Thursday, May 15, 2014

When Evangelicals fight.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

Ken Ham called televangelist Pat Robertson a pagan tool of secularists for his critical remarks this week about Young Earth creationists. 

A “700 Club” viewer challenged Robertson on Tuesday for agreeing with scientists that the Earth was billions of years old, which creationists believe contradicts the biblical account of the universe and its origins. 

“You have to be deaf, dumb and blind to think that this Earth that we live in only has 6,000 years of existence,” Robertson told the caller. “It just doesn’t. I’m sorry.” 

Ham, who leads the Answers In Genesis ministry that operates the Creation Museum in Kentucky, blasted Robertson in a post Wednesday on his personal Facebook page, reported Right Wing Watch. 

The creationist attacked Robertson’s comments point by point, accusing him of “utter ignorance of science” for disputing the “literal history” of the Bible – “as it is meant to be taken,” Ham said, “as Jesus takes it.” 

Ham took offense to Robertson’s observation that the Earth and all of its observable phenomena could not have been created in just 6,000 years. 

“Really Pat Robertson?” Ham said. “You mean there is no way God, the infinite Creator, could not have created the universe in six days just six thousand years ago? God could have created everything in six seconds if He wanted too!”

Yes when you believe in magic all things are possible. Six days, six seconds, it's all the same when your version of God is some amplified version of Samantha Stevens from the TV show "Bewitched."

Apparently in Ken Ham's version all God has to do is wiggle his nose and everything suddenly appears, while the laws of physics suspend themselves in deference.

However for poor Pat Robertson, the evidence is making it harder and harder to cling to the notion of a God who worked outside of nature. And is struggling to balance his belief in a supernatural entity against the overwhelming evidence that scientists have accumulated of the very natural and factual explanation for the creation of the universe and life on this planet.

What I find interesting is that you would almost expect these two roles to be reversed, and that the somewhat younger (62) Ken Ham would be more amenable to questioning his Biblical point of view, rather than the older (84) Pat Robertson who you may expect to be more firmly stuck in his denial of evidence.

But I guess when you are the founder of a faux museum dedicated to Creationism it makes it rather challenging to entertain other points of view. And in fact very important to shut them down as soon as they are expressed, for fear they will negatively impact your source of revenue.

Personally I could watch phony religious snake oil salesmen fight all day long.

But that's just me.


  1. Anonymous1:16 PM

    So this is a weird post to leave this at, but it kind of fits given how I had a wonderful paster years ago who loved the idea of swearing and would legitimately discuss it in sermons. I miss that church

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Observing an argument between a fool and a dolt as to who is more stupid does have it amusing moments. Poor Ham, he's been declared a fool by an expert fool, Robertson.

  3. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Dumb and Dumber

  4. Both tools.


  6. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

    They'll kiss and make up just before the applesauce cart with the creaky wheel leaves the elevator. Now THIS is "reality tv" that I'd laugh my ass off watching. Episode 1 Eve is fruitful and multiplies with Adam, they have two sons, one takes a wife. Is incest good or bad?
    God never created watches, so when did time start?
    Then they could get into it over who's got a bigger fig leaf.

  7. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Religion: Sick f*ckers revealed.

    "The Catholic church in Chile is under investigation over allegations that priests played a central role in a network that stole newborn babies from single mothers.

    Police investigators are now probing dozens of cases in which unmarried women who became pregnant were pressured by priests to give up their child for adoption. Those who refused were anaesthetised during delivery and, upon awakening, told that the child had died. The healthy babies were hidden from their biological mothers and given away in order to be raised by married couples in "traditional" Catholic families.

    Church leaders now admit they have known about the network for at least 10 years. Unlike in Spain and Argentina, where babies were stolen from families considered to be too poor or too subversive to raise the children well, the motivation in Chile was to shield the reputations of well-off families from the social stigma of unmarried motherhood.

    Most of the cases now being investigated date from the 1970s and 1980s, but some were reported in 2005."

    1. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

      Here's another that a movie was based on. This happens to be in Ireland, but it happens in every country. They're as sick as the secrets they keep, priest abuse is a scratch on the surface, and we STILL don't have all the information.

  8. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Ken Ham..........only really concerned about his pocketbook...........

  9. Our Lad6:28 AM

    They're the same. A couple of fucking snake oil salesmen that would sell out their respective congregations for the right price. Oldest hustle on earth and these two motherfuckers are masters.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.