Men’s rights activists have raised $25,000 to provide additional security for an upcoming conference because, “We’ve had ongoing problems with the feminist establishment, which is a multibillion-dollar hate industry, for years,” according to men’s rights blogger Dean Esmay.
The money will be used to hire seven off-duty police officers to provide security for the event. The hotel hosting the conference in Detroit, Michigan sent a letter to organizers requesting the additional security and expressed concerns about the safety of its employees and guests related to threats of violence. Police were contacted about the conference, but a spokesperson said they had not received “any word about threats.”
The letter does not say from whom the threats came, but the men’s rights activists behind the conference are pretty sure they are from feminists. Because they like to blame feminists for pretty much everything. As Abby Ohlheiser at the Wire points out, A Voice For Men’s homepage currently links to a petition to ”class feminism as a terrorist group.”
By the way this is a sentence taken from this idiot's website:
The old saying goes, you can’t fight city hall. That may be true, but it’s nothing compared to fighting titty hall. Not even close.
Oh yeah, clever. Okay I admit that I have had a rocky marriage...or two...and I have even had a stalker...or six....but calling women terrorists, and paying for security out of fear of them, is pretty damn unmanly in my book.
You know I keep reading about this resurgent misogyny, demonstrated by the UCSB killer, and the anger from tech communities toward feminists, but I have to say that I don't get it.
We live in a time when the objectification is women is only a mouse click away, and every female pop star dresses like a stripper and virtually every movie queen has shed their tops at least a handful of times on film in order to satisfy the carnal desires of the male demographic.
So I guess I don't understand why there are men who suddenly stumble a few steps back along the evolutionary trail if ALL women do not offer to make them a sandwich, or want to be treated like everyday human beings.
Maybe I missed a meeting of "Assholes Anonymous."
Personally I do not understand men who don't appreciate strong women, or who fear their independence. If you are confident, and sure of yourself, you want to surround yourself with people of equal confidence and self awareness.
If you are not that assured about your masculinity then I guess you would resort to surrounding yourself with security, use religion to beat women into submission, or walk around like this....
...and fire your metallic penis at targets like this.
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Bummer! I guess that means I don't get to join their cool "No Gerlz Allowed" club.
The masculin-ists want 7 guards to fend off the femin-ists. Their NO GIRLZ ALLOUD sign lost its magic power?
ReplyDeleteI doubt any woman has come near them their whole adult lives.
DeleteOld enough to remember "Spanky and Our Gang," are ya? Excellent reply!
Delete"This is legal for a reason"?
DeleteUmmm lemme guess, b/c this guy has no dick?
or brain?
Or both?
Gryph you are right "Assholes Anonymous"!!!
DeleteFools and their money and all that. Grifters will always find stupid people who hate the life they've created and take their money. Another circle-jerk among ReTards and their grifting goon leaders inciting them to throw poo poo at the cameras for attention. National Enquirer enthusiasts unite!!! Goofy fucking people who can't find a softball league at their level. haha
ReplyDeleteNeed a trigger warning before scrolling to that picture.
Pardon me while I LMAO..........
ReplyDeleteJust in case any of the scared boyz club is reading this.......
Oh shit! Hey, you done skerred me. Now I gotta check my draws, but it's been 12 hrs since I had a fresh change anyhow.
Delete"Honey, we ain't outa Dee-Pends, are we? I wuttn't kiddin when I said 'OH SHIT!!!'"
Men's rights? How nice of them to fight for the rights of others.
ReplyDeleteBecause they certainly are not real men.
The right has completely lost it...
ReplyDeleteSo having the majority of the world'd money, political power and physical strength isn't enough to make these boys not afeared of women, huh? Hahahahahaha.
ReplyDeleteNope...they want it ALLLLLLLLL!!!
DeleteThank you, Gryphen. As much as I love reading your priceless critiques of Sarah Palin, I think your posts like this are what really put you on the blogging map.
ReplyDeleteI agree 3:57.
DeleteAfter all this time and all the insanity, Palin just bores me.
DeleteTHESE are the kind of posts that keep me coming back here every day.
Me three!
DeleteI think they are a branch of the white rights movement. What a bunch of whiny babies needing protection from those bully feminists.
ReplyDeleteThis gay man has long understood that he is only alive today thanks to the cumulative life-saving efforts of a phalanx of very strong women, including efforts that persuaded me from a lot of stupid choices.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand straight brethren who want to subjugate females. Living your life worried about maintaining your foot on someone's else neck destroys two lives, while choosing a life partner whose smarts and strength are the equal (or better) than you own. lengthens your own life.
