Monday, May 05, 2014

Trig Palin graduates....preschool?

Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page: 

Onward and Upward! With preschool diploma in hand, kindergarten, here we come! 

Have a great Monday!

 - Sarah Palin

For those of you who have been paying attention, yes Trig did just turn six years old.

Down syndrome is not usually a hindrance to attending school with your age appropriate peer group, and most public schools are quite capable of meeting the needs of the child within a regular school classroom, with certain supports in place, and a portion of their day spent out of the classroom for more specialized instruction.

Unless Trig is particularly challenging child behaviorally, I do not quite understand the delay in his education.

But then again it appears that virtually all of the Palin children have suffered some interference in their educational opportunities.

Well anyhow Trig looks very adorable, and I am glad that he will be attending school. Those are good things.


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    The utter lack of class of Sarah's endorsee:

    GOP Senate Candidate Uses Campaign Ad To Aim At President Obama With A Gun

  2. Good grief. Cap and gown? For preschool? When my kids (well the one who went) was done with preschool, I was thrilled to have no more tuition to pay. That child may now have the only real diploma in the entire family. How come we aren't seeing pix with cousin Tripper's diploma? Or has he missed too many days of preschool between his short time in Alaska and jaunts to AZ with Mommy? Or will he get to borrow Trig's getup and pretend he, too, 'graduated?' And where are that child's glasses? Geez, Sarah, can you do nothing right?

    1. Yes, don't know how I feel about it either, but pre-schoolers and kindergarteners now wear cap and gown for a "graduation" ceremony. I didn't even go to kindergarten, oh well.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      In my state, schools aren't even allowed to call eighth grade "graduation." Definitely no cap and gown.

    3. Anonymous1:30 PM

      What is the name of the school Trig attends?

      Is it in Alaska or Arizona?

    4. You are right, Sue: Trig may have the only real diploma in the Palin family. I don't count Bri$tol's appearance in costume on the cover of People magazine (or was it US?) after $arah insisted that her daughter be allowed to go through "graduation" after allegedly obtaining a GED.

      None of my sons was tricked out in cap 'n gown until they finished high school. Completing preschool was considered just the first of many stages...

      I'd feel sorry for the Heath/Palin spawn if they didn't make it so damn difficult to muster up sympathy. For just one example--where are Trig's glasses and hearing aids?!? Does he even own/use them?

    5. Anonymous2:34 PM

      When my children were in pre-school, the teachers took a picture of each child with the same cap and gown. No one needed to buy one. At the "moving up" ceremony (songs) they wore what they wanted.

    6. Anonymous2:56 PM

      My kids' school doesn't allow the sharing of hats.

    7. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Never share your hat or comb, or lice will make your head their home. That's the rule from my kids' school (where they twice came home with head lice). Ewwww.

    8. Anonymous3:14 PM

      I can't believe the Palin Clan would support pre-k, wouldn't granny grizzly be homeschooling thru the Bible and whatnot?

    9. Anonymous6:50 PM

      I didn't go to preschool. Did it matter? Nope.

    10. Anonymous7:03 PM

      If you had DS, it would matter.

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    As someone who had a Down cousin, there are different grades of DS and age is not indicative of where they're at developmentally. I'm VERY proud of you, Trig, education is important!

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      If he's in K next year, that's VERY good. He knows numbers better than you'd think of a DS child, he can say basic phrases. He knows sign language.

    2. Does anyone in his family know sign? One would expect his parents to, and if Sarah had a skill like that, she'd be all about showing it off during on of her screeches. I've never seen the girls sign to him.

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    He is adorable. Is that how they dress all preschool grads?

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      yes. I didn't attend preschool, but my sister did. Her duds were red.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Not mine.

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I see the glasses are MIA again.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM


    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Hardly surprising. Any kid, but especially one with DS, needs to be monitored and reminded to keep his/her glasses. Sarah and Todd infamously don't monitor their kids. It's hard to make sure a kid with special needs gets into the habit of wearing glasses and Sarah And Todd are lazy child-rearers. Poor kid.

    3. Since he's cross eyed, I wonder if it wouldn't help him if they put a patch on one of his eyes and then put his glasses over that. Also wearing his hearing aids would help if he's not doing that already.

      Hopefully, they're already doing this, but you never know since common sense is something the Palin's seem to be seriously lacking. If Sarah has any at all she wouldn't have had so many ethics complaints file against her while she was desperately trying to act as a 'governor'.

    4. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Which TriG graduated? The one who needs thick glasses and hearing aids, it IS NOT.
      How many TriG's are there?

    5. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Looks like "bat wing" Trig, the boy who appeared 5 days into the RNC in 2008:
      The question remains, where did "Ruffles" go -- the apparently more profoundly impaired baby we saw early on.

    6. Anonymous6:52 PM

      To be fair, you have no idea what his medical plan is with his doctors.

    7. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Oh, yeah, 6:52, I'm sure his doctor said, it's ok he's severely cross-eyed. Don't worry about him wearing his glasses. Do whatever you want!

  6. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Poor parenting skills continue on w/the Palins...and, this is the child that will need the very best parenting skills. Sadly, I'm sure we're going to be watching him fall further and further behind - just like Bristol, Track and Willow!

