Saturday, June 14, 2014

After producing 750,000 documents for the Republican IRS witch hunt at a cost to taxpayers of 10 million dollars, it is revealed that some of Lois Lerner's e-mails were lost when her computer crashed, which immediately inspires Sarah Palin and the Right Wing to compare it to Watergate. No, seriously.

Courtesy of Sarah Palin's Twitter page:  

Remember the 18 minute gap in Nixon’s White House tapes during the Watergate scandal? Now Obama’s IRS top dog claims a communications gap of 1,052,000 minutes. Hmm. Wonder if the press will recognize similarities. Maybe a smidgen? The IRS claims it just “lost” two years worth of email records sent to and from the central figure in their harassment of conservatives scandal. Try claiming that next tax season: “Oops-a-daisy, computer crash, all records gone, so... just trust me on what I claim I owe you, IRS.” You know, Obama Administration, at this point why not just say the dog ate it? Watch now as the Administration tosses us a bone while the public demands Obama find those evaporated emails. And about that promise of transparency? About that claim to be “The Most Transparent Administration Ever”? All bark, no bite. 

- Sarah Palin

Just in case you are not up to date on the recent Right Wing conspiracy theories, this is what Palin is  gnashing her teeth over:  

Congressional investigators are fuming over revelations that the Internal Revenue Service has lost a trove of emails to and from a central figure in the agency's tea party controversy. 

The IRS said Lois Lerner's computer crashed in 2011, wiping out an untold number of emails that were being sought by congressional investigators. The investigators want to see all of Lerner's emails from 2009 to 2013 as part of their probe into the way agents handled applications for tax-exempt status by tea party and other conservative groups.

Now if you are absolutely convinced that this administration is the most corrupt in the history of presidential administrations, this might seem like a smoking gun to prove that everything you hear on Right Wing news sites is real and the End Times are nigh.

However if you read a little further down into the AP article you discover this: 

The IRS said technicians went to great lengths trying to recover data from Lerner's computer in 2011. In emails provided by the IRS, technicians said they sent the computer to a forensic lab run by the agency's criminal investigations unit. But to no avail. 

The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from the 2009 to 2011 because Lerner had copied in other IRS employees. The agency said it pieced together the emails from the computers of 82 other IRS employees.

So while some are apparently missing, 24,000 of them have been made available for Cotton Mather and his Inquisition to sift through with a fine tooth comb.

And then there's this: 

The IRS said in a statement that more than 250 IRS employees have been working to assist congressional investigations, spending nearly $10 million to produce more than 750,000 documents. 

Overall, the IRS said it is producing a total of 67,000 emails to and from Lerner, covering the period from 2009 to 2013.

So to be clear, the IRS has spent ten million dollars  of taxpayer money, to produce 67,000 e-mails and 750,000 documents, on a "scandal" that has already been proved to be bullshit, and THIS is what Sarah Palin and the Right Wing feel is comparable to Watergate?


  1. Caroll Thompson2:35 PM

    This from a woman who used a gmail account while Governor to get around the public disclosure laws. Well at least they are leaving that poor young soldier alone.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Hear, hear.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Ummm speaking of "oppsadaisy" didn't sarah's friend lose all the PFD infor? They had to "Reload it"?
      What a fucking retard she is!

    3. Anonymous7:28 PM

      ...and used the exact phrase of promiSing a "transparent government".

      Transparent to todd palin, maybe. Nobody else knew what the he'll was going on!

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    They are no different than the thousands of Palin REDACTED emails. Palin needs to STFU about things that she does herself.

  3. Anonymous2:43 PM

    George Bush minions methodically, intentionally DESTROYED all kinds of documents during his administration. No computer glitches, just plain intent to destroy evidence. No one howled then, you fucking bitch.

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Millions of White House e-mails may be missing, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino acknowledged Friday.

    "I wouldn't rule out that there were a potential 5 million e-mails lost," Perino told reporters.

    The administration was already facing sharp questions about whether top presidential advisers including Karl Rove improperly used Republican National Committee e-mail that the White House said later disappeared.

  5. Anonymous2:45 PM

    22 Million Deleted George W. Bush Emails Recovered

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Karl Eove kept a stealth secret account too.

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I'm sure they all went something like this:

      "hey Turdblossom and Cheny guy I'm dooyin sum brush work on the ranch if anything needs me to be in warshington then send out the plane and i can be there to do some work for the president and stuff"

  6. Anonymous2:45 PM



    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Actually my friend, you are a realist.

