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Still from "The Innocence of Muslims." |
Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the suspect captured by U.S. special forces on Tuesday for his role in the 2012 Benghazi attack, reportedly said he was motivated in part by the anti-Islam online video made in America, according to the New York Times.
"What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video," Times reporter David Kirkpatrick wrote in a story on Khattala on Tuesday.
So to be clear Susan Rice was right!
President Obama was right!
And the Right Wing attack machine, was wrong, wrong, wrong!
I hope someday the truth about who bankrolled this video and why comes out. Then you'll see a lot more than right-wing heads explode...after they get through claiming it was a false flag op, of course.
ReplyDeleteStart down that rabbit hole with the magical name of Pam Gellar. She and her band of treasonous, anti-American pals are out to destroy our Nation and no deed is too dirty for them.
DeleteI was about to make the same comment about the original $$ source, also why Mittens was in the media, yakking it up immediately after it happened. How the hell was he suddenly so "in the know"? And IIRC, didn't Mittsy just happen to be in the same area the month before the attack took place? Kind of like McPain visiting Georgia right before the 2008 elections...
DeleteAnonymous8:40 AM
DeleteMitt Romney met with Pam Geller in the middle of August 2012! Will we have a October surprise? I certainly hope so.
Who had the money to bankroll the Vid and MAKE sure it cause a bad scene? I wonder if the backers of the vid can get a murder charge?
Republicans = f-cking liars! Vote them out of office every chance you get.
ReplyDeleteHey Gryphen, here's an interesting piece on the real story behind Obama's popularity in the world.
ReplyDelete...My next observation is anecdotal and not at all scientific, but it’s way closer to the truth than Gallup and their global power-mad running partner, Meridian. Here is my daughter’s assessment of the attendee’s feelings about U.S. President Obama. Quote: “They love him.” No qualifications. Everybody she talked to loved Obama. Conversely they unanimously expressed something largely ignored by many of these international polls and certainly on Fox and the talk shows. They all still harbor a deep hatred of George W. Bush.
It’s important to know that my daughter is largely apolitical. I hadn’t even thought to suggest the question of Obama to her before she left. But she’s as close as I’ll get to objective and she’s chocked full of integrity and honesty. She didn’t give me the answer she thought I wanted to hear; she just passed on the truth.
Thank you for that.
DeleteThere is no reason for citizens of this country to hate this amazing man and his family.
It's easy to love Obama; he's the real deal.
DeleteWomen all over the world dream about him... :D
DeleteI sure do.
A followup on a previous post, G:
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton Meets The Republican Squirrel, Responds In The Best Way Ever
If she runs, she's gonna wipe the floor with these dicks. Her FOX gig made those 'journalists' look like junior leaguers, she had them in the palm of her hand. Every angle they tried to nail her, she was like Teflon, just stating things calmly and intelligently. They tried to get her to slam Obama, she didn't.
DeleteSome say that the Squirrel is played by Jesse Watters, BillO's butt-smooching flunky asst producer. Watters is both shameless and nut-less.
DeleteFunny thing about the squirrel is that many on Twitter and blog comments think it's on the Dem payroll and that making fun of voters will backfire. ???? Not only are rethug supporters twisted, they also take the grand prize for stupid and unable to read or comprehend.
DeleteA friend of mine from the south has a saying, 'what doesn't come out in the wash will come out in the rinse' or the TRUTH will prevail at some point. And it did, as we are seeing over and over again with the bullshit 'conspiracy' stuff that gets spun up on the media and the GOP driven aim to discredit our president. One after another these so called scandals have fallen by the wayside.
ReplyDeleteSo now, during President Obama's time as CIC, he's taken out the Somali pirates, he's taken out Bin Laden, he's killed any number of militant terrorists in Pakistan, he's brought home a POW and now he's gotten the perpetrator of the Benghazi debacle. THAT is what will go down in history, not this caterwauling from the media and the right wing.
Add one more:
DeleteLast Oct. 5, the Delta Force captured 'Most Wanted' terrorist, Abu Anas al Libi, for the "1998 bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania."
old seditious sarah should have another meth fueled rant on fb any second now.... I kinda feel bad for the fridge, she knows she is no longer taken seriously except for thre pea ponders... just wasting away in her own little hate filled universe LOL!!! Living vibrantly bwahahahahah
ReplyDeleteYou're right, I've noticed that her rants are more and more NOT being picked up by the media...even HuffPost, who used to post her every utterance, hasn't lately. She's being relegated to the dustbin of history and she's not taking it well. And now her endorsements are sliding into oblivion as well.
DeleteYeah, I've noticed that too, even Politico isn't showcasing her ravings, nor is Mediaite and they usually do. She's a loser in every category.
DeleteNo longer able to play the part of a pampered poodle, she'll settle for being a mangy, junkyard dog if they'll just throw her a little bone once in a while. Kibbles and tits!
DeleteOoooh, the Palin curse is kicking in! She's gonna be spittin' nails on this one. Her pig castrator with the POS husband is goin' down!
ReplyDeleteRep. Bruce Braley (D-IA) holds a 4-point lead over state Sen. Joni Ernst (R) in the race for U.S. Senate in Iowa, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.
The poll found Braley leading Ernst 44 percent to 40 percent among registered voters. That's tighter than a previous Quinnipiac poll published on March 13 which found Braley leading Ernst 42 percent to 29 percent.
