Sunday, June 22, 2014

President and Mrs; Obama want their daughters to work minimum pay jobs. What, no reality show?

Courtesy of MSNBC:  

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama want their children to experience the virtues of hard work at minimum-wage pay. 

“I think every kid needs to get a taste of what it’s like to do that real hard work,” Michelle Obama said in an interview with Parade magazine published Friday. 

“We are looking for opportunities for them to feel as if going to work and getting a paycheck is not always fun, not always stimulating, not always fair,” President Obama added. “But that’s what most folks go through every single day.”

I 100% agree with this sentiment, and applaud the first family for teaching their two girls the importance of hard work and the joy of independence. 

I mean with their connections they could easily put their girls on the path to easy street, with book deals, reality shows, buy them a beauty shop to work in, or simply pay them to stay out of trouble and not embarrass them.

But really what kind of crappy parent would do that?


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Despite the fact that those girls have essentially grown up in a fishbowl, their parents' efforts to maintain as normal a life as possible for them promises to produce two of the most sensible, caring, hardworking children to come out of the White House in decades.

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Why choose a tv show for a first job? Why not give them a NORMAL first job, like a barista?

    Not criticizing, but 99.9% of teens will never work on a tv set.

    MOST of then WILL work at Subway, walmart, or a coffee shop..

    Like Sarah Palin's, ALL of whom worked from age 14-15 on fishing grounds, construction and /or coffee shops. NOW they STILL all have normal jobs and consider themselves the complete opposite of celebrities.

    If Obama wants to GROUND his girls and teach normalcy, he would encourage such things.

    But being a runner on a tv set does teach a variety of things.

    Both worlds have their great pros and both have cons.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      One little thing you forget. The President's children have secret service detail. Even Quitter's kids would have been afforded same had McCain been elected.

      How welcome would their security detail be over the next two years of their father's PRESIDENCY if they attempted to work in some of the public establishments you listed????

      The Palins are all private citizens and can work anywhere they choose yet they choose not to work because their mother's bashing career pays their bills quite nicely thank you.

    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Security has to be the top priority in placing them in jobs. Working behind a counter where hundreds of members of the public -- some not fans of their father -- would needlessly expose them to risk.

    3. Anonymous10:48 AM

      And private citizens is what they will remain. Too bad they're still out there trying for someone, anyone, to ascribe to their bullshit and send money off THEIR minimum wage. GOT it?

    4. Anonymous10:50 AM

      The POTUS's daughters HAVE EDUCATION and don't have to work as a "Barisita" unlike halfterm's daughter.
      Or POTUS could of just set up a SCAMPAC to pay his daughters some bogus job. Right Anonymous9:21 AM???

    5. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Neither of the Obama girls has written books about their most intimate moments, starred in reality TV shows about themselves, or post blogs about themselves, their families and their erstwhile boyfriends for public consumption.
      Putting aside any work ethic, the Obama children display humility, modesty, and charity: Christian virtues.

    6. You know another thing besides security to take into consideration concering Malia's employment(And let's face it even McDonald's would have a hard time accommodating a full Secret Service detail.), is the fact that television programs have their employees sign non-disclosure forms that would keep any of the staff from tweeting about the First Daughter, or gossiping about her to the Enquirer.

      I would think that would be a huge plus for the Obamas.

    7. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Does Alaska have child labor laws?

    8. Anonymous12:34 PM

      9:21 Bullshit!!! The only 'work' done by the Palin 'girls' was training to work for Todd Palin's Prostitution Ring.
      Or is it that they just Love to Fuck?

    9. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

      Both worlds have their pros and their cons, and never the twain shall meet. Bristol AND Willow were offered jobs and advice from Joan Rivers, and they refused both. Willow was offered the "job" of "combing a television news person's hair" (And that's her FIELD) and she cracked her gum and said "Nah, don't THINK so" Bristol was offered a judging position on a television show, something in her FIELD, she crossed her arms, cracked her gum, and said "Nah don't THINK so". ON A REALITY SHOW called "Wife Swap"(huh?)

