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The very picture of a bleeding heart compassionate woman and mother. |
Dear Humanitarians, Since it Takes a Village to Stop Amnesty Abuse of Children, Join Me
“It’s for the children!”
“This is a humanitarian crisis!”
Finally, they have won me over. I actually agree with the liberals’ war whoop. I, too, demand that this issue of young illegal aliens flooding across our border into horrendous conditions be taken care of. Now! Uncompassionate people, wake up! Though it’s claimed by Democrats ad nauseam to justify more spending to pile on our $17 trillion debt, and it’s applied to every single “crisis” their policies conjure up, and no matter the cause you’re labeled a racist if you disagree with their policies, well, this time it really IS for the children.
I say this as a mother – a bleeding-heart compassionate woman and mother. I say, how dare anyone turn a blind eye and further harden your horrid heart when you see these pictures snuck out of the innocent children’s holding pens.....
You know I hate to agree with Palin but yes this situation with the children sneaking across the border from Mexico by themselves, and being held in ill equipped facilities in Texas, is terrible and represents a need that the country must hurry up and address.
So we should all work together, on a bipartisan basis, without recriminations and finger pointing right?
Who am I kidding?
...snuck out because our government is censoring images released. It must be my (former) friends in the GOP ordering this censorship because Democrat leadership knows better than to EVER spy on or censor the press; they’d NEVER infringe on the First Amendment. So, for shame, Republicans.
You know that seems like finger pointing to me.
By the way the pictures that were "snuck out" were taken by a Texas Democrat who wanted to get the images out to the media so that something could be done to address the poor conditions these children are being subjected to.
Not to do any finger pointing of my own, but Texas is a deeply red state, and yet it was not a Republican who brought this to the attention of the press.
I'm just saying.
The compassionate one then decides to twist the knife:
Hang on to your hat, because here’s the issue: Barack Obama has orchestrated this newest “crisis” in order to overload the system with the intention of “fixing” the problems his own policies create – by fiat, and that infamous phone and pen; screw the rule of law. He’s warned you by proudly claiming his executive orders can bypass the peoples’ representatives and obviously ignore the will of the people.
This exploitation of foreigners’ children is an inhumane ploy to entice families to break laws by literally shoving kids across one of Obama’s infamous and irrelevant lines, with assurance that parents, aunties, step-uncles and third cousins twice removed will get to cut in line too – that sacred line that previously led law abiding, hardworking immigrants to build this great nation. Barack Obama will keep phoning in and penning the message that he will NOT secure borders, so, hey, extended undocumented relatives, you’re free to join the kids being used and abused to snag that golden ticket. Obama surely knows a nation is not a nation without borders, while we must surely know this is the “fundamental transformation of America” that he promised and some of us warned about.
Congress and American voters, how long will you let Team Obama get away with this? The recent avalanche of devastating crises caused by a president believing he is above the law has set the most dangerous precedent a once-free people can imagine. To encourage and reward lawlessness by refusing to enforce the will of the people as proven by laws passed by our political representatives is the signature of a tyrant. In this case, Obama’s refusal to enforce immigration laws and his blatant suggestion that his chosen illegal activity will be rewarded are proof of his tyrannical tactics. The recent numerous manipulated “crises” have the media pinging and ponging trying to keep up with what is the scandal of the day, which one overshadows another, and how will they distract next, and who’s on first?! Purposeful decisions causing these crises are meant to overload the system, justify abuse of executive power to “fix” it all, and ultimately tighten control of the people.
And I am sure you all know where it goes from there, with the calls for impeachment, "Obama's deception," "boot on the neck," yada yada yada.
Like I said this IS a real problem, and it is unfair that Texas has to shoulder the brunt of it.
But it seems to be a rather new situation that the President has already moved to address, at least temporarily, while the administration works on a long term solution to what is rapidly becoming a crisis.
Of course that kind of thing is somewhat undermined by an opposition party that sees everything as an opportunity for a partisan attack, and crazed conspiracy nuts who go around suggesting that each school shooting, youngster's border crossing, or prisoner exchange is an attempt by the administration to manipulate the American people.
But hey, anything for attention. Right Sarah?
Wow. Even her half ass attempt at being decent surprises me. I never thought I would hear her say anything that was not self serving.
ReplyDeleteAu contraire..... Sarah is using these children to try to present herself as a caring mother, which we know she is not. Everything Sarah does is to enhance herself, not others.
DeleteWe send our christians to destroy their culture. We send our corporatios to steal their treasure. We send our mercenaries to kill their leaders, and we complain when their kids follow us home?
DeleteMarcella Morales-Gaona Bob Gaona • HuffPost Top Commenter
No matter what Palin says, it's so damn easy to see she is lying and that it is ALWAYS provable! She really must think Americans are idiots!
DeleteRead it again...this bitch cares nothing for these children. She's just using them to bitch about Obama. She is SUCH an asshole.
DeleteWhy does anyone still think what Sarah Palin has to say is valid?
DeleteSarah Palin is a liar and a fraud and has no credibility whatsoever. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
For starters, Palin was not pregnant in 2008 and did not give birth to Trig Palin. That is fact. Palin is a monumental fraud.
