Friday, June 27, 2014

President Obama's epic response to the news that the House Republicans are planning to sue him.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

Faced with the threat of legal action over his use of executive power, President Barack Obama pointed his finger squarely back at congressional Republicans on Friday, stating that their historic inaction prompted him to go it alone to address the nation's problems. 

"They don't do anything except block me and call me names," Obama said in a speech on the economy at Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

Without citing which specific executive actions he intended to challenge, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced this week that he would bring legislation to the floor authorizing the House to file a lawsuit against the president to "compel" him to enforce existing law. "We elected a president, Americans note; we didn’t elect a monarch or king," he wrote in a memo to his colleagues. 

That set the president off on Friday. In an interview with "Good Morning America," he dismissed the suit as nothing more than a "stunt." And in his remarks in Minnesota, he argued that he was forced to take action on immigration, the federal minimum wage and pay discrimination because this Congress, which has been called the least productive Congress in history, refused to compromise on legislative priorities. 

"They've decided to sue me for doing my job," Obama said. 

"If you’re mad at me for helping people on my own then join me and we’ll do it together," he added. "I want to work with you, but you gotta give me something. You gotta try to deliver something. Anything."

Good for him goddamn it!

It is well past time for the President to stop treating these assholes as if they are public servants trying to do the best thing for their constituents and the country, who simply have a differing point of view.

They are essentially traitors, that this point who are being driven to obstruct ANY progress at the behest of big business groups and crazed fringe elements within their party.

If they were the doctors and administrators of a mental health facility (Which of course they might as well be.), they would be facilitating the sharing medications between patients, taking them on field trips to strip clubs, and encouraging them to follow the advice of the voices in their head to kill random strangers.


  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I just LOVE this man. He beats them at every damn turn!

  2. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Dayum! President Obama is looking good!

  3. Caroll Thompson3:00 PM

    I do not know how the elections this fall will turn out. But I do know that Democrats need to take a page from President Obama and stand up for all Americans and holler BS on the obstructionists in Congress.

    And we the people need to go to the polls and vote.

  4. Anonymous3:09 PM

    You tell them, Mr. President! Boehner's favorite excuse is, "the President refuses to work with us." Right. That might have flown five years ago, but now we know just what the GOP is made of. A bunch of whiny boys taking our money for doing nothing but trying to hand over our country to the Kochs and the Dominionists. Either man up, Boehner, or go away. I hope we DO get the House back. Nancy never lost a vote, not one. You and your big gavel are a joke.

  5. Randall3:15 PM

    The Republicans have abused the filibuster ever since President Obama took office. EVERYthing introduced by the Democrats gets automatically filibustered by the obstructionist Republicans in the Senate.

    Harry Reid got up to go take a shit the other day and immediately Mitch McConnell filibustered it!

  6. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Goodness, the contrast between the way President Obama is looking with the stress and HUGE responsibilities he has to deal with day in and day out, and the way Sarah looks when she has been doing NOTHING but giving hate speeches and grabbing fist-fulls of money for 6's just jaw-dropping. He and Michelle are just amazing people. We definitely made the right choice!

  7. Anonymous3:27 PM

    The Republicans in the House should be taken to the pit and flung into it! They are earning a pay and benefits that are provided them by American taxpayers and not doing a fucking thing! All they've done is obstruct since President Obama was elected the first time. Total assholes! Vote them out of office and don't put new Republicans/Teabaggers in office!

    Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, McCain, Cheney, Bush, etc. should be run out of our country! Cheney and Bush should be taken to Europe where they'd end up arrested, put on trial and probably executed!

    Boehner and McCain are committing treason and should be arrested, put on trial and executed within our country! There is no doubt they'd be found guilty...they are countering the majority in America every day!

  8. I agree Anon above, he is looking fine! That pic was the equivalent of Gryph saying "Hey look, a squirrel!" mid-sentence. :-)

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      It worked! lol

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      I believe he's feeding off the hatred now and is angry enough to use the full force of the office of POTUS. I love this guy.

