Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Did you ever wonder what happened to that kid Levi from the documentary "Jesus Camp?" Well here you go.

So apparently his indoctrination took.

I find it interesting that he did not find anything wrong with how the documentary portrayed him, and in fact seems to think of it as a positive thing. Yet he is still firmly entrenched in the world that the film exposed.

But wait he's seen babies raised from the dead? Does he work in a ICU?

I can honestly say that I don't think any documentary upset me as much as Jesus Camp did.

At the end of the film I was actually shaking and very upset with how these impressionable children were being lied to and manipulated.

Perhaps the filmmakers should do a follow up to see where all of those kids ended up, and if their faith is still as strong as Levi's?

I would watch that.


  1. Boscoe7:34 AM

    Hey, at least he got rid of the hideous white trash buzz/mullet. Give him credit for a little growth. ;P

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      He traded it for facial pubes, not sure it was an upgrade. Anyway, it's incredible that after so many years and an acces to unlimited knowledge (thank you internet) the brainwashing is still there.

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Even as a believer, I would be HIGHLY offended if a grade school aged child approached me in public and said that she/he was worried about my after life whereabouts.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I cannot stand to watch the video anymore. Makes me furious at the grownups and helpless for the children.

  4. Randall12:31 PM

    I went on a bus trip to Branson, MO. with a buncha seniors.
    Somebody got a phone call - a baby was real sick.
    REAL sick.
    They asked us to pray for that baby.
    We did.
    The baby survived and is doing well now.

    Turns out it wasn't the doctors with all of their modern medical education and years of experience...
    It wasn't the 21st century scientific equipment in the ICU...
    nor was it the nurses' constant loving attention and brilliant care that saved that little kid.

    Turns out it was US!
    We seniors praying on that bus saved that baby.
    Praise God.


  5. Anonymous1:31 PM

    That movie had the same effect on me, Gryph! I was shaking with fury at the indoctrination of these poor kids. That's child abuse, in my book!

  6. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

    I don't think I could bear to watch a new one that tracks what happened to the rest. My guess is they have less gray matter than kids who weren't exposed to it.
    Yay Levi, he saw a baby raised from the dead and watched Harry Potter! What a rebel! One Zombie movie and a children's classic!

  7. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Gee, I was kind of hoping that he became something interesting like a lead guitarist for a death metal band.

  8. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Eh... actually surprised he isn't really all that nutty, a little maybe, but seen much worse.

  9. Belief in god or gods is a mental aberration.


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