Monday, June 16, 2014

Bill Nye dispels myths about poverty, health, and foreign aid.

Okay this is another contribution from my daughter, who is on a campaign to improve healthy eating, education, and get everybody using renewable energy.

Y'all don't stand a chance.


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Heather might also like to know how her president is looknig out for her and others...

    Obama Drafting Executive Order On LGBT Job Discrimination

    President Barack Obama has directed his staff to draft an executive order that would ban workplace discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees of federal contractors, a White House official told The Huffington Post.

    The move is the clearest indication to date that the administration is prepared to take action on LGBT rights where Congress has fallen short. Notably, the official would not say whether the president will sign the order into law on Monday -- suggesting the White House is leaking the news to warn lawmakers that they have a limited window to pass more sweeping workplace discrimination legislation before he acts without them.

    "The president’s intentions are clear," the official said."

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      This Is What Change Looks Like

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    It's amazing with the upbringing your daughter had with her mother and the right wing evangelical hypnosis that she managed to become the amazing altruistic woman she is today. Of course, I credit you, Jesse, her dad, for opening her world and her mind to what truly matters in life. I'm always happy to read posts that you acknowledge were by her prompting, since it lets me have a little window into the thinking of that lovely girl of yours.

  3. Anonymous10:29 AM

    O/T but a followup to a previous post you made, Gryphen:

    Watch: Rick Perry Can’t Explain Why He Compared Gays To Alcoholics

    A CNBC anchor wouldn’t allow Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) on Monday to dodge a question regarding the recent remark he made which compared being gay to being an alcoholic.

    Squawk Box host Joe Kernan told the Texas Governor, “I have a really high bar for what I would take offense to, but that would exceed the bar for me on being an offensive comment. I don’t think gay marriage leads to cirrhosis of the liver or domestic violence or DWIs. I don’t understand how that’s similar.”

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Gryphen: MUST READ: Incredible Loving Letter From Tx State Rep. to His Lesbian Daughter

    On Father’s Day, Texas Senator Juan Hinojosa penned an open letter to his lesbian daughter. In it he not only told her he would support her no matter who she loved, but makes a pretty clear statement in support of equal rights and marriage equality. Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa had previously sponsored a bill to legalize civil unions, but now seems to be pretty clearly throwing his full support toward marriage equality.

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Many of the people having a cow over their taxes going to foreign aid are the same people who want SNAP and all other forms of government support to be decimated.

    If they don't care about children starving in their own country, why should they care about a child starving or dying on the other side of the world?

  6. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

    OK, you're right !
    "Y'all don't stand a chance"
    I raised my kids to learn, have compassion and empathy for all people, and my neighbors went slackjawed when they found out I took them to gay pride, now called Equality Forum almost every year.. I wanted them to know that no topic is taboo, I'm there for them and love them unconditionally.
    My nephew came out and his father's reaction was the opposite of yours. "No son of mine....". So my nephew came to live with us for awhile, until the divorce was final between my sister and BIL. After years of unconditional love, his self esteem got better, his relationships with people got better. In their case, my BIL re married, realized what a putz he was, and is now his son's staunchest supporter.
    No child should ever hear words like that from a parent. I'm so grateful for the President's support on marriage and family equality.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.