Sarah Palin is the biggest hoax in American political history.
She's having her minions bake hundreds of cookies as we speak, so she can bring them to the Mexican border for those kids and for that oh, so important photo op! You betcha!
Deletepresident obama is a father and a truly compassionate man. he is already addressing this horrific situation. i will commend our president and ignore the ignorant rwnjs who only want to incite a civil war.
Deletepresident obama is the commander in chief and he is the one i will listen to about this and all other subjects concerning our country-the good and the not good.
if i want to read idiotic fb rants there are better ones than hers.
Any impulse for good that Sarah might have is quickly overwhelmed (as well as undercut) by her determined hatred of our President. Oh,hell, who am I kidding? Sarah HAS no impulse for good. Her only goal is to take an unfortunate situation and turn it into an opportunity for her to put herself forward, hate on the President, and ultimately grift a few more bucks. Most of us, I'm sure, have compassion and concern for these poor kids. Sarah has only contempt. Poor sad bitch.
DeleteOnce again, Sarah Palin "writes" herself into the news as a relevant player and the center of the universe. It's all about Sarah, 24/7. She's a lying fraud and a grifter.
DeleteThis double-talk from the salad-shooter is pure dribble, self-serving, and is much less clever than she tries to be.
You are right. I should have read it again. I should have know nothing she does or says has anything to do with helping anyone but herself. She is just a nasty bitch.
DeleteAnother old photo - she doesn't look like that any more!
ReplyDeletePerfect usage in my book. She's complaining about treatment of children and she's done SQUAT for Trig. I got the irony, Gryph, right off the bat!
Delete.. except for the fuked up crossed eyes - that and the two pounds of spackle to fill the craters in her face ..
DeleteRemember the Time Magazine cover close-up?
BREAKING! Bergdahl was held in solitary confinement for 2 years, didn’t see another human face
ReplyDelete...Officials said Bergdahl, during that period, only talked to his captors through the wall of a six-foot-by-six-foot metal box, in which he was kept.
The box was just big enough for him to stand up straight and stretch his arms. If he was ever taken out of the box, Bergdahl was apparently hooded. Bergdahl told officials that this treatment started immediately after he attempted to escape captivity.
"His mental and physical state match this description -- and we believe him from what we see," one official told Fox News.
The details emerged as Bergdahl arrived early Friday at an Army medical center in San Antonio, Texas.
So sad.
DeleteNo matter what the circumstances of his departure from the base might have been, no one deserves to be put through that experience. Regardless of how much rehabilitation he receives, the young man will never be the same and will always be haunted by those years of captivity.
Sarah Palin Threatens To Leave The GOP Unless Obama Flies Abandoned Kids to Mexico
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin has posted a deranged manifesto that blames Obama for the flood of unaccompanied minors that are coming over the US border from Central America, called on the president to be impeached, threatened to leave the Republican Party, and demanded that the minors be flown to Mexico by the US government.
...The problem with flying these unaccompanied minors to Mexico is that the children aren’t Mexican. The children are arriving from Central America, where according to The Washington Post, Gang violence in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala is putting children at risk and causing them to flee.
Palin also doesn’t understand that if the kids were Mexican, the US already has an agreement with the Mexican government that allows for unaccompanied children to be quickly sent back home. It is unclear why Palin is claiming that Obama is importing Mexican children in order to exploit them as a distraction from his other scandals. It is equally as difficult to understand why Palin thinks that Obama has committed an impeachable offense, and why exactly she would be leaving the Republican Party. Is she leaving because Obama won’t fly kids from Honduras back to Mexico, or is she leaving because Republicans won’t impeach the president?
As her sanity becomes a fuzzy speck in the rear-view mirror of time, it is frightening that this woman was nominated by a major political party to be vice president. If Sarah Palin leaves the Republican Party, her first stop should be the nearest mental health clinic.
Another one of Sarah's adolescent temper tantrums: "Fools, pay no attention to ME. I'm gonna run away from home."
DeleteFine, I say let her go. She is definitely past her shelf life.
>>If Sarah Palin leaves the Republican Party, her first stop should be the nearest mental health clinic.
DeleteHELL TO THE YEAH!!!!!!!
How about leaving the country, never to return? I'll contribute to your PAC you deranged Bitch, if you just STFU and leave.
DeleteDon't forget, she was the one who had to leave Hawaii because there were too many foreign types.
DeleteTo her and the right wing nuts, it doesn't matter which country those kids are actually fleeing from. Brown kids are all alike and Mexico's as good a place as any to send them.
x 1,000,0000
DeleteHasn't she already left the GOP? They didn't even invite her to their convention in 2012 and she rented a space near the convention center in Tampa but then didn't even have the balls to show up. She's a TeaBagger/AIP wench and the GOP power players can't wait to put her back in her box.
DeleteBecause to Stooopid $carah, all brown people from South of the US border are Mexican. You know, she can't tell the difference between a country and a continent.
DeleteBetcha the Republican Party would love to be rid of her. Remember them blocking her from their Convention in Florida when Romney was running for POTUS?
DeleteShe's nothing more than a bitch and joke to the majority of Americans!
