Wednesday, July 09, 2014

After her rabid rant on Facebook, her diatribe on Breitbart, and a Facebook video of her diatribe on Breitbart, Sarah Palin brings it all home with a venomous interview on Fox News. Yikes!

Resplendent in John Boehner brand Oompa Loompa skin tanner and wearing a modified shower curtain with her wig firmly stapled and shellacked into place, responds to a question from Hannity about whether she is serious about he republicans impeaching President Obama.

"Yes, it is time. A great awakening is due in this country, and this is the message that will be sent to our President, that he is not an imperial president, and lawlessness will not be accepted by the American people. That's not what he was elected to do, is to create his own laws as he goes along. I think it's time...a little less talk a lot more action. When we see even GOP lawmakers who are recognizing and proclaiming Obama's violation of the Constitution, and then ignoring that Constitution, and the power they have to impeach...gets kind of frustrating for the American people. Somebody needs to look out for the working class Americans and the tipping point in this drive towards impeachment for me has been the illegal immigration issue, the crisis created by Obama, where nobody is looking out for the working class of Americans, including good, hardworking, wonderful, legal immigrants. Impeachment is a message that has to be sent to our President that we're not going to put up with this lawlessness."

Hannnity then tries to list some reasons that the Republicans might be able to impeach the President, none of which would pass the smell test.

"Yes, and it also means lying to the American people, and it means fraud. He has allowed fraud...his..his subordinates, and he himself, to fraud the American people on these programs, these policies, that he promised will work or will not impact debt or deficit. These have been lies by our President. Yes, those are impeachable offenses. Sean, experts, attorneys, they have a list of at least 25 impeachable offenses. (I believe she got that list from this blog which lists among other "offenses" Fast and Furious, the IRS targeting of Republicans, and Obama's "attack" on Christianity.) Now GOP lawmakers know this too, I really want Congress to do its job. The constitutional power that they HAVE to halt an imperial presidency. To halt this fundamental transformation of America that is making us an unrecognizable mess of a nation at this time."

Hannity then quotes Jonathon Turley to provide support for Palin's crazy statements, as well as Right Wing radio host Mark Levin who he calls a "constitutional scholar," and a poll on Drudge that, believe it or not, finds that 70% of Americans believe the President should be impeached.

But then he also brings up the fact that Pat Buchanan said that pursuing impeachment would be a political loser for Republicans, and asks if that should matter.

"I think politics come into play more when you consider not rocking the boat, if you will, and allowing the liberalism agenda to fail on its own. I..I..that's kind of a political bent right there. And with all due respect to Pat Buchanan, and I do respect his opinion, I disagree with him. I think, you know keep politics out of this then. (WTF? This whole thing is political.) This is a bipartisan issue. (No it's not!) Americans! Congress! Those who are concerned about protecting our Constitution, and using the one tool that Congress does have to halt what is going on. This lawlessness coming from the top. The one tool they have are articles of impeachment, let's get going on that. And it's not necessarily Sean. A lawsuit being filed by Congress? Because you don't bring a lawsuit to a gun fight. (Again, WTF?) And there's no place for lawyers on the front lines. (She does know that Congress is filled with lawyers right?) Where are the front lines in America? They are our borders!"

Hannity tries to diffuse the crazy a little by agreeing with her but then adds that he has no confidence that Congress would have the "courage," or political backbone, to do this.

"That they don't have the cojones to do it, if that's what you mean? Sean you're absolutely right."

Hannity then claims he was trying to be more delicate.

"I know, I know. Not me man I...mumbling...go rogue. I'll say what I want to say. Sean absolutely man. Bingo, when you say wait a minute they had constitutional tool to unfund Obamacare, and that was just fulfilling all of their campaign promises, that they were going to repeal Obamacare right? Look what happened to the one, or two, or three good guys like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, who stood up to fulfill their constitutional duty, and their campaign promises, man they got thrown under the bus. And the view is not very good from under the bus. (Yeah just ask Trooper Wooten, Frank Bailey, and Walt Monegan.) Well the American people, I believe, are going to say this time...this go okay we learned our lesson. And it will be us. We get the government that we support. We get the government obviously that we vote for, but that we put up with. How about we don't put up with this lawlessness. Washington is broken. If people care about the future of this country, and defense of our republic, they will join this cause of articles of impeachment against Barack Obama because enough is enough.

Finally Hannity asks if Palin is still considering leaving the Republican party.

"I've been a Republican since I was 18 years old, so wholeheartedly believed in EVERY plank in the platform. The planks in the platform will make this country strong, and safe, secure again Sean. So I hate to think that the Republican party is going to be leaving me, I don't want to leave it, but if it leaves me, and if it keeps straying towards that liberal failed agenda that the Left, that Barack Obama just exudes then yeah, I am not going to hesitate to unenlisting myself from a party that you know I just can't support anymore."

And right now Republicans all over the country are fervently praying that she is not bluffing about leaving their party.

Okay my hands are tired from typing all of this out, so I leave it to all of you to add the much needed snark.

And I have every confidence in your ability to do so.

P.S. Oh and for those truly sadistic among you here is the video of Palin's word for word rendition of her Breitbart article from her Facebook page.


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Kudos to anyone who can give this cretin more than 30 seconds of their attention.

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      I know, I tried, but couldn't make it 2 minutes.

      She is CRAZY! And bitter!

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      I couldn't.

    3. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Most important thing she forgot to mention was her crazy jacket, it was Piper's kindergarten art project.

