Monday, June 30, 2014

Supreme Court hands down decision favoring Hobby Lobby in their case against Obamacare provision requiring companies to offer health insurance that covers birth control. Update!

Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune:  

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled that business owners can object on religious grounds to a provision of President Barack Obama's healthcare law that requires closely held companies to provide health insurance that covers birth control. 

The court held on a 5-4 vote on ideological lines that such companies can seek an exemption from the so-called birth control mandate of the healthcare law. The decision means employees of those companies will have to obtain certain forms of birth control from other sources. 

In a majority opinion by conservative Justice Samuel Alito, the court said the ruling applies only to the birth control mandate and does not mean companies would necessarily succeed if they made similar claims to other insurance requirements, such as vaccinations and drug transfusions.

This is a very unfortunate decision by the Supreme Court, and very discriminatory toward women.

I can assure that Hobby Lobby has no such objection to offering health insurance that covers Viagra for men. It is only preventing the potential pregnancies that might result from those medication induced boners that gives them the vapors.

And the argument against providing this coverage due to religious beliefs is itself completely indefensible. It is essentially some mutation of the pro-life argument against providing abortion, however the majority of the medications restricted by this decision are for the prevention of conception, not the termination of conception.

The Bible says NOTHING about birth control and even if it did there should NEVER be an instance where an employer's religious beliefs superseded the family planning or health concerns of their female employees.

Update: Here are the five top takeaways from Justice Ginsberg's dissent. 

 5. The ruling is too broad: “In a decision of startling breadth, the Court holds that commercial enterprises, including corporations, along with partnerships and sole proprietorships, can opt out of any law (saving only tax laws) they judge incompatible with their sincerely held religious beliefs.” 

4. For-profit corporations are not religious organizations: “Religious organizations exist to foster the interests of persons subscribing to the same religious faith. Not so of for-profit corporations. Workers who sustain the operations of those corporations commonly are not drawn from one religious community.” 

3. The ruling violates separation of church and state: “The exemption sought by Hobby Lobby and Conestoga would…deny legions of women who do not hold their employers’ beliefs access to contraceptive coverage” 

2. The ruling favors an extreme form of “Christianity” over other religions: “Approving some religious claims while deeming others unworthy of accommodation could be ‘perceived as favoring one religion over another,’ the very ‘risk the [Constitution's] Establishment Clause was designed to preclude.” 

1. Where does it end?: “Would the exemption…extend to employers with religiously grounded objections to blood transfusions (Jehovah’s Witnesses); antidepressants (Scientologists); medications derived from pigs, including anesthesia, intravenous fluids, and pills coated with gelatin (certain Muslims, Jews, and Hindus); and vaccinations[?]…Not much help there for the lower courts bound by today’s decision. 

[...] The court, I fear, has ventured into a minefield.”

You can read her entire dissent at the link at the top.


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    first off, I hope no one wants to work for them, secondly, hope the offer decent maternity leave?????
    a new one opened by me, and I sew a LOT, probably couple $1000 year in fabric etc, FU holly hobby lobby, you won't get my money.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Hobby Lobby has provided birth control for birth control purposes, LONG before Obamacare came to be.

      Secondly, Hobby Lobby didn't object to 16 of the 20 contraceptives, just 4 of the abortafacions.

      Women can still purchase whatever they want...some of the drugs in question are over the counter, anyway!

      This is not "women's rights" issue, this is..someone else needs to pay for my Plan B pill.

    2. hedgewytch10:27 AM

      Anony. No, YOU are paying for your health insurance through the premiums you pay. It is part of your job benefits to have employer provided health care. That is YOUR RIGHTS being infringed upon. It really is no different than them telling you how you spend your paycheck.

    3. Anonymous10:35 AM

      @10:07 Of course, women should pay for medications that Hobby Lobby has a religious objection to. Hobby Lobby is not, after all, deselecting medications for the men it covers. The men get the free ride. Exactly as specified in the Bible.

    4. Anonymous10:43 AM

      To 10:07

      Hobby Lobby objects to 4 medications for women. It doesn't have an objections to any medications for men. This is all right with the Supreme Court because Bible.

      Well, it's not all right with me. Your little attempt to make Hobby Lobby sound reasonable is ludicrous.

    5. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Note carefully that the Supreme Court does not intend to test the scientific accuracy of the religious beliefs here.