  7. Anonymous2:46 PM

    A federal magistrate judge on Thursday chastised the Bush administration for failing to fully answer questions related to a long-running dispute over missing White House emails. The White House is facing lawsuits from two public interest groups, Citizens for Responsibilty and Ethics in Washington and the National Security Archive at George Washington University, demanding that the White House restore the missing e-mails and put in place systems to prevent further e-mail losses.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      I remember the pictures from January 2009, when Bush was leaving office, and a mobile shredder truck pulled up in front of the White House. There were a few trucks that came, and everyone wondered what was being shredded. The press was in front of the White House reporting it.

      I don't think we'll ever know everything that Administration did to the USA. I still don't know how they got away with it all.

  8. Anonymous2:47 PM

    And the NRA has spent 30 years pumping paranoia into sort of the most unstable members of society and feeding them with conspiracy theories telling them that black helicopters are coming to get them, that President Obama is coming to get them, that the government is killing them, that the ATF–who are only trying to do their jobs– are jack-booted thugs. So they feed this rhetoric and then they fight every attempt at reasonable gun regulation. 90% of the country supports background checks and they blocked it. 70% supports an assault weapons ban. They blocked it. So they basically have done what they can to light the fire to incite riot among people that are less than stable, who have a far right wing agenda and they have made sure these people have access to weaponry of war that as recently as 30 years ago, people couldn't get those kind of weapons. Now, they are everywhere.

  9. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Another day, another Sarah Palin cry for attention.

    Why is she spending all her time finger-pointing? Doesn't she have such a busy family to raise? Isn't it summer in Alaska? Doesn't the big tough mama bear have salmon to slay?

    Don't you have to lies to make up about your sad little life, and old lies to protect, Sarah? Why are you constantly clogging up the internet with your pleas for Other People's Money? Is that Dud you're married to STILL unable to control your spending?

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      She doesn't have a fucking thing to do!!!

      We all know she has no friends, has no relationships w/her kids, she and Todd are not a 'real' husband and wife team that love and care deeply for each other, she has no interests to include the fact she does not cook, hunt, fish and doesn't take care of her disabled child (retarded, as she calls him!). Plus, we know she doesn't read - except for People's Magazine and gossip rags.

      She's a very boring person in that all she spews is hate, fear and anger! Really a person I'd want be around!!!!! Yuk!

      She's not even a neighbors neighbor from what is said about her in Wasilla.

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      I don't believe that any of her latest gibberage have any input from the queen Bitch herself. I don't believe she is coherent enough to form even these simplistic sentences. Fuck you sawah.

  10. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Where are Palin's emails?

  11. Boscoe2:57 PM

    ??? So... they compare EVERYTHING to Watergate. Same shit different day.

    What's fascinating is that they never catch on to the idea that if they didn't try to turn EVERY possible topic into "WATERGAAATE!!!" we might actually listen when something REAL pops up. As it is, they can't get over their own noise level in the event that something actually important comes along. And so they find yet another way to let us down as a nation. Congrats Sarah, your hysterical hyperbole helps ensure that nobody but tinfoil-teatards will ever be listening.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM


    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Just like Chris Matthews when he compared bridge scandal to watergate

  12. Anonymous3:26 PM

    This from the party whose people INTENTIONALLY destroyed videos of TORTURE.

  13. Anonymous3:34 PM

    For the party that is always screeching about fiscal responsibility, they sure have no problem spending taxpayer dollars on trumped up issues! Bless their little black hearts - and damn them to hell!

  14. Anonymous3:34 PM

    That comment was written by a woman who hid her State of Alaska official emails by hiding them in her private email-- with copies to Todd, who was not a State of Alaska official.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      But that's HER. Lash out at people for EXACTLY the same thing SHE has done and has been/can be proven, Lands sake, she is the queen of projection!

      Again, what kind of hold do these two have on people, how far involved are they in all the corruption that she hasn't been silenced?

      I absolutely abhor that whole fam damily!

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      3:41 But that's HER. Lash out at people for EXACTLY the same thing SHE has done and has been/can be proven, Lands sake, she is the queen of projection!

      It's the old "they who smelt it, dealt it" tactic.
      Accuse others first because if they try to accuse back, well, it looks like name calling and nothing else. An old trick of liars and flim flam people.

  15. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I've gotten to the point that I can't and won't read anything that she writes anymore. Let's just say I'm so sick of this sicko and I think others are too. Nothing she says surprises me because we all know she's an idiot and looking for media attention. Once she starts losing the interest of the 'haters' she has only her small group of supporters to appeal to.

  16. Anonymous3:41 PM

    This is the 'quitter' governor that was found to hide emails when she was governor and to share many of them w/her husband who was not elected 'co governor'!

    And, she is the quitter gov that the Alaska Legislature found to be unethical!

    Sarah Palin is the LAST one to be pointing fingers at our POTUS. This matter has already been investigated and nothing was found! The retard is on a wild goose chase as usual!