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Man, she uses all the dog whistle quotes. For her christian base, "a great awakening", and for her Tennessee fans, channelling Elvis with "a little less talk and a little more action"; and her false accusation of fraud and lies, without giving details of what those 'lies' and fraudulent action are/is.

    She draws words from movies, songs and fridge magnets, puts em' in the salad spinner and voila.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      "puts 'em in the sapid spinner and vomits"
      Fixed it for ya.

  3. Anonymous6:41 AM

    CBS morning news showed a brief clip of her cojones remark along with Hannity's reaction & her response. She was positively giddy. She's obviously entered the manic phase of her bipolar disorder.

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

    For once I agree with Palin: A great awakening IS due in America. The rise to consciousness that will lead to the fall of gestapo spawn like her, Hannity, and the rest of the right-wing Christo-fascists who continue to besmirch the intelligence of the thinking world.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      You are right on this, 6:45 AM. Palin is too f'ng stupid to even know how ignorant she is. I bet she thinks that an attempt by the House gop to impeach Obama means that Obama will be instantly removed from office. Hope all the RWNJ bluster before the mid-term elections influences a huge turnout of Democrats to vote.

    2. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Someone at the pre pond wrote that Speaker Boehner will take over after impeachment. I guess,they plan to lock Biden up somewhere . It's a,wonder they don't want Stupid Sarah leading a coup.

    3. Anonymous8:46 AM

      She keeps talking about these "planks" I would like to beat the shit out of her with a plank. What an ignorant, waste of space. Send $$$ sounds like she is running low.

    4. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Anon 8:46: I would gladly join you! She's lost whatever mind she has left! This bitter woman is ugly in so many ways. Fox News is abominable for giving her airtime..think they need a whack with a plank as well.

    5. Anonymous11:27 AM

      8:46 It would be fun to make her 'walk a plank'!

  5. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Hey Screech your lime green shag jacket classes with your hideous american flag necklace. What is up with all the weird hand gestures, is she putting on a manic puppet show?

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      She looks and acts like a stoned Muppet. I was waiting for Statler and Waldorf's replies.

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      6:45 Think you might have meant 'clashes' with vs 'classes'.

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    "Lawlessness and lying to the American People"? Where was she when W was president?

    1. Olivia7:37 AM

      She was under the slimy wet rocks with all of the other teabaggers, not paying any attention and taking no interest in any of it. They all oozed out when we got a black president. Anything that happened before he was elected either didn't happen or was his fault also too.

    2. PalinHoax9:49 AM

      "Where was she when W was president?"

      She was gleefully being TWOBULLed to get out of car pooling duties, determedly enhancing her push-up bras, avidly researching faux pregnancy bellies, dutifully assisting Pimp Husband with whatever he needed done, imperiously ordering crunch wrap supremes at Taco Bell, lazily Tivoing her favourite wedding shows . . . just to name a few of the things she was doing while W was president.

      So you can see, she was busy, busy, busy!!!

    3. Anonymous10:30 AM

      And blowing Glenn Rice !

    4. Anonymous11:17 AM

      10 minute romps off her bar stool with whoever would buy her a round of drinks.

  7. angela6:49 AM

    Palin is some kind of crazy . . . .still.

  8. Anonymous6:51 AM

    It looks like Sarah's living vibrantly with her lip gloss.

    Seething Sarah -- soon her head will explode.

  9. hedgewytch6:55 AM

    No, she's "not leaving the Party". Palin never leaves a party while there's a) someone more famous than her she can suck up to, b) all the food and drink are gone, and c) she has cleared off the gift table.

  10. Anonymous6:56 AM

    She looks like an angry old white-trash woman. The same kind in the new face of immigration:

  11. Anonymous6:59 AM

    "I've been a Republican since I was 18 years old"....bwahahahaha ~ except when she wasn't.

    Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she and her husband were once member of their party, which, since the 1970s, has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      and? so? did the loons vote to secede? or are they waiting for the palin rapture and her god to put her in the white house

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      who cares? They wouldn't because they'd lose their gravy train (the lower 48). The point is she lied again. It's all she knows how to do.

    3. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Todd was a paid member of that group in Alaska for a number of years (it was talked about in "Game Change" - Sarah tried to lie about it!) - and, when sista Sarah was the quitter gov, she spoke before the group!

      Alaska will not secede from the Union! They get too much money from the federal government!

  12. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Maybe this will be Palin's "jump the shark" moment.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Don't you know this c**t better than that by now? She specializes in shark jumping.

  13. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Wow and more Wow. She's an American traitor. She is seducing viewers to get radical and do something NOW, join her CAUSE and do everything to get their reps to start impeachment proceedings NOW.

    She says, "So I hate to think that the Republican Party is going to be leaving me, I don't want to leave it, but if it leaves me and if it keeps straying towards that liberal failed agenda that the Left, and Barack Obama just exudes then yeah, I am not going to hesitate to unenlisting myself from a party that you know I just can't support anymore".

    Notice the ME. No true party member ever talks about the party leaving them. But in Sarah's little world, everything centers around her. She's stamping her little feet and screaming to the world if she doesn't get her way, the party will be so desolate because it left HER.

    Another thing. She had her chance to make a difference. She could have run for Office after quitting her governorship. She had the balls in her hand, so to speak (cough, cough). She chose to surrender to Hollywood and reality TV instead and NOW she has the gall to judge President Obama and she condemns the 'liberal failed agenda'? Well, why won't Miss Goody-Two-Hooker-Shoes get into the race and make some changes?

    She's a sideline barker, that's all she is.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      While she could run again, it's Impossible for her to ever sit in office again. You can't really get away with threatening a sitting president and not expect some ramifications.