Well said.
DeleteOnly men with low self-esteem (and usually good reasons for having low self-esteem!) prefer submissive women.
DeleteReal men who are confident in who they are appreciate strong women who can be equal partners.
What they said above! Well Said! Like ++++
DeleteAs a working woman for most of my adult life, I can tell you that i am not surprised to hear that sexism is alive and well in these United States of America. It has gotten better over the years, but still it persists. Some men are under the mistaken impression that their penis makes them superior to those with a virgina. It's as simple as that.
ReplyDeleteI do not expect to see the end of sexism in my lifetime. But it is my lifelong dream to see it end during the lifetime of my two daughters.
It is my hope for my daughters too.
DeleteSooooooooooo afraid of a "widdle" girl and her friends. Pathetic!
ReplyDeleteI just have missed the pictures of women with assault rifles across the street from Hooters in Texas. Or the ones of the women outside the elite male only golf courses. The women I know are too busy with their jobs, their kids, and their homes to bother this idiot. What the F*** is wrong with equal pay, voting rights, maternity leave, and getting an education? God, the stupid. They are getting worse every single day. America is a depressing place thanks to the RWers who hate everything now except themselves, and aren't afraid to let the world know it.
ReplyDeleteI am SO glad you found us, Sue.
DeleteEnjoy your posts immensely. Spot on.
I'm afraid the web of RW hatred starts with themselves...
DeleteThank you..I've been here for several years...just now posting under my Google name instead of "Sally from MI." I learn so much here!!
DeleteYou're Sally from MI? Funny, I see you so many places, agree with your opinions, and think Sue and Sally From MI need to meet each other. Now I know why! HAHAHA Here for the same reason!
DeleteYou need to go by the handle "Sally Sue". Aint too many of them.
DeleteI'll agree with the poster above. You always have good , concise commentary. I tend to get caught up in the weeds or drift over the edge into the ditch with these nut cases sometimes. Glad to have you around under any moniker.
Aw. You guys are too nice. Have a great day !!
Delete"feminism is a terrorist group"? Oh, really? Well, by all means, arrest its executive board, CEO and officers. What, you say? There is no such entity as "feminism" listed in the phone book?
ReplyDeleteThese guys are as stupid as they are misogynist.
Think of the kids these paranoid idiots are raising:
ReplyDelete"Daddy, does that mean that BigFoot Sasquatch is go'n git us?"
"Does it kick, Daddy?"
That picture isn't Dean Esmay. You might be interested in this piece written about him.
Back in the days when I was desperately seeking tenure, I was a visiting artist at a major university. One day a graduate student told me that he was sure his classmate (a very talented African American woman) would get a teaching job before he would. An odd comment to make to me since I'm also a woman.
ReplyDeleteNow as we all know, straight white boys usually get hired first even today. Except THIS guy had a disgusting habit; he was addicted to chewing tobacco and could not go for even five minutes without spitting huge dripping chunks of brown gunk into a cup. He had no awareness that this would keep him from ever presenting well at a conference, interviewing for a job, having a meeting with a dean or U. president, etc., etc.
I'm sure he feels unfairly treated, but I sure wouldn't hire him.
This is another example of the tantrums men throw when they are expected to play ball on a level playing field. Losers.
Wild Tortoise
Yep, losers are always gonna spend more time making excuses and blaming others than they slend in preparation for an opportunity to succeed. Losers are threatened by someone with certain skill sets that they themselves lack.
DeletePeople will work long and hard when they are treated with respect and given challenging and meaningful goals & objectives with the support necessary to help them succeed.
It's not just Hollywood types dressing like strippers, it's desperate homely Wasilla girls like Bristol Palin even getting new plastic faces hoping to get some of that sex objectification.
ReplyDeleteAnyone remember Maks? hehe
I was involved in grassroots advocacy for abused women & children for a decade on a national level and still operate an educational website for abused women in custody battles with abusers to this day. These MRAs attacked anyone in our movement constantly. They tried and succeeded in posing as women and infiltrating our private support and healing groups, they hacked my website, they posted my name on line implying I had done something wrong by arranging to show a documentary on PBS, I eventually had to remove the Contact Us function from the website because of the vile and hateful posts and electronic attacks to the address. These were the men fighting the women and children they abused for custody.