      Justice Alito writes “it is not for us to say that their religious beliefs are mistaken or insubstantial.”

      Hobby Lobby can give any idiot reason it wants for refusing to pay for medications. The medications may or may not actually DO what Hobby Lobby says. Regardless of why the medication is prescribed for a woman, Hobby Lobby can opt out. (Men, obviously, are not a problem for Hobby Lobby, because Bible.)

    6. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Another company can make a list of say 22 medications and medical procedures it doesn't like citing "religious beliefs". Another company's list might be 37. And, of course, those lists could just happen to be for medications and medical procedures for WOMEN. Religions sometimes work that way.

      Righto, says the Supreme Court. That's what the constitution says. Everybody happy!!!!

    7. Anonymous2:02 PM

      10:07 -
      My new religion states that all blood pressure medications, chemotherapy drugs, insulin and albuterol cause abortions, so my company refuses to pay for them based on my religious beliefs.

      You say there's no proof that these medications cause abortions? Well, according to the SCOTUS, that doesn't matter, as long as *I* believe it.

      Sorry employees, you're just going to have to accept an early and painful death from treatable diseases because my religion is ignorant.

      See how that works?

    8. Anonymous2:31 PM

      What if corporations refuse meds for employees of a different party from themselves? It might be against their beliefs..

    9. Anonymous7:50 AM

      I can just hear the gossip at the next Hobby Lobby corporate meeting....Oh, you mean (insert name), she's a slut. Oh yeah, she tried to fill a prescription at the pharmacy for one of the "evil 4" birth control methods and we all know what that means !!!.

  2. I stopped shopping at Hobby Lobby when they first brought the suit. It's unfortunate that my granddaughter will have to fight for her rights, again. If "Citizen's United" had not been passed by SCOTUS earlier they would have no justification or basis for this ruling!

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      My family and friends also stopped shopping there when they started this crap. Can honestly say that we have found better quality products at other craft stores.

      I am hoping that there is a nation wide boycott. They care nothing about religion and even less about their employees. They make Hellmart look good in comparison.

      Fuck them and the $$ they rode in on.

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Hobby Lobby is the LAST placed I'd work! And, they should be boycotted throughout the US! Stop shopping w/them folks! Treat them like a Rush Limbaugh!!!! With anger and obstruction to their stores!

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Damn, but we need the appointment of more liberal judges on the Supreme Court! I'm sick and tired of the partisan vote 5-4 on the majority of issues! It's been like this for too long! We should also have limits as to how long they can serve on the Court!

    I'm no longer of child bearing age, but when I was, I always obtained my birth control pills from Mexico - less costly than what was charged in America - and, no prescription was needed. The pills worked perfectly - took one every day and never got pregnant!

    If I were a young woman today (child bearing age), I'd assuredly see what I could find across the borders - Mexico and Canada. Americans with no insurance coverage for drugs are really, really, really being ripped off in America and it's not right. I feel so sorry for senior citizens throughout our country....

    It's no different than Americans going across the borders to have their dental care done vs having to pay the high fees in America (and, especially in Alaska!). The doctors get their training in America and then go back to Mexico.

    Many retirees (w/o dental insurance) living in CA, AZ and others states head south for their care. I have many retired friends that do this and they are happy w/their care.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      That's exactly why this upcoming election is even MORE important than 2016!

      Even if we have a Democrat elected to the White House in 2016 (which looks like a pretty good bet at this point), any Supreme Court appointments that are anything less than ultra-conservative can still be derailed by Congress.

      Unless we keep the Senate and win the House, Congress will just refuse to confirm any liberal, or even moderate, justices.

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM

      How sad that the citizens of this "exceptional" country have to cross the borders to get medical care and meds.

      And ironic that we have the gop and militia wanting to shoot anyone coming across OUR borders for a better life.

  4. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Thank God! There's a few baby murders I am not required to pay for.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Yes folks, here's another one who flunked biology.

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Anonymous8:48 AM

      But you're willing to murder the brown and black ones right, Anonymous8:48 AM. And you're willing to put crosshairs in those you want murdered.

    3. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Learn some biology, fukwad.

    4. Anonymous9:20 AM

      And many more unwanted children you will have fund services for, moron. More unwanted children dealing with difficult situations, family strife...but go ahead, give your thanks.
      M from MD

    5. You weren't required to pay for them anyway, you stupid ass.

    6. Baby murder? You do realize that the pill won't work once the fertilized egg actually turns into a baby, right? Right?