  14. Anonymous7:01 AM

    That's some ugly ass woman--look at the fake tan, the botox, the hairline under the wig, and not to mention the fasion and wanna-be-young nail polish. SHIT!

  15. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Is she visiting from some alternate universe?

    Oh wait.

  16. Anonymous7:07 AM

    There really is nothing new to say about her spews, they are as always the same old same old.

    But her looks! God she is homely! In a dorky kind of way. She really should spend some pac money on a stylist. Too cheap for that I guess... maybe we will we see a new look after she reads the comments today?

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I love the ruffled top. Is that from the 1980's or the 1990's?

    2. "Anonymous8:09 AM
      I love the ruffled top. Is that from the 1980's or the 1990's?"
      It's a 1960s motel shower curtain.

  17. Anonymous7:10 AM

    "We're not going to put up with this lawlessness" - Sarah

    She knows she's fomenting anger in those radical right-wing gun nuts. She's hoping that someone will go ballistic. The looks in her eyes is pure evil. Her eyes slit, like a serpent, full of rabid hatred.

    If the drugs don't kill her, the pent-up hatred in her heart might well be her undoing.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      "If the drugs don't kill her, the pent-up hatred in her heart might well be her undoing".
      We can only hope that happens. The world will be a better place when she is gone.

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Let's hope that happens very soon

    3. Anonymous9:28 AM

      I hope it's soon. Have had party supplies stocked up for the last year. They are sitting right next to the Cheney party supplies.

      And, yes, I might be going to 'hell' but I really don't care. I'd rather be honest than a hypocrite.

    4. Anonymous10:39 AM

      FBI, DHS, IRS, DOJ, CIA, all of you need to keep a close eye on this seditious Bitch and her ilk. She is starting to incite terror in America. Don't let her get away with another Tuscon.

    5. Anonymous11:12 AM

      I hope she dies a slow, painful death! She is so full of hate, evil and is anti America and Americans!

    6. AKinPA11:24 AM

      Anonymous 9:28. If Palin and all her faux christians are going to heaven, hell will be a much better place. We can have an IM reunion.

  18. Anonymous7:11 AM

    She's deranged, just look at how she appears in public...If I were one of her kids I'd be concerned about when she's going to tear off her clothes and wig, smear her own feces all over herself and run down the streets of wasilla screeching "I am sarah palin, your next leader"....

  19. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Her makeup is hedious and what's up with the 60's lip gloss and the shower curtain. Also, you can see she's still trying to show skin by wearing low cut tops. What a pice of trash, and trashy look!

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Her hair is a throwback to the 1960's most commonly seen today worn by uber-xtians.

  20. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Obama the worst President?

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      No, the best! Republicans are the horrible/worst group of folks in D.C.!

  21. Anonymous7:19 AM

    That facebook video? Every mannerism she's used before since 2008, are all rolled up into that one video. She does that girly talk, like the Elon video (with her tapping her abdomen); she does the roll-eyes looks, tilting head from side to side, raising her voice to soft sweet, then back to cynical and mocking, flirtatious, using hands, then glaring at the camera with slit eyes, and while doing the sweet talk, giving a full view of what might be going on in her "Sybil" mind, with so many different personalities showing forth.

    She is scary and needs intervention.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      No wonder her kids are so fucked up.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Sarah fancies herself a comedian and a serious speaker. I don't think that she has even watched a tape of herself. She doesn't look in the mirror to see if her wig is straight. And, she has never used a voice coach. She must think that mixture of rage and cutesy stuff is appealing, but it only appeals to the few hundred people who are left in her fan club. If Sarah couldn't fill a small venue in Tennessee, her star is fading.

    3. Anonymous10:06 AM

      She can't afford to look at herself. The cognitive dissonance between what she perceives and reality would cause her tiny brain to explode. She knows that, so she won't put herself in that position. Denial, fantasy, narcissism, you name it, she displays it all in spades.

  22. Anonymous7:21 AM

    She looks like she found her pretty pink lip gloss from 7th grade and smeared it on while drunk. WTF? Who does that?

  23. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Ever get the feeling GOP doesn't actually *want* border crisis fixed? that way they can keep blaming Obama.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      I thought that too as I think I read somewhere Perry should be doing something just like Brewer. But they aren't, just waiting for Feds. Well the Native Americans wait for Feds all the time.

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Don't trust Rick Perry as far as I can throw him! He's causing trouble for the POTUS on purpose. He and Brewer (AZ)are similar in their actions! Nasty folks. Glad I don't live in either of their states!

  24. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Unlike the previous little event (last stand), she's is so proud of herself on this appearance that she posted her ugly-ass-fake face on her facebook for everyone to see and hear.
    Or perhaps she posted it because she wants her followers, or donors, to see that she is still relevant.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Nah, just trying to get comments there than here and Daily Kos and so on. Deleting the negative comments and having only positives or agreements. We own her.

  25. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I can't believe that my old aunt, or Baby-Jane from "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, got invited to be interviewed by Fox. Oh wait...looser Hannity.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      That is just so creepy.
      And just funny.

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:13 AM

      "I've written a letter to Daddy,
      His address is Heaven above..."

      Something is broken here, but it's not Washington. More like Sarah's grip on reality.

  26. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I call absolute bullshit that she's been a Republican since 18. She switched to GOP when she decided to run for office.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      She's been an asshole since birth so being a Repug at 18 is fairly credible. Doubt the AIP was that well formed by the time she reached voting age.

      When has she ever been interested in politics anyway? Her interest is fame whoring for the easy buck.