    Why should we expect anything different? Sarah has never catered to this child - she didn't deliver him and he is not hers!

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      He has the best. Her other kids did well and, unlike many their age, didn't end up in major trouble. They've had jobs and value the right things

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Yes, didn't get into major trouble, sure, whatever! I'd call vandalizing school busses Major Trouble! I'd call being a knocked-up 16 year old Major Trouble! I'd call vandalizing a vacant home with a group of other teens Major Trouble! Seriously, I don't know what boundaries your parents set for you but in my home, growing up, any of these offenses would have left my parents reeling!

    3. Really? Pregnancies. A divorce. A still single mother who was pregnant at least once before she got her GED. A boy sent away to 'play hockey' out of state to stay out of juvie? Jobs? What jobs? Man, you are smoking something.

    4. Anonymous8:23 PM

      6:53 : her other kids didn't end up in trouble???!!! You call breaking and entering and trashing an empty house 'no major trouble'???
      You call cutting the breaklines and/or cutting the brake heaters from school busses in the middle of winter in Alaska 'no major trouble'???
      Getting pregnant at the ripe old age of FIFTEEN 'no major trouble'???

      HOLY SH*T BATMAN!!! Pray tell us just WHAT would be 'major trouble' for you then??? If my kid had done ANY of these things, she would have been in MAJOR trouble!!!

      Also, too: 'they have JOBS(???!!!) and value the right things??? Like MONEY???

  7. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Trig would also benefit from regular therapy, and wearing his glasses. With both eyes crossing in, one has to wonder how well he can see without his glasses. In the other picture on Sarah's facebook, Trig is wearing glasses, although they are too big for him. The glasses have slid down his nose. The lens should be lined up with the center of eye to do any good. I know that Sarah wants to brag by showing that Trig has finished pre-school 2013-2014. How old is he? He was just 6 years old and he completed pre-school. I would have been more interested if Sarah had showing us his progress in his therapy. Being able to say two words, "Go, Daddy," in January does not sound like a qualification for attending pre-school. By then, kids are singing, playing word games with the teacher (what color is the apple?), counting and saying the alphabet. Trig's ability is, "Go, Daddy."

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      YOUVE. GOT. TO . STOP with the stupid comments about his development. Do you know him or them? NOPE. RESOUNDING NO.

      GET. A . LIFE

  8. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I've never seen pre-school children dressed like that for graduation before. Maybe my neck of the woods is backwards.

    Does Trig attend an elite academy?

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I live in a town that is very education-oriented and we don't dress our preschool or kindergarten graduates up like that. I find it ridiculous.

      Then again, when it comes to the Palins, they'll take any cap and gown they can get. There are so few of them to be had in their family.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Its prob a "Halloween" costume since non of the other palins graduated from HS, grade school, nursery school etc.
      Or she pluncked down some donation $$ and bought it like she bought the dog. FREE ADVERTISING for the "What's in it for us" PayME family!!

  9. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Congratulations on the first Palin to wear the cap and gown of graduation!! Go Trig!

    For everyone saying it's not done in pre-school, it is. Whether or not schools make too big a thing about it is another issue, but I think it instills pride in children at an early age continue and FINISH. Hopefully going on to college or post high school education.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      We already know 'going on' as to education is something the Palin kids do not do! I direct this comment to Bristol, Track and Willow. Didn't they earn GEDs vs actual high school diplomas from Wasilla High School? And, we know none of them went on to obtain a college education.

      If this little guy doesn't wear his glasses or hearing aides, it reflects badly (AGAIN) on the parenting skills of the Palins.

      Truly feel for the kid and what he 'doesn't' or 'won't' have made available to him.

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Trig is not the first.

      The Palin buys these edukations at bargain prices....

      The most important standard for choosing the right preschool for Trig may have been the costume graduation pictures his school offers. Palin would pay extra.

  10. Anonymous12:32 PM

    He's a real cutie! Congratulations Trig!

  11. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Oh stop Gryphen, seriously, no delay. If his B-day is in April (setting aside the question of legit - or not) then this is perfectly reasonable if the school had a cut off for K- enrollment as my schools does of July 31. He started K at age 5 in Aug/ Sept of 2013. He turned 6 in April 2014. , Thus "graduating" in May 2014 at age 6. There's a ton to ding the Palins on, this isn't one of them.

    1. Read the post, please. Preschool, NOT kindergarten.

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      He did not yet GO to 'K' - he graduated from PRESCHOOL, which comes BEFORE Kindergarden!

      Congrats anyway, TriG! You have a diploma in hand, which is probably more than can be said of the other 'relatives' of yours...

    3. Anonymous1:23 PM

      This is posted as a graduation from "pre-school" rather than from kindergarten.

      Wild Tortoise

    4. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Sarah wrote that this is pre-K graduation. He starts K in 2014 at age 7. He was held back...a decision that doesn't warrant either criticism or praise, excuse or explanation. Like Gryphen said, the important thing is that Trig is going to school.

    5. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Read the comment SP put up. She says he is holding his "preschool" diploma. "Kindergarten here we come". So apparently he will just be entering K rather than finishing.

    6. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Of course, it's also possible that Sarah doesn't know what grade her precious gift from God is in. She's not really a hands-on mother.

