Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fox News host Neil Cavuto completely loses it with Michele Bachmann over the Republicans plan to sue the President. Did this really happen?

Courtesy of Think Progress: 

The segment devolved into a shouting match, with Cavuto laughing off Bachmann’s indignation about Obama’s use of executive powers. 

“You just said it, congresswoman, we might not get anywhere,” Cavuto exclaimed in frustration. “Maybe Republicans are within their rights, maybe the president is within his rights.” As Bachmann sought to defend the suit, Cavuto accused her of “conflating issues and being silly.” 

“Where was your rage when Democrats were going after President Bush on the same use of executive orders, because I think you knew then that that was a waste of time then and I think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now,” he exploded. 

Cavuto’s real rage came out in response to Bachmann’s suggestion that Republicans in Congress should simply defund the executive branch. “Think about what you’re saying,” he screamed. “Defund the executive branch? Congresswoman! If Democrats had said to you, ‘we’re going to defund President Bush,’ you would have laughed at them and so you should have been.

You know when as a Republican you are being ridiculed by Fox News you know you have really stepped in it.

You know I could literally watch conservatives argue and fight all day.

Just need more popcorn and I am set.


  1. Great idea, Jesse. I just went and made some popcorn. Now I'll watch the clip.

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Shelly is such an embarrassment to the great state of Minnesota.

    1. Then why do they keep re-electing her? Thankfully she has decided not to run again. Right?

  3. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Shelley is on her way out. She's just trying to get her digs in at the black guy before she leaves.

    She's still spittin' mad that the ACA got through and it is a rousing success and she's also scared shitless that immigration will finally be addressed.

    She's having a conniption with all the gay marriages being allowed all over the country and she's frustrated that President Obama is find ways to bring about his agenda that the House GOP can't stop. He's not doing anything that hasn't been done before by other presidents. AND it's all legal.

    The level of hate for this president is something to behold, I gotta say. I've been on this planet for more than 60 years and I've never seen anything like this. It's despicable and transparent as hell that they can't stand that this president is loved, successful and way the fuck smarter than all of them. They're trying to politically 'lynch' him in the public square and they think that they have the support of the American people, but the American people voted for him, TWICE, because they wanted him to be their president.

    The narrow slice of extremists that she sucks up to does NOT represent the majority, thank god, and that was made quite clear, even in Mississippi.

    Poor thing was trying so hard to smile through her 'WTF, I'm on Fox, shouldn't this be a 'friendly' interview where I can spew my talking points uninterrupted', but you could tell that it was getting harder and harder for her to feign that fake grin given the fact that she was in a huge beat down. The woman is a joke and she got called out for her foolishness on FOX!

    1. Anonymous3:22 AM

      If gays people are accepted, then her husband's scam will not be funded. Matcus "prays away the gay" remember? It did not work with him, so he should know it is useless going against nature. If ANYONE needs to file a Class Action Lawsuit, it is taxpayers. The gop have not done one ounce of actual work for the people since President Obama took office. Now Drunk Boehner wants to sue the President. What a group of idiotic, useless, so-called "representatives" Shelly should quit early, let someone with brains take over.

    2. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Oops - Marcus. Shelly seems to have a problem adjusting to those fake eyelashes, doesn't she?

  4. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Geez.....can we keep on subject here, people?

  5. Anonymous5:19 PM

    You know you've got a problem when your reliable FOX lap dogs start calling bullshit on your stupidity.

  6. Anonymous5:22 PM

    So they voted to defund the executive branch? Did I hear her correctly? WTF is up with these morons? Why is SHE even being given a voice when she's being charged herself for improprieties?