4:20 Why doesn't Russia/Putin take her - use her as a sex slave where she couldn't QUIT! She needs to be used and abused as she has done to the citizens of America for the past decade. Truly, she needs to be made to obey someone and Putin would do it best as a former KGB guy!
Delete"The recent numerous manipulated “crises” have the media pinging and ponging trying to keep up with what is the scandal of the day, which one overshadows another, and how will they distract next, and who’s on first?! "
ReplyDeleteThat woman is an idiot. ?!
Actually, from a mental illness standpoint it makes perfect sense. People always believe that everyone else is basically the same as themselves. So decent people believe that most people are also decent.
DeleteManipulative sociopaths for whom the ends justify the means, who are capable of any kind of lies and fabrications will believe everyone else must be lying and manipulating as well.
So, of COURSE Palin believes "team Obama" is creating fake crises for attention. Of COURSE she believes the "in-the-tank-lamestream-meediaah" are using these crises to manipulate and distract the public (or was she condemning Faux there? Somehow I doubt it).
All you have to do is look at $a®ah™'s entire life to see why she thinks that way.
Manipulative sociopaths for whom the ends justify the means, who are capable of any kind of lies and fabrications will believe everyone else must be lying and manipulating as well.
Exactly right, Boscoe. It's why the extreme right are so quick to cry conspiracy, voter cheating and lying. I've read enough of their blogs to see them doing those very things. Remember DWTS and BP winning, anyone?
Remember, also too!. Vinegar Tits is PART of the pinging and ponging who's on first media. Just yesterday she was ponging big time doing lines with Pretty Boy Hannity. She's just taking advantage of these crises (which NEVER happened under any other Presdients leadership).
DeleteYou really know she's off her meds when old photos of Trig trying to escape her grasp surface on facebook.
Manipulation? Did someone say manipulation? Could Sarah be the manipulation troll who always accuses IM of manipulating people by writing scandal.
DeleteAnonymous5:50 PM
DeleteYou betcha!
Sarah is pretty late to the outrage party. Fox covered this story last December. It has been covered regularly in the MSM, the people Sarah loves to hate. It has been covered every month this year. Where has Sarah been all this time?
ReplyDeleteHer facebook reads like an angry girl's diary. It does not sound like the kind of writing that would come from an adult, let alone an adult who claims to have a degree in journalism. My high school newspaper would not have printed that crap.
Sarah is really steaming.
Neither President Obama nor the GOP are responsible for what looks like an organized program coming out of Central America. The big questions should be who is organizing this and why? Sarah
Wall Street Journal article from Jan. 29, 2014
DeleteFlow of Unaccompanied Minors Tests U.S. Immigration Agencies
Various parties quoted in the article were predicting that the system was going to be overwhelmed. HHS was spending about $400 per day per kid.
Poor $arah, thinking she can overcome the exposure of her lack of intelligence, integrity, education and leadership ability by hiring a squad of political hacks to write 'her' screeds. 'Mrs Grass-roots' selling her 'soul' to the highest bidding billionaires while trolling for loose change from the not-so blessed crowd .
DeleteOnly the most gullible out there could believe that a housewife from rural Alaska, who NO ONE ever heard of outside of that state, could suddenly become a frickin' expert on EVERYTHING. Laughable, but sad. Sad that those who believed in her were taken for a wild-ride emotionally and financially. Hope she enjoys her ill-gotten gains no matter how many poor pockets she had to pick to fatten her wallet.
She's not the first snake-oil salesman we've endured nor will she be the last. She does stand out, however, for being the meanest and the most evil.
Fox News December 2013, using a photo from 2011 http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/12/23/feds-see-surge-in-children-crossing-us-border-amid-concerns-over-immigration/
DeleteO/T but this just warms my heart to see. With the bitch from Wasilla attacking our president, I wanted to post this right here for everyone to see. Fuck her and the horse she rode in.
ReplyDeleteNative American leader to POTUS & FLOTUS: "This gift represents love and appreciation that my people have for great leaders"
Native American leader on Pres. Obama: "No other President comes close to the honesty & passion he has shown for our nations"
DeleteLove the pictures! The President always seems his happiest and most relaxed when he is interacting with children.
DeleteFrom Sarah's facebook: "Remember, our Republic has been blessed because we committed to nurture a caring, compassionate, pro-child, law abiding citizenry." Is that the policy that takes place when Sarah's former political party and her Tea Party Pals vote against bills that would make college loans more affordable, when they vote against money for education, for food stamps, for access to medical care, for anything. The GOP regularly votes for protecting an embryo for 9 months, from conception to birth. After than, forget about it.The GOP and the Tea Party have one agenda. Be against anything that the Obama administration is for. Where's the compassion, Sarah? Where's the outrage?
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't she just shut the fuck up. Traitorous bitch.
Delete"remember our republic has been blessed because we committed to nurturing a caring, compassionate, pro-child, law abiding citizenry."
Deletewhere in the constitution-self proclaimed "constitutional conservative" does it say anything about being caring, and pro-child, etc.?
our republic has been "blessed" because thus far we haven't had an abomination like you as president.
not believing in the devil myself this stupid and hateful skank sure can make me rethink my non belief!