      For some reason, I can't imagine the first daughters acting like that.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Well, at least it still affirms that Sarah has the most "normal" family in the job front. All 3 adults kids worked throughout high school and all 3 have normal jobs.

    Though in reality, money is money, a job is a job

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      lol. No, kids work minimum wage jobs during high school and in the summers and weekends while going to college. sarah hasn'ts managed to get one of her spawn to take even one college course. Considering the palin's net worth not having even one kid go to college is actually very abnormal.

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Anonymous9:22 AM
      "Though in reality, money is money, a job is a job"
      Trollbail so that makes pimping, selling children and selling drugs "ok" in your book?
      Well Alrighty then.
      Thank the goddess this "Valley-trash" family is no where near the WH. Nor ever will be.
      I hope they will all be in jail soon.
      Drug running across the country their protection won't last when Hillary gets on the scene. :)

    3. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Well, at least it still affirms that Sarah has the most "normal" family in the job front. All 3 adults kids worked throughout high school and all 3 have normal jobs.
      They "worked"? As in what jobs and what are they doing now? What jobs? Do tell us how they are earning their wages.

    4. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Only they didn't work "throughout high school" since they all dropped out without receiving a diploma. Thus they had 40 hrs.+ each week to work while their friends were attending classes.

    5. Anonymous11:31 AM

      9:22 "Well, at least it still affirms that Sarah has the most "normal" family in the job front."

      The only thing a silly, confused comment like this 'affirms' is that it was posted by a Palin family member. Up early are we AK??? lol

      Please define the 'job front' to which you refer. Are you speaking about every child in the country or limiting it to the President's children? If the latter, please explain why we have yet to see the Obama daughters featured on a tawdry reality show, why we haven't heard them publicly quoted as wanting to give the middle finger to anyone, why haven't they announced the impending birth of an 'early' grandchild to their parents, why hasn't there been more reporting of their dropping out of school 'early', why do neither of them pay someone to write blogs or books for attention and alms????

    6. Anonymous11:45 AM

      OK, I'll bite. What are those three normal jobs IN THE JOB FRONT that those three kids have? Besides writing troll comments?

    7. Anonymous12:22 PM

      10:57 AM Why do you fabricate so much about the Palins? You have no way of knowing what if any jobs that they have. YOUR only Job is telling LIES on various blogs. Are you so lonely that Trolling is your only companion? You don't have time for a mate, other than your Palin Dildo.

    8. Anonymous12:28 PM

      @9:22 Most "normal families" have kids who graduate from High School rather than getting pregnant and dropping out. Most "normal families" don't send their kids to relatives to have babies while dropping out of High School. Most "normal families" don't have to send their son to Michigan for rehab when he should be in School. Most "normal families" don't have to make a deal with the Courts to allow their son to join the Military to avoid going to Jail. Your priorities with the Palins SUCK.

    9. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Most "normal" families don't parade a lactating daughter/mom strapped in towels to the gills in a Meghan McCain dress on a national stage lest she leak and spoil the hoax.

    10. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

      HO Hum

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    idk what parent would do that.

    And it's funny how you consider a tv show, even as a PA, normal, and not barista or assistant to a dermatologist.

    Way to denigrate good, working people who ARE grounded.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Trollbait at 9:24
      None of the palin "children" work at real jobs.
      So GTFOOH and go to the peepond if you want to "convince" anyone.
      That they have "Rill" jobs.
      What happens to all the Palin spawn? Sold on the black market? Is that how Brillows affords a "pontoon party boat" is it like the one she sank?
      Huh trollbait? Do you know about THAT Boat?
      How much did she have to pay? Oh right nothing.

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      "Way to denigrate good, working people who ARE grounded."
      The Payme family are not "Good" nor hardworking although the work hard keeping the scam going....

