Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Apparently Sarah Palin was all set to use the remarks in Hillary's book to play the victim on Hannity last night, until she was knocked off by the breaking news of Eric Cantor getting his ass handed to him.

It is the rarest of rarities for me to wade into the pea pond these days, but I did so a little while ago and discovered that they had announced that Palin was scheduled for a sit down with Sean "no neck" Hannity last night.

Tonight Sarah Palin responds to Hillary’s remarks that she refused to attack her despite Obama’s request.

I kind of thought that there was a ghostwritten Facebook page on its way in which she would waggle her finger at the media and exclaim "I told you the liberals were out to get me!"

But apparently she wanted a wider audience for her pity party.

However the unforeseen victory by Dave Brat in Virginia knocked Palin aside for a more interesting interview with the big winner and other pundits who came on to talk about his victory.

But fear not, Palin is rescheduled for tonight.

So will Palin finally get the chance to use the Hillary statements to get a little attention for herself?

Not according to the Hannity website

Sen. Rand Paul reacts to the latest on the Bergdahl scandal. Plus two Tea Party candidates react to Eric Cantor's stunning loss. And Sarah Palin on the historic upset for the GOP.

Damn, not only did this Dave Brat guy win without her endorsement, but now he is pity blocking her with his stupid unprecedented victory.

How dare he fail to recognize that everything is about Sarah!


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Just as the image above came up. I read it "crack-fil-a"

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    As any sentient being knows, Barack Obama had nothing to do with the "request" to Hillary. A bunch of his very tired campaign workers dreamed it up, and then thought better of it. Hillary's making more of it than it was.
    The Obama campaign, after the first 24 hrs. after the Palin announcement, realized that Palin was a negative -- that the smart women who supported Hillary would not switch to supporting a vainglorious, ignorant candidate like Sarah, who, by the way, was female. Her gender was the least of her attributes.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Her gender was the least of her attributes.
      Nor brains or beauty, as the photo above can attest.

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Plus, all they had to do is wait, and Palin pretty much destroyed whatever chances McCain had all on her own.

      And it's still happening. Just wait for her to tweet or make a facebook post, and her lies are debunked and ridiculed all over again.

      But -- and this is the secret to her fortune -- she says all the CRAZY stuff her supporters WISH was true -- and THAT'S how you part a fool from their money.

    3. Anonymous4:14 AM

      Woah! Rode hard and put away wet comes to mind with THAT photo. Maybe she had to fill in for a couple of Toad's "girls" the night before? Looks like she slept in her makeup, and had a really rough night.

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I have no doubt that Miss Pity Party will find a way to work it into the conversation.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      She's a teenager. She'll open with it, along with her patented hyperbole and over-accentuated body language.

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Hey Sarah... FU and the horse you rode in on!

  5. Caroll Thompson2:53 PM

    No doubt Sarah will try to get in a line or two about Hillary. Please watch for us G. Take one for the team.

  6. Anonymous3:16 PM

    The Tea Party Appears To Have Replaced Eric Cantor With an Idiot

    The man that the tea party defeated Eric Cantor with lied about having gone to Princeton and sounded like a total idiot while dodging simple policy questions during an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd.

    David Brat claims on his campaign website that he attended Princeton, but The Washington Post contacted Princeton, and the Ivy League school has no record of Brat ever attending. Secondly, The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Brat presented a 2005 paper in which he argued that Protestants are the key to economic growth.

    However, the most compelling evidence that the tea party has picked another “winner” was the interview that Brat did with Chuck Todd on MSNBC:

    Todd asked Brat a simple foreign policy question about arming the Syrian rebels, and this was the answer that he got, “Hey, Chuck, I just thought today we were going to chat about the celebratory aspect. I’d love to go through all this, but my mind is just…I love all the policy questions. I’m happy to do more, but I just wanted to talk about the victory.”

    Brat was also tripped up on a question about whether or not there should be a minimum wage:

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Oh! A male Skanky PayMe! And just as prepared. Hahahahaha

    2. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Anonymous3:32 PM

      Oh! A male Skanky PayMe! And just as prepared. Hahahahaha
      Took the words right out of my mouth!
      "in what respect Charlie"? :)

  7. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Blah blah blah, whine whine whine away, $arah. Well, we all know Hannity couldn't allow her the air time alloted and switch the subject to Brat. Too late to get prepared-for-her snark on the teleprompter, and $arah unplugged is as bad or worse than Brat was with Chuck Todd this morning!