Seriously, all I saw was yada, yada, yada before my brain shut down. She has no clue.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Oklahoma's Governor is creating drama that they....how dare they!... are going to use Fort Sill as one of the places to take these children. I am so sick of these people I can't even read their crap anymore. Fuck 'em.
I read an article today about this that showed the deplorable conditions those kids are under. Cages, mats, foil blankets, scabies, the smell, and more coming in all the time. These children are being sent from Central America into Texas by their parents to keep them safe from the conflicts there. Border patrols are being pulled from their regular posts to help this crisis. Sad all around.
ReplyDeleteI just loved her "As a Christian" bit. She's no Christian in thought, word, or deed. Yes, it's a drain on our resources, what TO do?? Keep 'em OUT and let Mexico deal with it is hers. 'Murika. She's a Bircher through and through,
That screaming piece of crap (Sarah's FB) is the sign that Sarah has clearly taken too much of whatever has her so wired that she sounds like someone who as been locked up in a POW camp for the last 5 years.
ReplyDelete" ANYONE who has shined the boot that Obama’s put on the neck of our economy and security must be held accountable by those with the legal power to do so – Congress."
In the last couple of weeks, the Dow and the other economic indicators have all closed at record highs. No one has turned their back on border security. The truth is that the people are overwhelmed by this organized action. The border agents are not the personal agents of the Obama administration. They will continue to serve under the next president, regardless of which party is in power. When Obama was elected, they did not change all of the border agents who served during the GWB administration. They are like the people who work in the Post Office, civil servants. Sarah is insulting hundreds of thousands, no, probably millions of people who work for the US government, without loyalty to one party or another.
Maybe instead of bombing Iraq (again) we could use the money for upgrading the holding pens. Because flying these kids back to their home countries and dumping them at the airport isn't really very humanitarian, is it.
ReplyDeleteG, should use that pic of Sarah outside the bus in a warm jacket holding a half-naked Trig. It's so compassionate, that pic.
ReplyDeleteShe says she's doing it for the little children, but can't stop herself from diving into a two--fisted attack on the Administration as soon as she can say zwieback.
ReplyDeleteThat's an old photo -- Trig looks no older than two-three, needs his head supported but isn't getting it, has on a short-sleeved shirt while his "mother" is in comfy, long-sleeved layers. She's still trying to get away with her natural hair.
So, basically what she's saying is that the Republicans and Barack Obama and his administration are on one side, and she -- the image of compassion (hah!) is on the other, the side of the children?
ReplyDeleteAfter her abysmal record of carelessness for Native Alaskans and the disabled and indigent Medicaid Alaskans -- some of those groups being children -- we're supposed to believe she's being Mother Theresa here?
Who's she kidding? (it's obvious, her thumbsucking nitwit worshippers, that's who)
BTW, Jason Easley over at PoliticusUSA has this intriguingly titled blog post: Sarah Palin Threatens To Leave The GOP Unless Obama Flies Abandoned Kids to Mexico.
I hope he corrects his post, because Palin very carefully avoided saying "from Mexico" or "to Mexico" -- rather, she said, "through Mexico". Sometimes I think she (or someone) writes these convoluted rants so that the careless can misquote her, and thus she become a crafty victim yet again.
You wouldn't drive through Mexico to return these children - how many hours would that be?
DeleteSo, no, She still doesn't make any sense.
yes kajo she is mother theresa incarnate and all the rest of us are evil-this proves she is absolutely mentally stable.
Delete"a bleeding- heart compassionate woman and mother"??? first off skandasaurus-why the dash between bleeding and heart? second-the fantasies of the mentally ill are truly amazing.
you are NOT a bleeding heart. you are NOT compassionate. and you are a biological mother but emotional? no. nurturing? no
go sell your snake oil to the c4p because even breitbart is just USING you to get clicks. and there are way more liberals busting your kneecaps in the comments than there are c4p ponders.
jiminy you are such an idiot
I get ballistic when immigrants are referred to as aliens, as stain did in her fecesbook skreed.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHer interest in this is way out there. The rantings are just barely contained. Something really wrong here.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
Ah. Tundradunce thinks she come up with a sure-fire way to get the President to notice her/obey her demands.
ReplyDeleteSomebody needs to explain to her that the President has better things to do than spend all damn day reading Henrietta Harpy's facebook yowls.
She is the written equivalent of a Siamese cat in heat:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufoqrr-ToiI
Actually the verbal equivalent also.
Palin. He is not going to acknowledge you. No matter how much you rub up against your computer and yowl. You will never ever have what Michelle has.
Screech is SO annoyed nobody cares about her anymore. She just has to come up with something, anything to grab some attention. Too bad she doesn't really care about those poor children. And, Wicked Witch of Wasilla, they are children - not aliens!!
ReplyDeleteGryphen, did you see this interesting link in the comments on politicus' Palin story? ( http://kikoshouse.blogspot.com/2014/05/five-years-on-why-sarah-palin-birth.html ) Have you ever heard of this guy before? Seemed to come out of nowhere... how curious!
He had commented on Malia Litman's site the other day and left and email and asked her to check out his Palin Fake Preggers blog. Obviously someone who has followed the HOAX and wants answers, although any sane minded person already has the answers; that woman was never pregnant.
