Saturday, June 28, 2014

President Obama defends his use of executive orders in his Weekly Address.

"I intend to do my job. And if it makes Republicans in Congress mad that I am trying to help people out, then I welcome them to join me so we can do it together."

I swear Job of the Bible had nothing on this President when it comes to demonstrating patience in the face of constant disappointment and adversity.

When the historians write about the Obama presidency it will be with admiration.

I am guessing the Republicans will not receive the same consideration. 


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I've heard it said that if the President walked on water the GOP would complain he didn't know how to swim....

    With a Congress that won't work with him forcing him to make executive orders and NOW they want to sue him? The Dems should counter-sue! Bunch of whining assholes do nothings.

    1. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Much as I support the Democrats in Congress, I'm beginning to think that members of Congress should be paid only for the days they work and that their benefits should be limited to those days too.

      And also on my wish list: 1) political advertising should have to be truthful (lies should be punishable by fines and imprisonment of the candidate and his campaign managers); and 2) candidates should have to identify their political party affiliations in all print and media advertising. I'm so tired of getting postcards for candidates I've never heard of with no indication of what the person really intends to do or what party the person identifies with. This applies most often in our area to Republicans who, while in the majority here, seem to have candidates who appear to be afraid to admit to their party affiliation. My third wish is that only political parties should be allowed to advertise; no more Super PACS and no more front organizations, like "Americans for Prosperity" (what a joke that one is)!

  2. Anonymous2:57 PM

    History cannot catch up fast enough to bury the Bush war criminals in their infamy, starting with Prescott Bush, the WWII war profiteer.

    Damn that President Obama for not fixing their messes fast enough, as the neocons come out again to create more war, devastation and tax burdens on the middle class.

    Call me simple minded, but bombs do not create the allies that aid and compassion create. This will be tough this time around, because of all the failed previous foreign policy. Basically, weapons no, water, food, education and technology, yes.

    When I was a youngster my family was very involved with the international youth exchange (IFYE). We have friends for life in Belgium, Switzerland, Iraq and Iran to mention a few of the countries we have had an exchange of ideas. Diplomacy, sports and education are the solution to resolving conflict.

    War hasn't done shit for the US beginning with the Civil War. Should have thrown the idiots out of the *Union. Bye, bye, please secede. Instead we have been supporting those morons forever.

    It's IRONIC that the southern Tea Bags are against 'big government,' whiling have never contributed to their own support.

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      "War hasn't done shit for the US"

      Actually, war has been extremely beneficial to some members of our government including former Vice President Dick Cheney. I suspect that many members of Congress have also enjoyed a substantial increase in their assets due to their support of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

      It's just the rest of us who have to pay for it, either in money or in blood.

  3. With due respect to Clinton, and the fine job he did, not since Kennedy has any president seemed to understand that his job is to safely shepherd this country and its citizens through the years he was elected. But not even Kennedy and Clinton were handed the kind of mess to clean up, including a disillusioned citizenry, as was Obama.

    Never to give Bush a pass, but he does seem to have at least the sense of shame (on some level) to mostly keep his head down, and not make himself another of these scorching right-wing foghorns. Cheney, on the other hand and as we well know, has never been bothered with anything resembling a conscience.

    You're absolutely right G, about history. Dispassionate writers in generations to come are going to marvel at how Obama stood it.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Thank you, dviaries, we grew up in the same era and I totally agree with you.

      May I also say OT, as a straight female, having lived through the civil rights movement, I never thought I'd live to see the day when gay people were given rights and, slowly but surely, the right to marry those whom they love either! Seattle celebrates Gay Pride this weekend and I raise a glass to you!

    2. Thanks 3:54. Doobie is legal there in Seattle now too, am I right? If someone is so generous to you, take a toke for me :)

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      I live in Oregon, dviaries, but celebrate my gay friends in Seattle as I would family. If it weren't for Oregon's medical marijuana laws, my disabled husband would be toast in his plight. My very best to you always!

  4. Anonymous3:25 PM

    There he goes with his Marxist community organizing again. I have never heard a President speak like this in all my born 57 years on the planet. THIS is a leader. No wonder he's hated. I absolutely adore him.

    Carry on, my beautiful BLACK President while others aim to take you out. They will never equate you.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      "like" button.

      well said!

    2. Anonymous8:32 PM

      I voted twice for this President and have admired him since he took office.

      Because of the nature of the job, it often happens that the shine of a new President becomes dulled by the nasty nature of political reality.

      However, I find myself respecting President Obama more and more, even as he approaches the end of his second term. He has endured so much, has accomplished even more, and has done it all with grace, dignity and determination.

    3. fromthediagonal6:57 AM

      Anon @8:32... well said. You have my complete agreement.

    4. lwtjb8:43 AM

      Mine too.

  5. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Fuck the Republicans in the U.S. Congress! Especially the orange guy that is also an alcoholic! Oh lordy - he's such a great representative of the people from Ohio! If I were one of them, I'd be terribly embarrassed that I voted for the asshole! America does not like him and thinks he's doing a horrid job as speaker of the house - cannot bring myself to capitalize two of those four words!
    Vote Republicans/Teabaggers out of office wherever possible. Congress - governors of states and mayors of cities across the nation. We need Democrats and Independents/Non Partisan folks in power!

    McConnell needs to be voted out of office too - Kentucky! He's a total jerk and wanted President Obama to fail from day one. So happy I voted for President both times! He's a wonderful guy and doing a hell of a job in spite of the obstruction. He's so damned smart!!!

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Yet Ohio keep re-electing him.
      Remind me to NEVER visit that state. EVER.

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    He doesn't hide. He takes things head on without hesitation, keeps his grace and dignity and his eye on the prize. And that prize is to make a difference for those who have no voice, for those who struggle every day to keep their head above water, for those who have been ignored or lost or wounded.

    He is president for ALL of the United States, not just the blue states or those who are more of his political persuasion. And the way he conducts himself with such patience and forgiveness and generosity of spirit, is exemplary. It demonstrates his class and effective upbringing and shines a light on those who are acting in an opposite fashion.

    Just by him showing up and being himself, he sends those that are NOT all of those things into a jealous rage. They are the crows that try with all their might to hold down this mighty eagle, standing on his wings, but he just keeps shaking them off and continues to FLY!

    We are so deeply fortunate to have witnessed this man's vision.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      3:25 PM high-fives you! Well said!

    2. Maple6:44 PM

      One of his former Harvard law profs was interviewed by Charlie Rose the other night. Obama was his research assistant and he said he was one of the best, and that he always sought to understand ALL sides of a situation before coming to a decision. Idiots like Simple Sarah would call that dithering.

  7. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Hillary Clinton is not my favorite person, but I don't understand why the right wing is telling these lies about how she slams Obama in her book, telling her friends "you can't trust the mother fucker:, some douche bag name ed klein? doug giles, she needs to sue the hell out of them

    1. They are not talking about the book *by* Clinton. They are talking about the book that is *about* Clinton written by thoroughly discredited hack Edward Klein (even conservative writers have condemned him).

      No point in suing him. The bar is very high for a public figure to sue. The book will sink like a stone except in the toilet bowl of wingnuttery where it will be, I'm sure, a perennial floater.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      That's a load off my mind, thanks for the correction and input


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