Sunday, June 22, 2014

Judge Jeannine goes full retard in over the top rant at President Obama.

It just so happened that I caught most of this as I sat down to enjoy the burger I bought for my one day a week fast food splurge.

I was literally only about two bites in when Pirro started screaming at me like an under medicated psychotic, and I stopped with my mouth full of burger and just watched wondering if her head might explode.

Not only was she completely losing her shit, but the folks over at Americans Against the Tea Party also point out that she got just about every fact wrong:  

She accuses the Obama administration of working with the terrorists, citing a WorldNewsDaily piece: 

“There have been reports saying ISIS was trained by US instructors at a secret base in Jordan.” 

What she wants to do is attack the president, and go for the jugular. What she does, however, is prove that she can’t read, and won’t fact check, making this just another day at FOX. 

She goes on to say that the president “didn’t have the balls” to try every prisoner at Gitmo. She lies about the Obama administration releasing Al-Baghdadi, and she suggests that there’s something suspicious about it taking the US two years to capture Khattala while implying that Khattala was lying about the cause for the Benghazi attack, because dreams die hard. 

Her solution to the problem in the Middle East? Bomb them, and bomb them hard. She wants the bombs crashing down, just like FOX’s ratings. She closes by condemning Obama for “cutting deals with Iran,”accusing the president of “danc[ing] around with your political correctness while they sharpen their knives,” and admonishes him for playing a “very dangerous game, for which you are ill-prepared.” 

She says that Americans don’t trust him “for good reason,” because they’re “not even convinced [he] know[s] who the enemy is!”

I have watched a few of Pirro's rants in the past, as they are often good for a laugh.

But it seems to me that her mental health seems to be deteriorating as time goes on.

In fact this one, especially with her talking right at the President as if he had time to listen to the rantings of a lunatic, reminded very much of somebody else we all know and loathe. 

It kind of makes me wonder if pretty soon there will be a new category added to the DSM-5 labeled the Obama Derangement Syndrome?

I have to imagine that if it happened there would be plenty of people at Fox News, and in Congress, who would qualify for some spanking new medications.


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Wonky-eyed. Nope, won't watch it!
    "Second verse, same as the first." -- Herman's Hermits

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I absolutely refuse to watch this type of bullsit. No wonder people who watch A steady diet of FOX News are nuts, if this is what they are being brainwashed with. And it is brainwashing. I hope it didn't give you indigestion watching it.

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Ol' Jeanine is pissed that ticket sales for the "Last Stand" are in the toilet. It's Obama's fault!

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    'WorldNutsDaily' is a site where the corporate shills herd the dumb and dumber to-and-fro. Judge Jeannine is a just another 'Coulterist' sociopathic agitator.

  5. Anonymous5:11 PM

    These are the people she and palin are speaking to, so there is no fact checking or even critical thinking: (also note the creative censorship the mod at palin4america is demanding, nicely of course)

    susiepuma • 8 hours ago
    I am thinking it is time for another march on the DC swamp - calling for impeachment papers to be filed on the fraud & acted on......all those so-called people's reps sitting on their butts are all crooked in one way or another - they either got paid off, are being blackmailed, or are just plain crooks.............I really don't give a dam anymore - the house, the senate, the supreme court - they can all be replaced and it's time enough of us said so........................and for all those stupid blacks who think this POS gives a dam about them, they are sadly mistaken - they are photo ops just like our military - & the useless idiots too who don't realize that their usefulness is just about done..............oh & btw - let's get our Vets in on this party in DC too......................there are more of us patriots than there are of them (the crooks) and don't forget your guns, just in case...................I'm ready right now and I can't afford it but I will find a way to get's really time to stand up and be counted....or just watch our country go further down the drain......not sure what it would take anymore to get people angry enough to take a stand......

    Firelight Mod susiepuma • 5 hours ago
    Yes, while I completely agree with the gist of your comment, could you edit it for me to simply take out that one part? Thank you!

    AmazedOne1 susiepuma • 6 hours ago
    Hey, Susie, I'm sure you wrote this phrase quickly and didn't mean it the way it came out. But for the sake of this blog's reputation, I'm gonna have to make a slight correction because as it is written, it sounds really racist:
    "and for all those stupid blacks who think this POS gives a dam about them, they are sadly mistaken - they are photo ops just like our military"
    I think you're directing this comment at "all the African-American people who voted for him with the stupid idea that" (and then the rest of your sentence) this POS gives a dam about them, they are sadly mistaken - they are photo ops just like our military.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Welcome to the CeeMePee!

      Whomever here called them that here (anonymous), I honor you! Just LOOK at that, Ironic that AmazedOne1 is correcting (snort) they have a reputation to uphold lest their "OMG pray every night that Sarah saves all of us from this blight in 2016" when they're being taken as the fools they are?



