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What? Me? Again? |
Mitt Romney’s ideas summit here was intended to be a passing of the torch to the Republican Party’s would-be saviors, with five potential 2016 presidential candidates jetting in to schmooze with many of the GOP’s biggest donors and present their agendas for the country’s future.
Instead, the scene at a luxury resort in the Rocky Mountains quickly became a Romney revival. Minutes after the 2012 Republican presidential nominee welcomed his 300 guests, Joe Scarborough, the MSNBC host and former GOP congressman, urged them to begin a “Draft Romney” movement in 2016.
“This is the only person that can fill the stage,” Scarborough said at the opening-night private dinner, according to attendees.
The Republican elite rose early Friday morning to go skeet shooting with possible 2016 hopeful Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.). Then, over breakfast, they questioned Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), another potential candidate, about how he thinks he could defeat the expected Democratic front-runner, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Yet in hallway chats and over cocktails, they’ve been abuzz about recruiting someone else — Romney — into his third presidential race.
Well it makes sense really.
I mean a baseball player is not out after only two swings and misses at the ball, so why not let Romney humiliatingly fail again?
I know I'd like to watch that.
And besides Hillary had kind of a bad week last week, which demonstrates that she can come off a little prickly and ill at ease with the press, so it would be very helpful if the Republicans would nominate the human equivalent of the color beige to run against her.
Come on GOP, do it for your country.
Problem #1: Taxes
ReplyDeleteProblem #2: Queen Ann
Problem #3: 58%
Other than that, proceed, Governor.
Soon we will see lots of photo ops with Mittens, Lady Mittens and their "blah" grandchild. THAT should draw in the "blah" voters, right? Just like $carah drew the women voters to little Johnny Mac. Romney is an empty suit, his wife has bigger balls, and rules the household. Last time he lost, SHE was more upset than he was, it was reported. Where was the "smart one" from the Bush clan, Jeb? Having an I.Q. above room temperature would qualify for THAT title. Sadly, all these clowns will be on EVERY TV for the next 18 months. Didn't we have enough of them the last time? Maybe roly poly Newticles will enter the race, along with the newly svelte (??) Christie.
ReplyDeleteDo you think Sarah will interview him for Rogue TV?
ReplyDeleteHow's that going, Sarah?
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results...
ReplyDeleteOkay. Keith Olbermann made a political contribution and got fired by MSNBC. Shouldn't Joe Scarborough get fired for hosting a self love fest for Mitt Romney? Or is there a double standard there? And, if so, why does that not surprise me?
And if FauxNews fired everyone who does blatantly partisan, right-wing events, there would be no one left except the camera operators and sound crew.
DeleteWillard is merely pure evil and a vamoire vulture capitalist, but not batsh*t totally insane and mentally deficient like the rest of them.
ReplyDeleteIt'll give him another chance to further hide his tax returns and his offshore accounts.
ReplyDeleteWell, if Joe Scarborough wants Mitt . . . . .it is definitely an amazingly stupid idea. Will they never learn?
ReplyDeleteLosers attract... Scarborough embarrasses himself almost each and every morning on his show. He is all about himself and rarely seems prepped to discuss any subject (except Joe Scarborough in 1994, 1995, etc., etc.)in depth. Mittens and Scarborough: Perfect Together (two empty shells.)
DeleteOh, what fun that would be! Imagine how prickly Ann would be a third time. "What?! You people rejected us! How lucky you are that we decided to overlook that and run again. You'd better be grateful!"
ReplyDeleteOh, what fun that would be! Imagine how prickly Ann would be a third time. "What?! You people rejected us! How lucky you are that we decided to overlook that and run again. You'd better be grateful!"
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see Ann in her going to church garb...ala Little House on the Prairie style. Please Mitt, you are no Dick Cheney...don't go away mad, just go away.
DeleteMittens himself told his handlers not to have Anne on TV so much, since she alienates people.
DeleteAnn must have bought expensive outfits to wear to all of the presidential events and she has no other place to wear them.
DeleteNot that I wouldn't love to see MIttens go down in flames for a third time, but shouldn't they consider someone who actually WANTS the job instead of someone who merely thinks they're entitled to it?
ReplyDelete4:47, Or someone who wants the JOB instead of someone who merely wants the TITLE.
DeleteI really think this kind of "gathering" is what is wrong with our country. We the people aren't deciding anything. It's all worked out in remote, secretive discussions where a small group sits around drinking brandy and smoking cigars trying to convince others that it's their turn.
I have always thought this, 5:33 AM. Seems "we the people" is only present at the ballot box and they're trying to take that away too for millions of people.
ReplyDeleteBeige is far too colorful to describe Mitt. He is bland. He is boring. The most colorful thing about him is the ridiculously juvenile pranks he pulls. He needs to get really drunk sometime.
ReplyDeleteNo, let's not have to do this again. Please, no. I spent many months venting my ire in various blogs against this extremely dangerous man who, if he became the leader of the free world, would do more harm to our well-being than all of the evil politicians who have ever lived.
