Sunday, June 29, 2014

Paul Krugman lays out just how wrong the conservatives were concerning Obamacare.

In the article Krugman lays out six predictions made by the naysayers, and then points out that all of them turned out to be wrong: 

1. Enrollment will be very low, and 

2. Even if people sign up, they won’t pay their premiums

Reality: Signups exceeded expectations, and the vast majority paid. 

3. More people will lose coverage cancelled by Obamacare than gain it. 

Reality: Sharp drop in the number of uninsured. 

4. Rate shock

Reality: Like it says, affordable care. 

5. Young people not signing up, and death spiral. 

Reality: Pretty good demographics. 

6. Soaring health costs

Reality: Health costs are below anyone’s expectations.

But you know none of this matters within the Right Wing bubble, where facts are of no consequence and denying reality is their lifeblood.

Still I find it very gratifying to know that they were all wrong.

Not that I really EVER suspected that they would be right.


  1. Anonymous4:23 AM

    My rightwing conservative Christian nutjob boss cancelled our company's okay healthcare plan and signed us up for a horrible one. It's so bad that my pharmacist recommended I go to an Obamacare plan, which would be cheaper and actually cover things (which the current plan doesn't). I'm giving it serious consideration.

  2. Beldar J Conehead4:58 AM

    Gryphen, can you really not see the profound librul hypocrisy fundamental to supporting Obamacare??

    Sure, you have compassion for people who were once denied access to routine health care because of the right wing's psychotic obsession with perpetuating the private health care industry.

    But where's your so-called libtard compassion for people with no compassion, huh?

    Yeah. I didn't think so.

    Do you have any idea what it's like to sit in a smelly pleather-covered recliner night after night - watching Fox News in tattered underwear sucking down a six pack or two of cheap domestic beer- and seethe with rage knowing that there are undeserving people - many who vote Democrat - receiving health care that they do not, in fact, deserve? And then Benghazi, also, too!! AND WHERE'S OBAMA'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE?!?!?

    Really puts it in perspective, don't it?

    So, next time you're doing your perverted little Obamacare victory dance, take a moment to reflect on the millions of conservatives who quietly grieve that the Black Man in the White House did something awesome for our country and they weren't able to stop it.

    1. Shows what you know, smart guy. That “cheap 'domestic' beer" is either Belgian, South African, or Canadian. Unless it's anti-union Yuengling. If you call that “beer." And if it isn't in fact Chinese.

    2. @Nasty

      I challenge your so-called "facts". I'll bet you a shiny new 35 cent George W Bush commemorative public toilet token that Yuengling - Chinese for "yellow but delicious" is produced in the 3000 year old Emperor's Forbidden City Brewery in downtown Beijing and millions of gallons are delivered daily to major American markets via the little known Trans Pacific XL Beer Pipeline.

    3. Ja? Well I'll stick to my good ole USA's Bear Whiz Beer, thank you wery much! “Son, it's in the water. That's why it's yellow."

  3. Olivia5:49 AM

    I am soo tired of of the whining from conservatives I know about premiums going higher now because of Obamacare. My premiums and costs climbed every single year for the last 20 years before Obamacare and I can't imagine theirs didn't too. A woman I talked to recently was so upset because her plan was cancelled and the replacement was going to cost so much more. I asked if there weren't alternatives that might cost less and she shrieked that she certainly wasn't going to even look at anything connected to Obamacare. She stated that she wasn't rich but she knew that It would force her pay enormous amounts in premiums and additional costs. Without ever even checking into it, she knew. However, going on Medicare in a few months was going to save her and her husband $1200 a month. Thank Lord Jesus, she didn't have to use none of that government health care.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Sigh. You just can't fix stupid, can you? I'm sure she wants the gummit to keep their hands of her (gov't) healthcare, too.

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    You have to admit that the hundreds of millions spent to con Americans into hating the Affordable Care Act, resulted in a very deluded public.

    The criminals running the insurance company, had agreed that they'd play a little more fairly, if they were left in the arrangement, and it didn't turn out that the government offered healthcare directly.

    They saw it as a way to sell more nearly everyone should be able to buy one from them.

    But I guess it turned out that having to stop denying claims for bullshit reasons, and keeping only 20 cents of every dollar Americans spend on health insurance, wasn't enough for them...they'd like to see it go back to where they gouged the public for as much as 60%, and rarely paid out a claim.

    Sadly, no one has the money it would take to educate the public on what the reform was actually about...they all HATE "Obamacare," not knowing what it IS, simply because they were instructed to think that way.

  5. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

    Yes, he did build that! Even with the shaky start ups. What's Boehner up to, beside trying to file a lawsuit to nowhere and wasting time?

  6. linda6:39 PM

    i live in southern ohio and work in west virginia. many of the clients i work with are poor, but some not poor enough to get food stamps. many of them became eligible for medicaid because both ohio and west virginia did ultimately enact the medicaid expansion. believe it or not, some of these people who now get medicaid still don't think it's right and remain staunch conservative republicans while getting and using these benefits! i like to tell them "you have President Obama" to thank for that coverage and you should SEE the faces they make! they want it and they need it, but they can hardly accept that our black democratic President is responsible for giving it to them. i have to admit i have to toy with them a bit sometimes - tell them they are going to have to vote democratic next time etc. lots of them look and act like the duck dynasty guys . . .


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