment rights taken away because they are Christian and just saying what they believe. Where have we heard that before? Carrie Prejean, Phil Robertson, etc, etc. And when they get blowback from what they spout, people like Sarah and many others on the right start screaming we are attacking their first amendment rights. Hmmm. I don't recall anyone on the right defending the Dixie Chicks first amendment rights.. Or Martin Bashir, or any number of examples. Funny how with the Dixie Chicks, the talking point was about how the free market worked and they had to pay the consequences for what they said.
DeleteI think they are both gay themselves.
ReplyDeleteThey made MY gaydar go off.
DeleteMine too.
DeleteHOLY GAYDAR, these two are SCREAMING their homosexuality. No fucking way that they are straight. Not on your life. They doth protest too much as far as I'm concerned. Seems being preacher's kids really suppressed the hell out of them. Time to come out of the closet boys.
ReplyDeleteAgree 2:45 PM. Wonder how long before their past encounters talk to the tabloids?
Delete“Don’t force yourself on anyone. Don’t force your beliefs."
ReplyDeleteIsn't that what they were doing?
Yes, that is EXACTLY what they were doing!
DeleteBut it's okay because they're 'Christians'. The only time it's NOT okay is when you're a member of some other religion.
And they're not really forcing anyone to BELIEVE what they believe. They just want to force us all to follow the rules set up by a bunch of men who lived a couple of thousand years ago, thought that the sun revolved around a flat earth, and felt it was hunky-dory to own slaves and sell their daughters.
Watch a Morning Show Host Lose Her Shit Over the Michael Sam Kiss
ReplyDeleteA host of the local Dallas morning show The Broadcast was so overwhelmed by disdain after watching Michael Sam kiss his boyfriend that she stormed off the set during Tuesday's broadcast.
OMG! A Black man, kissing his white boyfriend on the lips on television without a parental advisory warning beforehand! I wonder if they where both of the same race if it would have bothered her? Hey, Bigoted bleached blonde, come back, I got a question to ask you!!
DeleteMormon U. Forces Gays to Be Celibate
ReplyDeleteHomosexuality is no longer an honor code violation, but Mormon LGBT students say they have few choices beyond a celibate life or a secret one.
When Jimmy Hales came out, it was to an audience of nearly 600,000 people. In February 2013, he posted a YouTube video to let the whole world know that he was out of the closet—and planning to remain celibate for the rest of his adult life. “It sucks,” he admitted in the video, in a tone curiously cheerful and content for a college junior who had just sworn off sex forever. But for Hales, an undergraduate at Brigham Young University, his YouTube post was the gateway to peace of mind, his best attempt to be out and proud while remaining committed to the Mormon Church.
When I speak to Hales, now 26 and about to graduate from BYU, his voice radiates with the polite optimism that Mormons are known for. The upbeat pioneer spirit that is so valued in a community whose foundation was laid as Brigham Young led the faithful to Utah in the mid-19th century surges through Hales. It never fades, even as he talks about his decision to be completely celibate so he can still remain in good standing at BYU and, more importantly, within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS).
“Because this is something I didn’t inflict,” he catches himself for using a word that denotes pain and negativity, “not inflict—choose—I feel God will take care of me.”
Though Hales’s faith sustains him, he admits that it comes at a cost. Instead of celebrating his homosexuality, he sees it as a test of will, a Job-like experience imposed by the Almighty. “God allows hard, bad things to happen to good people all the time in history. There were wars. Righteous people are killed by evil people, not to compare homosexuality to being slain,” he says. “I don’t know why God allows it [homosexuality] to happen. I don’t get mad. In my mind, it is nothing new.”
By embracing celibacy, Hales is embarking upon one of the only sanctioned paths for LGBT students at BYU. The Mormon Church is known for its aggressive anti-homosexual views.
Really this is depressing beyond belief.
DeleteSo will this guy cheerfully just watch porn, masturbate and never have a loving sexual relationship with a man? Interesting that a gay man will remain celibate when he is in a church that was started by a man who tried to screw every young girl he could grab.
Organized religion must have a hand in making more people feel guilty about an infinite amount of things. But this poor man will be in good standing with his college!
I'll take bets on how long it will take him to throw off the stupidity and get a life with a man.
I predict a life of psychiatric counseling and anti-depressants for this young man, assuming he doesn't kill himself first.
DeleteHow awful.
Projection and latent homosexuality personified.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the hair gel, David.
ReplyDeleteNo problem Jason, that's brotherly love.
That's just silly. If a demon had silenced them, they would be nothing but a pile of smouldering ashes. Their show died of "foot in mouth" disease.
ReplyDeleteMore like dick in mouth disease.
DeleteI'm tired of these guys already! Glad their TV show has been stopped!
ReplyDeleteEvery other guy, it seems these days in gay porn calls himself straight and claims he's only gay-for-pay, and twins(!) are extremely in demand, so poor Jason and David certainly need not stand forlornly in unemployment lines if they don't want to. And surely they don't want to find themselves lumped in with Mitt's layabout 47%...