  8. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Oh yeah, here comes the nasty, mean-girl, high school snark where she'll attack President Obama in some underhanded reference to his manhood. She's so easy to predict, isn't she?

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      PLUS shell pretend that she supported Brat and his win was all because of her.

  9. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I love that picture of lady blah blah, her true skankiness shines through.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Indeed, but "shady blah blah" is probably a more accurate moniker. And like flimflam Cantor, I hope its the GOTP that takes her out of the game.


  10. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Well, she IS a victim but her perseverance embodies her realness and strong back bone. It is absolutely irrefutable that she's a highly slandered person. Isn't that right, alaskans who "hear" stuff like she was trying to sell her house and that her alaska-schooled youngest son lives in Cali? Also, some o fher closest friends have been equally treated like shit and slandered.

    I mean, who does that? What kind of blogger (I refuse to use the term person) just writes lies while condemning liars?

    What kind of bloggers privately recognizes (if they're of average intelligence) they were lied to or received highly false info and continues to perpetuate it?

    WHO deems themselves worthy of knowing people they've never met, never experienced a person's inner thoughts or feelings and struggles?

    I guess there are just SO MANY perfect humans in this world who cannot see reason or how wrong they are.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Victim of her own narcissism, low self esteem, pathetic need for attention, ignorance and racism.

      Yep, that whining little twat with the thin skin ain't got no backbone whatsoever. She just hides out on FB and spits and slobbers and on rare occasions she sucks ol' Sean's political cock.

      You are in the wrong place to remotely defend the skank woman, because we DO know her secrets, her lies, her coverups and her criminal activity. Sarah is a weak minded, stupid person. She is hard and cold and used up and desperate which is why she behaves like an oversexed teenager. She's always traded on her sexuality, but now that she's become to dried up, smelly due to her lack of personal hygiene and botched up plastic surgery, she's become a cheap political bag lady sucking money out of idiots like you to keep up with her botox and her hooker shoes and her pathetic 'wardrobe'.

      Sarah is a has been that only was for a fleeting few weeks, but once the world saw her in the glaring spotlight, they tossed her aside like the lowlife trash that she is. She even called herself VALLEY trash, so there's that, also too, you betcha.

    2. "WHO deems themselves worthy of knowing people they've never met, never experienced a person's inner thoughts or feelings and struggles?"
      That would be you.

      Now fuck off, you self-centered whiny lying nutball.

    3. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Sarah Palin has put out two books about herself. So the "don't know her" argument just doesn't work, does it?

      Sarah Palin has given many speeches and interviews. In all of them, she has demonstrated her limited intelligence and lack of experience which make her unfit for high office.

      The sooner Sarah Palin stops attempting to distort the political discourse in this country the better. But until then, her activities are justly open to scrutiny.

    4. Anonymous4:35 PM

      What's that you say about Track being Alaska-schooled and living in Cali? Her youngest and only son?

    5. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Lol!!!!! Sarah is no victim sugar. Bristol, put down the vodka.

    6. Anonymous4:50 PM

      3:42 PM:
      Nice try there once again, but one does not have to know someone up close and personal to know how they act. Ask thousands of Alaskans, including me, who do KNOW what Palin is really like. Glad she has made Arizona her home now.
      Altho I pity some Arizonans.

    7. Right on, 342pm! You wroted an awesome comment! Who says a GED isnt as well as a high school diploma!

      And ya know what else? "Gryphen" probably isn't even his real name, most likely, according to some rumors I hear. I mean, seriously, what's up with that!!

      I feel sorry for him, don't you? C'mon! I'll smh and you syh! In fact, I REALLY want to slam Gryphen, but like you say, I can't do that until I can "experience his inner thoughts and feelings" and that's probably going to take a while.

      While I'm waiting to experience his inner thoughts and feelings, I just donated ALL my money to The Screechy Wretch(tm) so she has enough postage to be our next Queen and I hope you do, also, too.

      RUN, $CREECHY, RUN!!

    8. Anonymous6:30 PM

      "I'll smh and you syh!"