    2. Anonymous9:04 AM

      We should all thank our lucky stars that she IS a republican. We Dems like our leaders SMART, which goes against the gop grain. $carah saw all the corruption the gop had going in Alaska, and wanted HER piece of the pie. Too bad so many people were fooled into voting for this low class skank.

    3. Anonymous11:09 AM

      She was a member of the AIP in 1994. So she's switched before....

  27. Anonymous7:28 AM

    That scrawny pathetic bitch needs an awakening alright. She is one wacko not worth saving. The crazy fracking loon is over the edge and off the rocker. Somebody help her out please.......somehow she thinks she is something or somebody. She must have an awakening today.

  28. Anonymous7:35 AM

    She's trying to do her sexy lips (or just got done with you know what lips), and the slightly parted mouth of a a stripper to insunuate sexiness. HAHAHAHAHAH.
    How's that working out for ya $carah....LOL

  29. Anonymous7:37 AM

    She would be doing the Repubs a favor by leaving, She would be doing the US a favor by moving to another country. Her mouth needs to be impeached, not Obama!

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      In most other countries she would be in prison for being a traitor. My niece in the UK said people over there laugh at her. They despised Dubya also, too. They LOVE Clinton and resident Obama.

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      How about cutting her tongue from her mouth? Or, sew her mouth shut! Or, take her into the mountains of Alaska for a long hike?

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      She will either be in prison or their coup will work out for them. She can't stop and this madness will go on until it comes to something one way or another.

  30. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Poor pathetic dumb asshole. The woman is a wacko limp doodle. What a moron she is. What the hell is wrong with her brain? Is she so ignorant she cannot comprehend ANYTHING? That woman and her fake lying Christian ways is criminal. She is as evil as the devils sister herself. She is as hateful as terrorist and as ignorant as a pig with lipstick.

  31. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Why isn't she outraged about the blocking and inactivity for congress for the lack of federal transportation funding and why every American should be outraged.
    The woman is an ignorant piece of you know what, and she only follows the latest craze since she is not informed in the ACTUAL crises in America. Does she ever read ANYTHING.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Shit! The word is shit. Ignorant piece of SHIT. Although shit actually looks better, smells better, and is way smarter than the queen of twats.

      My gawd she is such an embarrassment to this country.

  32. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Anybody else think that her "people" (agent, manager, whatever) have been making her do this cluster of speechifying to try to land Hasselback's old spot on The View? I really think that this is her attempt at an "audition."

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      I agree with you. Notice she said that there will be more videos coming. This also could have to do with that whole rogue TV channel.
      Anyone who would be dumb enough to work with or hire Sarah Palin is off their rocket.

    2. Anonymous8:02 AM

      That could be right. What a well-blown audition!

    3. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Sarah looks deranged, off of her medication, and her attempts at comedy are pathetic. If that's audition, then I am Miss America. I think it's her Blood Libel speech, namely, "You can't tell be to shut up and sit down." (Or is it sit down and shut up? Either way, Palin will not go silently).

    4. Anonymous8:40 AM

      I don't think she or anyone "handling" her is pushing for an audition on The View. I think that some right-wing group has hired her to deliver crazy talk. She can be counted on to say anything, she's probably concerned or worried about money drying up so she's hired on to deliver the talking points. Unless something big comes out about her that will shut her up - or unless she goes into her quitter routine - the country will see continuous insane rants like the one above.

    5. Anonymous11:07 AM

      I suppose it's possible if her daughters are her handlers these days. Who else is there? Daddy???

  33. Dr. Beldar J Conehead, MD, Dir.,Competitive Eating Institute, emeritus, ret.7:41 AM

    Gryphen, which fewer than half the Americans recently surveyed believe is your real name, I have been authorized to make the following official statement on your defunct blog.

    "Effective immediately, Mark "The Great One" Levine, in cooperation with ScreechyPAC, has affixed his signature to an historic agreement to secure the resignation of President Barack HUSSEIN Obama and all members of his failed administration, the surrender of control of the United States government and submission to prosecution, fair trial and summary execution on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. at the earliest opportunity. The Screechy Wretch(tm) - as runner-up vice presidential candidate in the most recent election before the last one - will assume the temporary presidency according to obscure provisions of the U.S. Constitution. All citizens are asked to support The Screechy Wretch(tm) as she endeavors to progress that common sense agenda of Christian values, common sense conservatism and respect for the common sense Second Amendment remedies that's so important to that American spirit of American Exceptionalism that can be restored by returning to those values of vibrant living that can progress this country to that greatness and those freedoms that those proud warriors of those years gone by but also today across that troubled world that will respect our country again after those failures and the apology tours that so disheartened that spirit."

    This is huge!! But let's not panic, people!

    Even tho Mr. Levine has signed the agreement - as described in the communique quoted above - he apparently had some difficulty getting tickets for the White House tour in order to deliver the documents to President Obama for his signature.

    No official word yet from The White House as to whether or not Mr. Obama intends to accept the agreement.

    In related news, D.C. mental health authorities report that Mr. Levine has been sedated with tranquilizer darts and is resting comfortably at an undisclosed facility for psychiatric evaluation.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Damn, Beldar!! As usual, I read up from the bottom, and hadn't seen who wrote this!

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I'll bet it hurt your brain to write that second paragraph, Beldar!

    3. hedgewytch11:39 AM


  34. Anonymous7:42 AM

    As you can see, Palin’s video really upset Brzezinski. Mika stated in no uncertain terms that this talk of impeachment scares her and it is quite disturbing. While it is understood that Palin is off her rocker, Mika knows that this type of conversation can easily be the spark that gets a roaring fire started. It doesn’t matter if Palin can’t actually point to one specific law the President broke in regards to this particular emergency. All that does matter is she is eliciting an emotional response among far-right conservatives, who will want to push Republicans in Congress to act on their behalf. The look on Mika’s face Wednesday morning said it all. It was a look of complete and utter terror.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      I worry that she is pushing emotional buttons in the unstable that are dangerous.

