Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Did six soldiers lose their lives looking for Sgt. Bergdahl as the conservatives claim? Doesn't look like it.

Courtesy of the New York Times:  

Did the search for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl cost the lives of American soldiers? 

Since last weekend’s prisoner exchange in which Afghan insurgents turned over Sergeant Bergdahl after five years of captivity, a number of the men who served with him have called him a deserter. Some have gone further, blaming him for the deaths of six to eight soldiers. 

That second claim is hardening into a news media narrative. CNN has reported in scrolling headlines that six soldiers died looking for Sergeant Bergdahl after senior American military officials say he wandered off his base. The Daily Beast published an essay by a former member of Sergeant Bergdahl’s battalion, Nathan Bradley Bethea, who linked the search to the deaths of eight soldiers whom he named. “He has finally returned,” Mr. Bethea wrote. “Those men will never have the opportunity.”

However the Times examined the casualty reports and military logs from around that time, and things just don't add up.

Two soldiers died during the most intense period of the search after Sergeant Bergdahl’s June 30 disappearance. Both were inside an outpost that came under attack, not out patrolling and running checkpoints looking for him. The other six soldiers died in late August and early September.

It seems unlikely that any deaths that took place in late August or early September were from soldiers involved in an active search. Apparently the people making that claim are suggesting that the Taliban knew the soldiers were stretched thin and chose a vulnerable moment to strike, which seems to be more a matter of conjecture rather than the study of cold hard facts.

Let's face it the conservatives simply cannot allow the President to do ANYTHING good without attempting to turn it into something bad.

But what they are doing to this soldier, and to his family, may in fact may be a new low.

They even forced his home town to cancel his welcome home celebration

It seems in their overwhelming desire to undermine the Obama presidency there can be no innocent bystanders left uninjured, no line uncrossed, and no gutter in which they will not crawl, if there is any chance that by doing so they will injure the President.


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Increasingly, I just think the right-wing is mentally deficient. Undermining the truth so it lines up with a belief system that is in itself flawed is insane behavior.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Bingo! That's why they want to dumb down the education systems, teach creationism instead of science, and stunt the mental growth of their constituents. It also helps to keep them unhealthy, too. That way, they will more concerned about their aches and pains instead of the injustices being heaped on them. It's also no coincidence that they chose dumb-easy-to-manipulate candidates like George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. For a long time, Karl Rove and others have practiced the theory of the Big Lie. Say it often enough and loud enough and eventually people will believe you. Or, as P.T. Barnum said, "You can fool some of the people some of the time." All they have to do is fool 51%.

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I have absolutely never seen such unforgivable deceit by the right. They are so willing to throw this man to the wolves and make up shit about him just to spite the president, unbelievable. Maybe they should wait for the FACTS.

    They do not send him out to do interviews the day after release, Bristol Palin. Go back to tweeting your childish selfies and stop commenting on things you could never understand. Same for the rest of your undereducated family.

    Joni Ernst and others actually deleted tweets congratulating his homecoming. I thought the right were so patriotic and vet friendly?

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      They do not send him out to do interviews the day after release, Bristol Palin....

      Bristol's area of excellence is making sure victims are rescued. She likes innocent babies and Christians like Meriam Ibrahim and Pastor Saeed Abedini.

      You know Bristol will do her all to bring home the innocent baby born in captivity to Caitlan Coleman and Joshua Boyle. The mother is an American and expected President Obama to fix things. Bristol purpose is to bring attention to these souls that ask for Obama to fix.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Incredible isn't it? Joni Earnt offering prayers and then retracting them? So, if God received her prayers in her first tweet, how does she plan to coerce God to change his mind?

    3. Anon 5:08 This is snark---right? Bristol has no area of excellence.---She does hair and nails you poor thing.
      Saying she has a skill isn't the same as her having one. And as Nancy French writes her blog I have a feeling these people are in Nancy's view.

      So the mother expected President Obama to fix things--huh? Look what happened when he does--people like Palin go insane. Of course all of those lovely conservatives deleted their welcome tweets because they had to be lock step with the insanity. You all are crazy if indeed this isn't snark.

    4. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Bristol and Sarah are the tag team of political insults. Sarah posts some hate-filled attack, and Bristol posts a link to it. They can actually go back and forth recommending each other, a lot like the time when Cheney used Judith Miller to plant a story in the NY Times. Then, Cheney held up the paper, pointing to the headline of the story he planted, and said (on Meet the Press), "There can be no doubt that Iraq has WMD. Look at this story in the NY Times." I'm sure that Sarah's PAC pays Bristol to be the political consultant, and we have to include Nancy French in the operation.