      LOL! Good one BJC!

    9. Anonymous7:09 PM

      3:42 _ shank is a treasonous Bitch.

      Just like you bristol...

    10. Anonymous7:38 PM

      "I'll smh and you syh!"

      I'm still laughing!

    11. Anonymous8:20 PM

      3:42 PM You had better stop SUCKING those false titties of Sarah Palin, the saline solution is affecting your tiny brain.

    12. Anonymous12:02 AM

      Jesus Christ you are a fucking moron.

      So, when Palin is on TV lying about the President, and judging him and pretending she knows what goes on in his mind, that's "calling it like she sees it".

      But if anyone judges her by her words, (fake) writings, actions, and constant disrespect for others, they are big meanies who are picking on poor widdle Sarah! Oh, she's attacked and mistreated? WELCOME TO OBAMA'S WORLD ASSHOLE. Karma is even more of a bitch than Sarah is!

  11. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I guarantee if you were the one whose family has been grossly slandered, held to impossible standards Mother Teresa doesn't meet, and judged for being HUMAN, that you would have either committed suicide by now or you'd be on a physical rampage out for blood.

    Guarantee it.

    And what's worse, you repeatedly fail to hold YOUR OWN PARTY OF DEMOCRATS to equal judgment and analysis.

    1. Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine says the humanoid mosquito.

      "You'd be on a physical rampage out for blood." Well, that certainly describes ol' crosshairs Palin.

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Oh shut the fuck up. Grossly slandered? Are you fucking serious? Sarah has had a free goddamn ride by the media, for all her hateful, racist, sexual innuendo directed at the sitting president of the United States. If you want to talk about slander, look no further than Sarah's screeds on FB.

      Commit suicide? Nah, Sarah is way too desperate for attention to take herself out. Although, that sure would be something to celebrate, eh?

      Sarah skirts humanity on a daily basis. She's an evil, twisted, hateful, harridan, sucubus and she's sucking your bank account dry, you ignorant dickwad.

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Any sane person would question the judgement and veracity of a woman that boasts of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages) and then avoided neonatal intensive care unit equipped hospitals to supposedly be induced to give birth in small hospital not even rated to handle twins and attended by a doctor that rarely handles births at all.

    4. Anonymous4:27 PM


    5. Anonymous4:34 PM

      If you're talking about the Palins, I believe we have judged them for being NON human. And for being stinkin' liars.

    6. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Hahahahahaha! You funny!

    7. "held to impossible standards?" Hmm. She portrayed herself and her family as God-fearing Christians, even after Bristol shows up preggers at the convention. She portrayed herself as honest, right after the ethics board said she was not. She portrayed herself as a great mom, then got off her bus in freezing temps with a 6 month old wearing nothing but a diaper and a tee shirt. The next summer she dragged Piper on a bigger
      bus before school was out for a 'family vacation' to historic sites, where she told one lie after the next about our History. I'm sorry, but Palin set the bar for herself, then proceeded to limbo under it with every speech and every tweet.

    8. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Is someone pregnant, again?
      Just asking because the op sounds like her whore moans are taking her to strange places. Any cravings for pickles and icecream?

    9. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Oh but it's okay when the Quitter In Chief slanders and lies about everyone else most of all Obama.

    10. Anonymous11:36 PM

      chuck_tard jr,ya fat fuk dimwit,

      were you playing with matches the night Dar Miller's house was torched ?

    11. Anonymous12:21 AM

      IMPOSSIBLE STANDARDS?? Yeah, it's so hard to name a book you've read...or to know at least the basics about what the job you're applying for actually entails. And cry me a fucking river, that stupid bitch ran away from her job because she didn't like being governor after she completely ruined her image in Alaska and humiliated herself on the world stage. This bitch never keeps her word or finishes ANYTHING she starts, yet she SURE thinks she can hold Obama to an "impossible standard"...when she couldn't even fulfill the most mediocre standards she set for herself. She is an America-hating traitor and deserves everything she gets. Fucking loser hypocrites, both of you!

  12. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Cantor lost because of all the Democrats that turned out to vote. Virginia is an open primary state which means that any qualified voter can vote in either party's primary election. The D' s turned out in droves just to vote against Cantor.

