Saturday, June 28, 2014

Robert Reich explains America's Koch problem.

You know I am not always a huge fan of petitions, but I am so goddamn sick and tired of these rich assholes undermining our democracy that I think this is one petition that deserves our support.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Someone should attach this link to Hanuer's post on Politico to this Reich's tweet. The pitchforks may be coming after all. I hope, I hope.

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Unfortunately, I worry it's too late. Thanks to our corporate owned Supreme Court, I think our Democracy is gone. What will a petition do?
    Yes, I'm cynical.

    1. It's been gone for quite a while.

      Certainly prior to The Patriot Act. The PA just made it more obvious.

  3. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Although I agree, I thought it would be a petition to overturn Citizen's United. I'm sure there is one out there, that is the one I'll sign.

  4. A million signatures won't matter. 10 million won't matter.

    What talks is money and we simply don't have enough to make politicians pay more attention to us than the Koch bros, corporations and their lobbyists.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.