    5. Anonymous6:40 PM

      5:08 PM Go back to School, you were asleep in English class.

    6. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Mama stupid is weighing in...
      "Seems these war heroes returned to their beloved country not speaking Vietnamese, but speaking KickAss against those who would destroy the red, white, and blue...Sympathizers now tell the media Bergdahl can't be held to account anytime soon because he can't be interviewed... claiming he's forgotten how to speak English. Really? Then # Call1-800-RosettaStone."
      What a A$$hole she is. The right is completely unhinged. It knows it will loose in 2014 and in 2016. They are losing their shit and attacking the "troops"!

    7. What a stupid skank bustol is. An interview right after his rescued? Surly you don't know you dumbass hoochie ho the man is under observation. No interviews fool. Go ask your "warrior" slacker brother. Anyways you wouldn't understand what he has to say, idiot.

      Gawd the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    8. "Joni Ernst and others actually deleted tweets congratulating his homecoming. I thought the right were so patriotic and vet friendly?"

      Man, they are ignorant beyond belief.

    9. Anonymous9:34 PM

    10. Anonymous9:56 PM

      The insane part of the Bristol Palin “weigh in” on this is she thinks people care about her opinions. The hubris is really very interesting. I think we are watching a woman who has a very high opinion of herself without a single accomplishment on file.

  3. I learned early that when you are trying to bulid a case against someone built on hysteria, delusion, hate and lies you always lose in the end. You may think you have the upper hand because your voice is loudest (republicans) but in the end you are standing in the middle of the room--screaming-- looking like a crazy person.

    They are looking like crazy people.

    1. They are looking like crazy people... -- not to crazier people -- the Republican base. Lies = facts to them.

  4. Chenagrrl5:11 PM

    Just had a wearying twitter exchange with some righties prompted by Koch bishop, Richard Viguerie. These wingnuts clearly don't understand that no matter what a soldier appears to have done, we don't leave them behind, dead or alive.

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      These whiny, bitchy faux patriotic real christian Mericuns are so goddam partisan that they can't even Fucking recognize their hypocrisy that they live every fuckin' day. They were all so yellow-ribbonny-supportin'-Mericun-troops when 4500 US GIs were getting killed and another 35,000 getting shot or blown up but surviving, all in an illegal war that their REPUBLICAN criminal fucking heroes deserter GW Bush, Darth Asshole Cheney and Donald "Rummie fucking Liar" Rumsfeld lied about and sold to the same ignorant, war-happy fools who are making the most noise about BenFucking Ghazi and every other goddsm fake outrage that they're told to be pissed about the secret Nigerian Kenyan Muslin-in-Chief.

      Anyone who's ever dealt with a spoiled, bratty toddler raised by stupid, undisciplined, absentee-fucking-ignorant-parents who never said no and allowed the snot-nosed kid to run over them, just because the kid was fucking smart enough to kick and scream in the goddam floor to get his way every fucking time in WalFuckingMart, understands the fucking stupid, immature behavior of these whiny peabrains on the far right with their fucking poutrage on every incident since 2008.

      I don't even acknowledge these dimwits other than to ridicule them and their fucking third-grade antics these days. If they were my kids and had progressed to this level of adult immaturity, I'd consider myself the worst failure of a parent ever, because I'd be ashamed of having no backbone or wisdom after half of my fucking lifetime, just as the parents of these whiny punks probably must feel. I'm disgusted with these right wing bigots, but they are losers because of their own stupidity, and it's no one's fault other than their own. I just vent about once or twice a week like this, then spend the rest of the week laughing at them while I live my own life "vibrantly". LOL Plus, it's "fun" to curse sometimes, anonymously, especially over a glass of wine. Thank dog I don't have any of these ignorant, bigoted, anti-education cry babies in my everyday life. I can't imagine having a spouse that's as ignorant as these fools with zero self-awareness and even less intelligence. I do pity their loved ones who must be miserable living with such low-life idiots. But the idiots themselves, they will either learn and grow up, or they will be the target of ridicule all their lives, even after I'm bored with laughing at them and their ignorant rants and circle-jerk "protests", in-your-face gun-nutter demonstrations, and general tomfoolery.

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Anonymous7:27 PM Great Rant!

    3. Anonymous9:58 PM

      Best. Rant. Ever.

    4. Anonymous12:39 AM

      win !

  5. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Sarah: you excoriate the media for not asking "who, what, when, where, and why?"
    That's exactly what the New York Times did, deflating the right-wing slander machine in the process.

    But, just for kicks, please send us another selfie of you and Bristol with your mouths hanging open, like starlings waiting for mama bird to feed them worms.