    7. Anonymous2:47 PM

      That depends, 1:23. If he was held back because his so-called parents didn't do their job and get him the therapy he needed since birth or the therapy and schooling he needed since age three, then it deserves criticism.

  12. Anonymous12:33 PM

    That little sprout is cute as bugs teeth. But he has some seriously crossed eyes. And no glasses.

  13. Sarah's FB post and pics of Trig and Trig and Todd popped up on my FB posted by someone I would never have expected to link to Sarah Palin. UGH! Can't decide whether to comment. Pretty sure I will not be sharing, and did not hit LIKE! (Though I do think Trig looks sweet and hope this is the real deal for him). I have such a hard time believing anything Palin. Wonder why?

  14. Anonymous12:36 PM

    To finish - previous comment. That said, about the "normal" age for K- many parents "redshirt" their kids today, particularly boys, thinking they will be bigger when they reach sports eligibility. Yeah, that IS how screwed up some parents are about sports. Others do it legitimately for maturity reasons - ritalin or redshirt is the new conundrum.

    Seems to me a child with any sort of handicap might be a candidate for redshirting.

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      It's tricky. A cousin kept all her kids out of school an extra year to be sure they'd "succeed". Our second was a very precocious 4.4 year old- reading high school books but emotionally immature- academically ready but not socially. A Montessori school worked for him. In the end, parents try to do what's best for their kid.

      In Trig's case, I think that might include making sure he's wearing glasses

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      In my small city, most, if not all special needs children are enrolled in public early childhood developmentally delayed preschool at age 3. They may go right into regular kindergarten with or without support or a self contained classroom. Just want to point out that Trig isn't graduating kindergarten, he's graduating Preschool. 6 is late for that

    3. Anonymous2:24 PM

      This is a kid who was dragged around the country the first year of his life rather than getting the regular therapy all kids with DS need. Who knows if he got regular therapy after that? Who knows if he was in preschool starting at age three as recommended? Who knows if he was in a preschool with special ed teachers? What we can be sure of is that if Sarah and Todd are in charge of his well-being and education, Trig is at a disadvantage that goes way beyond his Down Syndrome.

    4. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Kids with DS are different from typical kids. They don't benefit from being held back from entering preschool. They benefit from being in school starting at age three. They need the therapy, the education, as well as the socialization.

    5. Anonymous2:53 PM

      You don't redshirt a kid with down syndrome. You send them to school as early as possible. It's true the school may have made the decision to keep him in preschool this year rather than kindergarten. That may have been because of his maturity or his physical and mental delays. It also may have been because he did not start school at age three as is recommended.

  15. Anonymous12:52 PM

    YES. Trig Palin is a very precious child. That smile is a winner! The photo Sarah posted is cute as a button or as Bristol would say bug or awesome. Bristol will have a post soon I would guess. She and Nancy do much better than the slouch, and I am not just talking about her posture. Sarah is a halfass, halfwit when it comes to Trig. Bristol does seem to adore blogging about her brothers. I can't wait to hear more about the Alaskan preschool and his friends. Bristol may be more involved with the treatments and education he is receiving. I do hope someone will let us know about his hearing, eye sight and all that. He is so lucky to have all the medical coverage and opportunities his wealthy family can give him.

    ot: Is this Track or a buddy? Is he that dumpy? You would think he would be working out. I hope someone has finally put him to work. Is he a mechanic? Mommie says he wrenches. How much is his child support bill each month? (ENLARGE)
    Mario is so fit!

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      12:52 : you mean the guy in the background? If that IS Track, then he already shaved his face again (remember the picture of him in the hangar with the snowmobiles and Toad pressing himself against his adopted son?

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Do you really think we can't tell who you are??? Lol!!!!

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      It must be a buddy. It almost looks like face hair when you increase the size.

    4. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Willblow is preggers again?

    5. Anonymous4:23 PM

      If that isn't Track they had a body double for him. That is his body double. Green Screen Queen is still filming her 'amazing' TV Show. Track would need a body double if he has trouble putting on the planes floats and such. Hard work, call in the body double. .

  16. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Congratulations, Trig!

    That said, I hope his mother is taking care of his eye-sight and keeping those glasses on. It's incredible how Sarah is always seen with hers on, and it doesn't appear there's any prescription in them, but Trig needs them, and he often photographed without them on.

  17. Anonymous1:26 PM

    HMMMM.... That kid on Two-Tone-Toad somehow does NOT look like a DS child, and does NOT look like the TriG in the graduation gown. Looks more like a FAS kid, IF even that...

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Oh please! Do you even know what a FAS looks like? Both kids have Down Syndrome

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      No it doesn't. That is just not true. He doesn't look like a FAS kid. You sound insane.

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      If the troll is that defensive about FAS, someone hit a sore spot.

    4. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Anonymous1:50 PM

      Oh please! Do you even know what a FAS looks like? Both kids have Down Syndrome
      Both Kids?
      Well are you confirming there is MORE THAN one TRiG or what?