The new Quinnipiac poll also found Braley with a wide 11-point lead over Ernst among women voters. Forty-seven percent of women said they backed Braley while 36 percent said they backed Ernst. Meanwhile 44 percent of men surveyed said they backed Ernst while 40 percent said they backed Braley.
Ol' Darth Vader and his vicious daughter are trying to cover their asses and protect their family 'legacy' with a whole lot of bullshit this morning.
ReplyDeleteDick Cheney Rewrites History And Blames Iraq Violence On Obama In Disgusting Op-Ed
The right-wing are unleashed, unrestrained, and they don't care if the world burns up in a ball of fire. They would rather slander and mischaracterize this President into eternity. It must feel so good to them, that they can't see through the consequences of their actions.
ReplyDeleteThey want so much to keep punching at his integrity, like bullies in a playground. They have no vision for their precious nation and it's inhabitants. If they did, they'd work together and have the decency to stand behind their President in word and deed, with the present Iraqi conflict waiting to erupt.
It's unheard of in any other nation. When things get tough, the people pull together and support their leaders, because supporting their leaders is the RIGHT thing to do. Politics is put aside for the moment, and the safety of their men and woman in uniform is priority. That is the PATRIOTIC thing to do. There are no excuses.
When the world reads and hears the language of the President's opponents within, they laugh and it gives them opportunity to find a weak link. They know now that the weak link is that there are many haters and they would love to hook up with these haters if they had the chance.
The only word I can find here is: uncivilized.
...and very dangerous, for everybody in the world.
DeleteThis latest Truth will only be called a "Liberal Lie" -- that they put those words into his mouth, or translated them that way, or just lied that he said it when he didn't. You just wait -- they will say the whole thing is made up, capture included.
and, right on cue, so it starts -- just saw this on The Dish -- a tweet by Joe Walsh
DeleteDoes every fucking thing have to be political?
Just saying. But fed up.
Joe Walsh @WalshFreedom
Glad we nabbed a #Benghazi suspect, but the timing is questionable. Did they let him wander, waiting for the perfect political opportunity?
Look at this hideous new group Darth Cheney has started and his little puppet standing next to him
hasn't he wrecked america enough?, time for him to sit down and shut up, he was a disaster for 8 years, it was so great to see him being wheeled out of the whitehouse the final time on the day of obama's inaugeration
"IF I only had a heart" and "If I only had a brain" are starting a new club to shed more blood and money? Hey Lizzy, tell Daddy to go train those Afghanistan soldiers how to shoot a gun, aim, and stand their ground.
DeleteWhat's with the homage' to Saint Ronald? If he were alive today, he'd vote Democrat after seeing what President Bush and VP Cheyney have done to America.
In spite of all the Congressional investigations into the Benghazi attack, none of them touched on the video or looked at the attack in the context of the widespread protests and violence occurring in 22 countries, including our embassy in Egypt. We never hear about Pres. Obama's success in helping bring a quick end to the demonstrations and prevent other catastrophes.
ReplyDeleteIt's time for the Senate to look into whether the video distribution was intended to influence our presidential election.
Anonymous8:35 AM It's time for the Senate to look into whether the video distribution was intended to influence our presidential election.
DeleteThat will never happen. If a committee was set up it would be loaded with criminals that would make certain no investigation turned up any facts. Think John McCain.
Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy
ReplyDeleteThe Iraq disaster remains George W. Bush's enduring folly, and the Republican attempt to shift the blame to the Obama presidency is obscene nonsense. This was, and will always be, viewed properly as Bush's quagmire, a murderous killing field based on blatant lies.
This showcase of American deceit, obvious to the entire world, began with the invented weapons of mass destruction threat that Bush, were he even semi-cognizant of the intelligence data, must have known represented an egregious fraud. So was his nonsensical claim that Saddam Hussein had something to do with the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, when in fact he was Osama bin Laden's most effective Arab opponent.
...Presidential candidate Obama made clear his contempt for that neocon pipe dream. Once elected, in regard to winding down the Iraq War, he has not strayed far from that conviction, and on this he much deserves our support. This is so even if it means going through the next decades of our political life arguing about "Who Lost Iraq?" the way we once argued about "Who Lost China?" -- ignoring that neither country was truly ours to lose.
"And the Right Wing attack machine, was wrong, wrong, wrong!"
ReplyDeleteAnd this surprises you?
I suppose there's only one thing the TeaOP has left to do is launch another hearing on Benghazi, until now, none of them have mentioned the film, we need to get this on record so President Obama can be vindicated and thanked for his truthfulness.
ReplyDeleteI can see the clowncar caboose parade already, led by McCain and Miss Lindsey in her cotton eyelet pinafore and matching umbrella.
Anybody else think -- on seeing the man from the film (above) -- that he looks like he could play Jesus? It always amuses me that Christianists convinced themselves Jesus was blond with blue eyes, when he was probably short, swarthy and scary-looking with penetrating black eyes. The very stereotype of somebody they would shoot on sight and ask questions later.
ReplyDeleteSomewhere I read this guy was not mentally stable, which means this attack he organised was based on the crazy similar to attacks in the U S.
ReplyDeleteBut they still forced Susan Rice's resignation.
ReplyDeleteThey don't care if they were wrong. They were in CONTROL. That's all that matters. To prevent Obama from doing anything, including nominating anyone to anything.