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Sarah Palin the Quitter knows that she and Todd the Pimp hid government e-mails and so assumes that all other elected officials are doing what she did.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Yeah, Scarah, let's remind you of the 300+ redacted State emails with Matanuska Maid Dairy in the subject line. Wanna talk about how many million $ were laundered to 4 dairy farmers....your neighbors?

  17. What's with Palin's childish and unsubtle emphasis on likening Lois Lerner to a dog? Is it because Palin's circling around the usual term for a female dog, with a "dog whistle"?

    Some of us can barely contain ourselves from calling Sarah Palin a bitch, because she is, but you can bet she'd be the first -- not Lois Lerner or Hillary Clinton, who are made of stronger stuff -- to whine about how she's the victim in all this, and it's a war on women (hey, she already did that!).

  18. Anonymous3:53 PM

    3:41, you must remember Sarah Palin is a sociopath who wouldn’t notice or acknowledge any wrongdoing on her part for anything ever. EVER. She is fundamentally flawed and mentally ill.

  19. Anita Winecooler4:17 PM

    Consider the source. For years she did gov'mint business on yahoo accounts cc'ed to a pimp, when her "emells" were made public, everything incriminating was blacked out. Did anyone check the recipients copies and documents? Go through yahoo's many servers? Pull hard drives out of her office and home? No, but I bet they did it to Sadie's!

  20. Anonymous4:27 PM

    The Wonky-eyed she-devil from the Dead Lake forgot that her own Government Emails were redacted so badly that nothing could be understood. Transparency? Sarah Palin is the Queen of Stupid.

  21. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I wonder if the Quitter and the Pimp bought the Arizona home so they could easily run drugs back to Alaska. It's the perfect cover.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Human trafficking (sex and labor) is second only to drug trafficking. There is something about the children being held that isn't right.

      Why is Sarah suddenly going so far off the rails? She was already crazy and made no sense with her looney tunes Facebook crap. Right on cue Brancy had to throw up some old picture and video to make it look like the family is together and they are decent to children. Where? Bristol left for a trip with Sarah last week.

      I don't think it is a coincidence that the Palins picked out a drug center like the Phoenix area to have another compound. Close to other smugglers. Didn't Shailey Tripp write about Todd arranging to take his girls across state lines to work? I would not put it past him to continue operations that bring large amounts of money his way.

  22. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Oopsy Daisy, Debbie Richter, whom Mrs. Palin appointed to be the head of the PFD (AK Permanent Fund) distribution division had a computer glitch that wiped out all of the PFD records and it was discovered that she did not have the wherewithal to backup crucial records.
    Oopsy Daisy indeed!

    Funny how everything Mrs. Palin rails against is something that she also too was engaged in. Oh, yes, missing records? How much of the finally, after 5 years, Governor Palin's emails were redacted? Not to mention the fact that she had her people that were still working for Parnell stall the process.

    She only says what she knows and she only knows what to say because she's done it first.

    Obstructionist low IQ stupid bitch.

  23. Anonymous5:32 PM

    As all of you have noted - there is something really strange about her postings the past few days. Either her trolley has totally slipped off the tracks or someone is feeding her these postings. There is something really weird going on here.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM



    2. Anonymous6:09 PM

      She may be using the liquid meth they smuggle in detergent containers. You got to keep all those kids clean.

    3. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Sarah throws a big tantrum when she isn't noticed.

    4. Anonymous8:24 PM

      The amoral parasites like Todd, Nancy French and RAM (along with Bisquick and WillBlow), who bank on her infamy, are worried about the cash flow.

  24. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Time for a repost of all of Sr. Sarah's email escapades as part time Gov of Alaska.
    HYPOCRITE. Again.


    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      There IS something going on here. Manic depressive behavior. When she rears her head over the lower 48 LOL you know all is not right in Esther's world.

    2. Anonymous9:46 PM

      @5:42 Do you mean when Sarah sent State of Alaska official emails through her personal email, with copies to Todd? Or do you mean all of the Freedom of Information requests for public records, namely the Governor's emails, many of which were either redacted or missing? Either way, Sarah has some 'splaining to do.

  25. Anonymous6:26 PM

    While tensions are rising in Ukraine and Iraq and possible interference from Iran, the worst thing to do is rabidly attack our leaders right now. It's time to pull together.

    Sarah Palin is in her little bubble world, complaining and whining about things which are no skin off her nose; she's financially set and doesn't feel any brunt of the IRS affairs. She stirs the waters of hate, then disappears, leaving the little people to pick up the pieces, while she's off doing Reality TV shows.