    And, Sarah, when will you remark about the incredible coincidence that Sgt. Bergdahl spent a summer fishing in Bristol Bay? Did you run into him when you were fishing?
    And hows about the small-world part of the story, where he's an Idaho native, and so are you!

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Maybe she and the Sgt. are cousins!

    2. Anonymous8:21 PM

      There are no coincidences, only God's plan.

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Never would have thought I'd live to see this raw hatred. These right-wing President Obama haters are so desperate and blind in their hatred that it makes one wonder if they would put their own children in harm's way and hope they could then pin the blame on President Obama.
    Their accusations, anger and hatred is so disturbing that they are beginning to scare people.

    What are these people capable of? What else would they do to falsely accuse President Obama? This negativity is bad for the country and it's affecting everyone, one way or the other.

    1. Anonymous4:02 AM

      Throw their god-given gun rights into the mix and what do you have? I am surprised the President is still alive, frankly. Aren't you?

  7. Ailsa5:29 PM

    I have a suspicion that one of the reasons some of his fellow soldiers are so vociferous in condemnation of Bergdahl is they are afraid of what he has to say about their callous behavior as outlined by the late Michael Hastings who quotes Bergdahl: "We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them."

    I think they may be trying to make sure nothing Bowe says will be believed.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Yes, that could be it. Who knows. War is an ugly business. I think one of the more ironic news story today is that POS Col. North commenting on prisoner ransom. He apparently is without the ability to feel shame.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      One quote from fellow soldiers was all about how he just wasn't like other 20 year olds, he didn't want to drink beer and eat BBQ and hang out, and ordered Rosetta Stone tapes so he could learn the local languages.

    3. Anonymous8:09 PM

      So that explains Stoopid palins remark. This guy by way of Micheal Hastings got mcChyrstal canned that why the rwnj hate him!

  8. Caroll Thompson6:08 PM

    All I can say is that it is truly a shameful few days in these United States of America. To think that any American would disagree with freeing a five year prisoner of war is more than I can comprehend. Politicians who delete their congrats to the POW. They stand for nothing. And if you stand for nothing...............

    Heaven help us all. Or not as G believes. Looks like you might be right G. Where is God?

  9. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I'm deeply ashamed to this country.

    1. Anonymous4:10 AM

      You and the citizens of civilized countries, like Canada. We look at your country and see a failing, flailing, economically top-heavy, gun- and religion-crazed, arrogantly ignorant mess that will very likely to take the rest of us down with it when it blows up.

  10. Anonymous6:18 PM

    There are plenty of Republicans who posted comments about bringing Bergdahl home, a year or two ago. Then, when Bergdahl was exchanged for Taliban prisoners, they have all taken down those previous statements-- which have been cached, gone but not forgotten. Include Sarah Palin in that mix. She also had facebook posts that Bergdahl should be returned home. We do not leave any soldiers behind.

    The truth is that the Republicans have nothing else. Benghazi is not working. People like Obamacare. They must not be very happy with the Republicans who won their primaries. This is their only talking point right now. That's pathetic. And the truth is, no one knows all of the details because Bergdahl is still being debriefed by the military. And, it seems that his deteriorating health was a factor, too.

    Meanwhile, Sarah is still squawking about another marine who should be returned home, even though he wasn't on active duty when he wandered into Mexico with three weapons. Since the weapons were illegal in Mexico, the marine was arrested, and Sarah wants HIM back, but not Bergdahl. I don't think that she even sees the hypocrisy here. (Here's a hint about how Mexican prisons work. Cross their palms with silver and the doors open. It's call the "morbida," the bite. You don't get a prisoner without ruffling a few feathers or bending a few laws.)

    1. Anonymous5:01 AM

      I don't think the guy who went with his weapons to Mexico is in the Marines anymore. For Sarah, though, a guy who was once in the military is on "active duty" forever, I guess. The ex-Marine is a private citizen who should have looked at a road map and not taken so many weapons that Mexico will not allow in the country with him.

  11. Anonymous6:25 PM

    YOU LIE!, Obama Care, Gun Laws,Sandy Hook, Gabby Gifford. etc. getting his Judges Confirm, Cabinet Members..etc. respecting Foreign Heads of State, but accuse of bowing down and apologizing, trying to destroy White House property by Veterans because the Country was shut down by Ted Cruz and he blamed it on Obama, I can go on and on Boy, I be glad when this boil finally burst.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Anyone else feel like they just stepped into an AT&T commercial...?

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      We must, with our votes and activism, lance the boil!