    I'll say this before and I will say it again. Michelle Bachmann "was" a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church, one of the most staunchest in God and Bible, until she entered politics. She denounced her membership after election. If that doesn't tell you anything about who these people are, every damn last one of 'em.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Sheesh, you can’t even attend a fun event in Alaska without running into the idiots. Joe Miller, our most dishonest of the dishonest politicians in Alaska was just at a festival in Kodiak and brought with him an Assembly of God fire and brimstone nightmare to let everyone know “Amerika” is on its last legs and we are doomed to hell if we don’t repent. I kept wondering what part of the populace actually thinks like this and who was Miller trying to convince to vote for him? The only story about Miller’s campaign visit in the local paper was written by right-wing religion writer Mike Rostad to mark Miller’s appearance.

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      These people are not God.....
      Kinda fun to watch how that's working out for them.

    3. Anonymous9:15 PM

      I think people are getting 'crazy fatigue'. The doom and gloom they are peddling is turning people off, maybe not the craziest of the crazies, but most everyone else. People on both sides want things to start getting done.

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Does Bachmann want Farm Subsidies defunded? Does she want her Husband's 'Pray Away The Gay' Clinic defunded?

  8. Anonymous5:40 PM

    how about we defund financial aid for students attending Liberty University, because it is obvious that they are failing to educate their students

  9. Anonymous5:44 PM

    My God. So Mitt plans to buy the WH now? Big surprise.
    I think he's in for a bigger surprise, as the Tea Party wing hates him. This should be good.

  10. Anonymous5:45 PM

    She is so willfully ignorant fighting with her would be like trying to make jello stick to a wall. Hopeless.

  11. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I can't wait until BenGhazi lands in his lap...
    and what about the 47%? Does he think we forgot that?
    What's with crazy eyes? I thought she lost and was out?
    She is another orly tits....

  12. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I thought Mitt Romney wasn't going to run in 2016. 'The Republican Party must be really desperate if it's thinking of running Mitt "I'll cancel Big Bird" Romney.

  13. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I've felt he has kept this door open ever since his loss. If you know any true mormons, besides the cultish religion- the thing about them is they don't give up and will keep trying. A mormon I know, nice enough guy, said his best lifes lessons were learned when he was on his mission, you learn to accept getting all the doors slammed in your face but persist anyways. I think that is Romney to a tee, he would have no shame going for it a third time for the chance to perservere and finally reach that peak.

    He wants to be the first mormon pres as bad as hillary wants to be the first female. Its all ego and making the history books for these plutocrat clowns. Hopefully there will be some better options come 2016 for both parties.

  14. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I wish Hannity and Greta (FOX) would go after Sarah Palin the way this guy did w/Bachmann.

    Bachmann is more experienced, better educated and far more attractive in appearance. She's just 'far out' there!

    Palin on the other hand comes across as evil, nasty, & mean spirited - white trash - crummy appearance/non professional - having no knowledge or experience and for being a known idiot!

    1. Anonymous2:39 AM

      REPUBLICAN Morning Joe LAID into Palin/McDaniel etal this morning over being so stupid that they whine over losing when Cochran was simply following the rules. STUPID was emphasized loudly. 'Twas a thing of beauty......

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Good, but that IS a huge surprise coming from Morning Joe. His viewership has dropped considerably from what I'm told.

    3. Anonymous11:10 AM

      9:15 P.M. Perhaps (finally) the Republicans and Teabaggers have finally screwed themselves to the wall? I hope, I hope!

  15. Anonymous6:05 PM

    She is out of Congress. Fox does not need to pretend to care what she thinks anymore.

  16. Anonymous6:10 PM

    She is nuts. Right off the wall nuts.

    It is so satisfying to see this woman challenged. And for Cavuto to speak to her and react logically is a nice change. These women like Bachmann, Palin, love to complain about sexism. It's so evident that the reporters asking these women valid questions and aggressively demanding logic aren't intimated by the girly talk. These girls can dish it out, so they should be able to take it.

  17. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Jesus, that Bachmann woman is a complete fool just like Lecturer in Chief Palin.

  18. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

    This is the second time I watched it. This isn't some reputable news source, folks, it's Fox News and Shelly just made me so glad I invested in popcorn. Loved the part where she says "I sense your frustration" Damn Right crazylady, you're screaming over FACTS you want to ignore and Cavuto wouldn't let you.