    7. Anonymous9:28 AM

      You pay for an abortion every time you step in to Hobby Lobby and buy the products titled "made in China" where FORCED abortion is the law on the land... So tell us how noble you are and how noble Hobby Lobby is...IT IS ALL ABOUT THE $$$$. Fool.

    8. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Anonymous8:48 AM

      Thank God! There's a few baby murders I am not required to pay for.
      Hey trollie fuck off and eat shit. Sarah you are stupid.
      My healthcare is my choice not yours not anyone and STFU.

    9. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Shari- 9:23

      READ THE CASE!!! This is NOT about the birth control pill!!! This is ONLY about abortafacions. You know, once the sperm meets the egg!!!

      Hobby Lobby doesn't mind the regular pill, but it is the abortion inducing drugs! LEARN SOMETHING TODAY, and quit sounding stupid because you don't know what you are talking about.

    10. Anonymous10:16 AM

      On top of that -- the oh so sanctimonious Green family also hypocritically invests in companies that manufacture birth control - but I haven't heard much about this in the news coverage.

    11. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Nice try, 8:48.

      You haven't paid for the chocolate Yahoos you drink in 40 years.

      We all know you're sucking the government teat and mooching off the public library computer.

      Take a bath when your water gets turned back on.

    12. Anonymous 9:28 - well that should give this idiot something to think about.

    13. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Anonymous10:12 AM
      Hobby Lobby doesn't mind the regular pill, but it is the abortion inducing drugs!"

      Says who? Where;s there proof that these are "abortafacions" ? Cuz SCIENCE says different!


    14. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Anonymous10:12 AM
      FU! Hobby Lobby has no business when the sperm gets the egg, or if it gets the egg for that matter. That EFFEN company gets government subsides & tax breaks and they are pushing their agenda. They are also pushing their books to be thought in schools as "science." I have never been more outraged at the power we have allowed men to have over us. PLUS! why are they OK with providing viagra.

    15. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Anonymous10:12 AM
      YOU READ THE CASE!!!! Stop being hypnotized by everythng FAUX news says.

    16. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Anonymous10:12 AM
      You are so Fucken stupid! you have NOT read the CASE! You don't understand biology.

    17. Anonymous10:38 AM

      8:48 AM So glad you are happy paying for the Bush/Chaney murders in Iraq and passing that on to future generations. It must warm your heart to pay for wrongly convicted death row murder, also too. Ye of some murder is good mindset but won't deal with what a cell is certainly earn paying for all the murder that you love.

    18. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Anonymous10:12 AM
      You're so stupid. You should read the case. It's all about dirty old men telling us what to do with our bodies. It's all about control of women's bodies. I feel sorry for you since it's obvious that you either can't read, you have not read it, or you are only listening to faux news to tell you what to think. READ and LEARN SOMETHING TODAY!

    19. Anonymous11:47 AM

      10:12 birth control pills are prescribed for more than just bc. It's imperative for some women to be on them for other medical reasons, they have had that right taken away.

    20. Maple1:43 PM

      Yes, and one of the medical reasons is for patients with endometriosis, and incredibly painful condition, and also not a rare one.

    21. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Actually, now you WILL be paying for these (in your words) "baby murders." Hobby Lobby cashiers make, what, $8 - $9 per hour? Guess who is going to pick up the tab on their birth control now that Hobby Lobby's health insurers won't? Yup, family planning services covered by the state they live in, funded by your tax dollars. Congratulations on your big win!

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The Supreme Court Just Made A Huge Mistake by Making Women Really Mad

    GAME ON. Women are out in force already fighting back:

    1. Hope they all turn out in 2014 and vote DEMOCRATIC.

      We need to get rid of the Republicans in Congress before we can do anything else.

  6. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Fuck Hobby Lobby! And fuck our fascist Supreme Court! I am so sick of all this B.S. It makes me want to move to Canada!

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      I read somewhere over the weekend that the Canadian government is backlogged w/folks that want to move there from the United States. I'm one that is contemplating it! They have a beautiful country - no doubt about it.

    2. Anonymous12:22 PM

      There are other countries to consider as well. Look around. I am!!

    3. Anonymous3:46 AM

      Canadian healthcare does not cover birth control, you must pay for it out of pocket. Unless you have private coverage, but even then it is not mandated to be covered.