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      The new and unimproved Tokyo Rose rides again. She hopes by igniting the crazies she will get her revenge on the majority who reject her.

    3. lostinmn8:09 AM

      Kind of like putting targets on candidates? That worked out so well. Doesn't have the guts herself but she can incite people to murder.

    4. Anonymous10:48 AM

      7:50 Sarah Palin is forgetting that the unstable could come after her too! She is the one inciting violence AGAIN. What a bitch and ugly American!

    5. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Mika no doubt has heard her dad's take on Palin.
      Brzezinski is in a position to know more than most of us. "can easily be the spark that gets a roaring fire started" that is what is behind it all.

  35. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Just another turd in the punch bowl from this moron. How would she know the job of any elected official? She QUIT hers.

  36. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Like McDaniel, who doesn't like the results of his primary so he wants a do- over until he wins, Palin seems to think that the President must be thrown out of office because her minority views have not prevailed in Washington.
    The House voted over and over to repeal the ACA, but their position did not prevail. Nor did many others, because the majority of Americans twice clearly elected Barack Obama as their president. Because Palin doesn't like that result, she's calling for impeachment.
    It's a pretty big and fancy word, but, not only are there no " high crimes and misdemeanors" that are impeachable offenses, but 67 Senators would not vote to remove him from office even if the House spent months and millions of dollars on trumped- up impeachment articles.
    And, Sarah, if you had ever read your Constitution, you'd know that we'd have President Biden if a crazy impeachment were successful. And he'd name a new Vice President, so all the strum and drang would end up being nothing at all. That's how our Republic works.
    I'll leave to others their insights on the increasingly bizarre and unhinged

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      I think Sarah thinks that she would become president by acclamation. She is that crazy.

    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Republicans in the U.S. Congress know better than to impeach President Obama! They have nothing on him!

      Much like the jerk John Boner stating he wanted to sue President Obama. That isn't going to occur either - he has nothing on him!

      Nothing more than a bunch of bullshit to muddy the water and detract from the fact we have a Congress that has done NOTHING.

      Vote these folks out of office folks and let's get a younger group that actually will work for those that elect them!

      Remember, it's our taxpayer money and the money is currently going down a hole!

  37. Randall7:56 AM

    Sarah Palin is a one-trick pony so her only option when the trick becomes tired is to double-down on the nasty and wicked again and again.

    She knows nothing else.

  38. Chenagrrl7:57 AM

    Intriguing. She is wearing the same get up with the Arizona backdrop (note fence in background and blazing sun) in the FB rant.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Isn't she in Alaska? The dead lake was behind her when she was on Hannity's show. The Facebook video shows some stuff on the window sill that makes it look like Alaska.

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      I live for the day when she is sitting behind bars with a clear view of the concertina razor wire atop the 12 ft over her shoulder in the background. She can wear stripes or orange but the bile colored jacket will have to be put in storage until they let her out again.

  39. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Why does Palin keep talking about securing the borders when her own family crossed the border and went to Canada to take advantage of their free health care? Sarah is a hypocrite.

  40. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Someone anonymous posted yesterday that Todd's new "wife" had a baby.
    There must be someway to verify whether this is true or not.

    Maybe this is another reason she is going off the rails?!

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      It appears she has someone else helping her dress. She has gone back to the librarian character. How many personalities does she have?

    2. Anonymous11:40 AM

      If Todd has a new anything it isn't meant to be anything but private.
      Remember John Edwards and all he went through to conceal his private life.

  41. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Besides being an ugly-fake-woman, most importantly, her agenda of hatred pushes dangerous buttons. This woman is not patriotic. She does not love her country. She loves herself and will do anything for money.
    Look how she got her followers to go out and shoot and kill others and that's her agenda. Look what happened to Gabby Gibbord. Her placed cross-hairs are very real. You can see the HATE in her eyes.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      She won't be happy or satisfied until blood is spilled again. Her desire for revenge is greater than her desire to breathe. She could give a fat crap about the country, she got herself a generous piece of the pie by grifting over the past six years so she's set.

      What she wants now is to see pain inflicted on innocents, bodies rolling in the streets, a divided country. She is satan personified.

    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      She seems to think it can't go both ways! Hope she has extra security!

  42. Anonymous8:04 AM

    She looks like the crazy-old-aunt who STILL thinks she's the main attraction. tsk ts ktsk

  43. Anonymous8:08 AM

    'A great awakening is due in this country...'

    That is a TOTAL dog-whistle to the Christianist, Dominionist, NAR (New Apostolic Reformation), Seventh Mountain types!

  44. Anonymous8:10 AM

    That's exactly it and, as I've said before, she's saying she knows better than God, which is blasphemy. Heck, notice how she doesn't even mention God anymore? Her mannerisms and voices were pure demonic. Holy CRAP!

  45. Anonymous8:11 AM

    In spite of what Sarah is saying, Obama has not opened the borders. The law that is in place regarding unaccompanied minor children was passed in 2008 while Bush was still president. Those children are not going to take any jobs. Most of them will be processed according tot he law and sent back to their country of origin.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      The other day, probably in response to a reporter's question, President Obama said that most of the kids would likely be returned to their home countries. This whole thing is, yet again, a made up hysteria-inducing non-issue.

