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Picture courtesy of TMZ. Obviously. |
And look they don't even have to lie about the pregnancy. Just another way in which Levi is NOT like the Palins.
Gee one wonders how having an actual marriage, with, not one, but two siblings in the home, will affect the judge's determination when they go back to court on July 31st to discuss Tripp's custody situation?
By the way apparently that picture was sent to friends and family, not sure how TMZ got their hands on it.
I'm sure Levi will not name his new baby after one of Todd's prostitute girlfriends.
ReplyDeleteI think that was deliberate (with all the names in the world, what are the odds?). I’m guessing he can be sneaky when he wants. What was poor old Todd going to say?
DeleteGet outta my wif I mean get outta my daught I mean get outta the house!
DeleteWell, I hope it won't be Ruger or Glock or Walther.
DeleteThe Bristol Brigade is on duty on the comments at TMZ. What hateful people they are.
ReplyDeleteBarstool getting a few whacks also too:
Delete"Bristol's been alerted that he continues to profit off babies. "
"I think the child support issue will be adjusted when the custody case comes up next month. He has a job, as does his wife who is a teacher. The announcement was sent to family and friends, and TMZ got ahold of it, as they get ahold of lots of things. How is that fame seeking, exactly? I think you need to look at Bristol's reality show appearances if you want to see fame seeking, child exploitation, poor parenting, lack of stability, immaturity, and bitterness. All I see here is a happy family. "
Sunny is a teacher?
DeleteI missed that college graduation notice...
Well, damn, I sure prefer THIS picture to the one on the post before. They are such gorgeous people and they make such pretty babies. I hope this one is a boy, that would send Levi over the moon, and a little bro for Tripp would be awesome!
ReplyDeleteTripp has a brother already. Tri-G!!
DeleteYeah, but who is Trig? That’s what gets me, there are at *least* two distinctly different individuals referred to as Trig. They may all have issues, I don’t know about that, but they don’t all have DS.
DeleteCreepy Franklin Graham lurks in the background too much for my taste.
Darlene, there is ONE Trig and he has DS. Period!
DeleteA 8:24,
DeleteI personally have conferred with no fewer than six ENT specialists and surgeons, including a world renowned plastic surgeon who has treated thousands of children with microtia and malformed helix.
There was universal agreement that it simply was not medically possible- not "unlikely" or "improbable", but impossible, to have the crimped, pitted, deformed tissue of the ears on the "triggybear" photos...turn into the smooth, literally perfect ears of the RNC baby just 14 weeks later.
One of the physicians I spoke with showed me a book of photos of reconstructed ears, and even years later the scars are visible. Faint, but visible. He also made a distinctly simple point- "have you ever had surgery? Any surgery? Is there still a scar? The ears are no different".
I am not subscribing to the theory that there are a whole troop of Trigs. But I do not believe the frail, estimated 5.5 pound infant being held tenderly by the alleged mother's daughter's boyfriend's little sister, the infant with the markedly deformed ears, is the same infant presented at the RNC- an estimated 18 pound moose of a supposed 16-18 WEEK old child.
It simply isn't possible. And there was the "VBS" photo of Trig, where the scars on his ears are clearly visible. Scars don't disappear in infancy and come back in childhood.
Simplest theory- the real Trig was too frail to handle the campaign trail. They didn't want to open themselves up to criticism by bringing a sickly preemie who needs oxygen and tube feeds on the campaign trail. A stand in baby was used for the campaign. Simplest answer, and not even "out there" when one considers what they were willing to do in order to prop up Palin's image.
Anon7 did you actually do this or are you reposting a comment or blog post?
DeleteIf this is actually what you are claiming to have done then ok. If you are reposting then LINK PLEASE!
A 9:29,
DeleteThis was an endeavor I undertook myself. Having seen factual proof that CBJ was not at mat su hospital on the day of Trig's alleged birth, I felt the need to ferret out whatever truth I could about "the ear thing". I knew Gryphen had already conferred with specialists but I needed to hear for myself.
Not only did all six specialists universally agree it was impossible to repair those ears with zero scarring (and for the record, I specifically did NOT disclose we were looking at Sarah Palin's child) but two of them pointed out that it would not have been possible for that tiny preemie to turn into the massive, chubby, robust baby of the RNC. One physician pointed out that preemies are on an adjusted growth curve and it usually takes a year for them to reach the 50th percentile. The RNC Trig was simply huge. Whomever that baby was, he wasn't the skinny, sickly preemie held by Mercede Johnston.