    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      :14 Just LOOK at that, Ironic that AmazedOne1 is correcting (snort)..


      Yes, "you didn't mean THAT, you meant THIS"
      Of course, for the blog's reputation, that is...

      Racist HYPOCRITES!

    3. Anonymous7:52 PM

      YEP, pardon wrong grammar........long day.

  6. Chena5:13 PM

    can't watch that much collagen bounce up and down and try to look serious.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      I just hope their eyes track.

  7. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I think it rather FUNNY that the outdoor stadium Tennessee event has now been moved indoors to inclement weather forecasted a week out. Can we just say WEAK ticket sales and hope to hold 1600, or whatever it was, if that? No cameras or videos, please, just your AK-47s strapped across your chest will do quite nicely. They won't even check if they're loaded.

    PALIN 2016. hahahahahahaha

    1. Anonymous2:03 AM

      A Reminder to Open Carry Patriots:
      Please remember to bring your AR-15 rifles align with any other firearms on hand in case other attendees forget to bring theirs to AMERICA'S LAST STAND.


  8. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Guess she and Palin checked into their motel early and have done some spooning and shared some pillowtalk. Not that either of them needs any new inspiration or assistance conjuring up their filthy lies but they can share notes, sharpen their fangs and compare their boob jobs. In fact, Palin probably brought a whole case of her battery acid kool-aid to share to bulk up for the last stand debacle.

  9. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Crazy Republican Redux baffles me. Einstein's Theory of Insanity in action. What has any GOP type done since and including Nixon that was good for our country? Don't mean to diss women, but .... men who vote against their own best interests are simply stupid. Women who are generally smarter in a sense of their own survival flabbergast me that they support any GOP candidate. It's like an electorate form of Stockholm Syndrome. Ladies of the GOP, if you feel the need for protection, why are you so against your medical liberties, equal pay, and the many rights you deserve to protect yourselves?

    Sorry, I know, expecting a sane answer from the Palin/Pirro types is an exercise in futility. With dollars to research drying up, the racist/stupid phenomena is a long ways out to answers.

    FWIW Of the many things President Obama has accomplished, let's hope that within 10 years the racism his being President has exposed will reignite the cause of equality. We're not there yet and need to address the real issue of equality for women, minorities, LGBT, First Nation Americans, children escaping violence here in America and those seeking political asylum from countries destabilized by the CIA.

    We can do what is needed. We simply need to tax war criminals/profiteers and the .01 off shore loop hole criminals. If they can afford to park the money off shore, it's clearly obvious to the most casual of observers that they don't need the money. Nor do they deserve it.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      President Obama WILL go down as one of our greatest in history. Look what he was dealt cleaning up Dubya's mess. That's what they can't STAND. The BLACK man bet you every DAMN TIME while $arah asks for a crumb from his table.

  10. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Where was the Judge when GWB invaded a country that didn't attack us? I bet she was cheering along with the rest of the Fox Network, war war war (it's good for ratings). So is her red meat scream. It's about keeping their viewers scared and angry at the same time. Who will save them? Why, someone willing to bomb the crap out of a place. Where was she when we first went into Iraq? I bet that she was cheering then.

  11. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Are ticket sales at the Last Stand in America that bad? I bet that she is rehearsing the speech that she will be giving in Tennessee. What a pissing match, the Judge and the Governor, who can out do the other in spewing hatred?

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Let 'em, no way can he be impeached for anything. Keep dreaming, tarts, of him in your bed. Michelle has that MORE than covered,

  12. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Pirro/palin: Birds of a feather will take their Last Stand together. BWAHAHAHAHAHA, They are listed in EDUCATIONAL achievements order. Pirro will have to bring an interpreter to decipher sarah palin's word salad. The ticket sales have tanked, Sarahpac will have to buy in bulk to save face. Change of venue due to Inclement Ticket Sales. BWAHAHAHAHA.

  13. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Jesus Christ, Palin, Pirro, West and Santorum... That's what I'd call The four Horses Asses of the Apocalypse.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      When a TWELVE year old can take you to task, you know you're a full blown idiot.

  14. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I'd never heard of this Judge Jeannie person before! I always learn so much visiting here. Wow, what at funny looking wonky eyed lady, no wonder she and Palin have a lot in common.

  15. Anonymous7:21 PM

    She's a cross-eyed Lebanese woman. What does she know about America?

    1. Anonymous11:08 PM

      Speaking of racist, stupid remarks...

  16. Anita Winecooler7:28 PM

    Tennessee's going to be playing dueling banjos with the two bimbos, Pirro and Palin. Between the two of them they have one set of dueling wonkeyes, imagine them rolling around as their empty heads bobble.

    She's usually good for a laugh or two, especially just after she gets her face lifted, but this entire rant was based on an alternative universe where Cheyney and Lizzie and GWBush didn't do a goddamned thing wrong.
    The only difference between this idiot and the wasilla one is this idiot doesn't foam at the mouth, appears to have her own hair, and her pupils aren't perpetually dialated.