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Led by the idiot Rick Perry of TX!

    3. Anonymous11:03 AM

      processed according to law simply means they are charged, given a court date and released into the country, never to be seen again. Happens on a daily basis. These kids can't be sent back to a place where they will most likely be murdered.

  46. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Joni Ernst who has been endorsed by Sarah Palin does not agree that there is any evidence to impeach President Obama.(TPM). BWAHAHAHAHAHA, 'under the bus' applies to Sarah also too.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      She did until her video hit the media. After last night, she's backpedalling big time. Don't be fooled, she's ALL for it.

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Sarah Palin how does it feel that the Republican Party has left you? Put your money where your mouth is and create your own party, The Sarah Palin Patriots Independence Party.

    3. Anonymous10:58 AM

      With love from Iowa. Joni Ernst is a fucking cunt! Backstroke you bitch, backstroke, I hope you drown.

  47. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Her eyes have sunk so far they look like little black lumps of burning coal.

  48. Anonymous8:25 AM

    If you mentioned " McCarthy" to Pail, she'd think you were talking about Jenny.
    But it makes me shiver to realize that, in comparison, Sen. Joseph McCarthy looked rational and sober ( although he was an alcoholic).
    "At last, Madame, have you no dignity?"

  49. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Excepting her fapping Breitbart crowd, she's taking a beating in media today. I doubt she cares, she got her much-desired attention. She is one sick SICK woman.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      She has her attention and her masters are satisfied that she fanned the flames under some real far out nut cases. You know the people that like her and guns.

  50. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Gryph did you see that Sarah Palin I hate the United States of America and President Obama blood libel video Sarah Palin posted on her Facebook? Sarah Palin has really gone over the deep end. Gryph if you watch that sad video, you will be mesmerized by her face. You will sit there and try to figure out what's not moving, what was nip and tucked and if there is any botox shot in her big face?

  51. Anonymous8:41 AM

    That lime green look at me I'm a hoochie grandma jacket Sarah is wearing on Hannity is the same lime green look at me I'm a hoochie grandma jacket she wore on her video she has on her Facebook.

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      And she is going to make more videos!! She says "we are going to be talking directly to you! Who is we Sarah? The voices in your head?

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      I love how obvious it is that she is trying to moderate her screechy voice! Someone has been reading here

    3. Anonymous9:17 AM

      It's really her Big Bird costume from last Halloween.

    4. Anonymous10:36 AM

      talking directly to you!

      "you" is her target audience. They will get her language, know the code and how to help her progress her secret agenda.

  52. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Is it true that Todd Palin's new 'interest' has recently given birth?
    Family Values? Say it ain't so, Sarah. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      If it's true, then the Toad can be pretty sure he's got at least one bio child. He keeps her locked up at Rainbow Lodge, so she'd be easier to control.

  53. Anonymous8:49 AM

    So, Glenn Beck has announced he is going to do the compassionate thing and donate food, clothing and soccer balls to some border refugee children...his followers are going nuts:

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Good for him. He is nuts but kudos!!! The sad thing is that he is probably only doing it to get media attention.
      These are kids!! What is wrong with these people who are so heartless!

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      I'm wondering if LDS Social Services is involved with helping the children. They maintain a fleet of trailers equipped with emergency supplies that follow hurricanes, etc. You don't hear about them like you do the Salvation Army. Considering all the missionaries sent to Central America, it's logical that at least some of the families are LDS. That may be one of the reasons behind Beck's gesture.

  54. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Breaking: US Sailor Sends Rape Threats to Future Female Sailors Online

    ...An active duty sailor threatened to rape her for posting a picture of herself in workout attire. Nicholas Lord is a nuclear electrician in the US Navy, stationed in Washington State – possibly aboard the USS Nimitz. Nicholas is married and apparently his wife also has no problem with him making random rape threats – as she liked his explanation that he posted on his facebook page explaining that he was “just trolling feminist pages.”

  55. Boscoe8:57 AM

    Wow, and she never took off the pinata-skin jacket! Someone get that idiot a stylist, STAT!

  56. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Pundits: Obama Executive Action Smart Policy, Equally Smart Politics

  57. Anonymous8:58 AM

    That woman is an idiot!

  58. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Does Sarah realize that the law governing how the kids will be processed was passed during the Bush administration? Obama no more opens the borders than Palin opens her heart to the suffering of others. Does she have any idea of the humanitarian crises around the world, a million people in Africa suffering from war and drought, another million displaced people in the Middle East fleeing violence. It's time for another plate of cookies.

  59. "This lawlessness coming from the top. The one tool they have are articles of impeachment, let's get going on that. And it's not necessarily Sean. A lawsuit being filed by Congress? Because you don't bring a lawsuit to a gun fight. And there's no place for lawyers on the front lines. Where are the front lines in America? They are our borders!""
    As my uncle would say, Jesus jumped up Christ in a chariot-driven sidecar.

    No idea what it means, but then no idea what that demented harridan means either.

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      broken-spirited and doglike, lose what little decency and self-respect they have remaining over from their maiden days

      They are traditionally meddlers and the staple of Borsht Belt comedians.

      Another name for crazy witch.

    2. AKinPA11:49 AM

      Nefer, I'm going to steal that from your uncle. I have tears rolling down my cheeks from laughing so hard over his saying and your comment.

  60. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The comments too.
    "WTH...." that was funny.