    3. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Barista or dermatologist assistant? Bristol, is that you? Oh for God's sake, please finish high school and grow up.

    4. You are an illiterate idiot, 9:24. No one is "denigrating" other jobs. No one is saying working as a barista is not normal. No one is saying working at a dermatologist's office is not normal. (We don't believe Bristol has trudged off to work daily for 6 years, but that is a different issue.)

      Unlike you and the Palins, we don't believe the only way to build yourself up is to tear others down.

      The Obamas' daughter is fortunate enough to have the connections and friends to land a job on a tv set. This position will give her a little independence away from home in a secure, private, safe environment where proper security can be maintained for the President's daughter.

      It is very likely that this is the last the public will hear about her job, and also very likely that there will be few to no photos. The experience will be hers, but the Obamas will not see a need for publicizing it or themselves.

      You are a complete idiot to whine that she should be working at a fast food restaurant. Due to Palin's vicious traitorous hatefulness, which you support, the danger to Malia and everyone else in the establishment would be too great.

    5. Anonymous12:15 PM

      10:57 Who in the Palin family works? You are a LIAR and a Blog Stalker.

    6. Anonymous12:17 PM

      The Palins are only 'grounded' when they are on their backs Baby Making.

    7. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

      The First Daughters of the Whole United States really have grace, style and live their lives vibrantly. Not Brstol so Willow much, hey, but parents, at look grounded not.

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Who would buy a kid a beauty shop? that is stupid.

    Is that a malicious lie regarding a honest young woman who live respectfully and works hard?

    I feel sorry for you.

    Then again, you can grift off readers here who enjoy your lies.

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Anonymous9:25 AM

      Who would buy a kid a beauty shop? that is stupid.
      Tell your queen saree that.
      She is the one who bought the beauty shop for Willows, who apparently can't or won't do har!

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      I have yet to see proof to the contrary, 9:25 AM. Isn't it sorry for you that your role model is such a loser that she should never have been in any position of authority whatsoever. She proves it every day.

    3. Anonymous11:43 AM

      What beauty shop did Sarah buy for Bristol and Willow?

    4. Anonymous12:13 PM

      9:25 AM Is English your second language? Are you an uneducated child?

    5. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

      Those chemicals are really strong in Beauty Shops, the OP knows, amirite?

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Gryphen thinks teens often go to LA to work on movie sets. He think fishing and grunt work, doing house painting chores, coffee shop barista, construction, and working in an office are elitest jobs

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Oogly boogly, someone upset that Hollywood spit the Palins out like chewin' tabaccy when they found out who they really are?

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Geee, where is Track these days? Oh fishing in Bristol bay or Rehab in Cali?
      Heard he doesn't like the "grunt" work of 'Fishing" I guess he knows the old adage "only dead fish go with the flow" so he just does drugs....

    3. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Did you ever consider taking a night time course in remedial English? It might help you express yourself in words that are actually understandable.

    4. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Didn't the Palins report all their incomes when she was Quit Gov for a brief time? Has Track ever had a job? I know he wears a uniform and they say he is deployed but DoD and Palins will both exaggerate or lie. There is no solid verification that I know. If there verification that Track has done what is claimed please leave a link.

      Willow? I think Bristol was once a barista for a few weeks. A month?.

    5. Anonymous11:42 AM

      He think? You should read what you write, and then read it again before your hit that publish button. You remind me of a so-called journalism major who doesn't proof read either.

    6. Anonymous12:09 PM

      9:27 PM Have you been skipping your Special Education Classes again?

    7. Anita Winecooler6:23 PM

      I live on the east coast, about as far away as one can get from hollywood, and my first job was placing sets for broadway plays and I made extra money window dressing for any store that would hire me.
      Of course I didn't get a ride and have security, secret service and my grandmother there to watch over me on my first job.

  7. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Does TP and SP ring a bell?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

      Quasimoto and her pip???

  8. Anonymous9:33 AM

    You know the people you're passive aggressively slandering have jobs like EVERY ONE OF US have right?