    5. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Anon@3:20: I know the difference between a child who has DS and FAS. I've been an early interventionist for developmentally delayed preschoolers and an elementary Sped teacher for 20 years . I have taught many DS and FAS children. They do not look the same. I think the Palin family appears to not value education for anyone, including Trig. That's a real shame, because kids with special needs benefit greatly with intense early intervention.

    6. Anonymous4:56 PM

      The first Trig (Levi's birthday, Triggie Bear, ruffles) looked FAS. Another Trig is DS.

    7. Anonymous5:25 PM

      1:50 PM Both kids? Keep posting, you are telling on yourself.

    8. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Lol no troll here, and a long time fan of IM. Just because I know the difference between FAS and DS doesn't mean anything other than I am an expert when it comes to teaching special ed. Are there more than one child being passed off as Trig? Who knows? The Palin's are grifters and capable of pulling of a scam if it benefits them.

  18. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Tiny little Levi with DS.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM


    2. Anonymous5:29 PM


    3. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Trig looks like Dylan Kolvig.

    4. Anonymous7:26 PM

      People keep mentioning Kolvig. Any pictures of him?

  19. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It seems weird to me that a school would do that to their clients. Image does matter.

    It reminds me of the little beauty queens. How their images are pushed to look so much more than they are. (age appropriate?)

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Oh stuff it- seriously, I went to an RCC K-8. Just found my kindy grad pic with cap and gown - in parent's photo album - and that was almost a 1/2 century ago.

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      4:42 PM We'd love to see that cute grad pic.

  20. Anonymous2:18 PM

    This is the most important thing you folks have to do today? Gossip about 6yo Downs Trig Palin? I am embarrassed for you all. Congrats, you are as pathetic as the Palins.

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      ....and the most important thing YOU have to do today is....?

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      This is the most important thing you have to do today? You are as pathetic as the Palins.

    3. Anonymous2:54 PM

      And yet, you took the time out of your important life to comment.

    4. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Wow, you have nothing better to do today then post your comment twice, 2:18/2:49?

    5. Anonymous3:11 PM

      No, we are gossiping about the woman who posts those photos of Trig. I thought that family wanted its privacy.

    6. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Anonymous2:18 PM

      This is the most important thing you folks have to do today? Gossip about 6yo Downs Trig Palin? I am embarrassed for you all. Congrats, you are as pathetic as the Palins.
      Ya, and that's why YOU'RE here... ALSO TOO.... CONCERN TROLL?????

    7. Anonymous4:03 PM

      3:11 PM... I agree this is about that woman. I wouldn't think schools did costumes for preschool kids, but they do. IMHO kids are so cute when more natural, those are some of the best school pictures ever. This looks too contrived and nothing to do with the kids. This is about the adults, adults being pretensious for kids.

      There is a creep factor, especially since Sarah Palin documented using this dear child as a prop and he looked neglected. The Palins are infamous for no valuing education. A posed costume shop like this makes Sarah more disingenuous

      I do realize there are parents that like to stage all kinds of kid pictures. Bristol likes half naked Tripp eating sweets. And there are those that love oddities. This making kids seem older ruins the most adorable part of childhood for me. I'm grateful my kids had a different experience. Trig probably had fun and that is good.

      Can he see the picture they took of him?

      Stock images

    8. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Is that you CW at 3:22.? Always off her rocker.

    9. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Well, the Palins aren't pathetic. They're actually living their lives, and enjoying their family and friends, which is apparently more than I can say for everyone here.

    10. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Sarah Palin just very publicly equated torture with baptism. You are pathetic for continuing to support her.

    11. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Sarah Palin is pathetic and you know it when someone has to ask:

      Can Trig see the picture they took of him?

      It is obvious Trig needs his eye treated, that is not something a guardian should postpone. That is cruel.

      Something is wrong in that family. they can't be living any decent quality of life if the world can see they are neglecting their responsibility for a child. That is more like a dead life.

      6:49 PM, Why denigrate those on this thread who love and care for and about children?

  21. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Nothing in this family ever makes any sense.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Because you're on the outside, stalking like a dumbass

  22. Anonymous2:36 PM

    This whole thing is odd. We all figured his first day of school this past fall (touted by Sarah Palin) was for dindergarten, not just because of his age, but because kids with special needs are usually enrolled in preschool from age 3 (to get the best start in life and reach their full potential). So, it was hard to believe that a kid like Trig with DS would be only starting preschool at age 5.

    Now we find out he'll be in Kindergarten next year. Did Trig only have one year of preschool? If so, shame on you Sarah and Todd for robbing your child of his education. It's not the first time, but it's certainly the most shameful. Private therapy isn't the same as a full day or school with a classroom full of other children and three or four adults (a couple of which are special ed teachers).

    My friend who has a six-year-old daughter with DS has her enrolled in public school all year round, which they do for kids with that level of special need, and has done since the girl was three. It's immensely important.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Um, many kids don't even go to preschool. It isn't required. Why are you an asshole

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Um, kids with DS need to go to preschool if they are to reach their full potential. The only asshole here is you, someone who thinks she understands child development better than the experts.

  23. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Photographer: Okay Trig look and smile for the camera

    Trig: I can't! Where's the camera? My caretaker didn't give me my prescription glasses.

  24. Anonymous2:49 PM

    As if you could fail preschool. Trig looks silly in his homemade outfit.