    1. Not true. There is a chart out that shows the districts he lost are heavily GOP, with very few Dems even on the roles. So guess again. Plus, Cantor was so certain he would win, he never showed up to debate, never shook hands, gave speeches, or anything, and turnout was very low.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      If Cantor couldn't get out a large enough vote to cover the crossover votes, then he didn't deserve to win. He has been in the cut-throat business of politics for years, so he should have anticipated a crossover vote, if there was one. Goodness the Republicans have done the same thing, and worse.

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      3:44 PM Prove that, if you can. You have no stats to cite.

    4. Anonymous1:45 AM

      Cantor relied on the same pollster Mitt Romney did.
      No wonder he was surprised.
      Also, the Democratic challenger, Jack Trammel, was unopposed and not on the Primary ballot. Any Democrat who voted in the Primary, cast a vote for a Republican.

  13. Anonymous3:50 PM

    So, you're saying it's a moral thing for politically minded and biased adults to stalk unsuspecting teenagers, pull out of context comments, draw huge conclusions, judge people for things every human does, toss in some lies and badly sourced info, and sprinkle with liberal propaganda - just to collect blog revenue???

    Blog revenue is the only point of a blog. People don't surf this area of the net for legitimate information and no one respects people who blast hateful shit in comments (thanks Sandra Bullock for calling out idiots).

    Basically, part of Gryphen's income is to hurt people (many innocent, many he's never even heard of) while living in denial that his President isn't perfect.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      "People don't surf this area of the net for legitimate information"
      Of course not, blogs are opinion pieces. We get our legitimate information straight from the horse's mouth (and books). Mrs. Palin has spewed enough lies and contradictions on her own that no reporting is even needed. Have you read the multiple conflicting accounts of the birth of her fifth child? Does they make sense to you? I dare you to answer.

    2. Geez Louise, you have got the poor pitiful me meter turned up to 11, don't you.

      Now how about taking your nasty, hateful, lying self and toddle off to find your tiny tiny violin.

      Someone like you who worships a disgusting piece of filth like Palin must be equally disgusting.

    3. Anonymous4:31 PM

      You're living in denial that your mother's a dangerous asshole.

    4. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Sandra Bullock??? Lol!!!

    5. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Good god, what rock did you crawl out from under to show up her with your inane comments and stink the place up?

      I don't EVER recall Gryphen saying that President Obama was perfect. To the contrary, he's expressed any number of posts over the years questioning/criticizing his president, so you're just plain full of shit.

      As far blog revenue, get a grip, loser, blogs have lots of purposes, but money is NOT the only motivating factor. You've just crashed into the IM community of funny, smart, well read, clever, experienced, seasoned, rational people who gravitate for discussion and commentary. You wouldn't know what that is because you're clearly an idiot.

    6. Anonymous4:34 PM

      How much revenue do you think this blogger gets. ? You truly are not very bright. Bristol?????

    7. Anonymous4:58 PM

      3:50 PM

      " People don't surf this area of the net for legitimate information..."

      Well, apparently you do since you post here most everyday!

    8. Anonymous5:09 PM

      go into an empty room, close the door, lock it and then get out your bible and see if you can learn to be a good christian. or you can blow it out your azz-your choice.

    9. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Anonymous3:50 PM
      The only stalkers are the Palins and her trolls like YOU!
      Bug off Trollbait!
      What a bunch of whiny ass Titty babies y'all are! Mama grizzly? Bwhahahaha, methmouse is more like it.
      go toot a line bitch!

    10. Anonymous6:10 PM

      4:34 Bristol no doubt thinks blogging is very lucrative- after all, what kind of payout does she get from her mom's PAC just for lending her name to someone else's blog? Extrapolating, a real blogger must make millions.

    11. Anonymous7:06 PM

      STFU Sarah Skank and go throw up. You're fat.

    12. Anonymous8:05 PM

      3:50 PM If you are a US citizen, President Obama is YOUR President also. Otherwise you are a Traitor. What you offer here amounts to Bullshit. Buy some new batteries for your Todd/Bristol Dildo with your disability check and escape to Fantasyland, Troll. Stalking is a crime.

    13. Anonymous9:38 PM

      @ Anonymous3:50 PM - Thank you for adding to Gryphen's revenue. I'm sure he appreciates each and every one of your clicks.