    And have for years.

    Though I will say that the one you specifically refer to doesn't work at that beauty shop anymore though she is still best friends with her coworkers there. Shouldnt write that because you're a stalker who continues to pretend like you know people you do not.

    You just can't admit to yourself that compared to people their age, Sarah's kids are far more mature and balanced.

    I feel for you.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      So in other words wallow now lays around the shanty with the rest of her siblings? Living off mommy dearest's ongoing grift...Bunch of lay about deadbeats is more like it. "Mature and balanced"?? Please we're not as naive as sarah thinks we are. lol

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      I'll put up Gruph and his openly proud lesbian daughter against the Palins any time! There IS no comparison.

    3. Anonymous11:02 AM

      I feel for you.
      Hey Brissie, where are all the kids you and wallows sold on the xtain black market?
      So do you ever see them?
      Well DO YOU?
      Might as well been aborted except you wouldn't of gotten Millions for payme spawn.

    4. Anonymous11:02 AM

      So what is she doing with her hair school diploma now?

    5. Anonymous11:41 AM

      she is still best friends with her coworkers there.

      The word, "best," literally means that one is above all of the rest. You can't be "best friends" with a lot of people. That's just being friends with them. You are either a friend or you are not a friend. Only one can be the best friend. They all can be good friends to each other.

      Our troll has a very limited education.

    6. Anonymous11:42 AM

      9:33 AM Words are cheap. Cheaper from chronic liars. Always have documentation and authentic links or stay in your black hole for eternity.

    7. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Mature and Balanced=Trial Daddy Fucking.

    8. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Musician estimated to be worth £180m says he does not want to leave his six children "trust funds that are albatrosses round their necks"

      Sarah will probably leave her children high and dry after using them and playing them along all these years, as if they will inherit her ill gotten goods. She will disinherit them for all the wrong reasons. Sarah's had so much anger to suppress since she blames them for so many of her failures. Her hidden anger will come out when she surprises them and she cuts them off in her will.

    9. Anonymous2:15 PM

      You'd think for how HOT this family is, she could do better than Junker...or even try to. Comical how they show exactly who they are by being themselves and they don't see it.......or care not to. It boggles the mind.

    10. Anonymous5:39 PM

      The Crazy Blog Stalker is here(9:33). Get your Gas Masks ready for the smell of BULLSHIT.

    11. Anita Winecooler6:26 PM

      Twerk harder and work that foam finger, troll! If you got it, flaunt it!

    12. Anonymous8:11 PM

      You know the people you're passive aggressively slandering have jobs like EVERY ONE OF US have right?
      exactly, be specific troll bait... who is "passively aggressively" "slandering"?Do you EVEN KNOW what that phrase means? B/c it describes your queen sarah to a "T"!
      Now, cite every bit of "Slander" Passavie aggressive or not and get back to us... waiting...?

  9. Caroll Thompson9:40 AM

    And you know the Obama daughters will go to college and get a good education. Who knows, one of them just might grow up to be President.

    In today's world, you really need a good education. I know that Sarah is still dreaming of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but Americans don't elect stupid to the White House. And also too, you need God on your side. God must have been smiling on Obama since he was easily elected to two terms. God really likes Hillary too. What say you Sarah?

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Americans don't elect stupid to the White House.
      OK, but did you forget about W. How much more stupid could one be?

    2. Caroll Thompson2:42 PM

      I used to think Bush was dumb, but compared to Sarah Palin, he is an absolute genius.

    3. Anonymous3:35 AM

      We did not "elect" Bush. Rove did, with shenanigans and bought off votes.

  10. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I cooked and washed dishes 6 hours a day, seven days a week at a summer camp for minimum wage AND paid for my room and board out of that. The parents made me bank 75% of my pitiful take home (for college). The rest went for fun stuff like shampoo, underwear, etc.

    What did this teach me? Get a different job the next summer.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      9:41 Love it! Thanks for the laugh amid all this weird "stalker" Palin-defender-crazy crap.