DeleteSo Ms Child Abuse is issuing demands... It's Friday the 13TH take out the trash day!
ReplyDeleteNot only that but full moon. Hospitals hate full moons -- the stuff they see and deal with. I've heard so many WTH stories. With $arah, every day is a full moon.
Delete12 Year Old Girl, Madison Kimrey, Tells Sarah We Don't Need More Clowns to Laugh At
ReplyDeletehttp://wp.me/pwVeA-6i9 via @RebuttaltoRogue
A new conservative talking point holds that Central American newspapers are inaccurately reporting on U.S. immigration policy, thereby creating a stampede of undocumented minors over the U.S.-Mexico border. But an examination of those newspapers shows the picture is more complicated than that.
So Sarah is hatin' on furrin children now? You betcha she is.
ReplyDeletePuh-leeze, Sarah. Like you give the teeniest,tiniest crap about anybody's kids, whether they're your own extremely unfortunate spawn, or illegal immigrants being warehoused at the border.
ReplyDeleteNone of them are of any use to you, aside from the political opportunism they provide.
You are such a twisted, foul, stinking pile of maggot-crawling hyena dung that nothing decent in nature will willingly go near you.
Fuck You Sarah. Attention whore.
ReplyDeleteSo who was she trying to beat to the punch to "save the children"?
You are no mother.
You faked a prgenancy with Tri-G.
You denied Track his bio father.
You left your kids to their own devices, ending up in pregnancies, alcohol and drug abuse and vandalism.
JUST STFU. about kids in need.
Take care of your OWN house first.
And it is a damn good thing you faked the pregnancy, becasue any "mother" who would have premature rupture of membranes in a 7th high risk pregnancy and NOT seek immediate medical attention is, officially, a SHITTY MOTHER..
You say you flew cross country. You say you had tight abs.
We say you are delusional.
STFU.. Go get TRi-G feeding therapy, hearing aides and glasses. Go learn ASL. Go cook your kids a meal. Go give them a hug. Go get them some therapy to undo all the shit you have done to them.
No real Mother would allow a Pimp to live with her children. No real Mother would Force her adult drug addicted son to join the Military. No real Mother would parade her Unmarried Pregnant Teen daughter across a national stage to be ridiculed.
DeleteWhat the fuck is this delusional fool babbling about? I didn't understand a word she was spewing out.
ReplyDeleteIf you DO start understanding her, seek professional help.
DeleteGryphen - great article at link and comments are scathing.
Your headline could be - Palin to quit the Republicans - KKK worried and tightens admission requirements.
This isn't about Sarah being concerned. She is angry at the world, angry at the GOP, Republicans, the President, angry at Fox News, and blames everything and everyone on the fact she isn't getting the attention she craves.
ReplyDeleteAfter watching John McCain go off the rails yesterday, then tried "Damage control" over Bergdahl on any news channel that would have him, This poor excuse for an idiot accuses President Obama of tyranny? For what? Vinegar Tits had some nerve with this one. First, she uses an old photo of her money making prop (aka tambourine) to show how President Obama SHOULD handle this "crisis". If she found herself in their parent's shoes, she'd use him as a human shield than risk giving him half a chance at being saved.
ReplyDeleteNext time, Vinegar Tits should take a photo of her REALLY helping the plight of the suffering kids. A photo of Sarah with a tray of cookies.
I wonder what her next attention getting attempt will involve?
Aw, come on. Sarah has other humanitarian credentials. She traveled with Franklin Graham to Haiti, taking along Bristol and Todd for the photo op. That's all that it was, a photo op. How much money does Sarah's PAC or does Sarah personally donate to Samaritan's purse? She lends her photo so she can look charitable. Oh, and I forgot. She and Todd flew up visit some wounded warriors.
DeleteUh no. She and Todd didn't. they again flew in for a photo op. It's paid for by an organization $toopid $carah has NOTHING to do with monetarily.
DeleteAnonymous 5:33, I remember seeing those photos from the Haiti trip with Graham. Bristol looked pregnant and wore a long scarf that extended down her front, which folks questioned her wearing in the sweltering heat.
Delete7:51 PM That would have been Bristol's DWTS Pregnancy. They can deny all they want, but pictures don't Lie. Bristol is a Baby Making Machine. Where are the Daddies?
DeleteIM blast from the past; great collection of DWTS pregnancy photos along with Bristol's lie about why she gained so much weight while dancing.
Thanks Anonymous 8:57
DeleteNancy over reached, again! I'm surprised she didn't do her research and blame it on a thyroid condition.
The whole point of Sarah's screed is being missed. This has nothing to do about these kids but is a crafty way to start the beginning of the split of the Republican party. When she says,
ReplyDelete"As a Christian I find it unforgivable to ignore this issue of overrunning border security into these conditions in southern states, and this one issue is just about driving me to renounce my Republican ties because, see, even leaders on the RIGHT side of the aisle haven’t exerted all Constitutional power to stop the madness. A few have tried, but until they’re sent reinforcements, then atrocities like the child abuse and exploitation you’re now getting wind of will only get worse."