      So the Obamacare mandate would have made the U.S. more progressive in that regard than Canada. But the status quo, maintained by this bad decision, is not worse than Canada.

  7. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Well, this sets precedence for companies to start discriminating against anything that they feel violates their religious beliefs.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM


    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      8:53 is correct. Now a business that doesn't want to cover something just claims they are 'religious.' This might be every worse than CU. This Supreme Court has got to go. Alito and his smarmy smile, and the rest of the Catholics on board. Welcome to Iran West.

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    What The Hobby Lobby Decision Means For Your Health Care

    The Bait-And-Switch Behind Today’s Hobby Lobby Decision

    Why Today’s Hobby Lobby Decision Actually Hurts People Of Faith

  9. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Sharia Law is taking over only it is called "Christian" here in the West. Men controlling women's bodies. Same story different god.

    1. Probably same god...different bullshit.

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      F-ck these men! We need to stop them from getting a hold of the Viagra pill! It's OK for them to continue doing the sex act as an elderly man and it's OK, according to them, to keep women barefoot and pregnant. What total bullshit! I call for cutting off their dicks!

    3. What Lynne says...

    4. Anonymous11:12 AM

      9:47 Unless they're gay, they can't do the sex act with out us.... :)

  10. Anonymous9:04 AM

    So a bunch of minimum wage workers that can't even afford children won't have access to birth control. Nice.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      And if those women apply for government assistance so they can care for those children that were forced on them, the same people who are cheering for this decision will call them lazy sluts.

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Anonymous10:07 AM
      You are right, those are the same assholes who will spit at the child once it's born and denigrate the mother.

    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Welcome to fucked up America! Oh, we live in such a wonderful country ruled by the Republicans! (U.S. Congress and the Supreme Court lads)

    4. Anonymous10:57 AM

      And first, they closed every Planned Parenthood office they could, so the poor cannot even get a checkup. Nice work, GOP. Now, please, tell us again how WE started the War on Women?

    5. Anonymous11:10 AM

      10:37, no, we live in a country ruled by lobbyists and power groups such as the gop's fundy foundations. It's all about who has the biggest bid on our country's freedom as if it was up for auction.

    6. Anonymous3:17 AM

      If Obamacare mandates that every adult American must secure healthcare insurance then why do we need Planned Parenthood?

      Because poor people need healthcare, too? But don't the subsidies established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) pay for the poor among us to get the insurance they need so they can go to the nearby clinic for their birth control and abortion needs?

      Obamacare has rendered Planned Parenthood redundant and unnecessary. If you have the healthcare insurance mandated by the ACA then you don't need Planned Parenthood. If you don't have the mandatory insurance then you are in violation of the law established by Barack Obama.

      Why blame the GOP for that?

  11. Anonymous9:10 AM

    The EFFEN $carah demon acts like she and her abstinance offspring, barstool, are part of the success of this terrible ruling by the SCOTUS.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Anonymous9:10 AM
      They are!
      Roberts is her lawyer JT bff as in BUTTBOI!

    2. Anonymous12:24 PM

      9:10-- is that you Crystal Wolf? Speak English and maybe someone would know WTF you are talking about.

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Anonymous12:24 PM
      I'm not Crystal Wolf. I didn't want to spell out the following:
      The Fucken Sarah, or demon, acts as if she and her abstinance daughter Bristol, are part of the right-wing "sucess" of this horrendous SCOUTUS ruling.

    4. Anonymous1:11 PM

      As if Bristol or she had that much power over devisions, Sarah actually posted this on her FB. :
      "Bristol is calling for “Hobby Lobby Love Day” on Thursday to show our gratitude to this courageous family business that stepped up to fight on behalf of all people of faith! They were truly David vs. Goliath!"

    5. Anonymous2:01 PM

      *decisions. OOPS!

    6. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Bristol gave Roberts a few nights in a tent with the latest trial boy and Sarah thinks that sealed the deal for Hobby Lobby and SCOTUS. Roberts and Tiemessen just love their rendezvous with Rainbow fish.

      I doubt if Bristol has a clue about what Nancy or Sarah Facebook is talking about. She is just a useful tool for them. They only need her name, a picture now and then. Bristol rather learn business from Todd. That is where the money is. The right little black book and you can earn a gold mine. "She stole my business, my books, my girls, my guys." Beverly Hills Madam on her very valuable books.