  12. Maple6:43 PM

    Check out the website Democratic Underground. One of the commenters has a great deal to say (from horrific personal experience) about Josh Korder, one of the guys who is getting alot of TV facetime discussing his former troop-mate Bergdahl. These guys seem to be doing/saying everything to cover up their own really bad behaviour.

  13. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I detest the Republican party! Why anyone would cast one vote for any of them is beyond me!

    Hopefully, Americans across the nation are as sick of them and their lies and hatred of President Obama as I am!

    John McCain should be strung up! He's the worst American we currently have in this country. He's never gotten over the fact he lost to President Obama and is doing everything he can to defame him. He states one thing and completely turns it around in his next statement! Rachel Maddow covered him on her show tonight and showed videos of him doing so! He is one sick and nasty individual. You Arizona folks can keep him! What an asshole!

  14. Anonymous7:08 PM

    o/t Neither McDaniel nor Cochran has addressed the fact that Mississippi gets three dollars for every one dollar it sends to Washington, and that their state's standing is as follows:

    Mississippi's state rankings out of the 50 states and D.C. :

    Per capita income - 51st
    Poverty rate - 51st
    High school graduation rate - tied for 49th
    Life expectancy - 51st
    Infant mortality rate - 50th
    Obesity rate - 49th
    Grade 8 math scores - 50th
    Grade 8 reading scores - 50th
    Income equality - 48th
    % employed in science, technology, engineering and math jobs - 51st

    No wonder the voters are too stupid not to vote our the Republicans and get real government for the first time in 50 years.

  15. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I am a regular IM reader and think that Gryphen is doing us all a great service with his hard work here, but I really think this is one topic that no one who isn't in some way directly involved knows anything about. It's not a surprise but it's a shame that it's being turned into another big political issue. I am sorry to see IM taking such a firm stand against the position that some servicemen may have lost their lives because of the actions of Sgt. Bergdahl. I think this is more a reaction against the Republicans who are making a show of it ... and believe me, I am 100% anti-Republican and more so every day of my life ... than a demonstration of knowledge of what really happened. If people did lose their lives because of one man's decision to leave his post, it's very, very sad.

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Why are you trying so hard to believe that it's true? Did you read the article? Do you understand what was said? You seem to have an agenda with this post.

    2. Anonymous8:54 PM

      ... the position that some servicemen may have lost their lives because of the actions of Sgt. Bergdahl.

      keyword "may"

    3. Anonymous9:00 PM

      8:27, as you say yourself, IF. We don't know anything more than rumor at this point. I think what we all are appalled at is how fast the right has condemned him without facts.

      "I think this is more a reaction against the Republicans who are making a show of it ... and believe me, I am 100% anti-Republican and more so every day of my life ... than a demonstration of knowledge of what really happened."

      Of course this is a reaction against how the Republicans are handing it. There is no knowledge of what really happened yet.

      Since nothing has been confirmed by the govt or military yet, what would you prefer we do? Make shit up like the right does?

    4. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Yes it i. I'm the poster that commented about c4p and Hope, ID. Guess what, none of our business, we don't even know the half of it yet everyone judges. Say what you want about Gryph, he posts and encourages critical thinking. Whether that's right or wrong to you is your choice.

      It IS sad. this whole thing.

    5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    6. Anonymous10:15 PM

      One of the searches for Bergdahl took place during one of the worst fire fights in their region. We don't know all of the circumstances that resulted in those men being killed. It'[s too soon to blame Bergdahl without any information. There are medal of honor recipients who risked their lives trying to save their fellow soldiers. Some people died in those battles, too. Do you blame them when it doesn't turn out the way that you wanted-- when you have no idea what was going on there?

  16. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Anybody else about ready to throttle Chris Matthews on this subject? He has bought into the RWNJ take on this story. Would it hurt him to investigate to get the real story instead of relying on ol' Marsha Benghazi! Benghazi! Blackburn or Rushbo Limpballs?

    1. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Chris did have one guest who was smart enough to tell him that he didn't have all of the facts, and he wasn't going to make a comment until he knew what was what. Chris really sounds angry about this one. We took back every soldier who was capture by the enemy, including soldiers who were captured by North Koreans and made anti-American videos. War is Hell, and it must be even worse for someone who is captured and tortured. John McCain made statements favorable to the North Vietnamese when he was tortured, too. What they have done is a matter for the military court, not the media that jumps all over a story before we know all of the facts. And many of those Republicans were the ones calling for Bergdahl to be released not so long ago.

    2. Anonymous6:20 AM

      When will everyone "Get" that MSNBC is RW? Mathews, Maddow are "token" libs!
      Phil Griffin is a RW'r!
      Hello, everyone should of gotten a clue when they booted KO off!
      Don't watch it.