She is calling out for the divide and by doing so, positioning herself as the "supreme leader" of the Tea Party.
Cantor's loss has the Republican's in such turmoil that the pundits are predicting a split is coming within the party and Sarah is trying to maneuver herself as the leader of the Tea Party. Brat's win is the sign they have all been waiting... and they are going to take over the country with her in the driver's seat!
"As a Christian I find it unforgivable..."
DeleteIsn't being Christian all about forgiveness? Isn't that they whole idea? What kind of so called 'christian' is she if she can't forgive? This woman has a god complex, thinking she can lord it over anyone with her cockamamie bullshit screeds to nowhere. The world will be a way better place once she's left it.
@ 6:18 When is the last time that Sarah went to church? Bristol's ghost writer posts religious messages that Bristol is supposed to write, LOL. When is the last time that Bristol went to church?
DeleteAppearing in a photo op with Franklin Graham is not the same thing as being religious. Graham is running a big business, also based on image.
The "leaders on the right side" (i.e, the conservative side) couldn't care less about the plight of anyone who is not worth at least a million dollars. And I seriously doubt Sarah's concern. Has she personally delivered a plate of cookies yet? When that happens we'll know that she really cares.
Every time that Sarah Palin opens her nasty mouth, she proves that Martin Bashir was right.
DeleteThat Facebook reads like the writing of a very angry teen aged girl, someone who tells us to hold on to our hats, or comparing the tip of the iceberg to the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona. What smart politician ever refers to her former friends in the GOP? All that they ever did was pick Sarah to be their VP candidate, pay all of her expenses, dress her beautifully, make her up beautifully and try to prop her up. So, Sarah renounced her Republican ties. Her fans think that's her big move to run for President. With the support of what party? She just kicked the Republicans to the curb. She's not going to run as a Democrat. How juvenile to lash out at the people who once supported her and voted for her.Her post goes on, sinking deeper and deeper into immature ranting and ravings, emotional and crazy. Maybe Sarah will read the piece on the internet when whatever she took clears out of her system. That's one very angry, crazy, immature person, hurt, and emotionally unstable. Excuse me for asking, but with her fans thinking that she is a natural born leader and presidential material, what's Sarah's plan? She has nothing but the angry that has been boiling up since early November, 2008, when she lost to the man she ran against. Never mind that Palin was the VP nominee. In her mind, she was the head of the ticket.
ReplyDeleteSarah Heath has had rage boiling up in her since about the time that Creepy Chuckie Sr. taught her the dark ways of the world of incest. She hates men because of it, and uses her sexuality and her hatred to demean them with sexual innuendo and mockery.
DeleteShe lashes out from the pre-teen wounds that were inflicted in the guise of love, but really was just control, doing everything she can to 'make them pay' for her disgusting father's acts. And then she learned how to 'use' that dark knowledge to get what she wanted.
And when she doesn't get what she wants, the fawning attention that she once bathed in for those few months when she was elevated to the national stage and for a short time after, she makes everyone pay.
She's set her sights on our lovely president, not just because he beat the ticket, but because HE DOESN'T WANT HER. How DARE he not want her when she's doing all she can to get his attention. She's mocking him, goading him, disrespecting him, attacking him, accusing him, smearing him, attacking his wife and children and STILL she's invisible to him.
She's desperate for ANY attention, positive or negative and when she doesn't get it, she throws a tantrum. She can't use her feminine wiles the way she's always done because she's now so old and dried up and coarse and unappealing to most men, except to the old guys on Viagra. She's not hot. She's not soft. She's not attractive. She's hard, cold, used up, spit out and flailing. She's fake, from her wig, to her teeth, to her glasses, to her tits, to her tan, to her 'mothering', to her 'Christian' bonifides and her sham of a marriage. She's a myth of her own making. But her overriding problem is that fewer and fewer people are buying her moose crap...no matter how many reality shows, homemade videos, ghostwritten FB posts or those rare Fox slobberfests with Sean Hannity...she's just over in the mind of anyone who even bothers to think about her.
Now she moves to threatening 'take away', just like a small child. Because that's all she is, stunted, arrested at about age 8 when Creepy Mr. Heath showed her the path that led her to the broken monster that she is today.
@6:45 Great comment, but you did leave out some of Sarah's fake image. She's no outdoors woman. She can't hunt or shoot. She fished without a license. She went to moose camp and picked blueberries. She claims to have a degree in journalism (or was it communications, a minor subject) but she can't write. Her books and many of her Facebook posts are ghost written for her. (She must have written her post today because it sounds like the way she talks, a tossed word salad sprinkled with vinegar and venom, the writing of an immature, angry person who can never forgive. And, that makes her "Christianity" a fake, too, because Jesus preached forgiveness.
Delete6:45-- you are repeating your incest comments on multiple blogs. Do you know for a fact this is true? If not, it's truly despicable of you to go around saying this as fact. Yes, she behaves like a sex abuse survivor, but unless you know it as definite, your comments are revolting as hers.
DeleteExcellent and true comments.
Many a PHD will be granted studying Palin in the future.
I would add the incest trauma has led to dissociative personality disorder ( formerly multiple PD). She can be that hypersexual preteen, the mama grizzly, the angry real Sarah, the naughty librarian, the jesus barbie Sarah,Queen Esther.