      Willow is the one that needs to be checked out, if she is still put away. Seriously, someone needs to do a wellness check on that one.

    7. Anonymous12:24 PM

      9:10-- is that you Crystal Wolf? Speak English and maybe someone would know WTF you are talking about.
      Are you stalking me or something?
      Who the fuck are YOU!?
      I guess you didn't learn the last time you tried to stalk me now did you?

  12. Anonymous9:12 AM

    We need to boycott just as Rush Limbaugh was boycotted. It CAN be done. I pledge to boycott Hobby Lobby and ensure that all my friends and family do the same and that they spread the word.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Totally agree and we should be talking to our Representative in the U.S. Congress to get a Bill established that limits the tenure of political officials (in Congress) as well as members of the Supreme Court! They should not live out their lives in either area!

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I agree. It is not hard to boycott Hobby Lobby, so much of their junk is poorly made.


    3. Anonymous11:19 AM

      I have been, and will continue boycotting, even though Hobby Lobby is the ONLY store where I can buy fabric by the yard within 25 miles.

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM

      In the long term, we need to continue having Presidents from the Democratic Party. The most long ranging effect a President can have is the choice of Supreme Court Justices.

      Women in the United States can only defeat a Supreme Court that HATES them, by electing Democratic Presidents..

    5. Anonymous12:25 PM

      11:19- buy fabric online. There are many wonderful stores to buy from.

    6. Anonymous3:19 PM

      @11:19 I just found online and they are pretty decent.
      No need for HobbyLobby. Especially NOW!

  13. Anonymous9:14 AM

    In a weird way the timing of this might be helpful to liberals in upcoming elections, if candidates are asked for their take on this court decision. I suspect a lot of women, even "christian" women, are not going to favor this opinion.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Anonymous9:14 AM

      You got that right. My entire family are all Christians but this about taking women's rights. This is about implementing Sharia Law. For all those stupid assess who criticize Moslems, Islam, etc. GUESSS WHAAAT!

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Democrats and Independents need to be pushing this matter when elections come up in November. I see the Republican party being in huge trouble.....they are so on the other side of things that inhibit the lives of Americans!

    3. Anonymous10:14 AM

      9:32 -
      The RWNJs who are so thrilled about this ruling forget that it does NOT just apply to Christian-owned businesses. Businesses owned by Muslims, Wiccans, Buddhists, Christian Scientists, Amish, etc will also have the ability to control their employees personal lives.

      All of those people who are so frightened of the imminent implementation of Sharia (which only existed in their minds before today) can now thank the SCOTUS for making that possibility much closer to actually happening.

      Congratulations, wing nuts, your beloved conservative justices have just opened the door to your greatest fear!

  14. Anonymous9:18 AM

    This is what happens when the likes of the Kochs and the 1%ers get their way. Want corporations to have free speech rights? How 'bout letting corporations have religious freedoms? Simply have your super pac fund push for an activist conservative judge.


    1. Fascism in Amerika.

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      mlaiuppa2:22 PM

      Fascism in Amerika.
      wrapped in a flag...

  15. Anonymous9:22 AM

    First they make it easier for the Pro-Lifers to harass women in the midst of making and possibly going through with the hardest decisions of their lives. Now they make it harder for them to prevent getting into that condition in the first place. What they want is women to go back to being subservient baby makers.
    I want to spit.
    M from MD

  16. Hey, that corporate person feels very strongly about its beliefs. It wants to go to heaven!

  17. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I dislike religion - i.e. Christians - in the USA! More and more Americans are atheists and do NOT like the control of the supposed religious/Republicans! Look at the Supreme Court boys!!!

    America will be no different than the Mideast as I see revolution coming! People are getting angrier and angrier - there is so much hate, fear and racism within our country as well as dislike of the control of the Republican party.

  18. Until this gets changed for the benefit of women, all women who find themselves in this situation should get their birth control from Canada or Mexico. It will be a fraction of the cost. If Mexico isn't convenient (no prescription needed), get the prescription, mail or e-mail it to a Canadian pharmacy, and they will send it directly to you. I have a prescription that isn't covered by my insurance, and this is the pharmacy I use: I can vouch for it as honest and reliable, and they don't charge postage.

