Saturday, June 07, 2014

In Bill Maher's New Rules last night he takes on the Ammosexuals.

Maher went all in with insulting these ignorant morons last night. Which of course they deserve.

On bringing long rifles into Home Depot: "You're there to buy a toilet seat. I doubt you will meet armed resistance."

"You guys are not just firearm enthusiasts, you're Ammosexuals. And before you try and deny that you have some sort of unnatural romantic relationship with your gun, consider this, you're taking it out to dinner."

The last part of Real Timer was not the only notable portion. He went after Sarah Palin pretty hard during his opening monologue.

While referring to the possibility that Sgt. Bergdahl may have been a deserter.

"You can't just pick up and leave in the middle of doing your job. Your part of a military unit, not the Governor of Alaska. Oh Sarah Palin. she was all over this story attacking this Beau Bergdahl guy because you know she found out, through reports we don;t really know this, that he has trouble now speaking English. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Of course he has trouble speaking English, he was five years around nobody else who speaks English. Sarah what's your excuse?"

You can see the entire episode here.


  1. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I'm delighted Bill Maher went after Sarah Palin and continues doing so even though she threatened him w/a lawsuit years ago.

    More national and Alaska folks in the media and entertainment business need to do the same thing! Ridicule the hell out of the retard and perhaps she'll finally keep her evil mouth shut!

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Bill usually qualifies his remarks by saying, "Oh, I kid Sarah Palin...." Satire is protected speech.

      As for people ridiculing Sarah, every time there is some mention of Russia, someone usually adds that Sarah can see what's going on there from her house. It doesn't matter if Tina Fey is the one who made the joke, Sarah claimed foreign policy experience because a remote island in Alaska is close to an equally remote part of Russia. Sarah also claimed a stop over to refuel (or change planes) as a foreign country that she visited. Every time that Sarah opens her mouth, appears on Fox or posts something on her facebook, it's a joke.

    2. Leland12:51 PM

      I doubt very seriously she would keep her mouth shut. One has to have enough brains to RECOGNIZE the ridicule before that could happen!

    3. Anonymous1:28 PM

      You got that right Leland! She has said some really stupid moronic stuff but I'm waiting for a real bombshell to drop to show the depth of her ignorance.

    4. Anonymous1:41 PM

      To her, bad publicity is better than obscurity. The idiocy knows no bounds.

  2. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Seattle Pacific University Shooting Hero Debunks The NRA’s Biggest and Most Bogus Claim

    ...First, the bad guy with a firearm that gunned down four innocent students was stopped by a good guy with pepper spray; not a gun. Further, because the bad guy with a gun did not have an extended magazine like the NRA and gun maniacs fight desperately to put on the streets, he had to stop and reload giving the security guard the opportunity to pepper spray and wrestle the shooter to the ground preventing even more carnage. Also, the NRA wants every man, woman, and child armed and dangerous, and if that had been the case while the security guard was wrestling the shooter to the ground, there were reports that bystanders first thought there were two shooters and if one of them had been armed and began firing, they likely would have shot and killed not only the good guy with pepper spray subduing the shooter, but other innocent students attempting to flee the malaise.

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Here comes the next mediagasm:

    Iran, US announce surprise nuclear talks

    Iran and the United States will on Monday and Tuesday hold their first direct talks in decades, in an unprecedented move toward securing a comprehensive nuclear deal between Tehran and the West.

    The discussions will take place in Geneva, with the US delegation led by Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns and Undersecretary Wendy Sherman, who is responsible for Iran negotiations.

    Iran will be represented at vice foreign minister level in what is the most senior direct bilateral contact on the nuclear issue so far.

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      More negotiation with terrorists! That is no way for countries to smooth out nuclear talks. Where is John McCain when you need to hear him sing his little song? Perhaps Sarah will jump on the bandwagon and record a duet with him. She is always so clever and hip, like my great grandmother.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

      lol this is gonna be HUGE! Bigger than Benghazi!!! Good Job, President Obama! This should bring cuckoo over the ledge with another facebook rant that gets ignored.

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Just when you think that the gun-rights crowd can’t get any crazier, you get a situation like the one in Nucla, Colorado. Nucla, a small town of about 700 individuals, recently passed a town ordinance requiring all citizens to own a firearm.

    It passed with only one vote opposed.

    ...The ordinance in Nucla is the first municipal ordinance that requires heads of households to own guns and ammunition, to better “provide for and protect the safety, security, and general welfare of the town and its inhabitants.”,_Colorado

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Really? How will they enforce that? And if someone can't afford a gun... will he get a "obamagun"?
      Huh Sarah? The Stupid in this country has gone wackadoodle! Half the country are idiots!

  5. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

    Glad he gave an honorary mention to vinegar tits, always makes me laugh how he has her figured out.
    Kind of off topic, but not really. I was minding my own business sitting at a red light in center city and one of these ammosexual types didn't feel like using his brakes, so he used mine, pushing me forward into a busy intersection.
    I call 911 to report the accident, and the guy's screaming at me at the top of his lungs to get out of my car, so I close the window and watch him stomping and screaming while three gentlemen tried to calm him down.
    The cops come, observe this crazy person's behavior and asked me if I'm ok. I said "Yeah, it could have been worse...." and the cop asked me for my license, registration, and owners card. I reached up and got them from the sun visor.
    I hear the nut screaming something about cold dead hands, the fuzz, pigs, unconstitutional etc etc etc. Four police approach the car with their weapons and drag him out and cuff him. He had his driver's license, registration, owner's card and a HUGE penis extender in his glove box.
    And he's insisting that I put my car in reverse and hit him, the total opposite to what six witnesses said they saw happen, to which the cop says politely, "You have the right to remain silent.........." and they took him away. His magnum was reported stolen.

    What on earth is this guy protecting himself from or hunting for in full camo during rush hour in the city?


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