  9. More than past time for the President to tell congress to get to work or kiss his ass. I love hearing this.

  10. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Obama Gets Blunt: The Problem is Republicans and Their Failed Trickle Down Fantasies

    “(S)o far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked or voted down every single serious idea to strengthen the middle class,” President Obama told the crowd. Lest you think he’s exaggerating, he went through the list and it’s not pretty.

    Read on via a White House transcript:

    ...' And sometimes I’m supposed to be politic about how I say things — (laughter) — but I’m finding lately that I just want to say what’s on my mind. (Applause.) So let me just be clear — I want you think about this — so far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked or voted down every single serious idea to strengthen the middle class. You may think I’m exaggerating, but let me go through the list. They’ve said no to raising the minimum wage. They’ve said no to fair pay. Some of them have denied that there’s even a problem, despite the fact that women are getting paid 77 cents for every dollar a man is getting paid.

    They’ve said no to extending unemployment insurance for more than three million Americans who are out there looking every single day for a new job, despite the fact that we know it would be good not just for those families who are working hard to try to get back on their feet, but for the economy as a whole. Rather than invest in working families getting ahead, they actually voted to give another massive tax cut to the wealthiest Americans.

    AUDIENCE: Booo –

    THE PRESIDENT: Don’t boo, by the way. I want you to vote. (Laughter and applause.) I mean, over and over again, they show that they’ll do anything to keep in place systems that really help folks at the top but don’t help you. And they don’t seem to mind. And their obstruction is keeping a system that is rigged against families like Ben’s and Rebekah’s.

    Now, I’m not saying these are all bad people; they’re not. When I’m sitting there just talking to them about family, we get along just fine. Many of them will acknowledge when I talk to them — yes, I know, I wish we could do something more, but I can’t — but they can’t be too friendly towards me because they’d be run out of town by the tea party. (Laughter.)

    But sometimes I get a sense they just don’t know what most folks are going through. They keep on offering a theory of the economy that time and again failed for the middle class. They think we should give more tax breaks to those at the top. They think we should invest less in things like education. They think we should let big banks, and credit card companies, and polluters, and insurers do only whatever is best for their bottom line without any responsibility to anybody else. They want to drastically reduce or get rid of the safety net for people trying to work their way into the middle class.

    And if we did all these things, they think the economy will thrive and jobs will prosper, and everything will trickle down.

    And just because they believe it, it doesn’t mean the rest of us should be believing it — because we’ve tried what they’re peddling, and it doesn’t work. We know from our history that our economy does not grow from the top down, it grows from the middle out. We do better when the middle class does better. We do better when workers are getting a decent salary. We do better when they’ve got decent benefits. (Applause.) We do better when a young family knows that they can get ahead. And we do better when people who are working hard know that they can count on decent childcare at an affordable cost, and that if they get sick they’re not going to lose their homes. '

  11. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Damn, but I love President Obama! He kicks the Republicans in the ass every go around! He's so much smarter and kinder!

  12. Anonymous5:02 PM

    To be serious, one of the lawyers who comments on TV explained that in order to sue someone you have to have (1) standing (2) show damages. They have to prove that the Speaker of the House can sue the President of the United States. It doesn't seem to be specified in the Constitution. And, how has the Speaker of the House been damaged? A lawyer for the defense could point out that by failing to do anything, it was the Congress that was damaging the county. Good luck with that lawsuit, John. Maybe Sarah's lawyer would like the case. He is good at threatening people, too.

  13. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Sarah Palin this is how its done. President Obama doesn't sit in his Chicago house complaining about everything under the sun. He got off his butt, unlike others, and is making a difference. Sarah you had your chance to serve the good people who elected you to govern them and what did you do? You quit on them and went on to make failed reality shows. Run for office if you are serious about doing anything besides complain.

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Are you saying her hate-speech towards others, especially the usurper Obama, isn't making the world a better place? Sarah has a servant's heart dammit! She's told you this a million times, now send her money ok?

  14. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

    When I see the things on the Whitehouse Website, it amazes me how work this man packs in a day. Just the fact that his nightly routine is to read letters people write, and sometimes respond to them shows how committed he is to his constituents. This man has a caring heart.

    Go Mr. President!!! Show them the truth and tell them they can't handle it. I wish he started doing this much earlier.


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