    14. Anonymous12:26 AM

      Yeah, asshole...keep trying to convince us that being a lying, back-stabbing, dumb-fuck. scum-sucking piece of turd is normal and how most people behave, just because your retarded idol is one. You are so weak. Oh well, at least this blog keeps you off the street corner.

  14. Well. I hope that from now on no one mentions idiot traitor Palin and Clinton in the same sentence.

    They are not and won't be running against each other.
    Clinton is intelligent, educated, highly accomplished, cultured, and knowledgeable about the vast world we live in.

    Palin is a brainless, uneducated, unaccomplished, boorish, tasteless buffoon who hates America and all its principles. She is a washed-up, unemployed has been who wasn't even asked to the last republican convention.

    They are not peers or equals in any way, and there is no reason to give Tundradunce any reason to combine her name with Hillary's.

  15. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Our country's politics and the status quo will never be changed for the better until the concept of hurting people for money is a thing of the past.

    And EVERYONE here whos EVER written a nasty comment slandering someone is a tried and true hypocrite.

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      It's not slander (or libel) if it's the TRUTH.

    2. "And EVERYONE here whos EVER written a nasty comment slandering someone is a tried and true hypocrite."
      That would be you, you nasty jackass.

    3. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Gosh yer smart

    4. Anonymous5:22 PM

      whos? Who's that? Slander is spoken, libel is printed. It has to a lie, and the person writing or speaking has to know that it's a lie. However, people are just expressing their opinions here. You're not opposed to the First Amendment, are you?

      Here's the real problem. "the concept of hurting people for money is a thing of the past." None of us are getting paid to comment here. We are more than happy to write our criticism of Sarah Palin for free. And, if is one's person's opinion, it's constitutionally protected speech.

    5. Anonymous5:32 PM

      "Hurting people for money..."

      Give me a break! What about what Sarah Palin did to Gabby Giffords? And all the other innocent victims of the Tucson shooting? Sarah Palin put cross hairs on the map and told everyone, "Don't Retreat, Reload!"

      What the hell do you think that was??? And you think the Palins are slandered? You're lucky the Palins are not in JAIL! Sarah ORDERED a hit on Gabby Giffords! She deserves everything and more that comes her way, you hypocrite!

    6. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Before Sarah Palin QUIT as Governor of Alaska, she had little money. After she started her Hate Speeches for MONEY, she gained much more money. So who's hurting people for money? You are as stupid as your comments, Troll.

    7. Anonymous12:38 AM

      You're talking about the stupid, mean-spirited bitch who basically kicked off the Obama-hate Industry, allowing any wingnut with a willingness to pay a ghost writer to tell the filthiest lies, no matter how outrageous the lies are? That bitch?? Many people have made millions off of slandering Obama and others, for years now, and she was the first one in. Come whine to us about slander and attacks when someone makes a DVD about Sarah and how her mother was a whore and a drug-addict and mails out a million copies, or when they accuse her of killing a family member for the day before an election to get the "sympathy" vote. Pres. Obama gets over a thousand death threats a month and this bitch is a big reason for that. You don't have a fucking CLUE so FUCK OFF!

    8. Anonymous2:41 AM

      Damn typos...this troll apparently makes me stupid if I read too many of its idiot ravings.

  16. Anonymous3:51 PM


  17. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Gryphen can't get over how he's given pathological liars blogtime to spread lies

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Oh go kiss Palin ass and make a donation while you're at it!

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      OK, take a rest. Your fingers must be tired.

    3. You are finally right about one thing. How Gryphen gives a pathological liar like you blog time to spread lies.

      So thank him and then go buy some tape. The pictures of Palin you taped to the ceiling over your bed and coming loose.

    4. Anonymous5:18 PM

      I don't think that the troll understands that the more traffic that Gryphen gets, the better it is for his blog. Keep it up, troll, you're doing Gryphen a big favor.

    5. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Anonymous3:53 PM
      WHAT LIES?
      Fuck off Trollbait.

    6. Anonymous7:52 PM

      3:53 PM is stalking Gryphen, and Gryphen is ignoring her just like President Obama ignores the Meth head
      Pimp's Wife that 3:53 PM worships like a blind sheep.