Has anyone considered the idea that the frail baby with the deformed ear was born with FAS, which would have been diagnosed in a few more months? He may have been adopted out. He may have been too fragile to survive. In any case, the substituted (adopted?) a DS child who would solidify Sarah's right to life credentials with the religious right.
Delete"One physician pointed out that preemies are on an adjusted growth curve and it usually takes a year for them to reach the 50th percentile."
DeleteTrig was almost one year old when he was photographed with his Heath great grandparents in the hallway at Mat-Su Hospital.
Trig was more than one year old for his appearance at the 2008 RNC.
8:24, what is the VBS photo?
DeleteIf you're still around 12:05, it's this one.
Vacation Bible School, and note his rough ear. Also note his European rather than Native appearance.
anon 9:29 here again
DeleteThanks for the additional info Anon7. Having seen a 2 month early baby in my family I saw the same growth curve transition as you were told about. Don't know the actual percentiles, but at about 12 or 18 months she was probably near the 50th percentile. Luckily she has no lasting problems from her premature birth. FYI when the labor started her mother went straight to the closest NICU in an ambulance.
Both the mom and dad of that girl had their work and lives in general disrupted for several months as their daughter had a long stay in NICU and then had to go back to the hospital a couple of times in the first year for various things. Both mom and dad missed a lot of work the first month and it was about three or four months before things got somewhat back to normal.
I knew this whole story of the doctor approved leaking flight to Alaska was either an insane act or an utter fabrication the first time I heard it. Now I think it was an insane fabrication.
Thanks Darlene. I don't know. It looks rough there, but it could be his hair making the ear look that way. I couldn't make out definite scars. But what you say about a temporary trade-off seems plausible. CracklinCharlie, what about the fragile baby photographed in SP's kitchen?
DeleteVBS Trig looks more like a FAS baby to me. Notice no indentation in upper lip to nose. Also the eyes, at least what I can see of them. Of course the ears are the tiny Trig's ears - the only who was held by his loving aunt-er-future sister-in-law of his mother-er-future son-in-law of Sarah. Or whatever.
DeleteThe picture of the fragile baby (Trig) in Sarah's kitchen was taken shortly after Trig's birth, in 2007. My guess would be that the photo was taken on or around Levi's birthday in May, 2007, when Trig really was a newborn baby.
DeleteWho decorated their dining room... Chuckie? That skull on the wall is one creepy decoration.
ReplyDeleteNo stranger than the millions of homes that show a cross with a guy being murdered on it.
Delete7:46 BOOM! Good one!
Delete"That skull on the wall is one creepy decoration."
DeleteTotally agree. Resembles too much the Ol' Gaunt Wizened One, Daughter of the Piler of Skulls and Bones in his Front Yard.
DeleteWONDERFUL news!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Levi and Sunny!
Congraulations to them! They make beautiful children and are good parents.
ReplyDeleteI am glad they reconsidered. Sunny sounded fairly adament awhile back that she was only gonna have Breeze for financial and time reasons. Good for them!!
Nahhhh... She has been mentioning wanting to become preggo again for a while on her Facebook page.
DeleteCongrats to Sunny, Levi, Breeze and Tripp, as well to the grandparents!
Congratulations Sunny, Levi, Tripp, and Breeze!
ReplyDeleteDear 6:40-- Hard to believe, but animal skulls are used for decoration in even the toniest houses and apartments featured in Architectural Digest. It's very trendy.
ReplyDeleteWhich is not to say that Levi and Sunny know this, or that they don't just like the "look."
No high-end homes feature a pile of animal bones and skulls, in a triumphant pyramid, as Chuckie, Sr. has created.
I know plenty of "trendy" people and I watch HGTV and read design magazines religiously. Worked for a large group of architects/designers for many years. Puh-LEEZE. Animal skulls hanging on the wall are NOT trendy among anyone who doesn't get off on killing animals, which is most people.
DeleteActually, as distasteful as I find it, it IS very trendy right now. And taxidermy is even more popular among the 'elites', even though I'd bet they never hunted in their lives. Sometimes there just is no accounting for taste lol!
7:51- have you ever seen Georgia O'Keefe's paintings?
Delete7:51- can I just ask what city you work in? I'm just curious.