ReplyDeleteI really don't want to have to rewrite my history to help keep this smarmy evil man and his "It's our turn" snobby bride who suffers from extreme entitlement syndrome from occupying the White House.
But if I have to, I will do so, and gladly.
Of all the living creatures on our planet who are blessed with even a token of intelligence who should never be President, Willard the Weasel ranks several rungs on the list below all domesticated pets, and even more rungs below Dan Quayle.
Better he should just kill himself and go rule over the planet Kolob.
"Ideas Summit"?? "IDEAS SUMMIT"!!!!
ReplyDeleteIs that what Retuglikans are calling
Incessant whining, now?
Sounded more like a circle jerk to me.
DeleteWhy does he always look like he's crying - like: "Why do I have to endure these questions? I'm the best, can't they see it?
ReplyDeleteI always think he looks like he's constipated.
DeleteIf you had to eat the crappy food Anne serves up, you'd look constipated, too.
DeleteI can do without any more of Bad Lovey's lah-de-dah whining about the peasants thinking they had the right to question their betters.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Joe "I have no idea how that dead woman ended up in my office" Scarborough might be angling for the VP position, since he would get very few votes himself? Doesn't Queen Anne Romney have MS, and is supposed to avoid stress? Besides, one of their sons said "He did not want to be President, anyway" after the latest loss. Why do the gop keep running the same old, tired losers each time? Pope Santorum put it best "We will never attract the smart people"
ReplyDeleteYou can bet Anne "you people" Romney is all for it.
Delete5:24 Was Rove there, since he needs more dirty tricks ideas. He thought the voting machines were "fixed" and was positive Mittens won Ohio, remember? Those tech savvy young 'uns ruined it for him. One of the Romney sons bought voting machines, so maybe now the fix will be in for even more states? Mittens is a joke, like W. People overseas recognized his "stupid" when he visited and insulted everyone.
ReplyDeleteMitt's still a Mormon. Let's not pretend that the evangelical fundies and Southern Baptists have forgotten that. He's also still a filthy rich neocon RINO elitist. Reckon the RW fringe "Conservatives" are really itching to get in bed with the establishment?
ReplyDeleteBut whatever, since the GOP will be fighting the Green Party for 2nd place in the election for POTUS.
Kind of like when Darth Cheney was in charge of the VP search for GWB and then surprise -- recommended himself.
ReplyDeleteGryphen - which I'm pretty sure isnt even your real name - you really don't get it, do you?
ReplyDeleteMittens WILL be president. It's not a matter of if. It's just a matter of when. Using a creepy zombie-like superpower called LDS Mormimmortality, Mittens will simply run for president until he wins. No matter how long it takes. And he WILL win.
Think about it: He's a horrible candidate. He's epically uncomfortable on the stump. He has no meaningful ideas. He has way too many children and grandchildren. And dont get me started on that wife of his. (The creepy blond one, I mean. If there are others, tho, they may be just as creepy) But, by running year after year, decade after decade, he will simply wear the American electorate down until they vote him in like a Motion Picture Academy Lifetime Achievement Award.
Each time he runs he will learn a little more about politics. He'll fine tune his stump speech. He'll get more comfortable around the car elevator-less little people. His comical penchant for gaffes will fade over time.
Which election will he win? It's hard to say exactly. After all, he didn't do well in 2008. He was humiliated in 2012. And he will certainly lose in 2016. 2020? Landslide loss. 2024? No way. 2028? Heartbreaking defeat. 2032? Fuhgeddaboutit! 2036? HA HA HA HA!!!! No. 2040? Close, but no cigar. 2044? Strong start, but another failure. 2048? As Amercia's first centenarian presidential hopeful, he will initially look like the sentimental favorite, but flag as Election Day approaches. 2052? Probably not. On and on and on and on, he will lose.
But, as they say in the stock market, past performance is no guarantee of future results, and eventually we will wake up one Inauguration Day and while commuting to work in our flying cars, hoverboarding to the college clinic to have a career injected directly into our cybernetic brain implants or Skypeing with our terraforming colonists on planet Zeta 11 orbiting Alpha Centauri, we will watch a startlingly ancient Willard "Mittens" Rmoney take the oath of office for the entirely ceremonial office of Presdient of The Country Formerly Known As The United States of Amercia, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Apple-Amazon-Google Alliance.
I really wish you'd put your photo in that little box thingy. I want to see what a person who has a mind like yours actually looks like
(Love your posts!)
Lynne, you are literally too kind
Delete2016: Mitt Romney for President: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
ReplyDeleteHe's the one who will lose with the lowest amount of gaffes and humiliation.
ReplyDeleteOne more run, and Mittens will become the Harold Stassen of the twenty-first century.
ReplyDeleteJoe's got a point, no one can fill a stage like Mitt. Just open those binderfuls of women or put your progeny on stage, along with Ann's "MS Therapy Horse" to block "the mormon rays" from Tagg''s blank eyes.