    7. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Live in denial. That is your choice.

    8. Anonymous9:40 PM

      And we can get over how much you continue to add to Gryphen's revenue.

    9. Anonymous9:51 PM

      8:44 PM=Crazy Liar and Stalker.

  18. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Palin might even pivot to a rant about the freed prisoner of war. She's stored up a lot hate since her last Hannity venting.

    Soon to be ex-House Majority Leader Eric Cantor will get far more money that Palin ever dreamed of for being a FoxNews "contributor". And he has never, ever been the hottest x from the coldest y.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Soon to be ex-House Majority Leader Eric Cantor will get far more money that Palin ever dreamed of for being a FoxNews "contributor". And he has never, ever been the hottest x from the coldest y.
      You got it! that's prob why he is stepping down b/c old Rog already has him lined up...
      Get to the back of the bus saree!

  19. PalinsHoax4:19 PM

    Anonymous3:53 PM
    Gryphen can't get over how he's given pathological liars blogtime to spread lies.
    - - -

    Are you referring to the blog time that Gryphen has given to 3:42, 3:44, first 3:50 & 3:51.

    Gryphen is a SAINT to let the senseless dribble of 3:42, 3:44, first 3:50 & 3:51 through.

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Sooo, truth is useless and GRyphen's frequent propaganda and lies and moral?


      Please never leave your home

    2. Anonymous9:49 PM

      8:44 PM You would not know the truth if it walked up and slapped you.

    3. PalinsHoax4:43 AM

      Anon 8:44 pm is another example of sensless dribble that SAINT Gryphen has let through.

  20. You think Palin will talk about Brat's victory, Cantor's loss or even Bergdahl if they put her on. No, she'll go rogue and talk about Hillary. And they'll cut her off. Hopefully never to be invited back.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      She probably wants to stick it to the Establishment Republicans who turned their backs on her. Sarah wants to brag about the grass roots "we the people" tea party movement, even though she picks only a few fringe candidates to endorse-- and not the guy from Virginia.

  21. "All right Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my closeup."

  22. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Let me see how this works. Hillary didn't want to say anything against Sarah Palin in 2008. Hillary especially didn't want to say anything negative about Sarah's candidacy because Sarah was a woman. So, how does that make Sarah a victim?

    We all laughed at Sarah because she deserved to be laughed at. She was (and still is) stupid. She refuses to learn anything. All she has to offer are negative, mean spirited comments. Did Sarah ever learn American History? Not according to her account of Paul Revere. Sarah said that the Statute of Liberty (her tweet spelling) was a warning not to go making the same mistakes that Europe made. (The correct answer is that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France celebrating 100 year anniversary of our revolution, a revolution which inspired their own revolution. I can hear Sarah now. France had a revolution? Who knew?)

  23. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Get out the hip boots, the troll droppings are falling thick and fast tonight. Same old, same old.


  24. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Anonymous 3:53 PM

    HYPOCRITE!... do you realize that you are doing the same thing here that you accuse others of doing..

    "...WHO deems themselves worthy of knowing people they've never met, never experienced a person's inner thoughts or feelings and struggles?"

    You don't know us as well. HYPOCRITE!

  25. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Re 3:16, Brat apparently received an M.Div. degree at Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS). It's in Princeton, New Jersey, and is not part of Princeton University although "seminarians hold academic reciprocity with Princeton University" according to Wikipedia.

    So technically he wasn't lying, exactly.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Actually, it's in West Windsor, quite a hike from the Ivy League

    2. Anonymous9:48 PM

      “A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies.”
      ― Mark Twain

      "A half-truth is a whole lie"
      ― Yiddish Proverb

  26. Anonymous5:23 PM

    WTF! look at her "new look." This woman has hit rock bottom. She's gotta be on drugs.

  27. Anonymous5:32 PM

    This post really got somebody's nose out of joint. Wow, what troll action. And the troll still hasn't read the comments that slander is spoken and libel is written. One has to knowingly lie about the subject in order for it to be libel or slander. The opinions expressed here are the opinions of individuals expressing their first amendment rights.