  11. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Imagine the sinking feeling of a parent who didn't do their darndest to get the best possible training and education for their children, so that the next generation has no options but low-wage, low-security jobs, with nothing better on the horizon?
    The kind of parent who doesn't care whether a child even graduates from high school, who doesn't model hard work and self-improvement, and who doesn't put a premium on literacy, life-long learning, and self-reliance?
    Some people, because of emotional or intellectual handicaps, are best suited to low-wage jobs, and can be proud of doing them well, to the best of their abilities. But those who could do more but who settle for less, cheat themselves, their families, and their communities.

    You can be sure that Sarah Palin will take this opportunity to be her snarkiest and nastiest, letting fly her sarcasm not only at the Obama parents, but at their daughters, too. She's crafting one of her churlish facebook diatribes right this very minute. Her tiny army of peabrains will add comment after comment, finally allowed to unleash their spitefulness at the First Family. And Sarah will wallow in the hatred she's unleashed.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      "You can be sure that Sarah Palin will take this opportunity to be her snarkiest and nastiest,"
      Ummm her and her spawn already all over shitting up this post.
      prob burns her ass how Doors open for POTUS kids and doors slam shut for the grifer payme family.

  12. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I so admire and respect The First Family!

  13. Anonymous9:56 AM

    O/T How about Katie Couric's wedding to a wealthy Financier? Mrs. Todd 'I have no job' Palin is stuck with the Pimp, BWAHAHAHAHAHA. What do you read, Sarah, BWAHAHAHAHA.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Yep, Katie married an intelligent handsome man..not some uneducated, scruffy looking, soprano-voiced twit like tawd.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      And, a twit that has a two-toned dick according to Shailey Tripp - author of "Boys Will be Boys"!

    3. Anonymous2:31 PM

      DAMN, $arah, if you haven't got over the 12-year-old take down of you, surely you can snark on Katie's nuptials while your life is in ruins. You know it's on the tip of your tongue...."she destroyed meeeee...."

      No, peaches, if that's the fake bra you're wearing today, you did it all on your own!

    4. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

      Gee, no pictures on Sarah's Facebook of "The perky one with the microphone"? The one who had poor self esteem and needed Sarah's sage interview? (h.t Nicholle Wallace) Bwaaahhhhaaaaa!! Sarah'll have photos of her own forgetaboutit!

  14. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Spot on. I never look back on those jobs with fondness, but the lessons learned were invaluable. Kudos to the Obama parental unit! There is an article in The Telegraph about the most worrying element of being a wealthy parent. It was the concern their children would grow up without ambition. The Palin children didn’t always have silver spoons in their mouths they were just born into a poor parenting experience.

  15. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I do believe that Malia has a summer internship with Halle Berry in film editing and production of which she intends to study in (gasp) college. Watch the trolls come out claiming "privilege." Hey, rill 'Murikans, we can't help your role models are dumb as stumps and prove it every time they open their mouths. GOD had the right people win. Twice.

    No, from the start President Obama was ridiculed as being a community organizer and the whole family has stayed true to that notion throughout his twice-elected presidency. You want to talk, "of the people, by the people, and for the people?"

    And now we know why the GOP/TP, have thrown every damn thing at them and nothing has stuck. I don't know about any of you fellow IMers, but they are by far my favorite First Family of all time and, at soon to be 57, I feel I have the right to say so.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      I'll second that. :)

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      I'll third that 10:21! And, I'm in my early 70's. The Obama family is truly an inspiration - love, love, love our First Lady Michelle and President Obama! Could not be more proud of them representing our country.

  16. Not to respond directly to any trolls, because you know I'm allergic to crazy, but my daughter works on television programs and on movie sets, and there is nothing glamorous about her jobs.