ReplyDeleteI'm not disagreeing, but doesn't being a porn actor need some raw material (wink) and acting ability (cough)?
DeleteFirst of all, they were NOT fired. Their pilot was shelved. As Gryphen's daughter may be able to write a paragraph or two for him on how it works in the near future, it could be very educational for us all. Pilot's get shelved all the time, some forever, some until a show fails and they need a filler and possible future show. Now I do believe these obnoxious boys DID push that pilot off the shelf into the "never ever" can.
ReplyDeleteBTW in their contract for the pilot will be a provision and when they are free to take their idea to another network, I would suggest they market it on one of those holy roller channels if they feel HGTV( the most harmless channel on TV) is so evil.
BTW I do not work and never have worked in television, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn in the past and am smart enough to have picked up a little info here and there :)
But I do know that lying is a sin, those religious boys are sinners through and through. And I suggest they should repent and apologize for lying.
Little Rabbit
Sarah Palin Hits the Dumpster as Alaskans Prefer Hillary Clinton for President
ReplyDeleteAnd now for a break, we head over to the Daily Fail section where Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee, is so hated in her own state that it would go for Hillary over her. Only 19% of Alaskans think Sarah Palin should run for President, 74% want her to sit 2016 out, according to a PPP poll.
The place where they know her best hates her the most.
Only 19% think she should seek the White House, compared to 74% who think she should sit it out. Even among Republicans just 24% want her to run while 70% believe she should take a pass. Palin is actually so weak that she would trail Hillary Clinton 44/41 in a hypothetical contest, even as the rest of the Republican field would lead Clinton. Mike Huckabee has a 43/42 advantage over her, Chris Christie is up 44/41, Rand Paul is up 46/40, and Jeb Bush is up 47/41.
Half of you are already screaming “Who cares!” for good reason — the media’s long obsession with Palin’s alleged “charisma” (of which we saw little after Blood Libel tapped her out) is only now starting to dwindle. But there is a valid and important political point to make upon Palin’s long-wished for exit.
Palin stands for all that is wrong with the current Republican Party. Once voters got to know her, they really didn’t like her. She motivated the GOP base but ultimately helped Democrats, just as she continues to do every time she opens her mouth; while the snide contempt born of the heady and dangerous combination of ill-informed arrogance that Palin specializes in is popular among conservatives, it is not often appealing to the masses — even when it’s hidden behind a pretty face.
The Republican base worshiped her, and some still do. She fed red meat directly into their quivering rage, and made Obama hate viral among a certain set. God had picked her to be President, after all, and only Obama and democracy were standing in the way. But in the end, she was nothing more than yet another puppet, to be used and tossed away when the party was done with her.
Palin was easy to use because she never questioned why the GOP would elevate someone they knew so little about. A more astute person, less blinded by ambition and ego, might have noticed the desperation and asked themselves what end their presence achieved. In Palin’s case, she was the “real conservative” (in spite of her record) and the attack dog, as VP nominees often are, but it went to her head. Instead of understanding her role, she got high off of the rarefied air and became deluded as to her purpose.
The Republican Party chose Palin because of her charisma, beauty and personal story. She was a perfect short term poster girl to distract from and disguise their Bush policies. As the GOP sinks deeper in denial instead of addressing and facing their inherent problems, they will be forced to rely more and more upon people as egomaniacal and deluded as Palin (see Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, et al). No one else would let themselves be used, unless they were so embedded in the establishment that they knew their family would benefit in the long term.
And this matters, because the faces change but the policies do not. The Republican Party keeps searching for the right puppet. The one who can fool the people. They’ve tried true believers and craven cons, they’ve tried a common woman who is not a witch (!) and a plumber. They’ve tried Richie Rich and they’ve tried their Policy Nerd (aka, the guy who can’t do math and bases policy on a work of fiction).
So Sarah Palin matters because she represents all that is wrong with the GOP, and until they fix it, they should not be allowed to forget her so quickly.
Fox News Reveals Their Real Agenda By Congratulating Karl Rove On Hillary Clinton Smear
ReplyDeleteEric Bolling said on The Five, “I think he’s an evil genius. I love Karl…Look, he planted a seed, and now the left and the right are watering it like crazy, and guess what? It’s starting to sprout, and you have to ask the question. Is she capable? Is she okay? What’s with the lens on that left eyeglass after her head bump? Bolling went on to claim that Rove was actually wrong, because President Clinton said she was injured for 6 months, not three.
However, former President Clinton never said that his wife was injured for six months.
Video of former President Clinton:
...The only seed that is growing is the seed of new conspiracy theory that has sprouted up on Fox News and talk radio. Rove has been widely mocked to the point where he had to try to walk back his comments by claiming that he never said that Hillary Clinton has brain damage.
Hey Alaska! You made PPP today!
ReplyDeleteAlaska Miscellany
-PPP finds that Alaskans overwhelmingly support the minimum wage increase measure that will be on the ballot this fall- 67% are in support of it to only 27% who are opposed. Democrats (86/8) and independents (71/22) are both strongly in favor of it and even Republicans (45/50) are pretty closely divided.