    1. linda3:22 PM

      A lot of preschools do this anymore. I'm not sure if they have the parents make the outfits or if they make them themselves and re-use them year to year. My 29 year old daughter went through a graduation of preschool many years ago. I've seen more and more pictures like this on Facebook of the children of my young friends. Just saying I doubt that SP made this up just to take a photo. There probably really was some kind of graduation thingy at the preschool.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      wow - do you people not realize what a huge business this is - for photogs? The same ones who are there fro the yearly sports photos and any other activity your kid is in. Those photogs often bring a rack of caps and gowns with them.

    3. Anonymous5:31 PM

      4:46 PM

      I can't say I have kept up with school pictures. I do like the old ones. Especially, the entire classrooms with the teachers. So cute and so fun.

    4. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Did you just disparage a child? I feel deeply sorry for you

  25. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Obviously Sarah had nothing better to do but post private pictures and information about Trig, when her popularity takes a hit and she wants to look all Motherly and perpetuate a fantasy that raising a down's child is all happy happy joy joy that's offensive. How much time has Sarah herself invested in his therapy and in actually raising him? She's to busy flitting around the country promoting herself, on no she's not just promoting her chosen candidates her mug is plastered right there on the front page of the papers as well.

    On another note check out the article about Joni Ernst at the Wire. Apologies to all who do and it makes them feel ill.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      How is this different from her other random posts about him?


      Why do you NEED drama in your life? Are you that obsessed with being a liar?

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Why do WE need drama? Aren't you the 30-year-old unemployed actress who didn't make it in the big apple and had to run home to florida to live off her parents? Aren't you the one who has lusted after the Palin's story all these years? Aren't you the one who has stalked Sunny and Sadie like the homely girl in high school who does dirty deeds for the popular kids?

  26. Anonymous2:54 PM

    When will Tripp enter pre-school? If Tripp wore any cap and gown I betcha Bristol would have posted his picture holding his diploma.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Tripp was in Arizona. Didn't he go to yoga or karate lessons?

      Tripp has a busy schedule.

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Most kids have extracurricular activities outside school. And she didn't post his school picture publicly. Why not just let them live privately now.

    3. Anonymous7:31 PM

      She posted him, shirtless, surrounded by Easter Candy, but not his school pictures. That's weird.

    4. Anonymous7:51 PM

      didn't post his school picture publicly----

      Just goes to show the depth of fantasy and delusions trolls suffer with.

    5. We would be thrilled not to see any more bare-chested photos of Tripp lying in a mound of candy. Seriously. But Bristol can't stand it..she has to live her life in public just like her mother. Now when Levi gets custody, we'll see far fewer photos go Tripp.

  27. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Has Tripp finished kindergarten? Not trying to be mean, Bristol doesn't seem to want to go there.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Sigh. Tripp's b-day is in late December He would have turned 5 then? If the schools have an earlier cut off date - I've seen them anywhere from July - late November - a few use the New year - then he wouldn't be able to go to school until next fall when he'll be on of the oldest in the classroom.

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Tripp will be registered for Kindergarten soon. Why are you a stalker

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Tripp will register for Kindergarten when the judge awards custody to Levi and Sunny. Luckily, they will be in charge of his well-being and not Bristol.

    4. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Sunny and Levi will have Tripp's birth certificate.

      Remember how much little Trig meant to Levi when he held him and he was newborn? I can't believe Levi wouldn't want to do all he can to ensure that Trig is also in a proper school and getting the care and education he needs. Levi may not be up on child care matters, but Sunny would be. She can get him up to speed.

    5. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Levi is trying to get PART custody. He believes in co-parenting. (For the life of me, I do NOT understand how he can have that POV, having seen over the years, what a LOUSY MOTHER Barstool is/was.

  28. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Sarah Palin

    5 hours ago · Edited · 

    Onward and Upward! With preschool diploma in hand, kindergarten, here we come!

    It's about time Sarah Palin goes back to school. Sarah did say "kindergarten here WE come"

  29. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Trig did you look under your chair at graduation? Maybe your grandma taped a quarter under it?

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Is Trig the first Palin to graduate with his class?

    2. Anonymous5:51 PM


    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      @5:17 I'll give Trig credit for his graduation. According to the photo, the dates are 2013-2014. Trig may have gone to school longer than Bristol went to skin care school.

    4. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Um, 3 did. Well Willow graduated early like a few of her friends.

    5. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Willow didn't graduate from shit. She either got a GED or "graduated" from a shitty online high school.

  30. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Bristol must be very proud of Trig.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Why? Trig is not Bristols. He isn't Sarah's either, but he is not Bristols.

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Bristol is proud of both boys, Trig and Track. Tripp is her greatest love.

    3. Anonymous5:53 PM

      How can you be sure? If he entered pre-school then he at least has a birth certificate and at least one person, other than a Palin, has seen it. Wonder what it says as to birth date and parents?

    4. Anonymous7:11 PM

      5:53 PM

      What is his pre-school? Which one? I think he's started at least twice. If the schools don't have a name it could be anything. It might have to do with her witch doctor's church? At another Xtians house? Some fly by night school. Who knows.