    Canadian Pharmacy Online - Canada Pharmacy - Discount Prescription Drugs -
    Save on discount prescription drugs from Canada with our licenesed Canadian pharmacy online or toll free. Canada Drugs is your online Canada pharmacy and online drugstore to purchase mail order prescription drugs on the internet.

    1. Thank you for the information Lynne. I have several family members that could benefit.

    2. You're welcome, Jo, and just as an aside, the savings are remarkable on any prescription you send them. We are getting ripped off big time by U.S. pharmaceutical companies. And there are generic drugs available in Canada that you can't get here.

  19. Boscoe9:31 AM

    Wouldn't it be hilarious if the company had to PROVE their religious book specifically and unequivocally forbids birth control in order to get the exception? Seems like a reasonable requirement to me. Otherwise, people could just make up anything they want...

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      It would be hilarious. So hilarious in fact that the Supreme Court covered their asses about validity of whatever idiot thing a company can claim is a religious reason to unfairly compensate employees (benefits are part of compensation).

      Justice Alito writes “it is not for us to say that their religious beliefs are mistaken or insubstantial.”


  20. I didn't read Anon 8:46 before my post, but I second everything she said.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Lynne: I'm 8:46 and there are so many times I've noted our being in agreement. Damn, but I'm angry!

  21. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Get birth control outside of the United's much cheaper and doable! No prescription needed either. Screw the Supreme Court and the pharmaceutical world of the USA where many Americans do not have insurance for their birth control pills.

    The drug insurance is a separate type of insurance coverage that you pay for on a monthly basis and are able to obtain your drugs at a lower cost! But, if you don't have that type of insurance, you will pay through the nose. Hence, another country becomes a good source.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Get birth control outside of the United's much cheaper and doable!

      Better yet, let's make changes! This is our country, too!

  22. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I'm waiting for the day that a Muslim owned corporation does the same thing to its Xtian employees. We'll hear screaming from the Evangelicals about how their religious rights are being trampled on. Guess what, guys. This is what you wanted, this is what you may get. The Supreme Court has ruled that it favors Corporations over individuals.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      They forget that these laws apply to ALL religions...even the ones they don't like.

    2. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Hobby Lobby hasn't asked its employees to adhere to any canons of the Christian faith. So, until Hobby Lobby demands that their employees genuflect in front of Jesus before starting a shift, your comparison to Muslim demands is unfounded,

      Remember, both employees and patrons of Hobby Lobby are free to seek IUDs, Ella and Plan B from other sources, such as Mexico (as has been suggested.)

      I, as an atheist, see no problem with the owners of Hobby Lobby not complying with a law that compromises their faith since the US government cannot create laws with regard to the establishment of or the free practice of religion. Unfortunately, the ACA inhibits the family that owns Hobby Lobby in their free practice of their religion.

      Now, this case differs from the Muslim woman who refused to remove her veil for a driver's license photo because that woman had other options - namely, not applying for a driver's license which, ironically, she's not permitted to have in the strictest Muslim caliphates.

      So, again, please keep in mind that Hobby Lobby is not restricting its employees from using IUDs, Ella, or Plan B. Rather, the family wishes to preserve their constitutionally guaranteed right to freely practice their religion without threat from laws restricting that practice.

  23. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Don't insult women! GAME ON!!!

  24. Anonymous10:11 AM

    But BONER PILLS will be offered, by the Hobby Lobby's cheapass healthplan, right?

    Can't have its owner, managers, and flaccid male employees suffering, just because of some dumb religious objections, can we?

  25. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Raise your hand if you are shocked by this decision. I just hope to hell that Democrats get out and vote in the fall elections to throw out the Republican and teavangelicals. What will it take to stir up the Democratic base? I am so tired of hearing on the cable stations this is just what was needed to stir up the Republican base. And if the Democrats lose the White House in '16 well, welcome to the new theocracy of the United States of America.
    Join me in not shopping at Hobby Lobby.

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      I hope this gets us off our butts to vote. Are we mad NOW, gals?


    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      I would of been SHOCKED if they DIDN't vote for hobbylobby.

      But they opened a can of worms let alone fucking around with the first amendment.

  26. Anonymous10:31 AM

    1. "Birth Control" pills regulate hormones. They are prescribed for women for many reasons, not just to aid family planning.

    2. If a health insurance plan covers hormone regulation for men (e.g. Viagra) but not hormone regualtion for women, then women should pay LESS because they are getting LESS.