    You can still work low wage jobs while employed at Fortune 500 companies, or while working on multimillion dollar movies or television shows.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Not every low paying job would be open to a teen that comes with secret service protection and potential for attracting attention seekers and other annoyances. Also not every business facility could be adequately secured. Which is NOT Malia's fault.

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM


    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      I would suggest that having secret service attached to you is a pain in the ass for the two teenagers. It's not their fault their wonderful Dad is POTUS.

      I'm glad to see they are giving Malia her first opportunity as to what the working world is like! And, folks make minimum wages in the film/entertainment industry when they have no experience.

      "Any" entry level job in 'any' industry does not pay well! But, it's a start and an education.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

      Been there, got the tee shirt. AT the time, I thought my parents were evil. I couldn't get a car unless I had at least 20 percent downpayment and enough money for two years of insurance. Took a bus and trains to NYC and worked sets on soap operas, did window dressing. I had all kinds of odd jobs and don't regret any of it.

  17. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I shelved books at the local library and reported for a national newsmagazine at a starting minimum wage with no overtime allowed. What you get out of a job is what you put into it -- but I was not trying to raise a family as a single parent at that time. I couldn't do it with one, much less two, minimum wage jobs today.

  18. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I stand with the Obama's and like minded parents. Honestly, the Palin's lasses faire attitude about school and attitude of entitlement that dropping out of high school is not what it is, so how dare anyone say her daughter and boyfriend are dropouts closed my case about her. Exiting the building and maybe online classes is not equivalent to nor deserving accolades of attendance and participation. Their devaluing that college is going to frat parties (from Bristol, was another big laugh.

    A few months of reality filming or eating one's way through DWTS may have gotten cash but few lessons learned.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      That was pretty pathetic of Bristol to make comments about frat parties, as if she really has a clue. She missed out on the life-long relationships people gain in college. Shame on her parents for letting her believe the college experience was less than worth it. Aside from these friendships, earning power for women is greatly enhanced throughout life. Palin strokes her own ego at the expense of her children.

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Part of going to a brick and mortar school is to interact with the other students of different backgrounds and cultures. Attending a small religious school limits the experience to meeting people exactly like you. College should broaden a person's outlook, because of the interaction with other students and professors in and outside of class. If possible, going away to a school is the first step that kids take on a road to independence. It starts with having to do you own laundry, make your own food choices and take care of a room that's shared with others.

  19. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Six troll statements in six minutes...and all in the same 'voice'...somebody has their panties in a twist this beautiful summer day.

    How do they get here so fast, once Gryph puts up a new post? hmmmm

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      They can never leave their phones. Addicted.

      Bristol Palin continues to show the world she is stuck. There is no way she can consider how to go out on her own and get a job. I don't know of a family more locked into their unhealthy attachments. Far worse than a den of thieves.

      Bristol has zero self-confidence. The quick fixes are not going to last. She is doomed to let someone else write her mother's psuedo-political crap for her and pretend they are a happy family.

      Bristol is trapped with "trolling or trolls" that will never be believed b/c they are among the most ignorant.

      This is the closest they can make her up to pretend independence.
      Another monster failure, except it did cover up her growing body shape.

    2. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Anonymous1:57 PM
      I STILL can't get over "That"! WTF? Have we ever seen "THAT" done before on DWTS? Ofcourse it was done to hide the DWTS baby or "godchild" as willblow calls "it" (boy/girl who knows)
      Willblog has her own "Baristal baby" when she went to AZ to "har" skool. umm.
      That fucking family is a clusterfuck of enormous clusterfucking?!?
      I don't think I've sever seen a bigger bunch of bullshit especially from a "VPOTUS" family! What a bunch of Losers! And its downright unreal how our kocksucking media refuses to report on them.
      Or else Palin is a NARC. Notice how she is always trying to get the lemmings to follow her, Bundy ranch, Marine in mexico, etc.

  20. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I'll be 70 this year and recall working at my first 'real' jobs (other than babysitting, etc.) making a wage, but don't recall it being my main emphasis back then. I was interested in a career (which I did attain) - knowing my income would increase over time.

