Saturday, June 14, 2014

Shep Smith from Fox News: "Are we about to be drawn back into a conflict in Iraq?" Are we sure he still works for Fox News?

Courtesy of TPM:

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith provided some useful history on Friday about many of the same people who are now pressuring the Obama administration to take military action in Iraq, where Islamic militants have overrun two cities in recent days as they march toward Baghdad. 

Smith kicked off his afternoon broadcast with a recap of the deteriorating security situation in Iraq before he offered a barely veiled commentary on the debate playing out here in the United States. 

"Are we about to be drawn back into a conflict in Iraq?" Smith asked. "The same people who 12 years ago told us this will be quick, this will be easy, this will be inexpensive, they will see us as liberators, it's the right thing to do, are now telling us: It's the right thing to do. What's the endgame? Who's thought this through?" 

Later in the broadcast, Smith, who's earned a reputation for occasionally bucking his employer's conservative orthodoxy, told fellow Fox News host Chris Wallace he still hasn't forgotten "being bamboozled" by the Bush administration before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. 

"Well, I remember it. I think it would be wrong for us to just sit around and listen and not ask big questions," Smith said. 

At the end of his interview with Wallace, Smith said he believes the media "will operate differently this time than it did the last time." 

"I hope we do, hope we do," Smith said. "I hope we ask lots of questions."

Shep Smith reminds me of a guy that stayed in the insane asylum visiting a friend too long, and then found himself locked in after visiting hours were over and realized that the staff thought he was a patient.

"No dammit! I do not hear voices in my head, I was just not keeping track of the time! Let me the fuck out of here!"

"Too late, here's your Xanax. Now get ready to broadcast the conservative side of the news. And remember, everything is Obama's fault."


  1. Caroll Thompson4:48 PM

    i like Shep Smith. Ever since he went on a rant in New Orleans about government inaction after Hurricane Katrina, I have thought he is the best thing at FOX news.

    1. F U McCain!3:09 AM

      A turd on a plate is still better than anything on fox news

  2. Anonymous5:17 PM

    ummmmmmmmmm, this is an interesting phrase from a woman who's father has been a womanizer and power abuser in that regard all his life and as President. "Chelsea said that Bill Clinton also taught her one of credos. "Certainly, one of his credos that I've adopted fully is that it is always better to get caught trying than to never have tried at all."

    (SOOOOO, it was all in the cosmos that he was supposed to have affairs and get caught, to teach his child a lesson that regret shouldn't exist?)

    For the record, I believe Bill is a good father and one can be a good father while fighting personal demons (we all have them)

    People in IM comments just have yet to confront theirs.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      And your demon must be hypocrisy

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Shall we talk Palin's affairs? Pimp Tawd? Care for me to accumulate a list of GOP caught with their pants down? I can do it in 5 minutes flat. You are one pathetic troll and, no matter how many times you're here, your queen is still done and the more moronic you look.

    3. Anonymous6:10 PM

      First, what does this have to do with Shep Smith? Second, I'm sure that Chelsea was not alluding to her father's affair/s but to his determination to reach for the stars - and in his case, get there! I'm thinking you're on the wrong blog for your comments!

    4. Anonymous6:44 PM

      The trolls show up when they know Gryph is right, 1smartamerican. You can see 'em coming. I watch Real-Time for fun just waiting....and here they be! It's HYSTERICAL!

    5. Anita Winecooler6:54 PM

      My Father taught me some sage advice. "A woman can run faster with her skirt up than a man with his pants down", But What the hell does this have to do with the post?

    6. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Ummmmmm.....this is an interesting post from someone who supports GEDS and hair and skin school, instead of an accomplished young woman who also has surely made mistakes, but got her degree, got married first before pregnancy, and is going as far as the life can take her on her own merit instead of relying on Mommy and Daddy to pay her way through life because she spread her legs in a tent.

    7. "(SOOOOO, it was all in the cosmos that he was supposed to have affairs and get caught, to teach his child a lesson that regret shouldn't exist?)"
      You are projecting, jackass. How on earth did you draw the conclusion that Bill's actions were foreordained or that he claiming that to avoid taking responsibility for them?

      Do you morons spend your time doing anything beyond heavy mouth-breathing while speculating on Democratic presidents' sex lives?

  3. Anonymous5:41 PM

    President Obama said NO. He has the last word.

    I hope some readers here got to watch Bill Maher last night, It was explained WHY 2003 was a bad idea from the start because this exact thing was predicted as an outcome by those who knew. They did it anyway. Don't blame President Obama, this is ALL on the "now painting" Dubya and his administration.

  4. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

    I'm starting to like Shep Smith. Not enough to watch him regularly on any channel, but he's got chutzpah. Wonder if he ever "interviewed" the former hottest governor from the coldest state?

  5. Anonymous10:02 PM

    AKPetMom said...
    So this is just a post about how the teens in Wasilla Alaska are just like the teens throughout the rest of America? They talk about shit they do, gossip about it and score points with each other for going further than the other person did. We did that in 1982 when I was 16, we just didn't have a Myspace to talk about it on. We used phones back then and much gossiping was done without the threat of people being able to find it and use it as "evidence". Granted, my generation tended to have higher aspirations than the current one seems to but they are doing the same things we all did, just in a public forum.

    Bloggers are disgusting for heir propagandizing.

    1. Anonymous4:43 AM

      How is it propaganda and WTF does your tripe have to do with Shep Smith?

    2. Are you insane? You make no sense whatsoever. The post is about war in the Middle East. So why are you babbling on about teens in Wasilla or anywhere else? Quite honestly, it is disturbing that someone damn near 50 is so obsessed with listening in on and tracking teenagers.

      If you think bloggers are disgusting, why do you spend so much time on blogs. Why don't you go hangout with some teens. Just tell them they are all you think about. That won't freak them out at all, you demented loon.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.