Friday, June 13, 2014

Possibly the most stressful video I have ever watched.

You awake now?

When I lived in Hawaii this was my biggest fear.

I jumped off docks, swam into underwater caves, and snorkeled all over the coral reefs, and never was I not on high alert for a shark sighting.

I not only watched the 1975 movie, but I also read "Jaws" in book form, and it screwed me up for all time when it comes to spending time in the ocean.

If this had happened to me I would never even take a bath again much less go swimming in the ocean.

(Yes there are some claiming this is fake, but their evidence is flimsy, and apparently it was also shown on a few news programs.)


  1. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Definitely a set-up. No Australian would calmly say "Holy shit" after a narrow escape from a shark. The air would be blue. The camera, the big jump into not the ocean, the shark showing no interest are all clues.

    "Shown on a few news programs"? Are you using the lamestream media as a measure of credibility now, Gryphen?

  2. Anonymous4:51 AM

    I couldn't finish watching. Is he still alive? Jeez, maybe that's why there are gates preventing people from jumping in.

    I only swim in lakes, in the shallows so I can see anything in the water. Or in a pool, where the biggest threat is somebody doing a cannonball.

  3. I live in NH. I remember that NO ONE in NH or MA wanted to go to the beach the summer after Jaws came out. Having filmed at Cape Cod, it was a little too close for comfort.

    Marie in NH

  4. Leland5:17 AM

    I had a serious run-in with a Tiger shark once while scuba diving. I couldn't even turn your video on!

    I do NOT go in the ocean!

  5. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Not gonna watch!!
    There was a shark attack ar Cape Henlopen DE.
    I have a shore house in S Jersey.
    The water is icky enough!! If I watch this, I'll never go in again. As it is I only go in in August if it is semi clear (the best we can hope for)

  6. Nor could I turn it on. Jaws came out right after I got certified as a scuba diver. To this day I haven't watched it. I've been a dive instructor for 30 years and have often seen sharks. The most threatened I ever felt was by a pissed off baby nurse shark who had been getting followed around and pestered most of the day by snorkelers and divers at a popular spot in Belize. It really wanted to bite something.

  7. The title on the vid reads "Man fights off Great White shark in Sydney harbor". More accurate title reads "Man sees shark, screams like a little girl, swims away". Didn't see a whole lot of fighting.

    Full disclosure: I, too, would scream like a little girl under similar circumstances.

  8. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I needed a night light for six months after seeing Jaws - probably shouldn't take a young kid to see that. I have only seen nurse and white tip sharks but I did have a giant grouper bump into me on a dive and he was bigger than me. Huge.
    To paraphrase from the movie UP - Squirrelfish!

  9. I LOVE the "Holy shit!" at the end.

  10. I have no idea whether it was real or faked.

    My only thought was, oh, ffs, who in their right mind would have made sure to hang onto that camera and keep filming in those circumstances? Was it hand-held? The perspective sure seemed to change as if it were being switched from hand to hand.

    Which doesn't make it fake. Just think of all the half-wits proudly sending proof of their stupidity to the weather channel as they film (with narration) the 300 mph tornado screaming down on them!

    1. The GoPro camera (I have one!) is TINY and it's waterproof and has a variety of hand, head, etc attachments. People use them underwater, sky diving, snowboarding, etc. (NOT me. I'm more the "put it on a radio-controlled car and get an ant's eye view of the grass" school.)

      I'm firmly on the "edited" side of this video but that doesn't mean its not terrific.

  11. Anonymous9:31 AM

    And gawd knows, you have extensive experience watching extremely stressful videos featuring a scary-ass white creature!!!

    1. Yes, but I don't often have a panic attack because I know I can't swim faster than her.

  12. I'm sure that fence was there for a reason so I call morons! to the "brave" diver first.

    Second, it didn't look like that shark was attacking. In fact, many bites occur by "accident" with the shark thinking it was attacking a seal. A swimmer on the surface can look like a seal from below. This guy was submerged and waving his arms like a maniac. The shark seemed curious but just that. Was taking a look and swimming away. Probably thinking "just another moron diver who can't read the signs."

  13. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

    I'll be sitting by the pool with my sunscreen, martini, and my kindle.


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