    Don't even recall the term 'minimum wage' back then! Everything is so negative today! I just say thank 'somebody' that I grew up - worked - etc. beginning in the 60's!

    Jobs are not as available in some areas throughout the US as they are in others. We need to help our children and grandchildren and assist them in moving into what they might want to do with their lives. College, community college, special schools geared to a specific career, etc. Help guide them in careers that have stability in our world today - i.e. medical/nursing, etc. We can have influence with gentle guiding and conversation w/them.

  21. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Our daughter got a scholarship to Bryn Mawr for her undergraduate studies. All students receiving financial aid were required to work in the cafeteria and other on-campus locations for low wages in addition to taking a rigorous academic load. Almost all students did, and for some, it was an eye-opener. Bryn Mawr was an exclusive women's college (Katherine Hepburn is one the most commonly known grads) and is one of the Seven Sisters (comparable to the Ivy League for men back in the day. Anyway, the administration long ago decided that every woman needs to know what it's like to earn a living at minimum wage, to work with your hands at what most considered menial labor because at one time only the most wealthy families sent their gifted daughter there. It is a tradition that paid off because most grads go on to graduate school and on to jobs that serve others, write books, head philanthropic organization, et cetera. Each young woman knows, at least from her experience at the college if not from her family background (which increasingly most do) what it is like to work for minimum wages and still have other responsibilities to fulfill. I am so proud of that college. It produces women of character and compassion as well as intellectual rigor.

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      I put myself through a Seven Sister college with loans (which took me 15 years to repay), scholarship help, and jobs such as delivering the Sunday newspaper, pushing the wheelchair of a handicapped student for 50 cents/hour, and registering graduate students at the beginning of the semester for a dollar an hour. My degree was worth every bit of effort I put into it, because, at 65, I'm still learning every day, I spent a career helping others, helped my children learn and grow and become happy, productive adults, and on and on. "Work" is just another word for "living." There's so much you can do, if you want to and you try.

  22. Our Lad11:39 AM

    In defense, albeit in a left handed fashion, of Mrs. Palin 's children as regards their employment or non employment or their researching the job market, these kids didn't have a fuckin chance in hell right from the git-go. They are barely literate which is clear by their dull and unnuanced speech patterns, they'd have fared better had they been raised by wolves rather than the two goddamn chowderheads whose name they are burdened with. If brains were dynamite the whole pod full of them wouldn't have enough to blow their fuckin collective nose.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      I'll buy that, but one CAN rebel and go one's own way. Plenty have! When the Leno Chin appeared, that said it all for me for having a "deadbeat mother" drag you through mud and the lack of self-esteem to rise above it.

  23. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The Obamas are good parents. And, they set a good role model for other kids. Low paying jobs for standing on feet all day is something every kid should get a taste of and learn to appreciate. Otherwise, they set out in the world never being able to relate to others.

    I always told my kids to be patient and kind to service workers, give them good tips. My youngest experienced after school job tediousness for low pay and appreciates people who have to do these jobs when they are adults.

    Some young kids go into the world demanding, feeling entitled and snub their noses at low-income workers, as though these workers are looking for freebies. Look at the role modeling the Repubs are doing, doing everything to stop raising the minimum wage. These politicians' kids are simply spoiled rotten, no doubt, like the Palin kids.

  24. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Why Parents Should Always Ask If There's a Gun in the House

    My son Noah was a social butterfly. Everybody knew who he was, and he loved everybody. If a teacher got a new car, or someone was dating or breaking up, Noah knew. People just shared information with him. And he loved having friends over and spending the night at friends' houses.

    He would have been 16 this past Wednesday. We visit his grave on his birthday and have pizza and cake.

    On the night of December 30, 2011, Noah was shot and killed by his best friend with one of the four guns the friend had laying in his bedroom. They were not locked. The friend picked up the gun and was "playing" around and pulled the trigger. That "playful" action destroyed my life and created a sorrow in me that will never go away.