    3. If a company pays for health insurance for its employees, but chooses a plan where the women get LESS coverage, then that company is engaging in unequal compensation.

    4. The Supreme Court today authorized a company to compensate women less than men. 'Cause BIBLE.

    Any "religion" is entitled to structure their employee's compensation in a discriminatory manner. For example, a company can claim that blacks should be paid less than whites because some "religion" has a "bible" that makes the constitution let them do what they like.

    Now the Supreme Court is going to have to decide which parts of which "religions" trump constitutionally protected rights. I'm betting anything "Christian" qualifies, anything "Muslim" does not.

    I am very, very, very angry about this.

    1. Viagra isn't a hormone pill. It dilates blood vessels which is why you're supposed to check with your doctor if you have heart problems.

      Viagra is prescribed to women on rare occasions.

  27. LisaB259510:36 AM

    I'm actually heartsick about this decision.

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Be heartsick BUT also DO something!

      This is just the start girls (and guys who support girls)


  28. Anonymous10:40 AM

    These radical righ-wing nuts have called an all out war on women.

  29. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Wendy Davis Blasts SCOTUS, Says We Need to Trust Women To Make Their Own Healthcare Decisions

  30. Anonymous10:49 AM

    READ: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Scathing Dissent In Birth Control Case

  31. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Why don't they pay high enough minimum wages to include their lowest earners ability to afford to pay for their own health care? It's degrading to have your employer in any way have anything to do with personal matters. Yuk! Our capitalist democracy system works to keep workers down to a slave labor life style. Universal Health care works if the current system isn't good enough.

  32. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Do children today grow up thinking heaven is a big corporation in the clouds? I was very old school when I went to Sunday school. Heaven actually had people or angelic beings or something. Now the pearly gates say things like Lobby Hobby BIG SALE. Get your coupons, stand in line and if you are lucky you will get in to shop for 10 minutes.

  33. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I'm extremely upset over this ruling. Is there ANYTHING a person can do? I do not shop at hobby lobby

  34. Anonymous11:13 AM

    One of many men, women, etc, I've heard today: will never shop at Hobby Lobby again. As an artist I did shop there.

  35. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Are they fucking serious? These stupid women need to turn in their 'woman' card. Talk about ignorant!

    Fox Hosts Hail Hobby Lobby Ruling as ‘Huge Win for Women’

  36. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I hate to state the obvious, but this is ultimately about money, not about a closely-held corporation's religious convictions. Holly Lobby invested in companies that produce the very birth control products that HL claims interfer with their right to practice religion. See:

  37. Anonymous11:37 AM

    "Men controlling women's bodies."

    It's been going on for the entire history of our species . . . this is just the latest version. Things are much better than they used to be (kidnapping and rape are considered crimes, rather than SOP), but progress is slow. We have much evolving to do.

    Remember, too, that women mature faster than men . . . true for the big picture as well as the small.

  38. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Three steps forward once step back. This is our system and we have to fight for the change we want. The religious right are doing much damage to themselves in the long run.

  39. Anonymous11:42 AM

    john roberts has no business holding one of the highest positions in the land. he's politically biased in a position that should represent fairness and justice as its highest priority. shame one him, he's a disgrace to the honorable position of chief justice of the scotus. his cohorts, the two sexist pig Italians, and the token who has never uttered a word while serving on the bench other than "what he said" referring to his puppet master scalia, who has his hand so far up thomas's robe manipulating his mouth are scum...kennedy, is a spineless little prick, who goes with the flow of the biased rightwing tools who occupy the bench.
    racism and sexism still run rampant in this country because of old white guys (and their token) like these creeps.

  40. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Democrats Promise To Do What The Supreme Court Won’t – Stand Up for Women’s Rights

    As Republicans celebrate, congressional Democrats are fighting back with a statement that said in part, “If the Supreme Court isn’t willing to protect women’s rights, House Democrats will.”

    In a statement, the chairman of the DCCC, Rep. Steve Israel said, “This decision by the Supreme Court is both disappointing and disturbing and further reinforces that we need to put a Democratic majority in control of Congress. Republicans in Congress have long made it clear that their ideological agendas come before a women’s right to access quality, affordable health care, and now the Supreme Court is only piling on even more. There is no question that this decision makes it harder for women across the country to access the care they need. Women’s health care decisions should be made by a woman and her doctor, not her boss. If the Supreme Court isn’t willing to protect women’s rights, House Democrats will.”