    Next on Cavuto- Sarah Palin..... here, kitty kitty kitty......

    1. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Maybe the Third Party screeching $arah wants to start should be Palin/Bachmann?? Hell, makes as much sense as the gop is making right now. They are hopping mad that people LIKE President Obama!!

    2. Anonymous4:35 AM

      Yeah, go right ahead bitches, run! They never will.

    3. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Sarah is too afraid to go on any program that would ask her legitimate questions and expect answers..not word salad.

  19. Anonymous6:26 PM

    John Boehner threw Michelle Bachmann to the wolves just to see how his idea would be looked at by the moderate media. He picks a spokesperson with nothing to lose (she's out at the end of her term and a noted airhead) and he sends her onto Cavuto to talk about the lawsuit and defunding the executive branch. Then Boehner sits back and watches. How much do you want to bet that this idea now dies a very quick death and is never heard from again? If Boehner really thought this was a good idea, he would have sent out a much more serious spokesperson to sell it.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Man, that sounds pretty right on, and I have to say I hadn't ever thought about it like that, so thank you for opening my eyes in a new way. That is exactly the sort of move he would make and she would be the sacrificial lamb since she's already cooked!

  20. hedgewytch6:30 PM

    I thought the Republicans were against recycling toxic materials.

  21. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Suck it, conservatives. We’ve got Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments right here.

  22. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Chris McDaniel Tells Mark Levin ‘We’re Not Going to Concede’

    Mississippi tea party challenger Chris McDaniel lost last night’s primary to Thad Cochran, but he did not concede in his speech to supporters and he has no plans to. He told Mark Levin tonight that not only won’t he concede, but he’s going to push for an investigation of the vote.

    This guy is a piece of work! What a fucking crybaby. It's disgusting that he is behaving this way, but I'm not surprised, having been promoted by the idiot from Wasilla. Such a low class, cocksucking dickwad.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      It was a fricking OPEN primary!
      Get over it, McDaniel!

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Has he and his backyard dogs (Palin, etc.) blamed President Obama yet? 3..2..___

    3. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Which is why Joe Miller will go down in flames in the primary. Tea-Baggers are poor losers.

    4. Anonymous10:14 AM

      All McDaniel is doing is bringing negative attention to himself and creating further dislike of the Teabaggers! What a fucking idiot! He, Cruz and Palin are total jokes!

  23. Randall7:06 PM

    I live in South Dakota.
    The South Dakota Republican Party just voted to file impeachment against the President of the United States.
    I literally just now got back from a supper where I sat at a table with several South Dakota Republicans.
    I mentioned their (futile and stupid) plan to impeach the President and I asked "on what grounds?"

    ...blank stares.
    I said, "I've read the constitution and you have to have high crimes or misdemeanors to bring impeachment charges against the President - what, specifically, are you going to impeach Barack Obama FOR?"

    They had no answer...

    I still don't know what the charge will be.

    ...stay tuned, they said they'd get back to me...

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Sounds like they can't read....

    2. Anonymous11:01 PM

      Ask them if they are big Biden fans because that's who will be President if they "impeach."

    3. Anonymous3:29 AM

      Ytpical Repubs!! They all follow their leader (drunk Boehner) without any questions. Asking questions would require them to actually THINK. Easier to just follow like sheep.

    4. Anonymous5:59 AM

      Correct 11:01. I get the impression they think they can just appoint a Republican as President if they impeach him.

    5. Anonymous10:09 AM

      The cannot impeach President Obama! It will not happen. Republicans just don't want to work in the U.S. Congress (House) and just continue spreading hate and fear throughout the nation.

      Way past time to get rid of the majority of the House members in the U.S. Congress in the upcoming election. They do nothing!!!!

      VOTE folks - VOTE! Republican party a nightmare - get them OUT and don't add any new Republicans to the House or Senate of the U.S. Congress!

