Thursday, July 03, 2014

Don't forget bitchez, today is #HobbyLobbyLoveDay! Update!

I actually tried to put this whole ridiculous thing out of my mind, but fucking Wonkette wouldn't let me: 

We know that the Hobby Lobby decision is dangerous and terrible for the nation, but for filthy liberal bloggers, it is for sure going to be the gift that keeps on giving, mostly because there is so much post-decision derp from the Hobby Lobbyists. We should have known that Bristol Palin, queen of being best at not using birth control, would weigh in with some extra-special stupid about how to celebrate the fact that now all ladies can be saddled with an unwanted unmarried teen pregnancy, which is what freedom is all about. Bristol’s plan? Shopping selfies, of course. 

July 3! You guys, that’s today! Get excited!! It even has a cool hashtag: #HobbyLobbyLove. 

Holy god, Bristol Palin, you are even dumber than your mother if you think that the entirety of Twitter isn’t going to hijack the fuck out of that hashtag and fill your supporters’ timelines with dick pics to show how they hobby and lobby and love. Bristol was also kind enough to give the world her email address so that you can send pix directly to her. 

Okay that's pretty good so maybe I will forgive Wonkette for making me remember that Sarah Palin's loser offspring continues to chase relevance by having her ghostwriter create blogposts that make it seem she can both read and understand current events.

So I traipsed on over to Brancy's blog to read how the campaign is going thus far.

And thus far there is nothing happening at all, as the most recent post is from yesterday.

 So as you can see things are going just as they usually go when the Palin's try to start some kind of socially relevant protest.

But have no fear, apparently Brancy's blog also has a twitter account. (Okay seriously how come I did not know that?)

Let's take a peek at the raging activism shall we??

Wow a day of buying sparkly glue and adding a few extra pounds, sounds like heaven.
Not to nitpick, but since the idea is to take selfies of yourself while shopping at a Hobby Lobby store, how would shopping online help accomplish that objective? I'm over thinking this aren't I?
Okay does anybody else think that "toni" sounds suspiciously like a certain half term governor turned Facebook troll?

Well it is still early so perhaps eventually one of Bristol's fans will actually be able to find a Hobby Lobby store and  take a picture of themselves protesting the right of women to have access to certain birth control that the Bible clearly states were manufactured by Satan.

I mean anything's possible. 

Update: Okay well since I wrote this post Brancy finally got off her ass and updated the blog.

And there has been some response:

Yes the courage to deny women birth control is so admirable.

Some could not be bothered to go in, but they participated as well.

You know kind of.

However the REAL fun is happening over at the #HobbyLobbyLove Twitter page.
Me thinks that certain people are having WAY too much fun with this.

But hey, it's at the expense of a Palin so who could blame them?


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    We should also be tweeting pictures or suggestion about using Hobby Lobby's products to promote birth control. I am using their sparkle and glue to decorate the pull box I keep my birth control pills in.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      We should all send selfies with hangers or knitting needles.

    2. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Anonymous12:17 PM

      We should all send selfies with hangers or knitting needles.
      I can see it now... "Got kock? go to HOLO for needed knitting needles"
      OMFG what has this country become?
      I will not be celebrating the 4th tomorrow.
      It is a RW bullshit excuse to wave the flag around and sorry to all the veterans but the CONS have ruined the flag for me. I have a flag from my dad World war II vet I can not put out. :(
      b/c of THEM.

    3. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Hopefully you bought the supplies for that pill box at Michaels or JoAnnes?

    4. Anonymous8:35 AM

      A large group of women should "pull a Palin" stuff a pillow up their shirts to look pregnanat, and pose together in front of Hobby Lobby!!.

  2. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Of course Bristol would be in sympathy with women who work at Hobby Lobby. No birth control for Bristol, too, as an act of solidarity. Bristol, please tell us how we can have sex with no birth control, like you do.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      BINGO!!! "The Palin Twins" have a peerless knack for endorsing for all others that which they are incapable of using and/or understanding.

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Anonymous12:28 PM

      BINGO!!! "The Palin Twins" have a peerless knack for endorsing for all others that which they are incapable of using and/or understanding.
      She gives BJ's. Too cons that is not sex. Barstool has been SEEN blowing men!

