Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Florida police totally step all over man's 2nd Amendment rights when they arrest him before he can stand his ground and murder his ex-wife, her boyfriend, and possibly her child.

Andrew Dandurand's booking photos.
Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A Florida man with a history of domestic violence was arrested this week as police say that he was on his way to murder his ex-girlfriend, her boyfriend and possibly her child with an assault-style rifle. 

According to Flagler Live, the Flagler County dispatcher received a report on Sunday that 24-year-old Andrew Dandurand had an “assault rifle,” and was planning to kill his ex-girlfriend, and her boyfriend. 

In April, Dandurand’s ex-girlfriend had called deputies after he hit her with a plastic pipe, and then broke into her home, forcing her to flee. The court responded by giving the ex-girlfriend a protection injunction. 

But only a week later, Dandurand was back in jail for violating it, and for aggravated assault. He was later released on $7,000 bond. 

And then St. Johns County Sheriff’s deputies got the call from Flagler County dispatch on Sunday that Dandurand was on the way to kill his ex-girlfriend, and her boyfriend. Sgt. Catherine Payne told WAWS that Dandurand may also have been planning to harm his ex-girlfriend’s child. 

“Based on the information we had at hand, absolutely. He was going to victimize somebody, whether it be the girlfriend, her child, the boyfriend or himself,” Payne said.

So wait, does this mean that what stops a bad man with a gun is actually the police?

Gee whoda thunk it?

Gee I wonder if the NRA will hire an attorney for him to protect his ability to exercise his 2nd Amendment rights the way they seem the get exercised the most often in this country?


  1. Anonymous5:51 AM

    These 24 Pastors Were All Arrested for Sex Crimes Against O/T but horrific

    Children and the Disabled Last Month ALONE! (Images)

  2. Anonymous5:53 AM

    OT: Palin post last night about Hillary interview while she's gardening, separating "weeds from the chaff?!?" LMAO.

  3. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Man falls asleep watching gun videos, shoots AR-15 into neighbor’s apartment

    An eastern Pennsylvania man was awoken early Tuesday when the loaded rifle in his lap accidentally fired, blasting through the wall of an adjacent apartment.

    Greg Winnick, of Wind Gap, said he had been watching YouTube videos about a new trigger for his AR-15 after installing one on his gun when he apparently dozed off at the computer with the gun cradled in his lap.

    The 37-year-old, who said he had been awake since midnight Sunday, told state police he had not realized the weapon was loaded.

    Winnick told police he vaguely remembered loading the gun with a magazine but does not recall placing a live round in the chamber.

  4. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Handcuffed Colorado man in cop car shoots at police after pulling gun from butt cheeks

  5. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Now they're going after kids!

    Open Carry Texas dorks approach school children, tell them gun control is the same as Jim Crow era

  6. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Open-carry advocate at Kalamazoo library: 'Armed society is a polite society'

    "I was there with my family," he said. "I was there to protect my family. God forbid there was a person who decided to shoot the place up, but I'd be the only one there who could do something about it."

    Asked how other library patrons would know that he was not dangerous, Warren paused.

    "Let me think about that for a minute," he said.

    Warren finally said he understands if others are unnerved when they see his gun, but "I value my family's safety above their feelings."

    Warren also said that "criminals don't open carry."

  7. Anonymous9:40 AM

    More lives in Florida needlessly torn apart:

    Florida dad killed by neighbor’s stray bullet as family welcomes home newborn

    A musician, teacher and new father is dead after a stray bullet pierced the wall of his Florida home on Tuesday and struck him in the back of the head. The Panama City News Herald reported that 33-year-old Justin Ayers and his wife were welcoming their 3-day-old baby home from the hospital with relatives when Justin was killed.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:53 PM

      A convicted felon with a handgun and drunk..

  8. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Yet Another Responsible Gun Owner Shoots His Own Penis

    1. Anita Winecooler4:45 PM

      Oh my! The bullet went through his wiener and exited his buttcheek. That move takes years and years of practice to successfully pull off.
      The comments on that link are a riot.

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Crooks and Liars has the gun owner shooting his own penis story also too!

  10. Anita Winecooler4:33 PM

    This story brought to you by The State of Florida Commerce and Tourism Bureau sponsored by Disneyland, The Villages, and the NRA. Voiceovers provided by George Zimmerman and Casey Anthony.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.