Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Homophobic patriarch of the Duck Dynasty clan claims he was "just trying to help those poor souls and turn them to Jesus" when he compared the gay lifestyle to bestiality and claimed they were all going to hell.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson explained over the weekend that people had misunderstood the intent of his homophobic comments because he was just “trying to help those poor souls and turn them to Jesus.” 

Speaking at the Rock the South festival Cullman, Alabama on Saturday, Robertson defended comments he made to GQ magazine last year comparing homosexuality to bestiality and adultery. 

Robertson had argued that “a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man’s anus,” and said that LGBT people “won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.” On Saturday, Robertson told the crowd that he was “actually a nice man,” according to the Birmingham News. 

“I’m trying to help those poor souls and turn them to Jesus,” he said.

Yes and nothing says, "I'm just trying to help you," like comparing someone's sexuality to man on mule love, and suggesting that they are destined to an eternity of pain and suffering in the fiery pits of hell.

There is nothing wrong with being religious, but if you feel justified in telling somebody that because they do not believe as you do that they will punished for all eternity, then yours is a religion of threats and condemnation and not one of love and acceptance as they are so often advertised.


  1. Anonymous4:12 AM

    What's wrong, Phil? Is the money drying up?

  2. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Why would anyone take advice from that asshole? Religion is a fucked up mess filled with hypocrisy.

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      One look at that picture reminds me of my mother quickly ushering us kids to the opposite side of the street when she saw the likes of him approaching.

  3. Anonymous4:52 AM

    He sure does spend an inordinate amount of time fixating on the male anus.

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM


    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Well...to be fair: he also thinks girls are ready for marriage at fifteen.

      Wonder who he was trying to help with that one.

  4. Anonymous5:06 AM

    According to Inquisitr, the cast receives $70,000 per episode in government handouts from the state, and are paid $200,000 per week to be on the show:

    One industry insider estimates that the Duck Dynasty cast, which is paid $200,000 per week to appear on the popular reality show, receives government benefits of $70,000 for every episode of the A&E cable show from the state, even though Louisiana recently slashed funding for health care programs and pension programs for public employees such as police, teachers, and firefighters.


  5. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Sex with ol' Philly Goat......Naaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  6. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Phil Robertson can go f**k himself.

  7. Paul in Minnesota5:18 AM

    As a gay man, I always question supposedly straight men who are obsessed with gay anything including gay sex. Dude, I don't want you on our team nor to come out, yet please go and have the man on man sex you so obviously crave. Jesus frigging Christ already!

    1. Balzafiar5:38 AM

      Paul, that's the problem with them: they think about it, they want it, but they don't have the balls to do it. Now if they get drunk enough they might do it, but who wants sex with a slob of a drunk, especially one that looks like Phil Robertson?

    2. From my experience, dictatorial religious people dislike gays for the same reason they dislike Atheists; they can't shame them into a repentant, broken wreck. They hate strong people who stand up to them.

      They focus on gays because of the visual imagery. With Atheists it's kind of blank.

      And he might want some man-on-man action.

    3. Anonymous6:51 AM

      I know a few gay people, they are all much more self aware than Phil, plus much cleaner. Homeless people, unless they are mentally deranged, keep themselves cleaner than this person. He looks as though he is flea and lice ridden.

  8. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Seems to me that Phil is the "poor soul."

  9. Beldar Mallard Conehead6:00 AM

    Gryphen, I got this one.

    "“trying to help those poor souls and turn them to Jesus.”

    With all due respect, you miserable fuck, who asked you to do that? Worship whoever you want in any manner you want to, as is your right, and leave everybody else alone. Your effort to turn people to Jeebus who don't want to be turned is insulting, offensive and profoundly unwelcome. When I want your advice on how to live my life, I'll ask you. Feel free to hang by your thumbs waiting for that day to arrive.

    ps, how come you know so much about bestiality?

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      If HE is the example of people who are religious, keep him away from me. He looks filthy. What makes him think he is a good example?

  10. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Dear Phil,

    Please stop being a donkey and an ass. Did you not read about my sermons? forgiveness was right up there with compassion and being non judgementel, in the grand scheme of how to live your life maybe you are way to concerned about people who my Father made in his image being gay.Please get a grip and try not to make all Christians look bad.



    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      AMEN to that! He should show how truly christian he is, by s[preading the wealth he has accumulated among those less fortunate. For starters, refuse to take the taxpayer subsidy, let them use it for something truly needed.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Most of the supposed religious freaks on the right are anything but! Can name them one after another beginning w/the retard, Sarah Palin.

      It's no wonder the USA will become less and less a Christian nation w/these yahoos getting media coverage all the time. It also bugs the hell out of them that we are going to become a less than majority 'white' nation - they are so, so afraid of being in the minority!

  11. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I'm sure Tawd can help him with his gay curiousness.

  12. Anonymous6:27 AM


    Bad Guys With Guns Hold Up Patrons Outside Gun Ranges, Take Their Guns


  13. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Phil would refuse any "offers" from $carah, she is too old, plus the possibility of bone splinters is too high!

  14. Balzafiar7:27 AM

    If Phil wants me to meet Jesus, he should know I have some pretty strict requirements for my dates.

    Phil could never hope to qualify so he should just quit worrying about me hitting on him.

  15. hedgewytch7:48 AM

    But wait - it was just yesterday that I heard respected incumbent U.S Senator Thad Cochran (R- Mississippi - bestiality) remark on how growing up on a farms, boys liked to do "indecent things with animals" - So its just normal, right? Not like that guy on guy thing - euuw!

  16. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Welfare Dynasty: Duck Dynasty Cast Receives $70,000 from Louisiana Taxpayers PER EPISODE

    Do you remember a time when Patriarch Phil Robertson said that African-Americans were better off “pre-entitlement, pre-welfare?” When they were “happy” and “Godly?” Do you remember those remarks? Good. Keep them in mind, because while Robertson was complaining about Blacks on welfare, the cast of his show, Duck Dynasty, soaked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in welfare money from the State of Louisiana every year.


  17. Anonymous8:18 AM

    This whole thing is absolutely mind boggling to me. The show has been exposed as a fraud. The men looked nothing like this before their show was given to them. Yet people want so badly to believe the whole bearded camo-thing. I had dinner with a couple who watched the show and liked it. The man mentioned Phil had gotten into some controversy. The rest of the table was unaware, so I tactly said that he had said some things that were interpreted as racist and homophobic. The man acknolwedged that but went on to praise their "family values". And therein lies the problem. Racism and homophobia should not be considered family values.


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