DeleteIn the southwest, very wealthy people, do indeed have some of those on their wall. I hate them myself
7:51, if anyone is justified in displaying an animal skull, Levi seems to be. From what I know he respects and understands the wild, knows what he's doing there, takes pride in it, and probably consumes what he kills. Unlike the woman who was at one time close to being his mother-in-law.
Delete7:51 -- it's great that you watch TV and read magazines, but why that evokes a rude "Puh-LEEZE" from you is a mystery. Even if we acknowledge your superior taste, I can show you recent design articles from major publications that display homes w/animal skulls on the wall. Here in Manhattan, it's a trend among people for whom Central Park is a wilderness.
Delete"Nowadays skulls are trending. Animal skulls can be found hanging on the walls of restaurants and bars and more and more people are introducing them into their homes. In a modern interior, skulls can offer texture, form, colours and strangely… life too!" -- home decorating blog, 2013
DeleteHaving dead animal skulls in your living quarters is very bad Feng Shui. Even dead flowers are a no-no. Bad Chi.
DeleteWe've had 8 of or favorite pets taxidermied and have them around different rooms of our home. Is that okay Feng Shui?
Wthat Levi and Sunny possess that Bristol and Sarah never will: a sense of humor, and the ability to laugh at themselves.
ReplyDeleteSo true! And such a healthy outlook! Palin and her family are simply raw and without any sense of humor. Actually, they also don’t seem to have any personality.
DeleteAnd a marriage license! That's a biggie.
ReplyDeleteSunny has been talking on FB for a while that she wanted to become pregnant again. CONGRATULATIONS, Sunny and Levi (and Breeze)! ;)
ReplyDeleteNow you should stop coloring your hair, though, because those chemicals do not agree with a developing fetus...
Congrats to the happy family!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Levi and Sunny!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is fabulous! Not to mention very creative.
ReplyDeleteWhoa, some nasty comments at tmz. Uninformed, too. Must be those two from c4p, heh heh
ReplyDeleteI hate to be a party pooper but I'm not real thrilled with this. Another mouth to feed may work against Levi in the custody battle.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I was thinking.
DeleteBut isn't Sunny a teacher? With the two salaries they should be doing OK. And Sunny's salary can't be used as leverage for child support. At least I don't think it can. Bristol can only use Levi's salary.
I don't see how another for Sunny and Levi child should affect the custody arrangements- which IIRC are separate from the support arrangements.
DeleteAs far as the Palins actually arguing in court how any children either Bristol or Levi or Bristol and Levi have... Please proceed. Please proceed governor...lolol
Sunny has been looking for a job.
DeleteWith a toddler and another on the way the last thing Sunny should want to do is look for a job. She can focus on her career once the latest is in kindergarten. She has a bigger job now than any 9-5.
Actually, having another child should have absolutely nothing to do with the custody agreement. Second, it may affect the support he pays by reducing it. Depends on the state.
DeleteBristol better hurry up and get over it before she has to act nice and emotionally balanced in front of the judge in the custody case. ;-)
DeleteHow many children a married couple supports has nothing to do with the best interest of Tripp. IT WILL NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN CUSTODY ISSUES. Unless Bristol can show some link to the Johnston children being neglected or abused due to too many to care for.
Delete1:37 PM Bristol is taking acting lessons right now. She will perform emotionally balanced.
It's called moving on. And it appears that levi and sunny are moving on with their productive lives. They are doing what marry couples do.
DeleteIt won't hurt levi because bustol and tripp have money. bustol and her evil mother are looking more stupid than ever when they throw money around as if money equals better parenting. Remember bustol is transient and unemployed.
How many children Levi has with his wife will not have any impact on the custody and child support modification in court. It's about Tripp, period.
DeleteBristol will be required to make Tripp available to Levi. And will face sanctions in the future if she doesn't.
Child support will modify downward, and may significantly change if the judge rules that instead of sole custody, joint be ordered.
Custody will not change at this time, but if Bristol continues to behave badly, anything can happen.
I needed a smile today. What a creative announcement!!
ReplyDeleteSince when is Sunny a brunette, or is that her natural color? She looks beautiful either way, but I agree dye and chemicals are not healthy for a developing baby.
ReplyDeleteShe went back to brown a few months ago. My guess is that brown is her natural color, and she didn't want to bleach it while she was pregnant. Planning ahead. What a smart girl.
