Thursday, July 03, 2014

Burger King comes out as totally gay. McDonald's issues response, "Aha, we knew it!"

Courtesy of MSNBC:  

The fast-food chain has introduced a new “Proud Whopper” to celebrate gay pride, featuring a bright, rainbow-colored wrapper. 

Burger King released a short film Wednesday on YouTube featuring patrons’ reactions when opening the new burger, offered during San Francisco’s Pride Parade Sunday, June 29. The burger appears different on the outside, but soon enough customers realize it’s the same Whopper the fast-food chain has been selling for years. Once unwrapped, the words “We are all the same inside” are revealed on the wrapper. 

“I cried in there because I was overwhelmed,” one patron said in the video. “A burger has never made me cry before.”

Yeah my eyes got a little wet too.

I think it's probably just the onions. 

So as you probably suspected this move has finally demonstrated to the anti-gay folks that everybody is just the same and all over the country rednecks are treating their gay neighbors to lunch at Burger King and singing Kumbaya.

Yeah right, this is AMERIKA dammit!

Courtesy of Liberal Land:

The burgers aren’t gay but don’t tell the homophobes that. Apparently they didn’t watch the video. So now they want to boycott Burger King, and one Twitter user even blames Obama. 

Naturally. The Daily Caller titled a post, “Burger King: Have It, You’re Gay.”

They also went to Twitter, even though that sounds pretty gay as well.

Personally I cannot imagine how anybody could be surprised that Burger King came out in support of gay rights.

I mean "Home of the Whopper?" Come on!

I actually might be willing to subject my digestive system to a visit to Burger King in support of their gay friendly attitude just as soon as they get rid of this guy.

Seriously who can eat with that freaking thing staring directly into your soul?


  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I want to see more of this kind of thing. To this end, all of the religious fanatics and bigots will die off of starvation for their very refusal to eat anything in a rainbow wrapper (or, at least, it might help a few of the 'Bagger types drop a ton or two!)

  2. lostinmn3:35 PM

    I'm pretty sure someone will suggest BK is adding chemicals to the burgers to turn people gay. Someone from Wasilla who makes mentally challenged FB posts is my thinking.

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I know, that King creeps me out too. He keeps smiling and I don't want to know why.

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      He's prob smiling b/c he's a dem! :) JK
      Anyway Gman Burgerking KING has been around as long as them.
      I think its cool (I am not gay) that they embrace "we are all the same inside" maybe they can expand to Muslim writing and Mexican sayings and other human traits?
      Anyway its cool and fuck the chikfila assholes!
      PS do you remember Ronald mcdonald? now he is/was creepy

  4. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener then you could bite me!
    (It's good to be King)

  5. Caroll Thompson4:07 PM

    If that chicken place that Sarah likes so well can come out (pun intended) against the gays, then it is only right that Burger King announces it's support for all Americans. Good for them.

  6. What a brilliant and beautiful statement by Burger King! So effective and so well done. And made me cry. :-)

  7. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:02 PM

    Awww...the usual numbskulls are just jealous that Chik-Fil-A didn't come up with an anti-gay sandwich that they could stuff their maws and take selfies with. Score one for BK's fantastic, inspiring idea. ('s about WE do a "Burger King Love Day" and NOT invite Bristol?)

  8. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Burger King can hit Chick Fil A just by saying we're open Sundays.

    1. Anonymous4:11 AM

      20 years ago, before I knew all the history behind Chik-fil-A, I thought that was a stupid marketing plan. Most Americans with kids are on the run all week and spend all day Saturday at kids' sports games and birthday parties. Sunday is the only day most Americans have to get their grocery shopping done and spend time with the it's really stupid to close on Sunday. There was a little mom & pop restaurant near me who also closed on Sundays. They're out of business permanently.

  9. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I bet BK gets a huge surge of business from people like me: not that active re gay rights (although I support them 100%), haven't been to BK in about 10 yrs, but I'm going there ASAP to order several, incl a bag of them to take home. A very nice corporate thing to do.

    1. Anonymous4:13 AM

      I'm conflicted on this. I haven't eaten fast food burgers in about 15 years--not since Supersize Me and Chew on This came out. I used to go there for salads, but most fast food places have stopped selling salads (or they load them down with saturated fats and oils and carbs, making them more unhealthy than the burgers). Maybe I'll get gift cards and donate them to a homeless shelter or something, so that someone who would enjoy eating their food can go get some.

  10. Anita Winecooler6:54 PM

    Love the clip, especially the kids toward the end. This was a brilliant idea from BK. We generally don't "do" fast food, but It'll be BK for us the next time.

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      "In and out burgers" has a huge following. They are christians and even have little sayings on their cokes/water. But they never discriminate or try to make a issue of anything, and they have the best burgers in the west!
      I kind of get sick of fast food places "taking a stand" even tho I agree with BK. It seems the Con places, Chikfila, dominoes etc are the first to proclaim their assholeness?
      But In and my knowledge has never done that. If they did I would be sure to let them know. Somehow I think they won't. They are known as one of the best paying fast food places before they were forced to be.

  11. Anita Winecooler6:54 PM

    Thanks for the link. I'm joining you.

  12. Kudos to Burger King.

    I'll gladly buy a Whopper.

    Let the right wing talibangelicals eat their Chick Fil As.

  13. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Leviticus 18. Of course we are all the same on the inside. We all have beautiful parts & we are all sinners. We are so far off the Grid of God, we think our noble causes are automatically in line with God because of our "good intentions". GOD wants us to love one another & treat one another with respect. HE never said we had to be a cheerleader for every single aspect of one anothers' lives. Even I don't agree & am not pleased with everything I do. People have a right to agree or disagree but we don't have a right to discriminate.


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