That's why she can't remember what she has said from time to time . That's why she dresses so oddly. One personality can't know if the other has bathed or not.
Toad is NOTHING but her handler,trying to navigate her personalities, and make $$ of of her.
Sarah Palin is one sick puppy! I believe there is incest in her life....her Dad is creepy and has made some off the wall statements that should never have been uttered about her!
DeleteShe needs to have mental care and put in API in Anchorage. She won't do it herself and seems to have no clue how disliked and demented she is....
Todd boy, why aren't you helping your sick wife? The money isn't coming in to her like it use to...your entire family uses her and maintain no jobs and slowly but surely things are drying up for the Palin/Heath klans!
Why does photo op Sarah Palin post an old ass picture? Her hair is not that long. Why can't photo op Sarah post a current photo of Sarah and Trig?
ReplyDeleteSarah's current picture makes her look old. That's why.
DeleteAnd 6 y o Trig punches her everytime shes within striking distance.
DeleteTrig punches Sarah in her throat. That is where she got that quote.
DeleteBecause there aren't any?
DeleteWhite House Plans To Move 1,000 Immigrant Minors To Richmond, Baltimore
What a hypocrisy! Here is a photo that shows Sarah's concern for The Children. http://americanhatriots.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/trig_ondisplay.jpg In the photo, Sarah is on her book tour. The crowd of fans want to see Trig (or Sarah wants to show Trig to the crowd). It's 11 PM, and instead of letting Trig sleep, he was hustled out of bed in his shirt and diaper. Yes, that's Sarah's regard for The Children.
ReplyDeleteThink about how Sarah used Trig at 5 months as her political prop, dragging him around the 2008 campaign, in planes with changing air pressure, bright lights, crowds, late night hours and an irregular schedule for a child with special needs who needed structure in his life.
Did Sarah use her child as a prop? http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/02/05/article-2096912-119A6AF0000005DC-242_233x379.jpg Now, another group of children are the props for Sarah's latest spite piece.
This was at the height of H1N1 flu season also, too.
DeleteHumanitarian Outreach
ReplyDeleteAmerica help us help Trig by writing to the Palin family and demand that someone in the Palin family get that boy some damn prescription glasses and hearing aids.
Why the fuck is that retard (Sarah) sticking her tongue out of her mouth? Does Sarah think it's cute?
ReplyDeleteIt's the question person! Lol
DeleteWow..all I can say is..she looks nothing like she used to just five years ago! I have never seen anyone age so fast and so badly! She is unrecognizable now. Serves her right.
ReplyDeleteI agree 5:57. I think it is all the hate that she feels. Hate will eat a person alive and Sarah is proof positive of that.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYesterday it was Tiddily Winks, today it is ping pong, tomorrow. ....?
DeleteTomorrow. ....?
DeleteMaybe hop scotch or one, two, three o'leary or how about aunti-I-over . . pig's tail?
No wait. I've got it. Tomorrow she'll call out the game "Wild Ride"!
You know, the game where a "pregnant" woman whose water has broken, hops onto two aeroplanes, then takes a car ride almost an hour long, to "give birth" at a hospital not qualified to deliver twins, let alone allow a high-risk-premature birth on its premises.
Yea, that's Palin's favourite game - Wild Ride.
Sarah Pinata palooza?
DeleteSarah stop this "I say this as a mother – a bleeding-heart compassionate woman and mother. I say, how dare anyone turn a blind eye" bullshit. Especially from a mother whose daughter dropped out of high school and another daughter who got pregnant while in high school. Nobody with a sane mind buys your moose shit.
ReplyDeleteThis coming from a woman that admittedly handed her children off to grandparents and aunts because she simply didn't have the skills nor the interest to raise them. Then she goes and grabs her daughters newborn and parades him around as her "god's gift".
ReplyDeleteLook at the track record of her kids; she simply was not and is not a good parent. Her church told her to procreate, and she did but often was jealous of people like the Hennings that chose not to have children and traveled widely and experienced life without munchkins hanging on their coattails.
Her religion told her she would be President, and also told her to have many children. I can't help but think that Mrs. Palin might be pretty disillusioned by her religion at this point. It's done nothing but fail her.
Obviously she was not with Trig for a photo op, so she used an old photo.
DeleteI can't help but think that Mrs. Palin might be pretty disillusioned by her religion at this point. It's done nothing but fail her.
DeleteOH yes, wise commenter!! Sarah is ROYALLY pissed at god. How dare he. He promised me. I know of what I speak. I had a "holy" narcissistic mom who got cancer and died.
Sarah Palin Proves: It Takes A Village Idiot To Exploit The Suffering Of Children
ReplyDeleteThere are far too many political charlatans, deceivers, and opportunists in contemporary public life. But there is only one Mistress of the Grifters who could publish a thoroughly revolting screed that pretends at times to be concerned about the welfare of suffering children, but repeatedly turns that feigned concern into a vitriolic, self-serving tirade aimed at her eternal enemy, President Barack Obama.