  41. Anonymous12:16 PM


    Hobby Lobby made a list of medications and medical devices it doesn't like and doesn't want covered by the medical plan for its employees. Because Bible.

    Curiously, Hobby Lobby's list only affects women. Hobby Lobby wants the women covered by Hobby Lobby's insurance plan to NOT be covered for the items on the list. Hobby Lobby is effectively compensating women LESS than men because Bible.

    Whatever good and wonderful things you may think Hobby Lobby does, the fact is Hobby Lobby has chosen to discriminate in the area of compensation based on Bible. And providing coverage for 16 types of etc.. just doesn't make up for the fact that Hobby Lobby (backed by the Supreme Court) has CHOSEN to discriminate.

    Hobby Lobby can stuff their effing public relations campaign. Their company stinks to high heaven (chuckle).

  42. Anonymous12:27 PM

    R oberts
    A lito
    T homas
    S calia

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      So true. In the meantime, simply don’t shop at Hobby Lobby. And, as soon as possible we women should determine which businesses are part of the Hobby Lobby mindset so they too can be boycotted. Money talks.

    2. How long do we have to wait to get rid of one of these clowns?

      Roberts is too young.

      But any of the rest are old enough to have a heart attack or stroke.

      I'd like to see Thomas go first. He has no business on there in the first place. He has way too many conflicts of interest considering his wife's line of work and contacts.

      But I really, really hate Scalia. And Alito. But most Scalia.

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      mlaiuppa -
      Scalia just makes me cringe. There's something exceptionally creepy and disturbing about that man.

  43. Anonymous1:19 PM

    this is so deptressing, I can hardly believe it.

  44. It's a very narrow ruling, basically specifically only for Hobby Lobby.

    But it is a camel's nose and that is very bad.

    Personally, I'd like to see Hobby Lobby's employees quit and get jobs with companies that will cover all their healthcare.

    Let Hobby Lobby employ nuns, who have no need for birth control. If they can.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      It's a very narrow ruling, basically specifically only for Hobby Lobby.

      Yes, but what is to stop other corporations from trying to get a law to be specific to only them? Laws are for all, otherwise why do we have laws?

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      I hope it's as narrow as the majority justices are claiming (though Ginsberg doesn't seem to think it is).

      I'm no lawyer, but what scares me is that it might have established a new precedent that opens the door for this ruling to be broadened again and again.

  45. Anonymous2:42 PM

    My brother is an artist and my mom & sister are into every type of craft you can think of. They are ALL boycotting Hobby Lobby and they are spreading the word like fire.

  46. What happened to the story about them also having heavy investments in the very companies that provide the same contraception they are opposing? I thought this was part of their retirement portfolio. I guess SCOTUS doesn't care how hypocritical these people are. Here's a link to the article I'm talking about.

  47. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Let's organize a protest in the Suprememoes' big buffer zone. Publish their addresses and favorite restaurants and coffee shops and stock holdings.

    they are not judges they are political assassins.

  48. Anonymous3:09 PM

    All Hobby Lobby employees should call in sick next monday citing they are pregnant or their daughter or wife or friend is pregnant and they need a week off to care for them/

  49. Anita Winecooler5:19 PM

    I was furious when I heard this news. So the Bible and ideology trumps what a doctor prescribes for a Hobby Lobby Woman based on a list of birth control Hobby Lobby "allows"? Did the owners of Hobby Lobby go to medical school? Depending on various factors, what works for one woman might not be on the list, so she's to bear a child? Will Hobby Lobby financially compensate the woman for carrying full term, and supply the money needed to raise, feed, clothe, educate and raise a child to majority?
    I've gained a lot of respect for Justice Ginsberg over the years, but she's the only one who "got it right". Where does it end?
    There ARE off label uses for birth control pills that can save the lives of women, children and men with various forms of cancer, women with endometriosis, heavy bleeding, anemia etc.
    Women who work there and want birth control have to pay out of pocket, so their compensated less than men, who get their blue pills for free.
    Kick Hobby Lobby in the nads, don't spend a penny there and tell your friends.

  50. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Having a business comes with rules and regulations. It isn't your own private little church. Freedom of religion gives you the right to believe whatever you want without persecution. It does NOT give you the right to impose your beliefs on other people.


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