      I would hope everyone does have a birth certificate. The Palins are shifty, they could find a way not to show anyone Trig's birthday. Or the person is part of their crime syndicate.

  31. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Trig is a good kid and he must already have a huge bank account. He doesn't seem to mind if he can't see. How is his hearing?

    Here is Trig at work, doing his cute smile.

    Both Trig and Tripp's futures must be financiallysound and their educations already paid for.

    Just curious... is this the same snowmobile that Todd and the wrenching failed in Iron Dog 14? Now that Track is working in the garage, the Ski-doos may do great 2015. Is Track going to be in the next race? It looks like he is getting ready. Has anyone watched the Sportsman Channel to see his appearances?

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      How come Todd doesn't race with Track as his partner? Have they even thought of it?

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM


      Don't even.

      Track couldn't find his ass with both hands but yeah, he's "wrenching".


    3. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Anonymous3:24 PM
      Track may be unable or he is embarrassed to be with his family in public? I read an on-line discussion where someone said that Track goes to Irondog with his friends only. He is never photographed in the happy smiling shots where the family is selling the snow products.

      I don't know if it is true that Track does go with his friends. I do know I have not seen him with his family.

      Now that he has come out of the shadow, he may start selling snowmobiles, fuel or other snow products like the others. He might even work on camera. Even Trig is used to sell machines and for pimping products.

      I would like to know how they pay Trig and what they do with the money he has earned. Alaska does not have the same protection for kids as say California.'s_Bill

      I don't know if Levi and Sunny care about Tripp's acting career and whether he is paid or what happens to his money. He did work in California. If Levi doesn't care, Tripp will also be neglected.

    4. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Did Track 'fuck up' Todd's LOSING Machine before the race? Isn't Track an experienced School Bus Mechanic?

    5. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Why the slander on Track? Why are you a mean person?

    6. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Tripp has a bank account. He has a college fund. Everything for him. happy kid. Saw him this weekend with his friends

    7. Anonymous7:12 PM

      If you saw him this weekend, it was on facebook. Are you the one who set up that creepy Tripp facebook page? Do you think Bristol would let you within a mile of Tripp?

    8. Anonymous7:37 PM

      6:43 PM

      You can't be specific? Your crap self implodes from all your CH4.

    9. Anonymous7:44 PM

      This is one of many.
      Here is Trig at work, doing his cute smile.

      He must have a small fortune in his bank by now.

      Tripp would be a millionaire by now. All the television work he does. He would have several million and he can afford Oxford, Yale or Harvard.

  32. Anonymous3:16 PM

    It is posts like this- and the comments from 'Uncle Gryphs' fan club, that remind me how dislodged from normalcy some of you goofy kids (adults) are. 'At long last, have you left no sense of decency?'

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      I agree their are a lot of moronic comments, but why is Gryphens post so offensive to you.?

    2. Anonymous5:14 PM

      3:16 PM is as jealous of Gryphen as Sarah Palin is. As for goofy kids, Sarah is number one in that category.
      3:16 Your Middle School writings tell a lot about your mental state. It is apparent why you write "Grow Up" so much, you are referring to yourself.

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Gryphen's post is not offensive. Comments are a mix, some not so good, others excellent. If you want someone to decide for you what comments to read, there is always Sarah Palin's Facebook. Bristol Palin has a blog that is also boring authoritarian.

    4. Anonymous5:55 PM

      It is cruel and unfair to Trig for him to go around without his glasses. It's dangerous, he could walk into something. If he can't see, he is not getting 100% of the information out there. That is putting him at a further disadvantage. Now, let's see who should be in charge of making sure that Trig wears his glasses. Trig? That would be the two people who have chosen to raise him. That comes with the responsibility to get him the best therapy and make sure that he wear his glasses so he can see. Oh, Trig, doesn't like to wear his glasses? Who are the parents? Who are the adults in the room? Let him pick out the frames that he wants to wear so he will wear them. If they keep falling off, get him a strap, just like professional sports guys wear. How about a chart, and a week of stars for wearing glasses gets a treat? The criticism here is directed at the people who chose to raise Trig and call him their son.

    5. Anonymous6:42 PM

      No, this is not an offensive post for once. It does invite bizarre people to write drivel and lies though.

    6. Anonymous7:34 PM

      How dare people want to see a challenged child have proper eye care and their needs met. Therapy, too? Isn't that a bit much? Trig will have Jill Hadassa Palin in 2 months. Chill people, she may be a seeing eye dog.

    7. Anonymous8:19 PM

      It is cruel and unfair to Trig for him to go around without his glasses.+++++

      I couldn't agree more. And that is what Sarah Palin's Facebook post with Trig is screaming. LOOK AT TRIG'S EYES. Do something to help him. Sure he is cute and that is nice to say. Behind the precious is affliction and problems that need attention ASAP. Trig Palin is a neglected child. That is abuse, as well.

  33. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Hey 3:16, if we had decency in the Palin klan, I'm sure you would not see the negative commentary on ANY blog site when it concerns Sarah Palin.

    She started it by being the evil bitch that she has always been! Haven't you figured it out yet that the majority in Alaska and/or the nation do NOT respect or like her?