  24. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Don't be fooled...this is Mrs. Romney...she DEMANDS the first lady title.... however, how are the Romney's going to combat Cruz and his dad....his dad, has stated that God told him his son will be President.... lol...

  25. Anonymous7:33 PM

    As little as the GOP has done the past six years, perhaps we should defund the legislative branch instead.

    1. Anonymous3:52 AM

      My thoughts exactly, at least the House of Representatives.

  26. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Freaken Clowns......boner comes out on national tv about to cry and piss his pants and says "im gonna sue the president".....what freaken idiot. It is time for anyone with a stinken brain in that clown car to put a stop to this circus act....THANKS PALIN WACKO COCKDOODLE FREAKEN NIMWIT. why did you accept that oldman mccains invitation to Americas NIGHTMARE.....a rapture crazy should be over in iran hiking or something. Does todd have a retreat there too by chance for you to rest?

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      I think the USA is headed toward gun shots in Washington D.C. It's a total mess there - nothing is being done - it's all 'anti' President Obama over and over again and citizens are sick of Republicans! The hate and racism - constant negativism is really getting old!

  27. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Gryphen, here's an interesting tidbit of voter information:

    Cuban-Americans Are Getting Over Republicans

    An analysis of survey data by the Pew Research Center published Tuesday shows that the Cuban population in the U.S., once known for its staunch support of the GOP, is shifting towards the Democratic Party.

    Throughout the years, while Latinos across the nation leaned Democrat, according to Gallup, Cubans remained among the most conservative within the group. But as of 2013, only 47 percent of registered Cuban voters say they identify with the Republican Party, down sharply from the 64 percent who said they leaned towards the GOP a decade ago, according to Pew.

  28. Anonymous8:46 PM

    All I can say is: Walter Cronkite is rolling over in his grave. This is a news program??????

  29. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Neil's been my television hero since 1993. Good man

  30. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Old boney scrawny sary now wants to jump ship ......hyper is she? Poor little rapture turd cant stand that she is flushed like a turd in the outhouse. Swish Swash....she is gone. over. crazy. bad evil rapture witch. Wish she would just go be creative in the retreat or something. Go run a B and B for bags sary. Get out of politic.....your agenda sucks and the people you hang with suck. Now wake the F up.

  31. Anonymous4:28 AM

    I wish MSNBC would redo the Morning Joe show.....loud mouth joe is becoming unbearable. He whines and then says he hates whiners. He screams so that nobody can talk or carry a decent conversation. He is a master bs er for the liars on the right......he is a baloney phoney......and then?.....need martin back.....Dylan back.....Need a decent debate and new cast on msnbc in am......

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      I would suggest not watching his show. I never have - just read about it. He does not interest me at all and the blond gal on it appears to be nothing more than a 'token'!

  32. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Where's her wedding ring ? Maybe she's still 'using' the corn dog !

  33. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Please... No more lists of accomplishments to try to stifle discussion. They don't change the fact that Hillary Clinton has plenty of negatives. She is rapidly losing her cachet now she's no longer SOS. Her new book and her tone deaf comments are really hurting her.

  34. Anonymous7:27 AM

    It's about time that someone calls out Bachmann on her ignorance and stupidity. Just like Palin, she is an insult to all women.

  35. Chenagrrl8:04 AM

    Political Barbies, like Bachmann, need to beware the Botox and collagen. Example: Michele tries to lighten her voice and smile, but the end effect is a chimp grimace.

  36. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Political Carnival has a report on the Mormon Church excommunicating women for wanting equality!! They wanted to attend a meeting that only allows men to attend. Since they are not subservient to men, they are getting thrown out. Read the antiquated language describing how women should act around men. Mitch will have a lot of 'splainin' to do about THIS one.

  37. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I disagree, Anon 6:07--I find the more I learn about Hillary, I more I admire her. Too bad you find that listing the facts of her accomplishments "stifle discussion." I guess the only discussion you want to start is to rank on Hillary.

    She's no Republican, which is why they are flailing around madly trying to smear her before she's even announced a run for the White House.


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