    I'm not even sure that other people completely understand what it feels like to bury your child. Especially when it wasn't because of anything he did or anything you did. It was because of someone else's irresponsibility and poor judgment.

  25. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Somebody took Gryphen's comments very personally. The problem is that the troll writes at a junior high school level. Without a good education, the jobs that will be available to those kids will be whatever Sarah can find for them, getting them onto a dancing show when the gal has no talent for dancing, ghost writing a book and a blog for her. Instead of buying a float boat, that money could have bought some classes for college credit, the kind of education that helps a person learn about the rest of the world and mature in the process. By remaining uneducated (by their own choice, given the money that flows their way), they will work at jobs like barista or assistant without having any ambition to do more in life.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Me thinks it's Butthole or Willow.

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      @12:42 My thoughts exactly. I guess that they do have jobs. Sarah's PAC must pay by the comment (or by the word?)

  26. Anonymous11:57 AM

    How can President and First Lady Obama be such good parents? Teaching their kids that hard work comes first, play comes second.

    THen look at the other end of the hour-glass, where we get the Palin way. It's rob the people of donations and use the money to bribe the kids to obey. Send them on national stage and shame them as they parade themselves as single pregnant teen, instead of keeping them from public scrutiny. Then find work for them, getting them to be abstinance spokesgirl, being paid a six-figure salary. Then put them on reality TV, find a publisher that'll ghostwrite a book for them, at another six or possibly 7-figure salary. Encourage them to do gossip rag interviews, sell their pictures, do more reality TV shows showing their young child trying to deal without a father, all for entertainment.

    Then, parade all their children at different times doing what mother's career requires her to do, dragging them all over the country, using their names to make her point, bringing them to her speeches, pulling them out of school, constantly disturbing their routines, marking them as victims, discussing them in op-eds, sharing personal details of their vacations with photo through facebook, etc, etc. etc.


  27. Anonymous12:50 PM

    BWAHAHA you just know this burns old seditious sarahs bony ass!! Love it!!! She should have a fb meth fueled rant any second now, she just has to stop to collect her thoughts.... it may be a long wait hahahahh

  28. Anonymous1:10 PM

    What, no plunging neckline and sexy winking?

  29. Anonymous2:43 PM

    When President Obama was elected in '08, the fact that they brought Grandma Marian Robinson in to be with Malia and Sasha, when they could not be, tells me all I need to know about this upright, outstanding family. Those young women are going to go FAR and, again, will go down in history as one of the best presidencies ever.

  30. Anonymous5:42 PM

    9:27 AM thinks that she is a Palin insider. I call BS.

  31. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

    Kudos to Malia on joining the work force, and kudos to the First Family, who have their priorities right. I worked for a very wealthy man, and he could have afforded to buy the places all his kids worked in, and then some. I admire parents who teach their kids the value of hard work and that no job is beneath them.
    The President and First Lady have done a fine job at parenting their children and including First Lady's Mother, Mrs Robinson, in the role of helping raise them.
    I think President Obama's own upbringing taught him a lot about effective parenting and the contribution grandparents can make in a child's life.

  32. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Not sure why they would want their children to experience low-pay hardship when they don't have to. It should be enough for the girls to know that there is great suffering in this country and live their lives as are befitting their education and station and always be compassionate to those that have less than they do. I'm not a believer in financially culling to teach lessons to children. It doesn't work.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Tell that to Sting

    2. Anonymous8:23 PM

      I hope you don't have any kids 7:24.
      They want them to learn what the "Real world" is like.

  33. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I totally agree in what the Obamas are doing w/Malia!

    Sting is not going to leave any of his money to his six children. He said he has taught them to earn their own way and they are currently doing so. Makes sense to me.

    Money doesn't last forever - ask Sarah Palin - she sees her cash bag dropping hour by hour! Now her husband and her klan are going to have to obtain jobs and learn what it is like to actually earn something!


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