DeleteThat is so cute. They both look wonderful (tho I wish Sunny would find a better-matching tone for her foundation, or not wear foundation at all...she's beautiful and would look better I think with just a sunscreen with tint. She should also tone down the mascara. Natural, Sunny, natural). All the best to them and their growing family.
ReplyDeleteHappy happy joy joy to a lovely young family!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to all. Hey, Bristol what a concept, being able to announce an impending birth, with the baby's father right there!! Not to mention, being married, and then able to celebrate the birth on the correct birthday!
ReplyDeleteBristol follows family tradition as much as she can. How many examples does she know that is first time preggo with a man they marry?
DeleteCongratulations to the cute couple! Love the announcement!
ReplyDeleteCute and funny photo! Adding my best wishes.
ReplyDeleteAre those mason jars with wine glass-like stems?
ReplyDeleteMason jars with basic candlesticks glued onto the bottoms.
Deleteyou can buy them boxed where i live so i'm not sure the stems are glued on. although i'm sure you can make your own that way. i guess they are "chic" hillbilly style. i live where there are plenty of hillbillies.
DeleteThey are called "red neck wine glasses"
DeleteMy SIL in KY got them for us as a gag gift one Xmas.
I just love them! The spelling error, the hokey wine glasses, the spaghetti faux pas and the antlers are hilarious!
ReplyDeleteThose hokey wine glasses are commonly referred to as "redneck" or hillbilly" wine glasses, I have a friend that has made huge bucks selling them at festivals.
DeleteThey seem to be unapologetic about who they are and how their lives are lived. They seem very genuine. I just wish they'd make their Facebook pages private so that TMZ can't mine them for content.
DeleteWhat spelling error?
DeletePrego in Italian means 'You're welcome", if I recall my studies correctly. Just a factoid.
ReplyDeleteM from MD
And prego in US slang means pregnant.
DeleteSlang for knocked up is actually "preggo" but I think they assumed that people would get the gist of what they were saying.
DeleteI still don't understand what prego is.
DeletePrego is cheap pasta sauce in a jar that is more high fructose corn syrup than it is tomato products. Even those of us that cook from scratch tend to have an "emergency" jar of Prego or Ragu or Newman's Own on the shelf for emergency meals when there is absolutely no time to cook a real meal.
It just struck me as funny: Have some 'you're welcome' spaghetti sauce.
DeleteM from MD
I've never heard preggo, which should be prego since pregnant only has one g.
DeleteI have heard preggers.
Slight deer in the headlight look on both of them.
ReplyDeleteI believe that was intentional; meant to portray both he joy and horror of creating a new life.
DeleteThey are obviously clowning it up intentionally for their creative baby announcement picture.
Delete10:19 For the two that responded to your comment - I'll do so too!
DeleteYou are referring to Levi's book that was published in 2011.
The book is entitled "Deer in the Headlights" - my life in Sarah Palin's crosshairs. I bought it and found it to be information. A good read!
Personally am very happy for Levi and Sunny, their happy marriage and the pending growth of their family. Plus, they have a cute sense of humor in their announcement of the newest addition. Loved the photo!
Best wishes to Levi and Sunny. They look like a nice stable family. Bristol and Joey Junker? Really?
ReplyDeleteAgree - their photo is so cute and funny! Love the couple!
ReplyDelete@ 9:53 Anon, I didn't see a spelling error. There is an apostrophe between the E and the R. Cute, campy way to announce their second baby.
ReplyDeleteI just didn’t see it, but thanks for pointing it out!
DeleteThat photo is adorable. Congratulations to the happy family!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Levi & Sunny!
ReplyDeleteYour headline says it all. I do not think Bristol will have the same reaction as the majority of your audience G. This will certainly send her around the bend.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's a very cute way to spread the news.
Prolly needed a new phone for both Barstool and Lou Sarah! Dents on Refrig +1 at least!
DeleteI love that announcement! Very creative and humorous! Made me smile. And happy about the news. Obviously, Sunny and Levi have a positive future and are planning - YES - planning their family.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Sunny and Levi!
Wasn't she pregnant with the first one before they were married? Not that it means anything, really, but ....
DeleteLet's keep score. Both Sally Heath and Sarah Palin were pregnant before they got married. And what's the story about Chuck Heath Jr.'s latest wife and baby?