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      3:37 does it matter that no-one likes her or respects her? She is irrelevant, totally irrelevant. This post is about a 6 year old child, not Sarah Palin, and apparently most the IMers think somehow that is it appropriate to volunteer their imagination and false narratives into every little aspect of this kids life. Again... 'have you left no sense of decency?'

      Solve the fake pregnancy, that is the only door worth opening. This rest of this is just bullshit. It is a family of C-list celebrities that hold no real power in any sense.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Howdy AGAIN 3:56! Yes, we are talking about a child that sista Sarah brought to the forefront today w/this photo. So, we are talking about both - his 'supposed' mother, whom I designate as the 'evil bitch'! She is also known (and it's been proven) as to having no parenting skills if you look at the rest of her brood! (Bristol, Track and Willow)

      Who is to think this poor DS child will be raised any better? He won't be - has needed education before this, needs to wear his glasses and hearing enhancements! He takes much more effort, love and care to raise and Sarah Palin has NEVER displayed those talents to any of her existing children. Why in the hell should we expect her to do so w/this little guy? It's about him, but very, very much about Sarah who is not his mother, who could care less about him except to use him. (i.e. w/this current photo!)

      I sincerely think you need to look at things with a realistic eyeball! I like the little guy, but detest Sarah Palin and her pimp husband Todd Palin ("Boys Will be Boys")!

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM

      This post is about a 6 year old child, not Sarah Palin,

      This post is NOT about a 6 year old child, IT IS about the mother that lied and covered up until she decided to use him.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

      Sarah's so dang purrrty! Their happily living a vibrant happy life.

      Was that nice enough?

    5. Anonymous6:41 PM

      So, you're blaming her for YOU being a lying asshole, making her a victim?

  34. F U McCain3:53 PM

    Deflect deflect deflect

    (That water boarding joke only landed in the room. Must do damage control. ..)

    - here's a picture of Track! Remember- he was in the military!

    - here's a post about our new DOG! AND it's a SERVICE dog. Get it? Servant (like me!).

    - here's a post about TRIG. See? I'm a MOM! to a DS DARE you question my maternal qualities!

    Did you guys forget about that water boarding comment yet?



    Willow - get me a picture of you at the salon.

    Brisdull- put something about Tripp graduating on your Pathetic blog.

    Ugh. Don't make me fake a photo with Todd! That's the worst.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM


      "Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we'd baptize terrorists."

    2. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

      You get the gold star! That's exactly the way they roll!

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Ding ding ding, distraction. When the Christians attack, it's time to hold up Trig, remember Trig?

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      lol You people need lives

    5. Anonymous7:33 PM

      6:40 thinks it's fine for Sarah Palin to say waterboarding is baptism. Anything Sarah Palin says is like music to 6:40's ears.

    6. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Anonymous7:33 PM

      Blasphemy is unforgivable in the New Testament. 6:40 is with Sarah and both will go to hell according to the Bible. Obviously, they do not read the Bible or they would not act with such ignorance of the Word of God.

  35. Anonymous4:15 PM

    What's in it for the Palins?

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Not having people use their name as an endorsement. Some celeb just sued a company for using her name as an endorsement just because she tweeted about it. Don't twist things

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Not having people use their name as an endorsement. Some celeb just sued a company for using her name as an endorsement just because she tweeted about it. Don't twist things

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Trig should sue his parents for using him to endorse those killer of the environment snow machines by Ski-Doo. The Palins have also endorsed Artic Cat and other pollutants.

  36. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Fuck Sarah Palin!! She is on constant cover up!!! It's getting so old....keep that evil mouth shut, sista Sarah and you won't have to go to these means of using your 'supposed kid.


    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      wth? Take your meds

  37. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Well Trig does have Sarah's eyes.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Willow had surgery to correct hers. Piper has an eye that turns in. (Check out her basketball photo, and her left eye was dilated when Bristol gave her eyelash extensions). Bristol wears glasses. So does Sally Heath.

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Sometimes kids take after their Grandparents.

    3. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Are you saying Trig takes after his Grandma Palin?

    4. Geez, if most of the Palin spawn inherited Sarah's wonky eye, those are some bad "mom genes".

  38. Anita Winecooler5:35 PM

    Good for Trig! Now can someone get him a more comfortable pillow than an i pad and let him eat off a table without a dog walking on it?
    Which Trig version graduated? Isn't his uncle Tripp about ready to graduate, also, too? Where's the p-a-r-t-a-y?????

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      haha Trig loves his dog babies

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Trig has a bed in his parent's room. Im sure it's lovely. :)

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM


    4. A bed in his parent's room? Well, I guess that proves he doesn't live with the Palins, as they haven't slept in the same room in years.

  39. Anonymous5:56 PM

    At age 6 Trig would have easily qualified for public education from age 3 on. As for education from Zero to 3 , Trig would have qualified on his DS diagnoses. Trig, should in reality, be finishing his 6 th yr of education , unless his parents were negligent.
    BTW Preschool is not PreK special education.

  40. Anonymous6:04 PM

    $arah where are Trigs GLASSES??

  41. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I don't understand. Her other kids attended school normally, barring a few months during the 08 election. The older 3 are graduates and Piper is almost done with 7th grade.

    Personally, they may have wanted to wait until Trig was more advanced in several areas. Maybe they are trying to get him pottytrained. I understand that struggle lasts quite a while.