    Real people, Sarah, are trying to survive, and worry about rising gas prices on the horizon and worry about providing for their families and worry about the future and worrying about our militaries that may have to be sent overseas in a war-zone again. The economy can't sustain another war, and no matter how hard we try, we may get sucked into a ground war because the situation overseas is deteriorating.

    What does Sarah Palin have to complain about? She deserted her Alaskan constituents and refused to serve in a political capacity; she quit her post, left her unit in the lurch, dissillusioned her base, disgraced her country. If she were a soldier, she'd be branded as a deserter. She should shut her mouth, it is getting really tiring.

  26. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Her cheese done slid off her cracker in her formative years. Thank Chuckie.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM

      THANKS! We had a neighbor growing up who was raised in Indiana, and "Her cheese done slid off her cracker in her formative years" was one of her sayings. When she first moved, she asked my mom "How do y'all go porching in the winter time?"

  27. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Maybe the reason the IRS sends letters to Sarah's father, Chuck Heath, is because Sarah's PAC has paid the Heaths, one way or another. Undeclared income?

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      That is exactly why. He was selling his book for cash charging shipping and using SarahPAC to pay the "postage". Basically he was pocketing the shipping he took in.

  28. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Dear Sarah (and Bristol for that matter),

    Shut that fucking cock holster you call a mouth and disappear forever for the good of humanity.

    The Thinking World

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Why can't you criticize the Palins based on the content of their statements? Why are you conflating their ignorant hatemongering with their sexual activity? The two things are not related, and doing so makes you sound as bad as they are.

    2. In the case of both Palin mater and Palin puella, their statements (particularly their wishes to deny others their rights and their insufferable and baseless self-righteousness) and their sexual activity, are inextricably related.

  29. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I'm lifting this from somewhere else because it is one of the best views on her I have seen; Sarah is profoundly clueless and incorrigible.

  30. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I don't remember seeing Trig!s birth certificate or Sarah's medical records, not a letter. You still have them, right, Sarah?

  31. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Without McCain, the monster that is Sarah Palin would never have been known. He gave it a national stage and it attracted a following of the dregs of humanity. He will never own up to it, but history will remember his selfish mediocrity and the perversion he gave a voice to.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      It was Paxson and Kristol for the most part. That McCain went along with it shows how dumb he is and why he's yipping about anything and everything to this day, same with the grifter. Whiners that thought they were owe, and rill America said, "oh HELL no!" Wait until Esther forms her own party. The smack down will be EPIC.

  32. Anonymous8:18 PM

    If this were a republican, you'd FLIP

  33. Anonymous9:12 PM

    What is Sarah Palin and the state of Alaska hiding with her redacted emails and her family's locked files.

  34. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Gee, it's too bad that Sarah's church lost their records in that fire. That was about the only damage, right?

  35. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Palin knows all about 'lost' emails.

    "Petumenos wrote [Troopergate investigation report for AK Personnel Board] that he was concerned about the use of private e-mail accounts for state business by the governor and some of her staff and questioned whether he was able to retrieve all the pertinent correspondence he needed."

    Read more here:

  36. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Goddamn you Sarah (you and your fucking daughter) to hell. But no worries: I'm sure you'll arrive there in fine style (just as you do everywhere else).

  37. Anonymous10:58 PM

    More about Palin's deleted emails from the ADN editorial board:

    "Not until page 54 of his exoneration does Petumenos mention that the most likely source of such evidence is gone. Gov. Palin routinely used her private e-mail account to conduct state business, and those e-mails, Petumenos reports, are irretrievably deleted from her e-mail service."

    (old link - no longer works)

  38. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Hay Sarah... this is quite similar to the April 2008 coverup: "All belly, No babe."

    Just sayin'


  39. Anonymous11:19 PM

    WaterGate, BabyGate . . . how's about a slammin' jail gate sarah-lou? You shall indeed reap all the evil you have sown.


  40. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Every fucking time I see that picture i am reminded of s schoolgirl who is stung by a bee, not knowing what has bit her in the ass.

    THAT is Sarah Palin.

  41. Chenagrrl12:00 AM

    She has some nerve. She of the redacted emails on government business. No clean underwear there.

  42. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Notice how right wing talking points extend even to punctuation? It's absolutely necessary to refer to the lost emails with "lost" in quotes.

  43. Ratfish6:22 AM

    Palin knows what she is talking about when it comes to open and transparent.

    After all, that was the mantra for her administration, which promptly created a private email system to hide theur actions from the public.

    As always, Palin = hypocrite.

  44. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Where's your Father's Day post, $arah? No shout out to your incestuous dad? How about Levi that you're keeping from his rights? Pimp Tawd, worst Dad role model ever?

  45. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Oopsy Daisy i saree used a yahoo account for my STATE JOB as Governor for STATE work!
    what a moron.


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