DeleteChuckie Jr. lost his job because her knocked up a fellow teacher half his age while he was still married to another woman. God cursed them with a little ginger baby to remind them of their sin.
6:33 PM
DeleteAnd that is just one we know about. Thankfully the school is rid of that creepy sex pervert disguised as a teacher. He can now write a book and explain the strange life of Charles Heath Sr. A huge mystery that historian must clear up ASAP.
Don't forget Molly Heath, shotgun bride. I don't know about Heather but if her wedding wasn't a shotgun affair then it's the only one in two generations of her sex-crazed family that isn't.
DeleteBritta spent so much time with the Palins that even after years with Track Palin she still had to get her husband the traditional Heath-Palin way.
DeleteThat photo is classic American gothic - love it!
ReplyDeleteSunny is drop dead gorgeous, natural looking. Best wishes to the whole family, Sunny, Levi, Tripp and Breeze. After following the Palin show since 2008 I always thought Levi was the one with both feet on the ground. Loved his book!
ReplyDeleteThey do make a great couple. Glad they found each other and have a stable environment for their family.
DeleteBristol posted that her and Joey broke up. She also just posted a picture of her and Tripp leaving on a plane again
ReplyDeleteAwww, poor Tripp. Another trial daddy kicking Bristol to the curb.
DeleteDid she kick him out of the car and leave him at the side of the road, or was that a different trial Julianna's?
DeleteLotta boys and girls have gotten the milk free from that cow, no reason to buy her.
DeleteWhere did she announce the so-called break up? I think it was just another arrangement and Joey got sick of his reputation going down the drain.
DeleteLazy Nancy finally has a post on the blog after an eleven day vacation.
Joey's contract with the Palin's must be up. With less $$$ going to SarahPac all the time poor Briskets paid boyfriends might be the first things to get cut.
DeleteJoey and Bristol broke up? Wonder who initiated that break up. She will have a hard time finding another trial husband. suitors beware.
DeleteWas Bristol and Tripp leaving for or away from Alaska? She is always flying back and forth.
Bristol loves Alaska, why would she keep leaving? Plus she has a job in Anchorage. Does she need Levi's agreement to take Tripp while she gallivants about now?
DeleteI don't know what the Joey/Bristol deal was about. She did that boat show on Mother's Day, like she had a man for Tripp, she is such a joke. Joey/Bristol didn't appear to be a romance. Maybe sex and some business deal. I don't think Bristol can manage a relationship, not one that has any lasting component, she clings to Mommie Dearest like nothing I've seen before. Joey never seemed to do much more than pose. He sells his snow crap, he has plenty of groupies but Bristol? Sure he would do her.
That is so adorable! Good for Levi! He traded waayy up!!
ReplyDeleteWell his wife is a teacher so yeah, college degree and teaching credential.
DeleteWhereas I believe Bristol has a GED or something. But did wangle a way to attend commencement.
A hair school certificate sure doesn't trump a bachelor's degree.
Then there's the whole nice versus bitch aspect.
Yeah, he traded way up. Like atmospheric up.
Sunny manages preschool children. Being a teacher means a few or more years of college for her, depending on what discipline she decides to focus on teaching and what grade levels.
DeleteWhat a cute way to announce it! Bristol will be on the ragu for long time when she sees this! I'm sure she'll "play nice" and send flowers or a rattle, but she'll need tons of botox to freeze the facial tics and rapid eye blinking, but enough about her....'
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Levi, Sunny, Tripp, Baretta and the entire Johnston Family.
If I were Levi and Sunny I would want to know what family or friend member leaked this private photo to TMZ. It seems unfortunate that this private message was made public. Hopefully, whoever leaked this happy news does not profit from the Johnston's private message.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying Levi's cousin would do this but his ex-wife or her parents sure would. They are all fine when they dress up and joke around but how dare the Johnston's for having a sense of humor and being so clever.
DeleteIt wasn't a private photo, not at all, it was a public announcement Their families and close friends already knew Sunny was pregnant.
Delete8:11 PM
DeleteBristol, Sarah or any one of their worker bees could have done it. They would tell the others to comment pro Bristol and smear the Johnstons.
I'm just wondering when Bristol Palin's psycho fan troll down in Florida is going to start building websites devoted to hating on Sunny's unborn child. The Palins attract such odd people, don't they?
ReplyDeleteWhere's the post about this baby like her shi 4 brai about chelsea.