    Can't wait for Jon Stewart's smackdown. Yours was spot on, btw.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Thank you, Anita, for the giggle. Me of the wonky-eyed posts above, Saw Deliverance in the theater when it was released.

      They can't help themselves, which shows exactly who they are. They must hate that PRESIDENT Obama is applauded and given standing ovations overseas while their big tough guy was dodging shoes.

  17. Anonymous8:05 PM

    This woman is a judge???!!!! WTF. She's a nut !! You know what they say... when you see the whites on top of the eyes, they're probably crazy.

  18. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I've seen some of her precious rants. She practically froths at the mouth when she speaks, she's so angry.

    It's a shame that someone gives her a soapbox to spew this bubble-headed bull-winkle.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      I always thought that Michele Malkin was the meanest gal on Fox. No, I take that back. Ann Coulter. This is hard because they are all so nasty.

    2. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Judge Jeannie ran for Republican office several times in NY, unsuccessfully. I wondered why she ended up on Fox rather than stay on the bench (or, she had also been a District Attorney). Well, Fox, and the money. But there had to be more. Here are some tidbits from Wikipedia:

      Jeanine Ferris married Albert Pirro in 1975. They had a son and daughter together. In 2000, Pirro's husband was convicted of federal tax evasion and conspiracy, which was seen to possibly hurt her legal and political career prospects.[3] In the midst of her 2006 State Attorney General campaign, Pirro revealed that she was the subject of a federal investigation into whether she illegally taped her husband’s conversations in order to catch him committing adultery.[4] The couple announced they were splitting up in November 2007 and finalized their divorce in 2013

      When she tried to run against Hillary for the senate seat, she lasted two months. On December 21, 2005, after continuing pressure from party chiefs, a lagging fundraising effort, and polls showing she would be defeated by Clinton (a Quinnipiac University poll found Pirro would lose to Clinton 62 percent to 30 percent), Jeanine Pirro dropped out of the Senate race just two months after she started her campaign. "I have decided that my law enforcement background better qualifies me for a race for New York State attorney general than a race for the United States Senate," she said in a statement.[17] Spencer was eventually chosen as the Republican Party's nominee for Attorney General.

      Somehow, when someone is doing really well in a political career, they don't quit to go to Fox.They seem to end up on Fox when their political career has fizzled out and there's no place else to go. The money is good, and she can spout off, throwing red meat to the base. It beats having to run for office and hold down a real job.

  19. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Time to call these people out by using the tool that they throw in our faces: the Bible. Bearing false witness is a is one of the 10 Commandments. Soooo. out of all the things that "God" could of said, he understood the destructive force of bearing false witness....

    But then, we know these people are not Christians nor Jews...they are a form of evil, an evil that wants the down fall of the U.S. of America for their own personal gain....

  20. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I smell
    Also, more desperation from $carah's FB. She just posted and advertisement for Toads rainbow venture in her FB. I guess with tickets low and low demand...hmmm...maybe they need to work? nah...

  21. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Oh, we have to find a good name for the couple: The Governor and The Judge: The Queens of Mean? Anything you can say, I can say nastier?

  22. Anonymous9:42 PM

    She'd make a bigger contribution to humanity chugging cock in armature porn. Then again, she works for FOX and it's hard to tell the difference between that and reporting the "facts" for he corporate whoremasters.

    1. Anonymous11:11 PM

      What a disgusting misogynistic comment. Asshole!!

  23. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Hey, she's going to be speaking at one of the RW drool-monkeys' 9000 annual hate rallies. right?. Palin and her gang of turds will all be there so this shrew HAS to do or say SOMETHING stupid and hateful. It's hard to get noticed in that crowd of depraved fuck-tards, right Jeannine? Hope the paycheck is worth an eternity of hell. Disgusting whores, every last one of them.

  24. Anonymous1:56 AM

    That screen shot reminds me of that Oily Taitz kook. I won't listen to her stupidity.

  25. Anonymous3:45 AM

    She's just Sarah Palin with a law degree. Still mean, still shrill, still uninformed. Always was nasty and now has Fox News perch where she really lay it on thick.

  26. Anonymous6:29 AM

    President Obama got Syria to give up its chemical weapons without a trillion dollar war, 4500+ US deaths, 100,000+ Iraqi deaths, thousands of wounded and permanently damaged troops, but yeah, IMPEACH HIM for God's Sake, IMPEACH HIM NOW! Because...Benghazi!

  27. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Judge Judy would kick her ass. Legally, and physically.

  28. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Pirro, Tantaros, Guilfoyle. The brunette brigade at Fox seems typecast as the biggest bitches.

  29. While I agree with the substance of your post, not sure why you had to use the R-word to make your point.


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