-The numbers have been very steady on August's vote about whether to repeal Senate Bill 21, the Oil and Gas Production Tax. 45% of voters say they will repeal the bill to 34% who say they'll leave it in place. In February the numbers were 43/31 in favor of repeal and in August they were 46/30 in favor of repeal. The unpopularity of this bill is a big part of why Sean Parnell's approval numbers are looking pretty mediocre at this point.
-It's looking like a close fight this fall when it comes to whether Alaskans will vote to legalize marijuana- our first poll using the exact wording of the measure finds that 48% of voters intend to support legalizing marijuana, while 45% are opposed.
-Alaskans don't have much to say for a potential Sarah Palin Presidential bid in 2016. Only 19% think she should seek the White House, compared to 74% who think she should sit it out. Even among Republicans just 24% want her to run while 70% believe she should take a pass. Palin is actually so weak that she would trail Hillary Clinton 44/41 in a hypothetical contest, even as the rest of the Republican field would lead Clinton. Mike Huckabee has a 43/42 advantage over her, Chris Christie is up 44/41, Rand Paul is up 46/40, and Jeb Bush is up 47/41.
Alaska is even more fragmented than most states when it comes to who Republicans want as their Presidential candidate. Ted Cruz gets 15%, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie 14%, Palin 12%, Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul 11%, Scott Walker and Paul Ryan 4%, and Marco Rubio 3%.
-Public opinion in Alaska just continues to move further and further in support of gay marriage. 52% of voters favor it now to 43% who are opposed. Those numbers have basically flipped from last February when the numbers were 43% in support and 51% opposed. Voters under 65 support it 55/41, with only seniors remaining opposed at 39/54.
-There was a lot of buzz a few months ago about a White House petition to have Alaska become part of Russia once again, but Alaskans are not down with that idea. Only 4% would support seceding to go back to Russia, with 92% opposed to the idea. Alaskans may not like Barack Obama- he has a 38/56 approval rating in the state- but they're a whole lot more enthused about him than Vladimir Putin who comes down with a 7/78 favorability rating.
When it comes to the question of Alaska seceding to become an independent nation- as opposed to joining Russia- there's more support with 22% of Alaskans in favor of that concept to 70% who are opposed. 24% of Republicans but only 10% of Democrats support Alaska becoming its own country.
-Alaska remains Mariners country when it comes to baseball loyalties- 20% say they are Seattle fans to 11% for the Red Sox, 9% for the Cubs, 6% for the Braves and Yankees, and 5% for the Dodgers and Giants.
Full results here
Alaskans down on Palin as presidential candidate
ReplyDelete...Alaskans don't have much to say for a potential Sarah Palin Presidential bid in 2016. Only 19% think she should seek the White House, compared to 74% who think she should sit it out. Palin is actually so weak that she would trail Hillary Clinton 44/41 in a hypothetical contest, even as the rest of the Republican field would lead Clinton. Mike Huckabee has a 43/42 advantage over her, Chris Christie is up 44/41, Rand Paul is up 46/40, and Jeb Bush is up 47/41.
Alaska is even more fragmented than most states when it comes to who Republicans want as their Presidential candidate. Ted Cruz gets 15%, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie 14%, Palin 12%, Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul 11%, Scott Walker and Paul Ryan 4%, and Marco Rubio 3%.
“It’s been nearly 5 years now since Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “And she still hasn’t come anywhere close to regaining her popularity.”
Oprah Winfrey Network Plans Michael Sam Series
ReplyDeleteThe Oprah Winfrey Network says it plans to produce a documentary series following the life of Michael Sam, the first openly gay player drafted by an NFL team.
The series will take an up-close look at the man recently drafted by the St. Louis Rams in a groundbreaking moment in professional sports. Cameras will follow the former University of Missouri football player as he works to earn a spot on the Rams while under a media microscope.
Sam says it would be great if his story can lead others to accept who they are and go for their dreams.
OWN did not specify a premiere date for the as-yet-untitled series or how many episodes it will be.
HGTV must be loving all this free publicity. What talent do these two fine christian bigots have in the Home and Gardening Television Network sense? Do they preach between two potted plants about the evils of black mold? lead based paint? Proper planting depth of pansies? How to choose the perfect paint colors for your doorstep according to biblical principles? Hobby Lobby Junk Junkees? Seriously, all HGTV has to do is sit back and save on advertising money.
ReplyDeleteI Tebow in your general vicinity, job well done, assclowns! Even Bristol think's you're hot Woo Hoo! You've Arrived.
Hate is not a traditional Christian value, unless you count Saul, which I do not.
ReplyDeleteSaul was a misogynist, a homophobe, was NOT a disciple and never met Christ.
I like HGTV. I watch it to see home improvements. I don't want anyone preaching or politicking on the shows they have. HGTV is correct in having hosts that are not controversial. All kinds of people watch HGTV having all different view points on religion and politics. Best to stay out it and thankfully they have.