  61. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Yes, please sedidious sarah don"t threaten anymore just go the fuck away you crazy meth fueled bitch. Go on a real tv news station and tell the world about triggs wild ride and see how many of your knuckle dragging followers believe that pile of shit, the closer it gets to Tripps custody hearing the more ugly she is going to get if that is even fucking possible.. I am really enjoying her last flits at the flame she thought she was. Rant on seditious sarah you crazy cunt and hopefully one day SOON someone will have the balls to put you squarely in their crosshairs you evil fucking grifting bitch

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Say what you really feel, now.

  62. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Oh mama, that is one scary looking bitch, the same one that put targets cross hairs on politicians she disagreed with, the same crazy person who incited the rednecks during the 2008 election year. I'm very surprised Sarah Palin wasn't smoking a cigar or wearing her camouflage gear, bullet proof vest, Kevlar helmet, etc on the Hannity show.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      The leader of this coup has one particular target now.

  63. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Did I miss something? Did Sarah offer any solutions to the immigration problems? Did Sarah display any kind of leadership or vision? I must have missed it.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Let's see, one solution they may come up with is that Todd maybe able to find the single mothers employment in Alaska if they like long hours and minimum pay.

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I suspect underage illegal immigrants also play a part in his prostitution ring.

  64. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I watched game change briefly last night and one could see the transformation of this person during the campaign from a team player to a angry self centered loser that had a lot to do with McCain losing. She is a text book narcissist. Imperialism is us invading Iraq.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Sarah Palin is sick.

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Funny, I did as well! For Steve Schmidt saying that watching it gave him PTSD because it was that spot on speaks volumes.

    3. Anonymous9:51 AM

      I'm not of the opinion that she caused McCain to lose, Obama did that by being far and away a better candidate and a far better person. What she did was expose McCain for the opportunist he was for thinking that a skirt would be enough to fool the citizens of this country. Like Palin, he didn't want the job, merely the title at any cost.

    4. Anonymous10:55 AM

      McCain, like Palin, is damn lucky he's not in jail for murdering his fellow soldiers on the USS Forrester.

    5. Anonymous11:21 AM

      I agree with you, Anon at 9:51 am. The Obama/Biden ticket won on its own merits. People knew that the country could not afford four more years of a Republican in the White House. McCain and Palin have never recovered; both are so transparent in their all-consuming jealousy towards President Obama. I just wish that Sarah would go away, back to the tundra in Alaska or out in the desert of Arizona, and leave us all alone.

  65. Anonymous9:11 AM

    AGAIN, you dumbass bitch, you can't impeach Obama for things THAT WERE BUSH'S DOING. Got it???

  66. So does this bitter, vicious, traitorous, caterwauling harpy realize that she will not be called to testify during an impeachment?

    That she will have no role to play in proceedings?

    No, of course not. She believes that if the president is impeached, then she did win in 2008! (McCain who) and she is the President.

    Because she is a fucking moron.

  67. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I would really love to know if the McCain team really thought Sarah was mentally unhinged during the 2008 election. I know Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt have strongly implied she is. Will someone in the Republican Party finally speak up and put this harpy in her place?

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Put her away, away, away - - -

      Put her away, away, away!

  68. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Who really listens to an obviously deranged, anorexic fool dressed in a jacket made out of lettuce anyway?

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      apparently, her daddy/boyfriend, her brother/boyfriend, and her mommy/boyfriend are the only ones to listen.

  69. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Sarah Palin Trashes Boehner's Lawsuit Because It's Not Impeachment (VIDEO)

    Boehner, who last month announced plans to sue over Obama's executive actions, wasn't receptive to Palin's calls for impeachment when asked about her comments Wednesday during a press conference.

    "I disagree," the speaker said.


  70. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Seditious Sarah suggests scary words that easily could be the impetus for a cray cray idiot to take it upon himself to try to get rid of the president by force. No wonder he isn't going to the border.Too Dangerous! The detail of secret service necessary would be huge.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      It wouldn't surprise me to see a certain governor down there arrange something awful to happen to our POTUS. I don't think President needs to go to the Border - he's been there - plus, he is advised daily of the situation.

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      I really hate to see Pres. O go to that shit hole a.k.a. Texas.

  71. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Uh oh, Saree is gonna shit her britches on this one:

    GOPer Ernst Reverses: No Evidence Obama Should Be Impeached

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      That's okay, Sarah doesn't wear draws.

  72. Anonymous9:30 AM

    President Obama just can't do right by these assholes, can he? He's damned if does and damned if he doesn't. I'm happy to see him enjoying himself with the American people. What these idiot pundits don't get it that he can chew gum and walk at the same time, as he has shown repeatedly through his presidency, but they still hammer him and create false narratives whenever they feel the need. I love our president and the stunning grace and dignity he has in the face of such utter disrespect and vile accusations.

    Pundits Are Pretty Sure Obama's Boozy Denver Trip Presents An 'Image Problem'

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      I like President Obama doing the ordinary things when he is sometimes out in public. Nothing wrong w/his Denver segment and the people there were thrilled to see him!

      Screw the pundits!

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      They're just collecting oppo research to use against him when he runs for President again. /snark

  73. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Palin’s Impeachment Rhetoric Reveals the Traitor Within

    The Quitter, the half-term Governor, has gone too far. For 6 years we have listened to her make racist remarks and disparage the President of the United States who was elected by the majority of Americans TWICE! Sarah Palin has the right to express her views, even if different than the President’s, but she does not have the right to commit treason. A “traitor” is defined as a person who is not loyal to her own country, or a person who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty.

    Sarah Palin meets the definition of a “traitor.” She has betrayed the trust of the GOP, the people of Alaska, and the American people. Sarah Palin is a traitor.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Way past time - hang her from the rafters!