    3. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Didn't bdull say she DID use birth control -- but it was for her cramps? ??

      So she is well aware that women use birth control for other reasons but is still an asshole.

      Simply shocking.

    4. Anonymous6:35 AM

      It's BITCHTOL - simply stooopid. Just like $carah.

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I don't see Bristol going to a Hobby Lobby today. I guess she is a quitter just like her mama.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      That is hilarious.

      Just like Sarah.

      You fools read this for me (Sarah)
      You fools take HL selfish for me (bdull)

      We can't be bothered to do it ourselves.

      You fools do it for us.

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Let Freedom Ch-Ching?
    Isn't that the SarahPAC motto?

    1. Boscoe1:34 PM

      Palin coat of arms.

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      'What's in it for Us?' is also suiting.

    3. Crystal Sage2:30 PM

      I thought that the Ch-Ching was a reference to their major supplier. The country that forces women to have abortions.

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    @lorent5709 I love the smele of cheap plastic or glue from China. Makes me want to snort all day. Pictures latr

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Bwahahah old barstool taking up just where her worthless mother left off, get a fucking job, maybe at the rainblow lodge? Can't wait for tripps custody hearing and the Boys Will Be Boys movie then the world will really know the payne clan won't they barstool?

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      You keep babbling about this movie...when's it being released again?

  7. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Christ, some of the tweets are hilarious (many there for "Brisdull" to read...that is if she could read.)

  8. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Do you think Bristol has heard what Nancy is up yet? Someone needs to explain what Hobby Lobby is. That could take weeks for her to absorb.

  9. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Okay does anybody else think that "toni" sounds suspiciously like a certain half term governor turned Facebook troll?

    Well, maybe. (Also, too!) When I first read it I thought it was snark. Tranquility = no other customers.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      The stilted speech that is a classic hallmark of mental illness? It rings a certain bell, yes.

  10. Lil' miss goodie two-shoes made Daily Kos~be sure to check out this link.

  11. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Todd glued Hobby Lobby sequins to his dick and then showed Bristol .... his 4th of July sparkler.


  12. Anonymous12:58 PM

    The weirdest thing happened. Being a supporter of family-owned businesses, I decided to go to Hobby Lobby and show my solidarity with them by stocking up on craft items. Tiny jewelry findings, bottles of paint, cheap plastic flowers - you name it. I filled my cart to the brim with something from every department and proudly wheeled my way up to the cash register. I chatted up the rather severe-looking cashier, who - being past child-bearing age - was pretty much exempt from her employer's policies.
    The total was around $700, so imagine my embarrassment when I realized I'd forgotten my wallet. I fished through my purse and then asked the cashier and six other patrons behind me to hold on for just a minute, that I'd be RIGHT back since I was sure the wallet was in my car.
    But it wasn't! Again, so embarrassing. So I just left. I'm sure it was a pain in the ass for the cashier to void every single item, and god only knows how much it cost the company to restock. I felt terribly guilty, and the only comfort I could take from the situation was in knowing that without having to cover certain forms of birth control, the company can afford to restock, no matter how many times I forget my wallet!

    1. angela1:14 PM

      I love you.
      Maybe you'll sadly misplace your wallet again--
      at another woman hating Hobby Lobby. Or maybe I
      will . . . . .

    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Yeah, make the harried old cashier work harder! That'll sure show that religious freak David Green and SCOTUS..eyeroll..

    3. angela2:24 PM

      Anon 1:55
      What you say is true. The cashier is not responsible for her christofascist bosses actions. She has to work there knowing that they could care less about any woman's reproductive health issues.
      Hobby Lobby does needs to be taken down though and the only way to do it is financial--cause lets face it, that is what this is all about---and control.

    4. Anonymous2:42 PM

      12:58pm You Rock! I love it.

    5. Anonymous4:05 PM

      1:55 The cashier is working by the hour. She is getting paid. Whether it's checking out, restocking or voiding charges- all in a day's work. Hobby Lobby will pay her, just a very unproductive hour or two for them.

      It's not like she has to clean vandalized bathrooms.

    6. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Sadly, I don't give a shit about the cashier. Anyone who works there probably is of fheir ilk. If not, they will be looking for a job at Starbucks soon. .
      I hope this scenario is replayed over and over again. I hope they start asking to see your form of payment before you enter the store! That will piss people off even more.
      Shut these fucktards down.