    Sarah Palin was never criticized in 2008 for being a woman. She sank her own boat the moment she opened her mouth and sounded like an idiot. Name another Supreme Court decision with which you don't agree-- the answer, Sarah is Exxon-Valdez, the case which lowered the payout to Alaska for the damages caused by that massive oil spill-- down from billions to $20 million. Any Alaskan should have known that one. (And, don't say that it happened before Sarah was an adult. She keeps quoting Ronald Reagan, and Palin was just a kid then, too).

  28. Anonymous5:38 PM

    For being a sharp shooter hunter from the last frontier, Sarah Palin is sure thin skinned.

  29. Anonymous5:40 PM

    "Stalk unsuspecting teenagers?"
    How long does one stay a teen in Palinville? Are they Vampires?


    1. In Palin's case, 37 years so far.

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      The woman desn't mind if the so called "teens" are stalked by the likes of the duck people & Limbaugh, et. al. hahahahahahahaha...
      seriously, Brisket is NOT a teen, and she would be too old for the new bible-writers duck-hunters. They claim 13 is just right. Waht an effen sick woman!

  30. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I have complete faith in Sarah's ability to turn the interview to be about her.

  31. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Tonight Sarah Palin responds to Hillary’s remarks that she refused to attack her despite Obama’s request.

    :'( :'( :'( :'(

    So Sarah Palin is going on FOX to cry about what Hillary Clinton didn't ask Sarah about six years ago. But Sarah doesn't cry to FOX or to Hanity about all this talk about Todd being a pimp in Alaska. Sarah doesn't cry about a single struggling mother who not only talked about Sarah's husband having sex with her but also wrote a book about Sarah's husband pimping her out to Alaska's law enforcement as well as to Sarah's Secret Service detail. Could be that Sarah is more hurt about Hillary than the book Shailey Tripp wrote and said about Sarah's children's father? Did anybody mention that the Shailey's book is being made into a movie?

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Sarah has Todd ever denied these allegations to you? He hasn't said a word to the public.

  32. All in a troll's day's work:
    Anonymous3:42 PM Well, she IS a victim
    Anonymous3:44 PM I guarantee if you were the one whose family has been grossly slandered,
    Anonymous3:44 PM Cantor lost because of all the Democrats
    Anonymous3:50 PM So, you're saying it's a moral thing for politically minded and biased adults to stalk unsuspecting teenagers
    Anonymous3:51 PM And EVERYONE here whos EVER written a nasty comment slandering
    Anonymous3:53 PM Gryphen can't get over how he's given pathological liars blogtime to spread lies

    1. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Thanks for the recap of the one truthteller.

    2. Anonymous9:47 PM

      8:45 PM As always, she is right and everyone else is wrong. That seems to be the thought pattern of the Stalker Troll.

  33. Anonymous7:41 PM

    haha, imagine Sarah jumpling up and down with joy: "Obama knows who I am, Obama knows who I am, Obama knows who I am, Obama knows who I am, Obama knows who I am, Obama knows who I am, Obama knows who I am...."

    1. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Obama knew who she was in 2008, when he and and Biden were running against her and McCain. Of course he knew who Palin was since she regularly accused Obama of palling around with terrorists, listening to the Reverend Wright (who hated America), and, oh horrors, Obama was an actual community organizer. She is still throwing insults, claiming that Obama had no experience before running for President. I am sure that the Obama Campaign knew everything that Sarah was saying in 2008, but today,she doesn't matter. She lost. There is nothing that she can say that can change the election. I think that Obama has more serious issues in front of him than dwelling on incidents that took place 5 or 6 years ago. Sarah has nothing else.

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      You can also bet that the Clinton political team knows everything there is to know about Sarah and Todd Palin! I'll bet they investigated them in depth a long time ago - prior to Hillary writing her book!

      Sarah cannot even begin to compete w/Hillary Clinton, who is so much better educated and experienced in the games of politics! Hillary could drag her ass through the sewer if she so chose!

  34. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Ugh; she managed to get it all in. Look at the big grin on her unattractive face when he says he wants to talk about Hillary's remarks in her book.

  35. Sarahskank is a "victim" of her own stupidity.

  36. Anonymous1:49 AM

    I think Bristol is losing it over the upcoming custody trial. Just look at all the crap she's posted here today.
    She is never really anonymous, you can always tell when it's Bristol or Sarah posting.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.