    3. Anonymous6:23 AM

      "John McCain made statements favorable to the North Vietnamese when he was tortured, too"
      John McCain was loose lips and gave the co-ordinances to the NVC! He either caused harm or almost did.
      He has nerve. I'm sick of the RW smear machine.
      Let by Palin, beerfart, Kocksuckers.
      Fuck them all.

  17. Why doesn't the gop understand that the military never ever leave a man behind. They don't leave spies either. Matter of fact even in the cowboys days they say "Wanted Dead or Alive." Meaning they want the criminal's body either way.

    The gop thinks everyone is dumb.

    1. "Why doesn't the gop understand that the military never ever leave a man behind. "
      Maybe because so few of them actually served?

    2. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Nefer... BINGO!!!!

  18. Anonymous9:32 PM

  19. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Idaho....Banjostan North.

  20. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I hate to sound insensitive but my brother and I were speaking on the phone today and I said, "ya know what, I couldn't care less about this whole Bowe Bergdahl thing", and he agreed and added that he couldn't give two shits about the Malaysian plane thing. Fact is, we used to be news junkies but now the news is the same old thing day after day; it never changes. All media outlets beat the same dead horse until most of us just tune out and go read a book. It's disgusting really. I wish the guy the best, he's been through a lot and may have a tough row to hoe if found guilty of desertion, but really, why does the media keep talking about it until most of us become desensitized?

    1. Anonymous5:03 AM

      ^^ THIS.

    2. Anonymous6:41 AM

      Hah: by MH370 standards the Bergdahl coverage is a drop in the bucket. So far at least.

  21. Anonymous10:18 PM

    There are others who have criticized the military while serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. Does the name Pat Tillman ring a bell? He was killed by friendly fire, which was covered up by the military for a long time. He was not the only soldier killed by our own troops. Some say that he was critical of the war and that there were no WMD in Iraq.

    1. Anonymous6:26 AM

      Pat was murdered. It was covered up.
      And there is a book about him, not the one by his mother but the other one that details the Jessica Lynch fabricated story also,too!
      Bottom line we should of been there at all.
      Iraq and Afghanistan. Those guys knew it the smart ones who had thinking heads on their shoulders....

  22. I, unfortunately, last night turned on MNSBC too early and listened to Chris Matthews foaming at the mouth, and all I wanted to do was throw a shoe at him! I plan on writing them today and asking for his removal, seriously, the guy is turning into Bill O'Reilly.
    I am just sickened, just sickened by this latest ugliness. To go after the father and say he sympathizes with the Taliban and looks like one but it's okay for Americans to watch the southern version called Duck Dynasty, to question why he learned Pashto, to question why we are still in beyond the pale.

    I feel so incredibly sad for their family that this has turned out to be a circus when it should be a time of joy, their son is going to be returned to them after 5 years of hell. Do the Republicans not get or not care how hard it has been on them regardless of what they believe?
    This young man joined the service because he wanted to help the people there, his heart was pure. He seems like a very sensitive soul that I would love to have as a son and it must have really tore at his heart that he had been sold a fake bill of goods. I read about his note and I think it is a valid statement even more today, he found the horror that is America disgusting. And it is. This whole attack on him and his family is more than disgusting.
    I have a daughter and a son in law that joined the military after graduating from college to serve our country as Arabic linguists. The entire 15 months my son-in-law was in Iraq, I was obsessed with the war, where the fighting was and never slept. He was protected more than most but still came home 60% disabled.He still believes that they did the right thing and will support George W. to his death. Obviously, we cannot talk about such things as what is happening today with Bowe, I am saddened by that. The soldiers in his unit do seem to be wanting to make him out as a deserter because he probably wasn't cool with what they were doing and stayed alone. The truth will come out eventually.

    Doesn't the right understand that while we leave no man left behind, that it is unconscionable to attack him before he comes back to the country? Do they not get that by ending the war finally, that we have to release all prisoners? Why are they so desperate to have something, anything to throw at the president that they are destroying any semblance of common decency?

    Many things have had my panties in a twist over the last 5 years, but this whole thing makes my gut hurt. And it is going to get more uglier.

  23. You guys say conservative people are filled with hate? Lol, wow! There is more hatred spewing out of this thread than I ever seen on fox news lol. Wow. Bergdahl left on his own actions ! Unbelievable. Even if people didn't die looking for him, he's still a looser. Big rose garden party to welcome him home... wow. And we get our guys back from Iran (who didn't do anything wrong) and no big welcome home for them! U guys are bats lol


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