Never mind that the American people rejected Sarah Palin and her veep-daddy, John McCain, in a glorious rout, and that Obama repeated that electoral success four years later. Palin thinks she knows what’s best for the nation that hates her. And today she demonstrated how insensitive and unscrupulous she can be. Her latest Facebook harangue will long serve as a benchmark for deranged ranting.
This is GOOD! I encourage everyone to read it!
Trig: "Oh my god! She's got me! For the love of god call child protective services!"
ReplyDeleteBlah blah whine whine.
ReplyDeleteThus spake the shithead. (I'm referring to YOU, Sarah)
So the sole purpose of exploiting these children and their situation is not to call attention to properly provide for them but to call out a new "Bengahzi" to slander and libel President Obama for it
ReplyDeleteI especially appreciate all those "good Christians" who know WWJD and demand these children be ignored, sent back the way they came and even one really good christian suggested gas chambers. Nice. That may be one reason why Gandhi liked Jesus Christ but the christians....not so much.
"pictures snuck out of the innocent children’s holding pens....."
Photo credit: Brandon Darby of Breitbart Texas. Way to go, Brandon, for bringing this story to the nation’s attention!
Sarah is a bitch and does not care one whit about these children. Sarah never cared about her own children and did a terrible job raising them. She never even made sure her kids had dinner at night. Perhaps her fourth child Piper will be the first one to get a high school diploma. But Piper will have to get it all by herself because Sarah obviously did not value education enough to ever help her kids with their homework.
ReplyDeleteIt's just another day for Grifter Sarah. Trying to fool the foolish into giving her more money that she spends on living large.
I swear that old Virginia dude in the pee pond orgasmed over this.
ReplyDeleteWhy is she in a warm fleece jacket, but Trig gets only a short-sleeved t-shirt?
ReplyDeleteTrig is lucky that he even is wearing that t-shirt.
DeleteThis rant just proves seditious sarah is really coming unhinged, bwahahah, soon there will be a fridge repairman in az getting a call! What the wendigo has no response to Madisons letter??? She knows that she is no longer relevant and it is killing her!!! Please let it happen faster
ReplyDeleteSarah is using that old photo because her current photos shows an old wrinkled woman.
ReplyDeleteRight, a man who has instant affinity with children in large crowds, small crowds, everywhere is now accused of orchestrating this. Of course he did. He printed up some handbills and parachuted into small villages in Central America and Mexico and asked for volunteers to come to TEXAS? Right. Many Americans have trepidation about going there. But this is summer camp for Central Americans and Mexicans, right?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Sister sarry's good friend Franklin Graham do missions of mercy and set up medical tents in refugee camps? Maybe Sarry can tag along, arriving in an airborne relief squadron and deplane with a box of Costco cookies to face a scrum of rabid paparazzi and Fox. "No interviews please. I am on a mission of mercy." Then with the back seen cred, she will foam at the mouth for Hannity or Megyn or other propapanda panderers. Case closed. Problem solved. Right. Must go get some coffee and mellow out.
My favorite line from her latest tirade "As a Christian I find it unforgivable........................."
ReplyDeleteThat broad is no more a Christian than am I! She's the opposite - totally evil and Hell awaits her!
DeleteHey Sarah, the door to it is open - try it - the majority of us can hardly wait to see you no longer on this earth!
On the bright side, her ever more over the top, screeching, demanding, baying at the moon, completely barking mad demented rants are getting almost no play anywhere.
ReplyDeleteNothing on Huffpo at all.
She is going to keep ramping up the crazy until... what, Sarah?
This latest tirade manages to combine contradiction in almost every sentence. Maternal care for children equals toss them out, who cares where or in what conditions?
She will get ever louder. I hope she finally just explodes and sucks all of her followers into her black hole of rage when she does.
Either she explodes or plays that one card left in her hand, which is of course, admit her scheme with Trig. That would give her attention to last through until the next 10 years.
DeleteSee folks, Sarah has insulted every hand that fed her. She hasn't been a team player, does not stay faithful to those who've given her opportunities.
ReplyDeleteThe reason she mentions she's a christian, is because she lost much of her christian base with her baptism remark. Now she's stamping her foot and digging in, demanding that her christian base believe she really is a christian.
This is how her mind works. She takes, indulges, then goes rogue, then when her benefactors demand her loyalty, she barks and spits and turns her back on them. When she realizes that she's insulted them because they don't send money and say really nice things about her anymore, she goes full hog on re-creating her fake persona.
Pay attention to ME!! I AM a christian, I AM a patriot, I AM IMPORTANT!!!! And, President Obama is her ultimated 'attention' trophy. But, she can scream and fuss and he'll ignore her.
Anonymous6:39 AM
ReplyDeleteMy favorite line from her latest tirade "As a Christian I find it unforgivable........................."
That you falsely accused my Todd. He's not a pimp, he was just helping down and out women with employment.
I'm surprised Sarah didn't mention "Death Panel" during her breakdown.
ReplyDeletePalin is a disease to this wonderful country.
ReplyDeleteI say this as a mother – a bleeding-heart compassionate woman and mother.
Where was your compassionate bleeding heart when Trig started school? You were home his first day to get some pictures taken but after that you took off blueberry hunting and left Trig with his nanny. Some mother you are.