    7. Anonymous5:25 PM

      I gotta women should be working there after this bullshit...Hobby Lobby loves men so much, let MEN sell their cheap plastic crap to all the MEN who make the arts and crafts supplier business thrive...all 4 of them! Women can go elsewhere for their supplies! Boycott these fuckers into the GROUND!

    8. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Hey bdull,

      Your mom has a quote by Madeline Albright about women supporting other women.

      Your mom gets the quote wrong, of course, but you can still look it up.

  13. Anonymous1:12 PM

    LOL--Wahhabi Lobby! A lot of win in that thread.

  14. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Seems that whenever "religious freedom" wins, hatred, ignorance, and oppression are always co-victors.

  15. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I just googled Hobby Lobby and found out there is one within 10 miles of my house! Who knew?!? Guess I can get in the fun of forgetting my wallet, too.

  16. Anonymous1:35 PM

    No glove needed to get love from Bristol, Sarah or Sally

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Is that right Dylan, Ben, Levi, Gino, Joey, Glenn, Todd, Chuckie, xxxx

    2. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Is lying there rolling your eyes, checking your split ends and sighing while the guy struggles to finish up really "love", though?

    3. Anonymous8:27 PM

      I'd check myself for crabs if I cozyed up to Junker. Holy cow.

    4. Anonymous12:04 AM

      Oh he had em before, but now he's got it twice as bad, since he's been up inside those Bristool thunder thighs. He should've looked at some pictures of a healthy vagina first.


      Aren't you old enough to remember Nancy Reagan saying that, Meth-Boy?

  17. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Aint this some shit?

    Why did Bristhole pick July 3rd as Hobby Lobby Love Day?

    Could it be because the Palins want to distract everybody from the real anniversary?



    Fuck you Bristhole

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I wonder if this Hobby Lobby Love Day is Sarah Palin's idea?

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      1:57 - Sarah's really good at co-opting words, slogans, and ideas from others; so, she might have thought up stealing the Chik-fil-A Appreciation Day idea. Certainly, she approves everything that Nancy French posts under Bristol's name.

  18. Anonymous2:00 PM

    bristhole = unadulterated pure white trash breeding inbred retard ..

    yawn ..

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      @ if this is the kind of shit Bristol has to call Nancy for, then no wonder she can't get off mommy's tit...Jesus that is rock-bottom stupid right there!

  19. Anonymous2:02 PM


    Bristol tried to pull a fast one us.

  20. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Even after the surgery, she still looks like shit in this picture. No wonder she had to continue to get work done. She's Uglly inside and out.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      She looked fine before...Sarah taught her to hate herself REALLY early.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Correct. When she unveiled the Leno Chin? OMG, there is a young woman with absolutey no self-esteem whatsoever. Why all the GOD talk that Nancy French does on her behalf, and $arah's cosmetic work as well, is such bullshit. Didn't GOD create you how He wanted you to be? Not good enough in their book. I swear that pic of "the chin" at the soccer game is one of the worst I've ever seen. Too bad all that work didn't help either of them, let alone man pants Tawd in Hollywood. Grift on, Palins, you fool no one with an IQ over 90.

  21. Anonymous2:19 PM

    In a way, Sarah won the day. The headlines are about Hobby Lobby and Bristol, not a reminder of her pathetic, July 3 Quitter's speech.

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Not in these parts of the woods!

    2. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Fuck Sarah

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      No they didn't. A way to detract from Quitter Day on purpose and they got exactly what was coming to them. Run, $arah, run, which she never will, and now you know, Bristol, what people think of your poor little plight of a shopping for daddies single mom. They just can't help themselves.

      Holy crap, what idiot attention whores.

    4. Anonymous12:21 AM

      Five years Sarah is still known as the FORMER Governor of Alaska, and that's by her BIGGEST supporters. Everyone else (93.6%) in America thinks she's either washed up or was a joke from the git-go. Since it's been 5 years hasn't had a job other than bad teevee reality and shilling for right wing idiots & she's steadily gone so far downhill and will NEVER be in a position to influence anyone other than the small group of losers no one wants...
      I say with confidence SARAH LOST. WE WON, GODDAMMITT!!! She ain't shit and never was. We knew this first and more people learn this every day.