  74. Anonymous9:41 AM

    It is a known fact that Palin is mentally ill. After this rant,
    it is time for the white van with the men in the white coats
    carrying a straight-jacket ,to cut her off at the pass.
    She has gone totally whacko!

  75. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Even then she was ugly..

  76. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Poll: Most Americans Want to Hear Less From Palin

    Sarah Palin is the politician Americans most want to be quiet, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Annenberg poll that asked respondents to weigh in on six prominent figures.

    More than half – 52% — of people surveyed said the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, who was recently seen calling for President Barack Obama’s impeachment in a Brietbart News column, should just “be quiet.”

  77. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Interesting how Sarah made her facebook video with her rooster wig on and that neon yellow jacket, sitting in her Arizona home, next to the window. She said she would be discussing the matter further on Hannity in a while, and last night did her segment with Hannity (same rooster wig and jacket) but behind a screen of her Wasilla Lake home.

    Guess she brings fake backdrops with her, but forgets to change.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      You're not calling Sarah Palin a fraud are you? That's libel!

    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Jacket she forgot to mention it was Piper's kindergarten art project.

    3. Anonymous11:12 AM

      No, slander!

  78. Anonymous10:11 AM

    She is a traitor and is as un-American as they come. Way past time to arrest her - put her on trial - and, I'm sure the verdict would be 'guilty' - execution of her or life sentence.

    I despise this woman - she's evil and has no soul!

  79. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I'm surprised the count isn't higher in the Republican party. She should embarrass the hell out of them being a member of their party - Republican/Teabagger! No wonder people are leaving their party!

  80. Anonymous10:14 AM

    John McCain should feel very lucky he lost the 2008 presidential race.

    Just imagine if John McCain won.... VP Sarah Palin would be screaming at the top of her lungs to impeach President John McCain.

  81. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Is this the behavior Sarah Palin showed as governor of Alaska? No wonder Alaskans were afraid of her and scared to tell America she was not fit to be vice-president. If Scary Sarah acts this way against the president of the United States of America, just imagine what she would do as governor to the Alaskan state employees, store owner, baker, Taco Bell employer and employees, Native Alaskans and the rest of Alaska.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      "Mr. Bailey also reported that Todd helped by notifying his wife’s staff about Gov Sarah’s “mood” that day."

  82. Anonymous10:37 AM

    She loves using old pictures. That one is ideal.

  83. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Unethical was 3 of his staff members locked in the courthouse with the ballots after hours. What about his 'team' of burglars(1 is dead of suicide) trespassing into Cochran's wife's nursing home room to photograph her for political reasons. Should we all just ignore those facts?

  84. Anonymous10:51 AM

    If Sarah Palin was around when Martin Luther King was fighting for civil rights, would African-Americans be considered illegal immigrants and sent back to Africa?

  85. Anonymous10:54 AM

    It's amazing how ugly she got these past year. I mean she was never very good looking except for the clothes she wore when stupid McCain picked her to be HIS running mate. I mean look at the woman. And not only is she some homely looking woman, but her venom seethes through her eyes and body. It's like she's the embodiment of evil.

  86. Anonymous10:55 AM

    SHAME on you McCain for "birthing" this thing called Sarah Palin to the nation. Shame on YOU!

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Shame shame shame
      -Gomer Pyle

  87. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Who is prejudice, Sarah Palin or President Obama?

    Sarah plays Eskimo Bingo to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

    President Obama and his family goes to church to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

  88. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I'm not just saying this because I hate the seditious treasonest woman, but she looks like a caricature in that photo with Sean.
    the glasses, the nose, the fake tan, the mannerisms And even the curtain-like clothes as she tries to be sexy.

  89. Anonymous11:01 AM

    ypo above. Here is the correction:
    It's amazing how ugly she got this past year. I mean she was never very good looking except for the clothes she wore when stupid McCain picked her to be HIS running mate. I mean look at the woman. And not only is she some homely looking woman, but her venom seethes through her eyes and body. It's like she's the embodiment of evil.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      I never thought she was smokin' hot or a MILF to begin with. When she first opened her mouth, I thought "oh brother, this broad thinks she's really something special." Blecch.

  90. Pat in MA11:09 AM

    Loved when the exasperated author trying to translate her gibberish pleads with her to "STOP SAYING WORDS" If only.

  91. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Per 9:14 AM's question, I urge everyone to take eight minutes and watch this from May of 2012. It answers a lot of questions, and pay VERY close attention to what Steve says at the end concerning graduate education (hint: she has none). Also, concerning disinterest.

    There's our answer and nothing, repeat NOTHING, has changed concerning her.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Can you post the link? Thanks

  92. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I think the percentage of those wanting her to shut up is really much higher. There are so many people who have not paid any attention to her for years; those of us who know what she's been up to should have been polled.

  93. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Looks like the GOP is trying to distance itself from the Teaparty Wasilla Nutjob. She makes them look worse than they already are.

    Asked at the Capitol on Wednesday whether he agrees with Sarah Palin that Obama should face impeachment charges, the House’s top Republican simply said: “I disagree.”

  94. Anonymous11:31 AM

    (37 min. ago) Voters to Sarah Palin: Put a sock in it

    "More than half of voters have a message for Sarah Palin: Pipe down, we’ve heard enough from you.

    Fifty-four percent of voters in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg poll say they would prefer the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee to be less outspoken in political debates.

    The voters who are over Palin come from across the political spectrum: Nearly two-thirds of Democrats, a majority of independents and nearly 4 out of 10 Republicans in the poll say they’ve heard enough."

    Personally, I say keep on screeching and showing your true colors! Palin is the embodiment of hateful teabaggers.


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