    I will also mention that they MAY think that waiting a year and letting him start Kindergarten with Tripp will help him in the long run. One year delay isn't significant or a big deal. Actually, at this point, I'd put money on the Tripp theory. Having a buddy who's in his class through his life might help his academic development. Even if they attend different schools.

    What's kind of interesting is, he received a graduation certificate LAST May from a preschool program. Maybe it was level 1 of 2?

    I don't know his program, as some greatly differ.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Bullshit, every word.

    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Wasn't it Trig that also had 2 first days of school?

      It makes you wonder if everything is just made up.

    3. Anonymous9:13 PM

      6:24 Again, total bullshit! It's so obvious you don't know a damned thing about what you are addressing!

  42. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Well, he does talk. He can say the basic like thank you, people's names, i love you... And he does know numbers

    I would imagine they're pretty proactive in his development. Sarah was always a stickler for school as a kid and her kids did well.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      That HILARIOUS!!!

    2. HAHHAHAH. That's priceless. "her kids did well." Gues what. She still has kids in school, and she spent the winter gallivanting around the country with their how much homework help did Piper and Trig get for the past six months from Ms. ProActive?

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM

      6:27 You are so full of shit it is unbelievable! Sarah Palin is no more a 'stickler' for school w/her kids than is my pet rabbit!

      None of her kids have excelled in school or in school activities.

      And, this last child w/DS is already so far behind the eight ball it isn't funny! He should be taken away from the Palin family and put w/people that would love and care for him properly!

      He does not belong w/the Palin klan of idiots! What a disgrace they are - Sarah only USES him!

    4. Anonymous9:14 PM


      Remember Piper-Diaper complaining how HARD first grade was, since she was missing so many school days all the time? She has been missing many, many school days, and if her parents weren't the PayMes, she would have been in DEEP sh*T for that!

  43. Anonymous6:28 PM

    this opens the door for much libel Gryphen. Let's not opine on things we cannot give an intelligent or informed opinion on.

    1. Hey, I have an idea. Pass your little missive on to Sarah, so she can stop opining on foreign affairs, food, and anything else. Thank you.

  44. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I thought Sarah posted a "recent photo" of Trig and he was missing his baby teeth, so how did his permanent teeth grow in so fast?

    Congrats Trig, the first to graduate in your family.

  45. It would be a kindness for that tightwad "mother" of his to get Trig off to an ophthalmologist to get that wonky eye fixed.

    Unless, of course, she's keeping him that way to "prove" he's related to her.

    Just another day in the Life of Sarah ("it's all about me, me, me").

  46. Anonymous6:59 PM

    It is imperative that children with strabismus get diagnosed and treated early.
    They must wear their corrective glasses to help with double vision, depth perception and prevent their
    vision from being permanently altered.
    Sometimes surgery and eye patches are helpful .
    The Palins do not seem to grasp this as Trig is usually photographed without his glasses.
    He is probably seeing double then .
    The second photo on her FB shows Trig in poorly fitted glasses squinting in the bright sunshine which is reflecting off the snow .
    Todd is wearing sunglasses because he wants to protect his eyes.
    They are clearly still using Trig as a prop and
    never , ever demonstrate the level of caring and concern that normal loving parents show their children.
    It looks like Palin is uncomfortable that Trig
    has DS because she only posts photos that are carefully staged and edited.
    There's something so instinctively " off " about
    the way she interacts with Trig.
    On the rare occasions when she does.
    The fact that she rarely appears with Trig in public
    and never appears with him , alone ,
    just the two of them ,
    is another indiction of her discomfort.
    She needs the buffer of the other family members
    because he may be as uncomfortable with her
    as she is with him.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM


    2. Anonymous8:34 PM

      It is imperative that children with strabismus get diagnosed and treated early.

      That is the most vital matter of this thread. He is being neglected and there is nothing anyone can do about it?

  47. Anonymous7:00 PM

    6:24 PM Tripp should have started Kindergarten 2 years ago. When Tripp reaches 1st grade, he will be the biggest and oldest in his class. Tripp has some of his permanent teeth already.

  48. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The entire Palin family promotes ATV/snowmachines and all the poison that goes into running them and ruining the planet. Trig is innocent, but they use him to sell their sh!t. I wish more people cared about the damage they are doing and the climate issues. We are going to wait until the planet is suffocating before we think about how deadly people like that are.

    Here is a smidgen of good information.

    Finally, 'Cosmos' Takes On Climate Change

  49. Anonymous7:49 PM

    "Have a great Monday!"
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin could have said this:

    Have a great Cinco De Mayo

  50. I hope the rest of his dysfunctional family can achieve what tripp has has achieved academically. He has set the bar high in the palin/heath klan.

  51. Kindergarten is not required in all states. But it does prepare students for school. Not all preschools do. Especially religious or private ones. ( We have some pre-K programs in our district public schools.)

    Can we assume his glasses and hearing aids were removed just for the picture? Because without them, mainstreaming him will be a lot more difficult on his teachers and fellow students.

    If he's pulled out of school as often as Piper he is not going to do well. He can't be missing days and weeks of school off an on throughout the school year.


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