      Way to go, Gryphen and Team IM!!!

      I mean think about it--- the bitch hadn't had a real steady job in five years, whereas at one time she had creeps and billionaires trying to push her into position to be in the White House. Now tell me who the winners are?!


  22. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Does Bristol remember that she was using birth control pills (for cramps) before she forgot them and Tripp came along? If she worked for HL now, she couldn't get medication for her cramps covered by her insurance. These Palins can never keep their stories straight!

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Thank you! !!!

      ShOuld be in Gryphen s post ti site her fucking hypocrisy.

      Hate. This. Bitch!

    2. Anonymous12:27 AM

      But Barstool's Hobby was camping & unprotected sex... Now that she's grown up, she's finally on the pill and only fucks in the bed of any of her trial baby daddies' trucks. But she will suck on a crank anytime, anywhere, anybody. FACT.

  23. Anonymous2:30 PM

    More bad news:

    Michael Hiltzik ‏@hiltzikm 1h
    Ginsburg's Hobby Lobby "minefield" detonates: Court splits 6-3 by gender on a post HobLob order for Wheaton Coll:

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      A minefield indeed. This is how Justice Sottomayer starts her dissent:

      That action evinces disregard for even the newest of this
      Court’s precedents [Hobby Lobby decision] and undermines confidence in this

      Ya got that right, Justice Sottomayor!

  24. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Again, Nancy forgets she's supposed to be Bristol. Advertising supporting a local Hobby Lobby in Tennessee on Bristol's blog?Doh!

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      There is no Hobby Lobby in Alaska.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Nancy is in Tennessee, hence the "local" Tennessee Hobby Lobby.

    3. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Not even Nancy would show up at her local Tn store for this big day? What an EPIC FAIL! Typical frauds.

  25. Anonymous2:54 PM

    This facebook page HAS to be satire. I'm still laughing at the pictures Jason Hellion Ground posted there, especially the knitted version of "The Miracle Of Birth" lol.

  26. Thankfully there are no HobbyLobbyKnobbys near me. Were there, I would have no problem adding them to my boycott list.

    1. Anonymous12:30 AM

      Unless you want to sniff glue and glitter, drive past these dumps of foreign sweatshop labor-made crap.

  27. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Juanita Jean has a bunch of great anti-Hobby Lobby tweets.

  28. Anonymous3:52 PM

    The BEST freakin' comment on #DrHobbyLobby:

    "Dear #DrHobbyLobby, can't get NuvaRing, so I'm considering wedging a small, seasonal wreath in my hoo-ha. Thoughts?"

    Aaaannnnd we have a winner, folks!

  29. Anonymous3:53 PM

    It's sickening to read this lazy girl's blog, always in 'fun' mode; talking like all she has to do all day is make up ways to be 'cool' and twitterly pro-active.

    Bristol, always on top of issues yet never in the game. She's too busy with her boyfriend and can't even marry the guy, but has time on her hands to tell other young women what and how they should live. So, she thinks they should never be allowed to have insurance policies pay for their contraception? Yet, Bristol would have a huge enterprise, Candy's Foundation, pay HER hundreds of thousands to appear before a camera and tell others not to have babies, or just say "no" to sex. Well, it's a little late for her to be yanking the birth control from others, when she couldn't keep her legs together. This irresponsible girl just keeps dishing out her opinions (but don't look at her track record).

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      That blog is boring crap. Some older lady acting like a teen on Prozac. It is stupid beyond words. Seriously, I doubt Bristol looks at it or has a clue how they are using it. She gets paid for them to use her name. She doesn't need to do a thing. A photo or so if shy feels like it. It's a place she can advertise her kid, he may get picked up for another show, or so she thinks and pretends not to.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM

      A case study in abnormal psychology. What some people do for money....... smh...... pitiful.

    3. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Bristol, always on top of issues yet never in the game. She's too busy with her boyfriend and can't even marry the guy
      No one wants to marry a "Pass around pack".
      And no one reads Brancy's retarded blog...

    4. Anonymous8:23 PM

      I see they turned the comments off.
      Go Brancy! LMAO!

    5. Anonymous12:49 AM

      8:23 PM Comments have been off for awhile now. That is one of the first things to make this so dumb. Nancy is one lazy ass. Sarah is too stupid to fire her and get someone younger to play the part of Bristol.

  30. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Willow and Piper sure aren't acting close or wonderful toward their sister. The guys could pitch in but can get a pass since they are guys. Sarah isn't even doing anything. Did Nancy go to the store in Tn? I haven't seen anything from any of them. Weird. Hobby Lobby is everywhere and if they can't make it to a store they can do something creative and support their sister. The day isn't over, we'll see. Her fans must be real disappointed in her. She really hasn't attracted many of her base. It kind of fell flat. The least her family can do is participate like when the made appearances for her dances.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Her base. Like Bristol has fans.

  31. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Wow, that fish-faced picture of "Vicky Hollywood" never fails to make me laugh. Such arrogance and self-delusion from someone so pathetic and limited!

  32. Anonymous5:12 PM

    This must be love day.
    I see a lot of Wasilla girls walking down the highway with canvas tents on their backs while carrying cases of wine coolers.

    Bristol see what you started... Love Day.

  33. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Bristol or Sarah, we're not stupid. This hobby lobby love day on July 3rd is supposed to make us forget about


  34. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

    Does the ambassador for abstinence realize she's supporting some forms of birth control? Oh wait,we're talking about Bristol and her life so far with Nancy French. But hey, she got a chin, a car she had to sell, and a pontoon boat out of it! Some of those tweets are crafty (in a good way).

    So "love day" at Hobby Lobby involves what? winecoolers and tents in the aisles? "Let freedom cha ching"?!?! Someone give her a bible. then " WTF? Someone hire them a translator".

    I've seen more people waiting to get in busy stores on the Thursday night before Black Friday. Looks like tumbleweeds to me.

  35. Anita Winecooler6:48 PM

    We have a Winner!!!!!!

    The "anti masturbation cross" is my fave!

  36. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Hobbylobby Love Day




    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Bristol do you swallow or spit?

      Does any one of her fellas like to tell us?

    2. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Anonymous6:59 PM

      Hobbylobby Love Day



      You should totally tweet that to her and brancy! Make her day!
      And so true.
      Quitlers children. Sex addicts from abuse.

  37. That's just great.. May all the women who support Hobby Lobby be eternally pregnant, and in their 9th month.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      I'll add in the summer heat!

  38. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I don't know what's more stupid....setting yourself up on Twitter for ridicule or giving out an e-mail address whether it's for spam related or not. Does this stupid tribe or their handlers even think beforehand?

    Happy QUITTERS day, Queen Heifer, you're done, you know it, and mini-me knows it as well.

  39. I'm not sure there are enough Xians and clueless stupid people to make up the difference for all of the smart, sensitive, savvy women that are going to leave HobbyLobbyKnobby never to patronize it's doors again.

    I'm wondering if, in the end, Dr. Hobby Lobby will think it was worth it.

    Anyone know if Chick Fil A is still suffering a downturn?

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      A nice thought, but I'm afraid the demographics of Hobby Lobby shoppers is pretty skewed.

  40. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Mine too! But it hasn't slowed me down yet!

  41. Anonymous7:38 AM

    No comments?

    Here's one: FUCK YOU BRISTOL

  42. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Eff Hobby Lobby Love Day. How about Women Love Day or Just Human Love Day. I just don't get the corporation worship from the RW/Tea party/GOP.

  43. PalinsHoax8:04 AM

    Gosh, I didn't know that Hobby Lobby Love Day is also on the same day as:

    * Quitter's Day
    * Yellow Streak Up The Back Day
    * Hyper-Ventilation Day
    * Chick Sh%t Scared Sh%tless Day
    * Running Away From Oath of Office Day
    * Half-Term, Half-Wit Splittsville Day
    * I'm Outta Here Day
    * I Could Fake My Pregnancy Better Than I Can Fake Doing This Job Day

    So many reasons to celebrate the 3rd of July!

  44. Anonymous8:26 PM

    The brisbull bitch is always trying to be cool by posting pictures of blacks or somehow fitting them into her f$*cken agenda. She just posted a group of black girls implying that they support her.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.